
(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ _ 100万人まで止まらない!!ぞ!!!!!!! (サムネイルの文字凝りたくて2時間くらい悩んだのに 一番最初に作ったやつが結局一番しっくりくる不思議) お借りした …
What better song to reach 1M on than Homura? It only makes sense since it’s one of Okayu’s all time favorite songs. Thank you for blessing us with your singing, Okayu, and congratulations! You did it! All your hard work paid off. I so proud of you! We’re all proud of you! You’re the best! Love ya!
13th member to have 1M subs at 1:13:00(1,000,313; coincidence?)
Congratulations for 1 million subscribers Okayu!As someone who’s been following you and your fellow members since the very beginning, seeing you all coming this far has me me very proud of you all ^~^
猫又おかゆが10万人から成長するのを見てきました。 100万人の人もこの素晴らしい猫を見ることに喜びを感じるのを見てとてもうれしいです。おかゆおめでとう! <3 <3 <3(悪い日本語の書き方のすみません、私はイギリス人です)
Okayu dragged me into this hole and I’m really happy I clicked on a random vid on my recommended page cause if not I wouldn’t have been able to witness this catto reach 1M. Congrats on 1M Okayu, you deserve every single subscriber you have!
0:02:06 もぐもぐおかゆー 1:12:47 100万人突破!!1:15:17 告知!!0:05:21 ネオメロドラマティック / ポルノグラフィティ0:11:40 遭難 / 東京事変┗13:21 ふにゃふにゃ0:17:24 King / Kanaria┗18:25 19:15 ハハッ0:21:22 ころねの最凶天災⭐︎わんだふぉー❤︎わーるど / 戌神ころね0:27:36 香水 / 瑛人0:34:27 怪物 / YOASOBI0:39:51 うっせぇわ / Ado0:44:25 ヴァンパイア(ちょっとだけ口ずさみ) / DECO*270:44:45 月のワルツ / 諫山実生0:51:21 初音ミクの暴走(おかゆの暴走アレンジ) / cosMo@暴走P0:57:29 シュガーソングとビターステップ / UNISON SQUARE GARDEN┗59:47 間奏かわいい1:03:25 ヴィラン / てにおは1:08:37 炎 / LiSA1:22:30 もぐもぐYUMMY! / 猫又おかゆ1:28:26 春雷 / 米津玄師1:33:40 キラーチューン / 東京事変1:39:04 秒針を噛む / ずっと真夜中で良いのに。┗1:40:31 噛んじゃった1:43:27 あーウェットティッシュー!!1:45:30 同時視聴はじまる!1:49:21 ここの顔見てー(歌動画の3:36くらい)1:50:36 みんなどうだったー?100万人突破おめでとー!!歌ってみたもめっちゃ良かった!!いっぱい聞くねー!!!!
Congratulations🎉 1M Subs!!!!!Im here to say that i thank you for all of your contents here on platform,without you i wouldn’t be dragged here on the rabbit hole,more adventures to come so once again.CONGRATULATION!!! 1M SUBS🎉🎉🎉🎉
Congratulations Okayu on 1 million subscribersFinding Okayu and became Onigirya has been one of the happiest moments in my life, We love you OkayuThank you for everything you’ve done for us for far, we’ll keep supporting you until the end!
Congrats to the other half of okakoro <3 finally both are at the top 🎉🎉 She and korone were the ones that made me fall into the rabbit hole when I stumbled into clips of their collabs back when the pandemic started. Thank you for the year 🙏🏽
05:21 ネオメロドラマティック11:40 遭難17:24 KING21:22 ころねの最凶天災✩わんだふぉー♥わーるど27:36 香水34:27 怪物39:51 うっせぇわ44:25 ヴァンパイア(口ずさみ)44:45 月のワルツ51:21 初音ミクの暴走(アレンジおかゆの暴走)57:29 シュガーソングとビターステップ1:03:25 ヴィラン1:08:37 炎1:22:30 もぐもぐYUMMY1:28:26 春雷1:33:40 キラーチューン1:39:04 秒針を噛む間違えがあれば指摘お願いします。
Just as she finished singing homura, she reached 1M.. Congrats okayuu
Congrats for achieving 1M subscribers Okayu I’m glad i could see you achieve this and be part of this At first i was amazed by your beautiful voice, but stayed because of the amazing person you are I hope you achieve much more in the future and i will be here to continue to support you Mogu mogu 🍙 ~
Okayu is the main one that got me into hololive and vtubers as a whole. Thank you and congrats on 1 million, Okayu!
おめでとう!!!! Congratulations Okayu both on 1M subscribers and on your new song cover!
Congratulations on 1 million Okayun! Also, your new cover was so amazing!
100万おめでとう!!お疲れ様でした!!Thank you Okayu for this amazing adventure to 1 million. It really has been a great ride and I am glad to continue this ride. You have helped me to be able to be able to start doing things that I never thought I would start such as learning Japanese. It’s only be six months and I’m really happy to have found your channel and this community! Just a big thank you and congratulations!
The amount of good emotions I’m feeling right now is amazing
OKAYUUU, Felicidades Por Llegar Al 1M, Todos Lo Est�bamos Esperando Ya Quiero Ver Clips De La Llegada :3, I Love You <3

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ 久しぶりにマイクラやったら家の場所忘れちゃったから 今日新しく家建てる~~!!!! 本ゲームは Mojang に確認を得た上、Terms and Conditions …
Yessss, Okayu is Playing Minecraft Again I love itttt
The stream was fun and full of okayu’s curiosity 😂, after that she just asserting dominance by make her room way bigger than other, just like “Im the boss here”. I hope okayu will do alot of minecraft stream in the future, and make her own creations 😁.
Okayu going around and looking at the holoserver was hilarious, especially when she saw the blown up yagoo. Also thank you translators in the chat for making the stream even more enjoyable!
her voice is so calming, that’s why I really enjoy all of her streams and uwu i love you
1:08:24 ooh mah gahh
My goodness how does Okayu have such a soothing and cozy voice!… I just want to get hot chocolate and a blanket and watch her videos all day!
Today, Okayu visits the holoserver.There’s so much history behind everything in the holoserver, it’s really interesting to see reactions to them
Im glad okayu back playing Minecraft again, i hope she’ll do it again next stream and build something amazing
久しぶりのマイクラお疲れ様でした~! やっぱ楽しいな~ほかのメンバーとやるのも見るの楽しみ~!
your cover just like wallpaper,so beautiful
Its been 3 day since im not able to watch okayu streamAnd this stream was surprise me, ive been waiting for long time and this happened. Im so happyI never watch minecraft long stream before, and it give me motion sickness 😶, but i watch it till end bcuz i really want to see okayu play minecraft again.
When I see Okayu stream, I will automatically watch it. Btw it’s been a while since Okayu played minecraft. Thanks for this wonderful stream!!! It was fun!
Watching Okayu playing Minecraft is too entertaining, Okayu … You are definitely cute! ❤️❤️
As indonesian i apologize for many indo made the chat stream become toxic, sorry for interupting your chill stream.Buat orang indo, jangan bawa toxic kalian ke stream orang lain. Ganggu orang lain dan itu bikin image indo tambah jelek.
This is amazing, okayu have a very beautiful voice
okayu welcome back!thank you for giving a tour in hololive server. every block has its own story and is full of every hololive member’s memories.
thank you for the stream! watching you play minecraft is a blessinghopefully ill soon learn enough to be able to understand without a translator lol

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ _ スバおかおっぱっぴー、結成から約2年が経ちました――☆ ◇大空スバル Twitter:https://twitter.com/oozorasubaru YouTube:https://t.co/1XIcn8rNbM …
When you see Okayu and Subaru you know you’re gonna get the giggles XD
Can I say I just love the thumbnail art, and that I would kill for a Hololive anime in this style.
0:01:53 はじまり0:02:11 クソデカスバル0:03:10 初スバおかが二年前0:05:07 それぞれの最初の印象と今の違いなどを話して欲しいです┣06:31 ミオスバは変わったよね┣08:14 スバルのこと見てよー┗08:35 スベル0:10:22 お互いの癖が強いなと思うところはどこですか?┣11:14 ここのおかゆんの顔すき┗12:21 出汁取ってんじゃん0:16:05 ホロライブの中で好きなCPは?0:21:16 おかゆんがスバルちゃんの家に行くことは無いのですか?0:23:40 師匠と弟子からのそれぞれのオタ活について思うところはありますか?┗25:00 目が泳いでるおかゆん0:28:54 実は◯◯なんだよ〜的なネタがあればきいてみたいなぁと思います。0:31:19 お泊まり会してる時2人でどんなこと話してますか?0:33:37 2年前の結成時になにかを注意もしくは助言するとしたらなにを告げますか?0:36:58 スバおか絆テスト0:37:46 好きな食べ物0:43:42 相手のチャームポイント0:46:46 今一番行きたい場所0:49:15 友達にプレゼントをあげるとしたら0:53:10 苦手なもの0:56:23 相手の好きなキャラクター属性1:04:51 バンジーガム最近スバおか聞きながら寝てるのでレパートリー増えて助かる
18:23 何かを察して険しい顔するスバル好き
1:04:46 「スバルちゃんが思ってるより僕はマジだよ」もう愛の告白じゃん…………
Thank you for the stream Okayu!!!The OkaSuba stream was good<3
28:00 スバル「なんだぁ?テメェ・・・」スバル、キレた!!
配信お疲れ様でした~! EN context for VOD watchers: This was the first SubaOka collab in awhile (I think the last time it was just the 2 of them was a Mario Kart 8 collab in January during the leadup to the tournament, and I actually don’t know when there last non-gaming collab with just the 2 of them was, they’ve never done one in my 5 months of watching Okayu) and was split between a zatsudan where they took questions from the replies to a tweet Okayu made and a test of bonds where the 2 of them attempted to guess things about each other. The questions taken from the Tweet replies: 1) What were your first impressions of each other and how do they differ now? 2) What do you think are some strong habits of each other? 3) Favorite CP(? I tried Googling but 8am brain + brainspan of a goldfish = probably something obvious completely flying over my head) in HoloLive? 4) Does Okayun ever come over to Subaru’s house? 5) Any thoughts on the otaku lifestyle from master and disciple? (From what I understand, Subaru apparently did not watch much anime before joining Hololive but Okayu has been one of her otaku influences over time) 6) I’d like to hear about it if there is any stories about what it is? (? I’m kinda lost on this one, I’ve never encountered the marumaru placeholder symbol before so I’ve no idea what it is being used as a placeholder for in this question, or what “it” the question is referring to is) 7) What do you 2 talk about when having a sleepover? 8) If you could give advice to each other when forming SubaOka 2 years ago what would you say? Thats all for the questions taken from the Twitter reply, the rest is from the test of bonds section! 9) Favorite Food. 10) Charm points of each other. 11) Place they want to go the most right now. 12) Present they would gift a friend. 13) Something the other is not good at. 14) What is their favorite character attributes.o7 translators in chat!That was my first SubaOka zatsudan/non gaming collab, and it was just as funny as I was thinking it was going to be lol. I think one of the coolest aspects of Okayu’s personality is her ability to get along so well with just about every other personality type during collabs. SubaOka is a great mix, Subaru is one of the funniest Holotalents in my opinion and has such a contagious laugh. Thanks for an awesome collab girls! I look forward to the next stream!

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ _ 風にも負けず 枠バグにも負けず 基本的には1回マッチしたら抜けてね!✨ めっちゃ長時間になって大体ローテーションして 来たらまた入ってきても大丈夫~~!
Okayu getting better and better at driving is very impressive!!Okayu even surpassed past Okayu
You are really good at playing Mario Kart!I have a hard time facing you.Thanks for the almost 5 hours stream!
I really love the small English speach and all the giggles Okayu made randomly, you just don’t expect it coming.
This stream was full of tension it was amazing ! I’m glad you got first place, onward to the tournament in 3 days ! !
3:32:55 I’m glad I was able to join your race, it was very fun.Much love from the Netherlands!
It’s been a long stream but Okayu finally did it! 4:03:46 1st place Happy Okayu4:19:10 Okayu surpassing past Okayu
Don’t forget to drink water and rest well Okayu~
Thank you for the stream Okayu! It was fun!
I can’t believe that Okayu made that Nekoball z reference! Loved the part where Neku defeated Vegetable
0:02:10 もぐもぐおかゆー1:11:06 あくび1:15:20 おしっこ2:13:06 くしゃみ3:03:47 おしっこ4:01:06 ラストレース4:46:28 おに切りの話切り抜きタグ作ろうって言って良かった〜おかゆんの魅力、もっと沢山の人に知ってもらお!
Thanks for the great stream Okayu, and I have gotten the opening bit stuck in my head now
Man Okayu is great at the game but she just keeps on getting hit by *EVERYTHING*
1:24:47 Lo siento Okayu pero debo guardar esto <3
more I see okayu playing Mario kart, I feel like I want to buy the game immediately
Driving well. Good luck in this year’s big race. Okayu must be doing well.
The stream was so fun and Okayu’s voice was so soothing that I accidentally slept half way through 👉👈 I literally just woke up ( ̄▽ ̄;)
Thank you for the wholesome stream!!
Okayu is quite good when uninterrupted.Everyone else did it!
07 to the translators in chat 😺Very entertaining stream! It was funny how Okayu ran into 2 groups, first a race she spectated that only had Waluigis in it, and then she had a round where there was 4 people who also had Okayu Miis 😹. On one hand I’m sorry she dealt with SO much final lap pains, but on the other hand I’m happy we got to spend almost 5 hours watching our favorite cat today! 😺
【MONSTER HUNTER RISE】狩りにいくんだよ~~ん🐈【猫又おかゆ/ホロライブ】

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ _ 僕も今日からハンターデビュー!✨ この動画およびライブは 株式会社カプコンの利用許諾を受けて配信しています モンスターハンターライズ ©CAPCOM CO., LTD.
Finally! Okayu playing Monster Hunter :> Been waiting for this xD
Thank you for the stream! Go eat some delicious dango for a snack to celebrate a fun stream 🍡
0:02:07 もぐもぐおかゆー0:03:33 エンディングは放送しないよって話0:04:52 キャラクリ開始0:31:36 えいえい!おー!!0:33:22 オトモガルクの作成0:38:22 オトモアイルーの作成0:42:10 ゲームスタート0:52:03 餅が気になるおかゆん0:54:40 だんごが食いたいおかゆん0:59:42 ぷい〜1:09:57 ぽぽぽぽ1:11:53 修練場1:19:35 クエスト:狩猟の基礎をおさらいしよう!1:28:53 うまい!うまい!1:38:50 クエスト:ホオズキころころ1:39:01 えへへ1:54:44 お腹ひゅーってなる1:58:30 クエスト:おいしいキノコをくださいな2:02:00 このキャラの声ボクと似てる2:03:00 い゛や゛〜〜!!2:13:09 あふっ2:17:58 茶屋2:21:37 にゃー2:22:36 クエスト:三位一体の薙ぎ鎌2:23:55 間違っちゃったー!2:33:36 訓練場でハンマーのコンボ練習2:38:27 クエスト:食べ盛りの青熊獣2:40:46 うまうま2:43:24 あ゛〜2:48:45 初操竜2:57:35 トイレタイム2:59:25 トイレ戻り3:00:05 今日のご飯3:00:49 スパチャ読みモンハン配信おつでした!!おかゆんのモンハンまた配信で見れて嬉しい〜〜
3:27:00 おかころ話
2:19:31 Okayu’s reaction is adorable lmfao
初モンハンRISE配信お疲れ様でした! コロサンダーはカッコイイ名前だね… 色々のモンハンコラボや視聴者さんと遊ぶ楽しみです!
配信お疲れ様でした~ まさかおかゆんが狩りに行くなんて…次回の配信も楽しみに待ってる!!
配信お疲れ様でした! o7 translators in chat!Okayu while creating her character: かわいいOverseas and JP onigiryaa: *looks at each other before looking back at the stream* か…かわいい..?wLoved the Koro-thunder name choice lol, I was thinking she’d just go with Koro-san. Monster Hunter isn’t my type of game but it was fun watching Okayu play. I’m excited to see her play it with the other girls online, she sounded so happy talking about the thought of it! I look forward to the next stream!
お疲れ様でした〜!Monhun is great game can’t wait for more of itThe character you’ve created was cuteLove you and thank you for the stream~!
And so Okayu joins the hunter hololive ranks ! A hammer user, rejoice ! Thank you for the stream (and the dango !)
Thank you for the Monhun Rise Okayun, dango yummy 🍡
配信お疲れ様でした〜!結構 裏で モンハンしてたんだって 驚きました!これからも 沢山やっていこう!