キャットアイメイク / 猫又おかゆ (Cover)

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ _ ( 僕ってばミステリアスなんだから! ) 『キャットアイメイク』 本家様▷https://youtu.be/PmJJxtNCT9k illustrator:ヒナモリ(@18Ar0 )様 Mix:ごず(@_gozu777)様 …
Okayu original song, Okakoro 3D Live, Okayu reaching 1M, Korone original song, 2 Okayu song covers? 2021 is a great year!Congrats on 1M Okayu, you definitely deserve this!
If Okayu & Towa sang a duet, The deep voice sexiness would have the power to explode entire planets
The illustrator requested everyone to listen to this 500 million times.Let’s go.
i love the fact that she’s smirking in a playful teasing way throughout the whole video but then at 3:35 she’s blushing and looks embarrassed. love that gap moe
en lyrics:Strong-willed eyes with winged eyeliner, you’re fooling around on top of me When she shows “love” it’s a sign for yes, let’s begin a night feigning the purity of a kittenShe’s in a pouty mood without even a reply yet A sweet girl who always wants her way The selfie for her profile picture has that filter from that thing, that cat eye makeup you see so often nowadaysExtremely moody and sometimes sassy She’ll sulk if you don’t pay enough attentionToday she’s got a cute and exotic short haircutBut even praising or petting will never tame her heart Wanting me to nod no matter what you doYou call that a lady’s whim right?Strong-willed eyes with winged eyeliner, you’re fooling around on top of me When she shows “love” it’s a sign for yes, and only then do we begin touching each other—our addiction Here, jump right onto me kitty catOn your feet are the British boots girls are always retweetingI thought you were a good sweet talker, but next thing you know you’re curt elsewhereIt’s almost like you’re borrowing that cat eye makeup Wanting me to ask what’s wrong before you do anything You call that a lady’s whim right?Cheating lips glistening with lip gloss, I’m disheveled inside of youIf I hit your “love” you’ll pretend to feel, you’re like a rag doll You understand right, my conviction You went head first into this trap little fishWhen I’m with you I’m always happy You call thoughts like that emotions of love right?Weak-willed eyes free from makeup, if I gaze at your true face you’re able to become honest with my cat-petting voice full of “love”An odd love no one can tame, it seems you’ve only got me Talkative when you’re lonely, and getting angry when you’re happy Only I know that they areyour tricky signs of affectionYou’re fooling around on top of me, let’s begin a night feigning the purity of a kitten—our addiction Here, come jump right into my arms
New Okayu cover for 1 Million ! LET’S GOOOO !
I took two things away from this song:1. Okayu is an amazing singer.2. BRITISH BOOTS
You’re telling me she didn’t like her voice at one point? That’s just wild. She has the type of voice that stirs things up in people. I freaking love it 💖💖💖. I’m so glad I stumbled on her channel
4:38 のにゃーんで照れるのかわいすぎる
“Ok Okayu is hot, but she is not hot enough to hurt you. Right?”Hot Okayu: 1:18″Ok, PLEASE hurt me Okayu.”
本当におかゆんの歌声はカッコイイし可愛いから尊い、尊( ´ཫ`)死
Okayu is now embracing the voice she used to loath and is making our ears melt with this heavenly experience. Keep it up Okayu, we support you all the way!
no one:not even the bri’ish themselves:Okayu: *says British Boots in the most seductive way possible*
Okayu’s voice is a dangerous weapon
*”I dont like my voice”* – The best voice on Hololive
【ASMR】耳かきに初挑戦だよ!/Ear cleaning【ホロライブ/猫又おかゆ】

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ 【放送・関連ツイート】#生おかゆ 【絵文字】 【ファンアート】#絵かゆ 【ファンネーム】#おにぎりゃー 僕のママ:@kami_shun0505 ▷ホロライブ公式YouTubeチャンネルでも …
I can’t believe this ASMR is almost 2 years old. I’m still listening to it.
She’s just so chill and laid back that even though I can’t understand anything, I still quite enjoy it and feel cozy. Her voice is definitely one of the most relaxing voices I’ve ever heard, and she’d be perfect for a podcast or something like that. Glad she decided to become a vtuber.
Okayu has the most relaxing voice and demeanor of the hololive cast
Okayu always sounds like she just woke up from a nap, and I absolutely love it
Woah hold up, Okayu be giving hearts to every comment here! Mad respect, also love this ASMR. 👌
After cleaning for almost 1 hour, my ears are cleaner than my room
11:52 指で耳の周りさわさわ最強なんじゃ…
I dont understand anything that was said but their voice is soothing (i fell asleep i wont lie)
Okayu has such a nice voice.
I just kinda thought her voice was soothing and searched and this just came up as a recommended search as part of her playlist
Don’t have clue what she’s saying. but the laid back tone along with this chill looking neko girl.I’m liking it
This is the best ASMR I’ve ever heard. Okayu’s voice is perfect for ASMR.
17:24 頑張る人用
I watching her singing ASMR two times and fell asleep to them on the same day and right after I watched this one and I fell asleep again and it gave me a really nice nostalgic dream of hanging out with friends near a mountain we always went to when we were young 😌
17:24 これは惚れる
every each second i’m listening to this i’m moving further away from reality
youtube keeps recommending me streams like thisgood
【ASMR】おやすみ前の耳かき / Ear cleaning【ホロライブ/猫又おかゆ】

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ 回線不安定になってバタバタしたので枠取り直しました;; 配信は0:30までやるよ! ※僕とみんなのお約束※ ・コメントの感じ方は人それぞれです。 自分が不快に思ったら …
timestamps:0:00 – 1:16:04 (Good video)
The cure to Korone’s erroneous sleep schedule.
She was so quiet I had to stay awake and focus on what she was saying.
Thank you for the ASMR stream. It helped me relax and fall asleep!
1:00:06 oh my goddddddddddddddd doki doki
I had a dream about listening to her asmr trying to go to sleep, I woke up and found her live doing asmr, and I fell asleep again
Thank you for another wonderful ASMr!!!!
自分用00:13 開始 / Start 00:57 左耳かき / Left ear cleaning 02:54 耳トントン / Ear tapping 05:43 右耳タオル拭く / Right ear towel wiping 07:45 左耳タオル拭く / Left ear towel wiping 09:22 左耳ふー / Left ear fuu~ 09:35 右耳ふー / Right ear fuu~ 09:52 左耳ふー / Left ear fuu~ 10:05 右耳ふー / Right ear fuu~ 10:31 両耳タオル拭く / Both ears towel wiping 11:50 左耳かき / Left ear cleaning 16:01 あくび / Yawn 19:55 右耳かき / Right ear cleaning 22:46 あくび / Yawn 27:37 あくび / Yawn 29:37 耳トントン / Ear tapping 29:55 あくび / Yawn 32:32 右耳ふー / Right ear fuu~ 32:44 左耳ふー / Left ear fuu~ 32:57 右耳ふー / Right ear fuu~ 33:09 左耳ふー / Left ear fuu~ 33:24 左耳タオル拭く / Left ear towel wiping 33:43 あくび / Yawn 34:45 右耳タオル拭く / Right ear towel wiping 35:04 両耳タオル拭く / Both ears towel wiping 36:48 耳トントン / Ear tapping 38:43 左耳ふー / Left ear fuu~ 38:55 右耳ふー / Right ear fuu~ 39:12 左耳かき / Left ear cleaning 47:36 右耳かき / Right ear cleaning 47:40 あくび / Yawn 51:15 両耳タオル拭く / Both ears towel wiping 52:32 右耳ふー / Right ear fuu~ 52:43 左耳ふー / Left ear fuu~ 52:54 両耳タオル拭く / Both ears towel wiping 54:02 右耳ふー / Right ear fuu~ 54:15 左耳ふー / Left ear fuu~ 54:25 両耳タオル拭く / Both ears towel wiping 55:35 両耳こしょこしょ / Both ears tickling 56:53 耳ふさぎ / Ear covering 57:45 手の音 / Hand scrubbing sounds 58:50 右耳ふー / Right ear fuu~ 59:10 左耳ふー / Left ear fuu~ 59:42 右耳ふー / Right ear fuu~ 01:00:04 ちゅ / Kiss 01:01:15 スパチャ読み / Super Chat readingおかゆんへASMR助かる!タオルはめっちゃよかった~おにぎりゃのみんなへもし僕の日本語が間違っていたら是非指摘してください!
Okayu ASMR is a blessing
ASMR is a universal language, I don’t need to understand Japanese for this video to effectively help me get to sleep, and I love that.
I need this for my sleeping time ❤
I feel like she’s one of the few hololive girls able to effectively do ASMR. Her voice has a very warm resonance, a lot warmer than a vast majority of hololive girls
I love this 😀
I AM HERE!!! Let’s be honest, Temanya meowing at the end was so cute… I had to force myself to stay awake just to comment and I am glad to say that you guys that listened did the best thing in your life. As always, Thank you for the stream. Thank you fovoching to those that watched and おやすみんなさい!
I always come back to this video whenever it’s time for me to sleep
Okayu’s voice is a blessing from God
This was incredibly relaxing. One of the best ASMR out here
Okayu Rejection 💜 全否定おかゆ【ホロライブ/猫又おかゆ】

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ _ もうひとりの…僕…? Another me…? ‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐ 猫又おかゆ 60万人記念ボイス販売 …
Context: Okayu is often referred to as 全肯定(All affirmations), as in she’s accepting of everyone and everything. A recent skit she’s had with her fans is turning that idea around completely to a 全否定(All rejections) Okayu, in which she rejects everyone and everything.
Now this is something I can relate too!
This is whole another level of hurt than being friendzoned by some white fox.
“Is this cat bite?””No…But she can hurt you in different ways”
Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
Korone standing at the back with a shotgun: Yes, reject them I’m the only one u need
Everyone watching: “Why are we still here? Just to suffer?”
Alt. Title: “How it feels to have knife pierce your ears for 7 seconds”
Okayu: “It doesn’t have to be me, does it?”Me: Well it doesn’t have to be the others girls either right?
“Does your cat bite?””No.. but..””but?””She can hurt you in other ways.”
okay but this genuinely hurts, imagine being rejected like this
The thing that hurts the most is that she does it so casually…
Friend: Does your cat scratch people?Me: No, but it can hurt you in a different way.
“No, I don’t love you”There are no more good days, just days
Me : *Trying to sleepOkayu : “No, I don’t love you”Me : *Can’t sleep and Crying till next morning
I’m glad the subtitles are in English so those of us living overseas can get dunked on as well.
It hurts…
【耳かき/Ear cleaning】お久しぶりのASMR【ホロライブ/猫又おかゆ】

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ 【放送・関連ツイート】#生おかゆ 【絵文字】 【ファンアート】#絵かゆ 【ファンネーム】#おにぎりゃー 僕のママ:@kami_shun0505 ▷ホロライブ公式YouTubeチャンネルでも …
how much y’all wanna bet korone was probably listening to this
I wish I could watch the whole stream without sleeping peacefully
Her voice is so beautiful, it’s both cute but reassuring.
I swear, I just closed my eyes to rest them for a bit while listening to this, and the next thing I know, I’ve slept for more than 4 hours on my desk. Turns out I was more tired than expected.
This ASMR was so good I fell asleep on my keyboard writing an essay lol
My ears are too sensitive. The moment she starts talking I start squirming like Matsuri getting the “AraAra” treatment. I love her calm voice though. Mrph.
Okayu has such a beautiful voice 😊💕
I fall asleep fast every time when I listen to this.
This stream was blessed
41:04 >突然のザラキ<
Okayu’s voice is so relaxing. I can sleep soundly thanks to her.
Mogu mogu thank you Okayu for the ASMR session 🍙 ~~Zzz <3
Thank you for the comfy ASMR ありがとうございました!