Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ(おすすめch紹介)

Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ(おすすめch紹介) チャンネル紹介
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【#おかゆの生誕祭2021】お誕生日なので3D歌ライブだ~~🎶🎶【ホロライブ】  (c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ ‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐ 猫又おかゆ 60万人記念ボイス販売中 ‣販売ページはこちらから …

37:00 it’s nice that okayu finally is gaining confidence in her voice and yes it is cute

(↓↓TimeStamp↓↓)01:48 放送助かる 02:35 開始! 03:51 リボン(可愛過ぎる…) 04:05 # おかゆの生誕祭2021​ 04:42 ケーキ (届いてる!) 05:40 食べたい! 06:16 おにぎり!? 06:58 後に続けブロリー! 07:06 彗星ハネムーン/ナユタン星人(一曲目) 11:08 ホロライブあったけぇ(みんな優しいね) 12:33 Don’t say lazy/桜高軽音部(二曲目) 17:56 お?​ゲスト? 18:49 ​お!?(正妻きたな/ころね) 20:23 這い蹲る!? 22:53 ​心臓がw 24:32 ニャン~ニャン~ 25:05 強制送還 26:42 吉原ラメント/亜沙(三曲目) 30:51 ばあちゃん! 32:09 トレンド1位! 32:32 恋愛サーキュレーション/花澤香菜(四曲目) 38:53 炎/LiSA(五曲目/最高) 44:29 紀念グッズ! 50:06 ​もぐもぐYUMMY!/ 猫又おかゆ(オリ曲) 53:57 ​ミオママ! 54:42 ​お!かなたん!? 57:30 もぐもぐYUMMY!/ 猫又おかゆ(オリ曲/もう1回)


Happy Birthday Okayu!! Here are a couple of English timestamps for overseas viewers~!0:01:47 Okayu’s voice returns from technical difficulties0:02:34 Replay of the previous stream that took place before the difficulties0:04:42 Birthday Cake!0:06:16 Okayu feeds you some cake~0:06:57 Replay ends and Live Okayu begins0:07:05 1st Song – Comet Honeymoon / Nayutalien0:10:38 End of 1st Song (MC Time)0:12:33 2nd Song – Don’t Say Lazy / K-On0:16:55 End of 2nd Song (MC Time)0:17:56 There’s a Guest coming?!0:18:49 Call from Korone !!0:20:23 Pose for Korone0:24:32 Nyan~ Nyan~0:26:42 3rd Song – Yoshiwara Lament / Asa0:30:33 End of 3rd Song (MC Time)0:32:02 Trending #1 on Twitter !0:32:32 4th Song – Renai Circulation / Hanazawa Kana0:36:51 End of 4th song (MC Time)0:38:53 5th Song – Homura / LiSA0:43:27 End of 5th Song (MC Time)0:44:29 Birthday Goods Reveal !0:48:13 1st Original Song Reveal !!0:50:05 1st attempt at Last Song – Mogu Mogu Yummy / Nekomata Okayu0:50:37 Technical Difficulties strike while Okayu is singing (Leads to more MC-ing)0:53:57 Mio-chan enters the chat0:54:39 A Sudden PPT?! (Call from Amane Kanata)0:56:45 The Disappearance of a Certain PPT0:56:59 Okayu Returns0:57:30 Actual Last Song – Mogu Mogu Yummy / Nekomata Okayu1:00:15 MoguMoguMoguMoguMoguMogu1:00:46 End of Last Song (Goodbyes)

Humanity peaked when Okayu sang Renai circulation

Okayu’s voice is so beautiful <3

Not gonna lie that’s one of the best 3D streams I’ve ever seen

Guess I’ll have to die for both being awake while this stream aired, with nothing important to do, and missing it

Welcome to another episode of “Our tomboy neko cant be this cute” coming to you in 3D

OH NOOOOOO this was a mistake all my lifeI miss this stream T-T And Happy birthday Okayu I hope you happy all the year

I’ve never had such high doses of diabetes before

26:10 Onigiryaa:”im die thank you forever”

Idol costume Okayu is too cute, even the word cute isn’t enough to describe it! Happy Birthday, Okayu! Thank you for the great performance today

I think, I’m gonna die from cutenessbut anyway happy birthday Okayu!

Mogu Mogu Mogu Mogu Mogu MOGU!!! I love this cat!!

I’m having a heart attack I couldn’t handle that much cuteness.

We’re reaching levels of cuteness that shouldn’t even be possibleHappy birthday Okayu !

Amazing job Okayu 👏 👏 you were just amazing!!! 👏❤

Bruuuh she had so much energy in this stream that the cuteness almost gave me an overdose xd


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【雑談】深夜のSMOKを見よ…【 #SMOK /ホロライブ】

【雑談】深夜のSMOKを見よ…【 #SMOK /ホロライブ】  (c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ _ ※元々マリオ3Dワールド遊ぶ予定だったんですが 機材トラブルにより延期になりました;; 今日はみんなで雑談ゲリラだ!!!!!!!! ◇大空スバル …

Thank you Subaru, Mio, Okayu and Korone for the SMOK collab, even though they can’t play the planned Super Mario 3D world, we’re still fine with a zatsudan talk.A talk stream with the fun topics to discuss and random things to talk about with the Wholesome and Tee Tee moments makes this a blessing.Have a good night rest everyone!

Chat: Korone how was your audition to Hololive?Korone: never had it.Nene: wait, that’s illegal…

Bueno bueno, estan haciendo bastantes directos juntas �ltimamente, y eso pone una gran sonrisa en mi cara.Nice stream

even tho they have to cancel the mario 3D but they still can entertained us sasugaa SMOK thankyou for the chatting stream!!!!

I forgot they had to play Mario because I was having so much fun. It took me a whole nights sleep to realize

Seeing them all shaking while trying to contain the laughter was adorable. I think if they were all in the same room together just one look at one another trying to hold it in would’ve pushed any one of them over the edge.

1:28:04〜 ころさんの間が完璧すぎる

1:21:37 からスバル乱入、ころさんのツッコミの流れが好き過ぎる

1:12:27 ここめっちゃ好き‪w

お疲れ様でした〜 Even though it was a last minute change of plan to a SMOK zatsudan, it was so much fun and laughter lol

Gracias por el stream colaboracion Okayu, ha estado entretenido


Loud Okayu doesn’t exist, she can’t hurt youLoud Okayu: 00:05

3:15 ❓ころねに聞きたいこと/スバルの悪いところいっぱいって? – 4:16 ころね髭生える 7:22 おかころでミオスバの雑談 8:30 ❓ミオしゃに質問「ミオしゃのナイトルーティーンを教えて」 – 9:00 パンツ履かないんでしょ? – 10:19 ころちゃん呼びのスバル 11:12 ❓みんなのナイトルーティーン – 11:34 ミオ/ノーパンはデフォルト – 12:45 おかゆ/おかゆの生活リズム – 14:20 ころね/ヨガしてる – 15:35 スバル/特にない – 16:14 予約ツイで推理合戦 – 17:43 処刑してたころさん 19:27 ❓今までで一番ドキッとしてたこと – 19:50 スバル/鎌持ったるしあに追いかけられた夢と歯を磨いてもらった夢 – 21:24 ミオしゃ/タイガに襲われてる – 22:52 お刺身の再来 – 23:52 おかゆ/てまにゃんが家に来てから1周年 – 25:07 ミオしゃのポン 25:30 ❓「リスナーが悪い事したらどうしますか?」 – 26:17 ころね/しばきあげパンチング – 28:13 ミオ/やさしい – 28:50 スバルのことを認知しないミオママ – 31:34 スバルは戦友 – 31:59 ミオしゃが産みたいのは – 32:18 ころねは? – 34:09 ロックマン好きなころね/筒に手を入れがち36:00 ❓みんなの嫌いな食べ物は? – 36:24 おかゆ/レバー – 37:21 ころねの耳の味 – 37:52 スバル/チョコミント – 39:09 パクチーは食べられる? – 40:57 ころね/ししゃもが嫌いな理由 43:41 ❓スバルは肩が寒くないの? 43:59 ❓みんなの第一印象は?/衝撃的だったスバル – 45:39 リバースカードオープン、ローラ – 46:01 デビュー前にスプラに紛れ込んだころね – 46:47 はあちゃまから貰った写真をスバルに送り付けたおかゆ – 48:24 出会い立ての頃のおかゆの女っぽいところ – 49:13 ころねとスバルのアベンジャーズのやり取り – 50:17 ころスバてぇてぇ – 50:58 ころミオスバでご飯に行こうとしてたころね – 52:07 1対1のコラボをしたことないころねとスバル – 53:10 ミオ軍曹のスパルタ特訓 54:51 ❓衣装交換するなら誰がいい? – 54:56 ころね/スバルの服が着たい – 55:29 おかゆ/ころさんの着てるフリフリの服が着たい – 56:16 ミオ/ころさんの正月衣装 – 57:06 ロリみぉーん好きなおかゆ – 57:51 スバル/ミオしゃの服が着たい – 58:19 最近ミオしゃにママを求めてくるスバル 1:00:03 ❓みんなはSとMどっち? – 1:00:11 ミオ/どっちもいける – 1:01:20 ゴールデンカムイに影響されるおかゆ – 1:02:14 ころね/Mだよ(?) – 1:03:19 スバル/おかゆからはドSと言われる – 1:05:17 笑っちゃいけない大喜利大会やりたい/ミオしゃのMっ気 – 1:06:16 ミオしゃがママを降りたら – 1:06:42 ママじゃなくて友達になれないの? – 1:07:37 ころさん頭おかしい/山田 – 1:08:10 おかゆも頭おかしい/気持ちよかった – 1:09:17 うちはスバルのママじゃないよ/間に挟まるころね – 1:11:03 見極めるミオママ – 1:12:40 急なミュージカルを始めるころね 1:14:50 🍵おかゆんお茶汲みに離席 – 1:15:05 ミオしゃのしゃっくり – 1:15:24 おかゆの紹介で入ったころね – 1:16:07 象を買ったスバル – 1:18:03 ころさんはサバンナ行ったらどんな動物飼ってみたい? 1:18:46 🦆優しくされるのに慣れてないスバル – 1:19:08 スバルにきつく当たってみて – 1:19:38 おかゆ – 1:19:54 ミオしゃ – 1:20:46 おかゆにつらく当たってみて – 1:21:38 どけよ – 1:21:55 どさくさに紛れるスバル 1:24:00 お互いがどういう関係かをはっきりさせる – 1:24:54 殴り合いの喧嘩ではホロライブで1番の自信があるころね – 1:25:19 ミオしゃの喋り方好き 1:26:21 ❓この4人パーティ組んでRPGするとしたら? – 1:27:42 スバルは魔獣使い 1:29:01 ママになってあげる代わりに差し出すもの – 1:30:11 大空の苗字あげる – 1:31:39 欲しいものは特にない 1:34:00 今までのSMOKの企画で印象に残ってるもの – 1:36:29 次の企画 – 1:35:56 今から笑っちゃダメ – 1:37:57 スタート – 1:38:15 今から語尾でんがな – 1:38:22 ミオしゃアウト – 1:39:59 再開/なーんつって – 1:43:12 スバルアウト – 1:43:54 ツボにハマるころね 1:48:20 思い出し笑いするときにミュートするころね 1:49:50 ツッコむのやめてみるスバル 1:51:02 スバルの老後の夢 – 1:52:59 ころね/ドア、スバル/壁 – 1:53:29 朝ジャム作りたいスバル -1:54:09 老後もずっと配信していたいおかゆ -1:55:51 ミオ/お盆に作るナスやキュウリに割りばし刺すや作りたい – 1:56:32 ころねは働かない – 1:57:34 みんなとずっと一緒にいたい 1:59:32 最後の挨拶ほんとに面白くてずっと笑ってたw この4人には老後までもいつまでもずっと楽しく、そして仲良く配信していてほしいな。


Idk what they’re saying majority of the time but I still enjoyed listening to the whole thing lol

タックルは本当に怒ってるか調べてみたら猫の愛情表現なんだって スリスリするのの延長が体当たりで飼い主さんのことが好きで好きでたまらないんだって 体当たりされたらその猫の好むところを撫でると良いらしい

配信お疲れ様でした~!EN context for VOD watchers: Super Mario 3D World was originally going to be played during this collab, but Mio’s internet was acting unstable following a 3D stream so the girls decided to change the collab to a zatsudan instead, I’m assuming they will reschedule 3D World for a later date. I apologize but due to the change being last minute I’m not sure where the conversation topics were taken from today. I think they might have been leftover extra topics from previous chatting SMOK collabs though.o7 translators in chat!Thanks for still streaming for us today despite the tech difficulties, hopefully Mio doesn’t feel bad as it’s not her fault at all, and the stream ended up perfectly fine as a just chatting stream. SMOK has got to be my favorite group/unit in Hololive, these 4 always manage to provide it all. Laughs, wholesome moments, teetee moments, theres something for everyone when SMOK does a collab together. Also really liked how everyone wore their 2nd outfits today. I look forward to the next stream!


20:57 笑い方とツッコミが笑けたw

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【子守唄ASMR】今日は早く寝よう /softly song Japanese【ホロライブ/猫又おかゆ】

【子守唄ASMR】今日は早く寝よう /softly song Japanese【ホロライブ/猫又おかゆ】  (c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ ASMR用のマイクで静かに歌います。 早く寝る人も寝ない人もまったりしていってね~~。 ※僕とみんなのお約束※ ・コメントの感じ方は人それぞれです。 自分が不快に …

The worst feeling ever:When you’re listening to the playback and you’re feeling comfy, then an ad for RAID, SHADOW LEGENDS completely ruins the feel.Oh the pain, woe is me

How i missed Okayu’s comforting voice i miss these Asmr’s of her….how nostalgic

Okayu: *sings*The cat: Her word’s cut deeper than any claw.

Before listening:I’m not a fan of asmrAfter listening:I’m not a fan of asmr that isn’t being sung by Okayu

10:25 Rejoice! It’s FLOS!!!

I wanted to edit the Flos cover with the MV but the timing is different lmao

wait but i’m not relaxing20 seconds later: 💤great stream

Listening to Okayu sing next to my ear reminds me of being lulled by my Mother to sleep. I have found inner peace.

Im glad i was born just in the right moment to hear Okayu asmr

ENGLISH TIME STAMPS (run through google translate because my japanese is not very good)3:25 First song 10:42 flos / R Sound Design 17:32 Therru’s song / Aoi Teshima ┗ 19:46 Lyrics lost porridge 23:39 Hello / Maaya Sakamoto 30:58 Ikitekoso / Kiroro 37:01 Umiyuri Submarine Tan / n-buna 43:07 It becomes the wind / Ayano Tsuji 47:59 Admission to Temanyas 50:00 Tsuki no Waltz / Mio Isayama – 58:20 Super Chat reading 1:00:31 Volume attention (beating the table of Nyasu) 1:06:52 Nya ~ 1:12:07 Koshin! Koshin! 1:15:08 Koshin! Koshin! Good night ~

Her voice is so smooth and hypnotic, one second your mind is cluttered, next thing Okayu is the only thing in your mind, your eyes are heavy and then… Darkness

3:25 一曲目10:42 flos / R Sound Design17:32 テルーの唄 / 手嶌葵┗19:46 歌詞迷子になるおかゆん23:39 Hello / 坂本真綾30:58 生きてこそ / Kiroro37:01 ウミユリ海底譚 / n-buna43:07 風になる / つじあやの47:59 てまにゃす入場50:00 月のワルツ / 諫山実生–58:20 スパチャ読み1:00:31 音量注意(にゃすのテーブル叩き)1:06:52 にゃ〜1:12:07 こーしん!こーしん!1:15:08 こーしん!こーしん!おやすま〜

The language barrier is temporary,*but ASMR is eternal.*

Ahh, it’s been a while. Okayu’s soft singing is my favorite thing to sleep to 😪

Okayu has blessed our ears with ASMR she is truly a talented cat! Okayu 4 Life

I wouldn’t mind having okayu as a mum, she can do really soft singing

Whenever I watch Okayu, live or not, I have no idea what she’s saying, but I love listening to her super relaxing voice. Super comforting.

Im not scared to admit im in love with a cat

This ASMR lullaby stream is just heavenly… Ears and soul blessed. Gonna listen to this again in a few hours to sleep. Thank you~ おかゆんありがとう〜

I just realized i was leaning to where her voice was while doing assignments.

【 #ホロL4D2 】先輩 VS 後輩 !?!?【 OKBR視点 】

【 #ホロL4D2 】先輩 VS 後輩 !?!?【 OKBR視点 】  (c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ _ FAMS 視点放送(https://youtu.be/nW_iu41RoEQ) 白上フブキ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdn5BQ06XqgXoAxIhbqw5Rg 百鬼あやめ …

Okayu thirteen-th stream on 2021. I like your collab today, Okayu. You always did hard work. We all will always support you. This stream is so fun. And for Onigiryaa, Thank you for today… you all always support Okayu on this collab. Thank tou so much. Mogu mogu~

This is a fun stream. I haven’t laughed that hard in a while. I literally thought i’m going to die from laughing too much!

This is such a Amezing collab, OKBR is too OP, we have OkaKoro and ShishiLamy!This combo is unbeatable

Okayu’s content is just amazing no matter what she plays, can’t wait to see the day she gets to 1 Million Subs!!

This stream was an absolute blast ! Sasuga team leader Okayu, thanks for the stream !

Thank you for the stream guys !! I was rooting for OKBR from the start but also the FAMS teamwork is also amazing ! I want to see it again !! And How can Botan and Okayu be chill in this game hahahahhaha .. 😆😆

Aaaaaahhh that was fuuuunn!!!OKBR(L) sooo strong!!

The stream was amazing. Nice job and GG for both teams.

16:49 Korone’s approaching by running even she’s using Hunter then screamed when she died XDDDD

Such a fun stream

Thank you for the stream okayu this was fun and gave me so much laughter, I already expected that OKBR will win lmao

Just a little bit of context:Korone was really confused when she was being cornered by Hunter.*It’s actually Subaru and she doesn’t know how to do the Lunge Attack*

Couples together STRONG!!

0:00 – 1:22:35BEST part of video

At least Lamy noticed that it’s supposed to be L instead of R.

i like the fact that everyone is scared and targeting botan.. HAHAHAHHA

Okayu being so calm throughout almost the whole stream was amazing

Such a good stream, I never thought of all them collaborating but here we are, they all did a good job! Also it seems they might wanna play more In the future.Also I loved OKBR team, hope they collab more together.

0:02:43 あじまる!0:05:21 自己紹介0:08:45 あっ0:10:19 チームでボイチャ0:11:24 ゲーム開始0:15:37 おかゆんのタンク0:16:23 ボコボコスバル0:18:57 攻守交代0:28:20 降りちゃうころさん0:29:03 ボイチャ合流0:29:22 ミオ虐助かる0:33:04 タイミングよく入ってくるスバル0:34:05 2戦目スタート0:35:52 ウィッチをうまく使うししろん0:38:03 おらおらおらよ〜0:40:09 攻守交代0:47:26 ロビーに集合0:50:45 関係ある話0:52:12 3戦目スタート0:57:42 スバルにタックル0:59:58 あいよっと〜1:01:43 攻守交代1:12:16 やだやだ〜1:14:30 感想タイムおつでした〜!!OKBR強いし面白いしめっちゃ楽しかった〜〜〜

Everyone: *panik* Okayu: *calm*I really love this part of hers


【桃太郎電鉄】オフコラボで本気バトル!!!【ホロライブ/#しゅばもぐみょーん】  (c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ

(c) Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ _ 3人でオフコラボ桃鉄やるぞ~~!!!!!!!!!!!! ◇大神ミオ Twitter:https://twitter.com/ookamimio …

This stream is so fun i want to see more collabs with members from OKFAMS !

Thank you for all the laughs and fun moments you gave us Okayu!! I love your voice❤️❤️❤️ Congrats on 700k👏👏

Congrats on 700k subs Okayu! It’s even better you achieved it when collaborating with Mio and Subaru

I though it’s gonna be endurance stream lolThanks for the stream

Thanks for the stream, Congratulations on 700k!!! It was a fun stream !

2:06:40 秘技!ラックイーター!

Mio wheeze within 5 minutes YES! Omg she laughed so intense.


I AM HERE!!! The cat really takes luck in… except it takes luck from someone else.That is all! Mio winning at the end is so good to see… the laugh of her midgame though. As always, THANK YOU FOR THE STREAM!!

1:21:33 「ホノルルだぁー!ホノルルです!!スバル選手、ホノルルだぁー!!」ここ好き笑

27:00 ここのミオちゃんの笑い声地の底から響いてきそうで好き

ボケ・ツッコミ・ゲラ笑い バランスの良い最強トリオだと思う

Okayu take the lead on the first half, bully subaru and got karma, but still managed to got 2nd place.Mio has slow start at the beggining, she got luckier and stronger by the time.Subaru bullied for the whole game not only by the player, but the game also bully her, subaru got 3rd place on the race.

High luck tycoon kayuSuffered subaruSlow start but sure mionThats all can be found here, such a chaos fun stream.

0:20:00 剛腕投手おかゆ





45:50 ここのくだり本当好きwwおかゆん登録者70万人おめでとう!!!

