
(c) Mel Channel 夜空メルチャンネル 8月29日23時メンバー限定ASMRやります! (お肉はむはむプラン限定 ) Members-only ASMR on August 29th at 23:00. Meat Hamu Hamu Plan Only. 素敵な素材: …
Thank you for the wonderful ASMR! Yandere Mel was amazing at conveying her intense love for us! I’m even more impressed that you ad-libbed this entire scenario without any script and fed off the atmosphere of chat!
great ASMR, it really relaxed me, and tickled my brain.
タイムスタンプ0:20 開始1:31 「じゃあ…褒めてあげるね?」3:09 耳撫で撫でスタート6:36「また推しおきしないとわかんないのかな…?」8:11 汗拭きしてくれるメルちゃん9:04 オイル開始以降メルちゃんとおはなし17:54 謎の箱の紹介(軽くタッピング)22:10「手錠を外して欲しい?どうして?」27:18 耳ぎゅー30:26 「ちょっとだけオイル落とそうね」31:35 脱走失敗252:07 甘噛み…??Don’t spam me please.I will report strange comment.
thank you so much for the amazing ASMR, Mel!You were great at being a yandere today, and it was also comfy as always.your ASMRs are the best!
Thank you for the lovely ASMR stream, Mel-chan! <3
Always will love Mel chan, her ASMR is legendary
The thought of Mel doing a ASMR co-lab with her art mommy “Ayamy-sensei” both terrifies and excites me. Amazing work as always ♥
メルちゃんのASMRはどれを聴いても最高すぎる(*´∀`*)メルちゃんのアドリブ力と音がすごく良いし集中出来るから好き。そして良いヤンデレであった……O(:3 )~
Mel ASMR is always the best
Mel makes my heart go doki~doki with ASMR. Even when Mel is yandere, I love her!
Mel that was amazing thank you!
Este ASMR me ha bendecido
【#夜空メル3周年】3Dでいっぱいの愛を♡3rd anniversary Live🌟【ホロライブ】

(c) Mel Channel 夜空メルチャンネル 【ハッシュタグ】 #夜空メル3周年 【夜空メル記念グッズ販売中】 夜空メル3周年記念グッズ BOOTHページ↓ https://hololive.booth.pm/items/2963331 購入はこちら …
Mel is truly a synthesis of ecchi and cutenessAdorable cinnamon woll
I genuinely root for underrated hololive girls, especially those of earlier gens. They laid the foundation.I fell in this rabbit hole only 2months ago. Yet I feel like I’ve been with her through her rough times that I teared up watching. I personally like her. Hoping more success for our adorable cinnamon roll.
Song list for you guys:32:26 Telecaster B-Boy37:38 Darling Dance49:18 Ai Kotoba iii
It’s alright to cry. Because we’ll be crying with you.
Her three years have had many difficulties. But she didn’t give up. Her songs and dances are the result of hard work and talent and are truly amazing. Thank you Mel. You are definitely one of the great idols YAGOO’s dream!
What a wonderful time to be alive.
I’ve seen what cuteness looks like thank you Mel for 3 years(damn I feel old)
Mel is soooo precious and nobody can change my mind.
Thank you so much for the live, Mel and everyone! Your performance was amazing! I felt like I want to dance too 🕺 And the fact you had come so far it’s also because all your efforts. You have our love and support, Mel! Looking forward to keep working with you🌟
The last song after after that speech made me tear up a bit. I love mel so goddamn much
Mel being absolutely adorable, and amazing singing and dancing. Congrats on 3 years!
Oh man, I’ve only been in the rabbit hole for five months but I already feel like it’s been years. What a beautiful stream, thank you, Mel chan!
The cuteness of Mel simply went out of the water in 3D. It was glorious and much more kawaii!Happy 3rd anniversary of being a part of this community, Mel! We support you with all our hearts. ><
These past three years have not been easy for you, but we are glad you pushed through, Mel. Thank you, and we look forward to cheering you on for years to come!
My heart! 😭 Mel is too pure!
Great job Mel, and congratulations on three years! We hope for many more! Mel is always especially funny in 3D, and I liked the crazy accessories starting at 05:00
15:14 Not even Mel’s anniversary stream isn’t safe from the Haachama lore.
おめでとう!Congratulations for your third anniversary, Mel! It was a really wonderful stream!
Happy third anniversary! I am so glad to have been there since the beginning ♥️ Please stay with us for as long as you can, Kapu ~ 🌟

(c) Mel Channel 夜空メルチャンネル Twitter https://twitter.com/yozoramel ハッシュタグ イラスト : #メルArt 生放送関連 : #メル生放送 ファンネーム : かぷ民 推しマーク : (つけてくれるととっても嬉しい) …
I don’t want to leave this world before listening to Mel and Ame understand each other perfectly during a conversation. Their interactions melt my heart, and it sucks that the language barrier is disrupting their communication so much.
I’m really happy that Mel is confident enough to use her old outfit. Although I do prefer how the new one looks, Mel looks super-cute with short hair.
Great stream! Was awesome seeing so many people came to celebrate during live.
My heart came under direct attack by these wholesome vibes so many times during this stream. I don’t know if I can handle it.
Its really telling of how beloved she is behind the scenes, given how many of girls – particularly a lot of the newer ones – were eager to join Mel here.
An adorable call and greet stream. Well, this was just a re-celebration for her 300k sub but it was cute nonetheless.
I’m so glad our adorable banpire is getting so much love, love you mel-chan
This girl deserve all the loveNo no, every girl in Hololive deserve all the love
Thank you for the stream, Mel!Congrats on 300 and 400k, I hope we can be on this journey for a long time!
Such a heartwarming stream all around. Congrats Mel-chan. You earned it.
Vtuber Call-in Timestamps Houshou Marine (宝鐘マリン) – 1:20 Anya Melfissa (アーニャ・メルフィッサ) – 7:15 Yunohara Izumi (柚原いづみ) – 13:05 Pavolia Reine (パヴォリア・レイネ) – 20:12 Amelia Watson (ワトソン・アメリア) – 25:36 Omaru Polka (尾丸ポルカ) – 30:10
Mel is innocent & lovely.I haven’t seen her streams but I can tell just by looking at her face.
Thank you Mel, it was a wonderfull stream. I am happy that I got to know Mel and be in her community, I really am. Now and in the future I want to always do my best to support you, Mel: thank you for always giving us so much happiness and doing your very best. you are amazing.We all love you, You are the best.
I hope every girl in hololive can meet in the real live😊

(c) Mel Channel 夜空メルチャンネル 【コラボタグ】 #メルおかASMR 【コラボ者】 @Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ illustrat:あやせりん様 https://twitter.com/eli_rin24 夜空メル誕生日グッズ発売中 抱き枕♡ …
Times stamps(for foreign bro)Okayu→🍙Mel→🌟(R):Right ear (L):Left earBeginning with swab6:49 blowing ears15:25 breathing-blowing & blowing ear16:10🍙(R)blowing ear16:15🍙「Mel is blowing ur ear!」And Mel and Okayu blows ur ears17:35 cotton(in JP:bonten)19:04 teetee talking21:58🌟「somehow…u looks little sad」22:10🌟「u wanna be bitten,right?」22:27🌟「I wanna kapukapu(bite) u…」22:41🍙「ur ears will be bitten by Mel…」22:47🌟(R)「may I start bite u…?」<kapukapu>23:06🍙(L)「I wanna bite u too…」<kapukapu>27:41🌟「then,let’s use this and…」27:14🌟→🍙 opening oil container28:40🍙「(oil) comes out so much on my hand…」28:46 rubbing oil with hands29:38🌟「let’s spread oil on ur ears」29:38Oil massages start33:00 Mel and Okayu talking about my face’s direction.34:05 hug ears(oil)No.134:51 hug ears(oil)No.237:08 fluttering talk by Mel and Okayu39:42 attaboy…attaboy…40:40🍙「u are like wheedling child…」Okayu and Mel baby you…41:50🌟「umm…i am little lonely,Okayu …」Teetee time start42:46🌟「Okayu,please massage?」(Context:Mel massages Okayu so Okayu massages your both ears)42:46🍙Oil massage44:28🍙「are u lonely due to far from Mel …?」44:40🌟「I’m back…」45:50🌟「i wanna be massaged by Okayu…」(Context:Okayu massages Mel so Mel massages your both ears)45:50🌟Oil massage 48:05🌟「lastly,we want u to feel better and better…」49:12 finger’s ears cleaning51:32🌟「more and more,we will baby u cuz your good person…」51:35 petting…54:40 ♡♡55:27 petting restart55:55🍙「let’s sleep with me and Mel today」56:00🌟「let’s…have a good dream…」56:06🍙🌟「goodnight…」56:34 ASMR finished!Thank you for you guys’ many good!!!If there’s something wrong with my English, please tell me!!
2 of my favorite Holo ASMR girls coming together for this was truly a blessing to me ears ^~^
I’m glad I got up early just for this! Mel and Okayu ASMR is a very strong duo.Thanks very much!
Thank you for the wonderfull off collab, Mel!Your ASMR together with Okayu’s today was simply amazing, it was a very blessed and pleasant stream
The most top tier ASMR combo of all time! This was a God tier dream collab. Love Mel and Okayu’s voices and ASMR!
Thank you for the comfy ASMR off-collab, Mel and Okayu!
配信お疲れ様でした~!Okayu in one ear, Mel in the other, this was a lethal level of skill from these 2 when it comes to ASMR, truly a great combo. First time watching Mel and I’m left with a good impression, I hope she will collab with Okayu again in the future sometime!
Thank you both for the nice ASMR collab! You are two of my favorites when it comes to ASMR so this was very nice. Mel-sama, I hope to see more ASMR collabs in the future, too! おかゆちゃん、メル様!ありがとう!!お疲れ様!!
配信お疲れ様でした〜Okayu and Mel make a really great combo for ASMR. It’s my first time listening to an ASMR collab and having two voices hitting each ear separately is something else.Thanks for the stream!
Thank you for the amazing and relaxing ASMR Mel and Okayu, you two made quite a potent duo!

(c) Mel Channel 夜空メルチャンネル 【本日のタグ】 #AKUKIN本社建設リレー配信 次はイオフィちゃん! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rheFvXGs5ac&feature=youtu.be 25日リレースケジュール(再 …
You did a great job today Mel! Your idea of open baths was genius, as expected of our tensai vampire.Also, today Mel had her highest live viewer number ever!
2:26 looks like Aqua is running away from Mel. lol3:16 Mel draining Aqua’s lava pool4:24 Mel cant put out the lava she took4:35 the minecart doesnt move6:19 Arriving at Akukin HQ7:09 Mel build her Ofuro’s project
Mel casually carrying that bucket of lava was giving me severe anxiety
Thank you mel for the stream! I love you <3
The way this girl is so clumsy is too funny, i love it.
Love the stream, Mel Chan!
Your addition was perfect. Nice job
Thank you for the stream, Mel!!
Me encanta 😻
お疲れ様Good job!
Good work Mel!