
(c) Mel Channel 夜空メルチャンネル 【コラボタグ】#かなメルぼたん 【夜空メル3周年記念グッズ販売中】 おっぱいマウスパッド等豪華グッズ5点セット✨ 購入はこちら …
Fun and hilarious collab today! Absolutely enjoyed the constant but loving teasing that Mel and Botan gave to PPT. Congrats to Mel for the win!Couple of Cute Mel moments 8:56 – Mel’s Daipan 20:18 – Smug Mel
Thank you for the collab, Mel! Nice to see you having fun with the other Hololive girls. You did very well with Super Mario Party, good job!Kanata picking Donkey Kong (Gorilla) was one of the most hilarious things in this stream for me.
Thank you for the fun collaboration, Mel!It was a great stream, and you did very well! Congratulations on winning!
I really love the touch of having the character they’re playing as next to their avatar that way it makes it easier to root against the npc Mario Party NPC is one of my worst enemies
Thank You For The Super Mario Party Collab Mel 🌟 Kanata 💫 Botan ♌
Thanks for the collab, Mel, Botan and Kanata!!
3 adorable idols giggle while relentlessly bullying a green dinosaur and it’s amazing
5:50 I knew Mel would roll that. Lucky but unlucky vampire who rolls a triple 1
Nice stream! Was really fun!Congratulations on the win! 🌟
Thank you for this stream, for this collaboration and for your work! I had fun with this gameplay! Have a nice rest and see you the next time! Bye Bye! ^.^
Mel took the Win! 天才!
6:02 Kanata? lol19:58 メルちゃんうまい!
Thanks for the lively collab ^^
Thank you for the stream!
17:07 ハプニング‼️

(c) Mel Channel 夜空メルチャンネル 【おすすめ!】ビバハピ https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=Mmlj3WUBHbc ============================================== BOOTH …
Maybe 2020 isn’t so bad after all..
We really missed! I’m glad you’re back!
Christ YouTube, can you let this girl have a moment’s peace?! Sheesh!
I take it this means we’ll be seeing Mel doing usual Livestream’s soon & this’ll *Really Boost* up both her Follow & Population count on her channel. 😙 Those Donation’s just *Exploded* One after another. wish us small not noticed ppl over here was that lucky with getting that much. 😐
Welcome back mel-chan!!!Youtube the virgin can’t handle Mel’s Sexiness lmao the live got cut off at 8 mins
She was so happy and excited to be back. I feel awful for her… I hope this wasn’t the final blow. Please don’t give up, Mel! がんばる!
Welcome Back Mel! 🌟
Mel : “I’m seiso(Pure)”also Mel : “what color is your pansu?”well at least she have Hololive standard of seiso(i knew it)Joke aside welcome back Yozora Mel(I hope YouTube-kun can get used to her from now on)
That “maiku testo, maiku testo” at the very beggining was SOOOOOOOO CUTE! Welcome back waifu #1
Mel-chan we missed you!! ☺️❤️
I’m glad to see you back. :3 your content is amazing
Fans: Support her comeback stream by donating lots of SCYouTube: I’ll take that, thanks.
おかえりメルちゃん. We missed you!
Welcome back Mel!!^^

(c) Mel Channel 夜空メルチャンネル ホロライブ大運動会2021本番は11/6(土)13:00~だYO メルは白組 Team A!目指せ、優勝! 初オリジナル曲《かぷっとNight☆Sky》 □Short ver.
Timestamps for Today’s Stream1:45 – Introductions of White Team A5:42 – Touring PvP Arena6:52 – First casualty of the day: Korone7:28 – Switch to General vc for announcements from Mio and Miko10:28 – To the Arena for PvP practice12:20 – Switch to White Team vc13:40 – Korone learning the joys of magma blocks15:55 – Korone backs up onto magma block and dies17:16 – Botan sharing combat tips 20:53 – Switch to PvP vc21:10 – Mio and Miko explain PvP rules26:54 – Team huddle TeeTee28:42 – Mel in wrong vc, switches over29:19 – False start30:35 – “I’ll be back”31:25 – Start of 1st PvP practice34:22 – Mel knocks Towa off ladder for the kill36:55 – Results of 1st practice – White: Mel Choco Luna – 16 Iron/0 Gold/7 Diamond Red: Roboco Towa Watame – 17 Iron/30 Gold/15 Diamond48:08 – Start of 2nd PvP practice53:50 – Suisei and Nene confess they broke the rules by looting directly rather than using button; White disqualified57:40 – To the Human Darts area1:00:34 – Mel and rest of White Team PvP participants return to Arena to talk strategy and more practice1:06:30 – Start of 1st White vs. White PvP practice1:07:48 – Luna denies Bae loot opportunity; No! No! No! No! No!1:09:23 – Mel chased down by Suisei1:08:32 – Mel spawns outside of Arena due to bed change earlier1:12:57 – Tactics discussion; showing how jumping while running maintains top speed and team sprint practicing1:19:28 – Start of 2nd White vs. White PvP practice1:22:42 – Luna teamkill1:24:40 – Strategy and Tactics discussion; Suisei discusses team roles and Bae shows its better to space attacks rather than spam for max damage1:32:35 – Start of 3rd White vs. White PvP practice1:38:24 – Strategy and Tactics discussion; Suisei suggests last minute of match should focus on stealing only1:41:38 – Mel continues practicing PvP tactics with Luna, Botan and Bae1:54:36 – Mel and Luna synchronization1:59:28 – Farewells as Bae heads off for the night2:05:48 – Choco rejoins PvP practice as Botan shares strategy that her team (Pekora and Marine) from last year used as an example2:09:52 – Start of 1st Mel and Luna vs. Choco and Botan PvP practice2:12:14 – Brief pause as Choco returns from bed spawn outside of Arena2:17:52 – Start of 2nd Mel and Luna vs. Choco and Botan PvP practice2:19:23 – Luna teamkill lol2:21:14 – IRyS joins vc2:25:20 – Start of Mel and Luna vs. Choco and IRyS PvP practice2:34:43 – Start of Mel and IRyS vs. Choco and Luna PvP practice2:35:00 – Mel and IRyS overwhelm Choco and Luna at diamond pile2:35:54 – IRyS teamkill, SUS!2:44:18 – Start of Mel and Choco vs. Luna and IRyS PvP practice2:46:48 – Mel teamkills Choco2:47:35 – Luna begging for help2:49:18 – Mel closes out match as she pushes Luna back into spawn room3:02:17 – Farewells as today’s PvP practice comes to a close
Mel had made huge progress with her training in this stream. Everyone was so resourceful!
I have been watching everyone’s POV and it was so much fun im excited for the Sports Festival!Goodluck Mel!!
Thank you for the stream, Mel!Today you did a lot of training, and improved quite a lot: when the big day will come, we all will surely be there to cheer for you and your team!
Thank you Mel Mel for the streamIt was so fun watching Mel and others practice in the PvP.Can’t wait for the Undokai on this Saturday. RIP my pc for opening so many streams
Thank you Melchan, good work and practice was fun
Thank you for the fun stream!!
Thanks for the Fun stream Mel!
Thanks for the stream, Mel!!!!!
Thanks For Stream Mel Chan!
Very Beautiful Thank You I Love You Mel
The intro make people feel like they should thank her forever .

(c) Mel Channel 夜空メルチャンネル 【夜空メル3周年記念グッズ販売中】 おっぱいマウスパッド等豪華グッズ5点セット✨ 購入はこちらから→https://hololive.booth.pm/items/2963331 (※2021年6月14日まで …
Some Timestamps for Today’s stream 2:02 – Shocked by villager’s sudden approach 7:10 – Candy Crunch ASMR 11:05 – Golden Mel! 20:15 – To the resource server 22:45 – Quick peek into Nether; return trip drops her in swamp 34:30 – Brief greetings with Polka 38:45 – New Mel Mine breaks ground 48:35 – Lost and Confused lol 54:15 – Mel Blessing 55:03 – TY, Bless you, I need you, I love you, Bless you, TY, FAQ…WHAT!?! 57:08 – Digging into rival mine shafts1:09:40 – Dealing with uninvited visitor 1:13:02 – Mel takes lava bath; SCREAMS and DAIPAN 1:28:30 – Polka and Rushia appearance 1:33:55 – Mel singing ‘つるぺったん’ in reaction to Rushia and Polka chatter 1:43:40 – Mel mimics Botan while tossing items1:45:30 – SCREAM!! Mel finds diamonds in her new mine! 1:48:15 – Mel learns a new trick!1:49:30 – Mel uses trick to defeat pool of lava1:53:20 – Mel chats with sleeping villager about her day1:58:40 – BIG Mel
Thank you for the Minecraft stream, Mel! Watching Mel is always very adorable. Good job!
Thank you for the amazing stream, Mel! It was very fun.It was a long journey, but in the end you found your diamonds: congratulations!
this is the first time i watch your archive you show some determination damn it really hard to excavate a diamonds in terms of crowded server.. keep it up.. have a good day
Thanks for the relaxing Minecraft stream. I had lots of fun watching Mel searching for diamonds ^^
Thank you for this streaming and for your work, Mel! Have a nice rest and see you the next time! Bye Bye! ^.^
Thank you for the stream!!!❤️
I was half asleep with this stream playing in the background, so her screaming at 1:13:02 gave me an actual heart attack
Thanks for the stream, Mel!
Thank you Mel. It was fun~
I couldn’t watch too much of the stream,but I decided to become a member anyway, thank you for the stream, I look forward to more
Love you Mel ❤️
次回はバケツを忘れずに持参してください (悲鳴たすかる^^)
01:13:08 I’ll just leave this here to come back when I’m depressed.
2:31:00 オルタナティブ同時視聴(alternative)
Guess Dream Is gonna Use Mel Touch Lava Extinguishers Trick in his speed runs
1:13:24 hit 4 times, Desk kun -80 hp

(c) Mel Channel 夜空メルチャンネル Twitter https://twitter.com/yozoramel ハッシュタグ イラスト : #メルArt 生放送関連 : #メル生放送 ファンネーム : かぷ民 推しマーク : (つけてくれるととっても嬉しい) …
Some Timestamps for Today’s Stream5:40 – Mommy Mel; Hey Baby~ 9:10 – Asks Siri for directions to TTT 14:30 – SCREAM; fall to death from Haachama’s ferris wheel 16:15 – Short fall while trying to recover items 20:30 – Second death from ferris wheel 24:25 – Exploring Choco-sensei’s house 30:45 – Exploring the Forest Mansion 46:25 – Attempts switch from KBM to Controller; will try later 52:30 – Creeper’s greetings 54:20 – At last, a bed! 58:15 – Tour through Mel’s house for viewers 1:12:25 – Cute trip into random pit 1:19:20 – Mel discovers the power of levers 1:31:40 1:32:10 – Humming Pirates of Carribbean 1:32:35 1:32:55 – Short Ahoy! Acapella 1:39:45 – Gathering ALL the Wheat!! 1:47:45 – Visting her first house and listing its benefits…open air showering lol 1:55:45 – Arrival at Usaken Human Factory 2:03:50 – Sudden TMT appearance! 2:05:25 – Death; Hopped a wee bit too far2:07:40 – Mel Panics as Towa confesses she accidently put her items into the Dispenser Chest 2:11:20 – Mel thrilled at Towa’s offer of her pantsu 2:14:40 – Mel retrieves her items and obtains TMT pants! 2:16:50 – Obtains TMT TNT 2:17:45 – Breeding success however newborn villager is stuck 2:33:50 – A villager at last! Now to take him back home 2:42:05 – Journey postponed; making a sign and shelter for villager
メルちゃんのマイクラ毎回アクシデントがあって面白いながらもハラハラしてるwフラグ回収からの仕切り直しは見事でしたね…..今回はマイクラでの人間生産の闇を見た( ˘꒳˘)
Thank you for the fun Minecraft stream, Mel! Gravity was her biggest enemy this time around
Thanks for the stream! Melcraft is always wonderful.
thank youu for the minecraft stream! mel is always cute. the stream is fun!
Thank you for streaming, Mel! As always, watching Mel play Minecraft is cute and adorable with her adventures. Nice job, Mel!
Thank you for the stream Mel !!
Oh my god, merumeru is so faqin cute. The stream is so relaxing and chill. ❤️❤️
Thank you for the minecraft stream!
Thank you for the relaxing Minecraft stream.
Thanks for the stream, Mel!!!!!
Thank you for the relaxing stream
thank you for mincra stream mel!
なんかサムネの 森の洋館探索が 恋の雑草撲滅に見えたんだよな~なんでだろう 疲れてるのかな~
Thank You I Love You Mel <3 <3 <3