Clash-A-Rama! – ‘Twas The Night Before Clashmas (Clash of Clans)

(c) Clash of Clans Subscribe for Every Epic Episode! ▻▻ Download for free on mobile devices! ▻▻ Supercell Shop: Baby Dragon’s …
Clash-A-Rama: Clashmas Special (Clash of Clans)

(c) Clash of Clans Follow us on our Socials! Twitter ▻ Instagram ▻ Facebook …
This should be like a tv show it’s soo good
“I love things that I love”Hmmmm yes ….the floor is made out of floor😂
2:58 i always laugh at the kings face
“I learned to write for nothing?” That part got me good 🤣
Who wants clash a Rama back
0:40 that’s why , archer queen also snatched valkyrie dress and becomes valkyrie queen after it
extra�o los Clash a Rama ,me ponia tan feliz verlos ,cuando eran nuevos ,era como ver que pasaban los personajes de mis juegos favoritos y me sentia dentro del clash , grandes momentos me hiso pasar :3 Gracias Clash a rama
Honestly, why did they stop making these?
2:46 omg guys this is the north warden skin for the january 2021 season pass! did they tease him to us from back then!?
I like clash a rama! It’s very interesting to watch new episode. This series is simple but interesting. He explains a lot in the game lore
“I love things that I love”Speech 100
magnificas estas animaciones , que lastima que supercell ya no les de importancia
special gift for everyone?
i actually think this is heart warming and everyone should see it on clash-mas
We need more of these Clash-A-Rama episodes.
They should do a new series where it’s in the perspective of the people in the builder village and showing of the new troops that have came to the game since they stopped making these
This clash – A – Rama special is just to advertise the new heroes’suits
I wish clash a Rama would make more cartoons, I used to love those
Man the animation got sooo mutch better over the years
Clash on Ice (Clash of Clans Official)

(c) Clash of Clans It’s Winter Jam Season! Enjoy 50% upgrade cost reduction for all Home Village buildings (includes Gear Ups), Traps and Walls – for a limited time only! Go all out …
Anyone else who wants*”Clash Of Clans – The Movie”*
Everyone talking about Pekka and Giant … But what about Barbarian and Valkyrie? That’s some relationship goals
This is what your troops are doing when you’re offline.
0:34 I love how the troops are doing the defense
The goblin dance was amazing❤
Remember when giants in the ads were like 20 times bigger than a pekka
0:16 I wish walls could be destroyed like that
0:05 match made in heaven
0:03 R.I.P that poor flower
What a animation!!
0:20 the barbarian replaces valkyrie’s axe
0:19 see the valkyre 😂
I love how the developers are still updating this game even today.
0:44 I fell on my bed laughing
The peka and giant dance were 🤧 beautiful
0:11 the barbarian is seeing heaven
0:42 Builder.. what are you doing there?
I like and love how every animation shows what happens when you’re offline
Other states in winter: man it’s coldCanada:
0:19 by the way, a good pair of Barbarian + Valkyrie = raged barbarian & super Barbarian super Valkyriealkyrie👌😁
Clash-A-Rama: Donny and the Spell Factory (Clash of Clans)

(c) Clash of Clans A Builder’s son dreams of becoming a Wizard, but gets more than he can handle when he cons his way into a Spell Factory job. Follow us on our Socials! Twitter …
19:15 The mini pekka trying to save the other mini pekka is by far the most wholesome thing I’ve seen in my life
4:52 Who thought a hog could be stronger than a P.E.K.K.A
Damn these episodes are addicting
Builders cant use spells but at least they can defend now, of course if you’re at town hall 14, and i love how they have an archer queen and grand warden at TH7
Not to mention that it cost so much to hire 1 builder, when compared to the cheap cost of training a wizard
Without builders, then villages wouldn’t even exist. Donny should be glad he is a builder. He has the most important job.
13:27 imagine he actually fixed it and upgraded it to Level 2?
“Builder’s aren’t cool” th 14 just entered the room
Still good to watch, this will never be outdated
I like how Donny thinks builders are lame but nowadays builders really good when someone is attacking your village XX
“did you know a level 7 wizard can do 300 dmg?”Actually, 200 dmg
These episodes are incredible. This cartoon gave the troops from mobile game their own character and history, which is cool. The drawing style is also great, i like it.
They should really make an update where multiple builders can work on one building
4:26 the way he said freeze spell made me laugh
I love it how they make the giants so OP when in the game they have almost the lowest DPS and they’re not even particularly tanky compared to half the other units.
Donny can get his wish when their town hall is upgraded to level 14 so than he can be a battle builder. His hut will defend itself and he can repair the damage done to buildings during attacks.
20:04 are we going to ignore the 3 musketeers backwards 😂
The funny thing is Donny wanted to be a wizard the whole time but then at the end one of the test spells was to turn you into a wizard
I remember the good old days where me and the boys would wait for each episode
“It never works out when someone tries to be something they’re not”Idk about you, but a valkyre with a golem’s hitpoints and a hog rider with a pekkas damage sounds awesome!!
Clash of Clans: The Giant’s Surprise (Builder Has Left Week 2)

(c) Clash of Clans The Giant’s taken over building and he’s made everyone a surprise. Happy Clashiversary! Download for free on mobile devices! ▻▻ …
How Fast They Moved The Screen When It Was Pekka Against Giant 😂😂
I am a town hall 11, and your telling me that your having level 1 giants defend my village? Haha, that’s a good one!
P.E.K.K.A vs Giant, yeah cause a giant has a chance
Ohhhh i miss this event …i even forgot what happened to our base this time when the builder got away
Why didn’t we at least get giants the level we have them as a troop? Why level 1?
this is just perfect. trying to upgrade my Queen and there’s some giant trying to pound her while she sleeps
Muito topp man, alguem sabe que dia sai a atualizac�o nova ?
Extra�o al constructor :'(
Pro tip *Move your builder huts into the middle of your base and put your town hall in the corner
As much as it is a good idea, it’s anything but effective at higher levels. At least bring the stats levelled to the giant unit level or the level of your town hall. This is the same problem with the ramming barbarians (thing), sure they do decent damage, but it only last for one hit and then break up into four very, VERY weak barbarians.
Looks like keem could tell the future😂
Bring this back , I missed it
#2 on trending…😂😂😂😂 good going giant.. LMAO
Who wants a witch Builder? I hope the witches would make skeletons to boost the upgrades
En la pr�xima actualizaci�n entren el mago de hielo para siempre
0:05 that archer took a Giant Surprise
Are you guys going to change the troop again if so please use a dark elixir troop 😂
2021: it is a permanent defence
i bet those “coming soon” dark elixir troops havent been added since i quit 2 years ago. last one they added was the witch i believe