Clash-A-Rama: Rocket’s Red and Blue Glare (Clash of Clans)

(c) Clash of Clans A Village trades its P.E.K.K.A for Dark Elixir, while a Space Race has the Clash Royale Arena on edge. A donated Dragon and an Archer discover their true …
4:50 I love how they use actual in-game footage
I love how each archer is like so done w/ everyone they encounter. Character development at it’s finest.
Has anybody noticed how Frank’s grill is literally in every village?
I love how supercell finds a new way to spell out clash a rama every episode.
4:57 the perfect strategy
2:00 i love how this scene reflects the cold war race to space in real life but a bit more family friendly
9:58 sounds like the pekka is saying “im gonna die”
0:18 I love how the need dark elixir even though there using a dark elixir drill for “spare parts”
11:00 Animation error: The Dark Prince was on the Red team but has a blue feather on his helmet this time.
7:58 that skeleton sounded like a goblin even though there was a goblin next to it
5:53 Look where Camille looks after the dragon talks about a meat shortage
Jaako is one the best characters he’s appeared in a lot episodes and has a plot including him every time
I always love how the PEKKA just stands there
4:50 lol I’ve seen the Amanda base before which makes that even better lmao
I really like this series The fact that they’re able to make so many things into one clash Royale is in this most of his clash of clans but most of all it’s animated
09:33ARCHER=you really won the battle?MINOR=yes, i did and you just won my heart 😂😂
I wish they made more episodes I really enjoyed it
4:04 is absolutely amazing
Haven’t really played clash of clans but I bet it’s a great game! I love the animation videos of clash clan and I’m hoping I download it!!
Clash-A-Rama: Every Hog Has Its Day (Clash of Clans)

(c) Clash of Clans A Barbarian tries to rise above his limitations, and a Hog Rider and his Hog are washed away to a foreign land. Meanwhile, a young Bomber tries to survive the …
Clash-A-Rama: The Fourth Musketeer (Clash of Clans)

(c) Clash of Clans A young Giant is flung into enemy territory and must find a way home. A Hog Rider and a Golem swap bodies, and a Musketeer fan girl meets her heroes, but …
“Nothing weird about a village that spent all their elixir on goblins…”OJ: *Glad we can agree*
6:13 so musketeers do splash damage?8:11 and they can 1-shot a full HP golem?The fan girl musketeer is like the magic archer in the finale.
6:54 Christo works into travel agency because in a previous Clash-a-Rama he was a balloon skeleton who managed to travel across ocean tying to find riches, while Jaakko is the winner of wiz-con (another clash-a-rama episode). The way they managed to let us notice that reference to the other clash-a-ramas is just lovely and really well done.
6:11 since when could musketeers do area damage. I want this update supercell!
9:13 yup, the best village ever🤣
2:17 wizard viciously t-poses on crystals
If musketeers actually did splash damage like when the single musketeer killed all the skeletons, then musketeers would be used WAY MORE.
I wonder who would win:Jenny the archer or fan-girl musketeer?
I love how Supercell finds a way to make the words “Clash A Rama!” out of whatever happens at the start.
“Peter’s knee is never wrong!”
“nothing weird about a town hall spending all of its elixer on goblins” basically the spitting image of my dad who has 3500 trophies somehow
2:04 never laughed so hard in my life XD
“You’ll grow tentacles in places you don’t want tenatacles.”
3:45 there’s an archer on the clan Castle, how?
8:07 that is the cutest golem I have ever seen
Therapist: don’t worry.. t-posing wizard isn’t real..T-posing wizard: 2:17
I absolutely love this series of Clash a Rama it’s great!
I love how the bases perfectly reflect how people actually rush their town halls in game
2:17 can nobody see the wizard t-posing
8:14 the golem died without being in two little golems 😭😂
Town Hall 12 Update is Here! (Clash of Clans Official)

(c) Clash of Clans Town Hall 12 is finally here, along with the Electro Dragon and Siege Machines! Read the full patch notes for this update: Attack.
It’ll probably take two years to even access this content for a free player
Been playing since april 2014 and finally reached TH12 after maxing TH11 time to rush to max for 13
Took me nearly 5 years to finally get to TH 12 and now they have TH 13
COC:- Th 14 is coming!YouTube:- see new Th 12
Even now this still one of my favorite games…love it
Don’t be mad because the story never end.. be happy because the joy you had when you played it!
I remember when TH 10 was the max and people were saying that there should be an inferno tower put on top of the TH for defense. Now it’s here lol
Anyone here after Th 14 is announced?
I think the amount to upgrade walls right now is outrageous, it’s beginning to concern me about the future of the game:((
I feel so old now that Townhall 14 is out
When I reach town hall 12 there will be town hall 34
Love that they are finally makeing more and more
Essa atualização é incrível 😃😃👍👍
As someone who hasn’t played this game since the release of the night base, this is basically.a punch in the gut for me
Who’s here after the release of town hall 13?
What a dashing update is this love it… ♥
To players having doubts about it my advice is to Just rush it. Ignore defenses but Max your offense.
Buena actualizaci�n sigan as�
Who is here after confirming that th14 update is coming this year?
Clash-A-Rama: Pork-tergeist (Clash of Clans)

(c) Clash of Clans Huggy, a down on his luck Hog salesman, discovers his Hog Lot is built atop a Royal Ghost’s ancient lair. But how far will Huggy take the vengeful Ghost’s …
The fact that there’s a Royale ghost implies the existence of the king coming out of the tower and actually fighting
14:59 That animation is so well made
“im a builder not a warrior” wait till he sees town hall 14
9:18 me after a 3 day gaming sesion
“And so we’re at this tree and unis only claps four times, four claps!” 😂😂😂
16:23 Did his eyes just move without the Royal Ghost moving it himself, just look at it, his eyes look right at Huggy when the scene starts
How is a builder suffering as a poor man He’s a builder he literally gets paid millions of gold and elixir to build stuff
“I’m not a warrior i’m a builder, they’re basically opposites.”TH14: Not anymore
Therapist: Wizard without eyebrows can’t hurt you, he isn’t real.Wizard without eyebrows: 2:08
Huggy says “Leave on this baby, she’s got Bluetooth”Hog Rider says “Yeah, so does my Phone!”20:12 who many toes does Cookie have?!?!
Royal Ghost: “I thought you want to be a champion?” Huggy: “Well, yeah yeah I do…” Royal Ghost: “Then get out there, and BE one!”If only I had that motivation in school…
17:05: Me when I upgrade my barbs and bard king.
Watching the animation is more fun then playing it.
Good to see some quality animation. It is very entertaining to see the way of living of clash of clans characters and their chores.
Th14 : builder’s daughter is the 6th builderTh15 : royal ghost is the official troop for bh9Th16 : a new mini game inside the forrestTh17 : we can hide our cc resources extra loot underground our basement townhall secret of secretsTh18 : The Witch have their step sister, The Snake Witch, attacks everything, once snake dies, defenses or cc troops attacks each other.
They should start making these type of animation again I wonder why would they stop doing it
Loved these, good memories guys. Good memories.
“My dad didn’t raise a quitter! A crappy business man yes, But not a quitter!”Best quote of all time
This is my favourite series… it’s the best… amazing job supercell
We absolutely need a new season