- 【総集編②】軽トラの荷台に家を建てる!家完成までの道|軽キャン制作DIY|DIY VanLife|21話〜35話ダイジェスト|キャンピングカー|タイニーハウス|モバイルハウス|トレーラーハウス|車中泊…
- 【車中泊のふとん】自作軽トラキャンピングカーで冬の寝心地を最高にする寝袋【フトンキャンパーDOD】|38|DIY VanLife on a very cold day…
- 【和な車中泊】着物と納豆を楽しむ車中泊旅|自作軽トラキャンピングカー|52…
- 【車中泊の旅】山奥に星が瞬く車中泊。ひとり孤独を楽しむ旅路|59…
- 【孤独の冬山車中泊】ひとり楽しく平日車中泊|自作軽トラキャンピングカー|軽自動車|ルーティン|40|DIY VanLife…
- 【最高の車中泊】ソファベッドをDIYで快適に変えていく車中泊|自作軽トラキャンピングカー|54…
- 【雪の車中泊】哀愁ただよう雪中車中泊|自作軽トラキャンピングカー|軽自動車|リフォーム|足場の改善|ルーティン|42|DIY VanLife…
- 土台作り |01|軽キャン制作 DIY…
- 【ついに軽キャン完成】自作ロールカーテンで居住性をアップ|34|軽キャン制作DIY|キャンピングカー|タイニーハウス|モバイルハウス|小屋|トレーラーハウス…
- 【雨の車中泊旅】小雨の中、池のほとりで車中泊。孤独なひとり旅|62|DIY軽トラックキャンピングカー
- 【真冬の車中泊】自作の軽トラキャンピングカーに初お泊り|35|軽キャン制作DIY
- 【総集編 完全版】自作の軽トラキャンピングカーができるまで|DIY Truck Camper Life
- 【車中泊の旅】山奥で深夜に雨。ひとり孤独を楽しむ車中泊旅【DIY軽トラキャンピングカー】56
- 【総集編】軽トラの荷台に家を建てる!自作軽トラキャンピングカー|DIY VanLife|外装編|1話~20話ダイジェスト|タイニーハウス|モバイルハウス|小屋|トレーラーハウス
- 【極寒の車中泊】電気毛布が使えない!真冬に自作軽トラキャンピングカーで道の駅車中泊|41|DIY VanLife

(c) 旅する家の物語 第62話 自作の軽トラキャンピングカーで車中泊をしました。今回は池のほとりでの車中泊旅に行きました。車中泊飯はインドネシア・マレーシア料理のナシゴレンにチャレンジ …
Que lugar lindo muita paz e luz pra vc 🙏
a simple man with his simple dreams, glad to see you made them come true brother.Very relaxing and nice video, keep going.
Wonderful music choices!!!
Adoro ver esses tipo de vídeo parabéns 🇧🇷
La mesa ser�a para usted m�s c�moda si la pone colgante de la pared plegable, buena idea ideal para desconectar de la vida en la ciudad
Lovely trip, so beautiful. The camper looks great.
wow you make life look so simple ☺️so calming 🙌🏻 The way you treat every little ingredient 👌
Hola,me encanto tu casa con ruedas,todo muy bien preparado para pasarla muy bien,me encanto ver por esa bentanita la lluvia y el canto de los pajaros,como con tan solo lo minimo se puede disfrutar de la vida y con lo que haces demostra que es vella la vida y aveces no nos damos cuenta.sigue adelante y felicitaciones.un gran abrazo desde argentina!!!
I love how many things in Japan have a transformers quality to them. Piece of wood to cutting board to a hidden knife, Japanese theory and application at it’s simplest and necessary and delightful.
Thank you for making my days so much better with your soothing videos 💜🇺🇸✌
So relaxing, everything looks great except that table
this puts both a huge smile on my face and a loud growl on my stomach. Such a wonderful masterpiece.
You really made yourself a nice little home. I love the way you film it with the music
I just love it!
This is actually secretly everyone’s dream
Bellos paisajes. Organizacion espectacular. Desde Argentina, saludos
Hello my friend from Japan! The new adaptations of Camper’s living room / kitchen were very good, it was an excellent idea to make better use of the space. The food looked delicious, as usual! Take care yourself my friend, because your videos transmit the peace that many people need in this difficult time we are going through! Thanks for sharing your stories with us! Have a good weekend! Greetings!
You have a beautiful camper. I can live in this with my kids.
Woooow😍 nice vehicle 😍😍😋😋
Great video. Loved every minute of it. And the music and song selection was perfect. Thanks for posting such videos.

(c) 旅する家の物語 第35話 ついに出来上がった軽トラキャンピングカー。 無謀にも初のお泊りを真冬に断行しました。 果たして温かく、そして楽しく過ごせるのか。
You can see English subtitles, so click “CC” to see ☺
This is a story of remodeling a Japanese “light truck” standard car into a camper by himself. Japanese “light truck” standard car is a car that have only been selling in Japan. Even if you could buy this car, you wouldn’t be able to drive on the road in your country with the exception of some countries. Although the displacement is only 660㏄, it is very popular with especially farmers because it is very reasonable, convenient, and tough. You can buy this new car in Japan for less than about $10,000. Of course it is not including camper. The size of the loading platform = length 1940mm width 1410mm Maximum load weight = 350kg It may be coming popular in your country too If you can get “Japanese light Truck” .
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Japanese person try the nomadic lifestyle before. It’s interesting to see how people from different cultures run their setups and how their design choices differ from us here in the US.
Задумка очень интересная. Если понадобиться грузовик, всегда можно снять домик и оставить его в гараже.Но я бы не делал большую стеклянную дверь, большие тепло-потери
So happy to see this. I’ve always loved those compact trucks. Greetings from West Virginia!
This is the coziest video of its kind I’ve ever found 🇺🇸👊
You have made so many amazing additions to your wonderful little home. What other projects are on your mind to make. ( and I’ve watched your newest video and love the changes in them)
My friend.. You have brightened up my day, with this video. I watched the entire video and caught myself with a smiling grin the entire time!! I love your build so much and I wish you luck in solving the problems that you’ve discovered in the build! You’ve earned a new subscriber! :o)Keep up videos and stay safe!Greetings from Serbia!Alexander
I live in Singapore and there’s no way for me to live this life unless I go overseas 😫
I feel so happy watching your videos. Your music choices are great. And your giving me great dinner and breakfast ideas. 🙏🏻
This was a fantastic video! Such a awesome micro camper that will bring you much adventure and fun. Have you thought about adding a awning so you can expand your comfort outside? What about more solar and batteries for longer stays? Excellent video!
I live in a building in “Silicon Valley” I spend most of my time and sleep in the office, and store my futon in the loft. I use an Iwatani butane stove and it’s great – a canister of butane lasts me about 10 days and that’s with heating laundry water too.
My partner and I had a little nomad weekend getaway in the back of my truck canopy a while before we had our first child. I’d say I found real happiness with that lifestyle being able to park up anywhere, being more attuned with the outdoors and really taking it all in and slowing down.. I hope that one day I can enjoy this lifestyle once again when my little one has grown up and moved out lol! Thank you for sharing your journey 🙂
Watching your videos is like getting a big warm hug! You find such contentment in the simple things in life and that is truly a joy to see! 🙏☮❤
This was such a lovely video to watch. It’s like 1AM in the night and I’m just so relaxed after watching this 🙂
Great job!! Mate, looks amazing, loved your video and camper, looks like a good extractor would be needed for cooking, and a more integrated power solution, as you mentioned. Keep the great videos going!
From the videos i’ve seen, this is still more spacious than about 40% of Tokyo apartments, and it has a LOT more privacy.
This is like the Japanese version of Camping With Steve, I like how he even enjoyed a “step 2”.
I thank you for sharing this with the world! I couldn’t stop watching! There was something so charming and relaxing abut the entire experience! Good luck in all your future endeavours! Ganbatte!
waking up to rain, in a camper. and getting ready to make your own breakfast and all! its something id love to experience at least once. thanks for sharing this!! (this will be the closest i’ll get to experiencing this, for now)
【総集編 完全版】自作の軽トラキャンピングカーができるまで|DIY Truck Camper Life

(c) 旅する家の物語 軽トラックキャンピングカーが出来上がるまでのタイムラプス動画です。 海外向けの完全版タイムラプスはこちらを御覧ください。 Please see here for the full time lapse for …
Oh My GOD im so amaze with the truck and your cinematic video its so great. Greetings from Indonesia. Hope someday can collab with you
This was so very satisfying to watch you build! From start to finish I was so invested in it. Your craftsmanship is beautiful, and your attention to detail is impeccable. You did an incredibly amazing job. Thank you so much for sharing this ❤
Great job Brother, This is a very good idea to make a easy removable camper fixing wheels under it. This camper house move easily from your pickup van by yourself when you want and in weekends you can go for small trips. I think everyone who see this video they happy to see it until you finished this DIY project.Please very good take care yourself and live your life happily in this way. God bless you 🙏
Great work! I enjoy watching you build the house! I’m sure building it gives you a lot of satisfaction. I wish you a lot of joy using it! I wonder how heavy the house is. Do you have any idea how many miles per gallon (kilometre per litre) does your truck give you before and after you put the house on it?
Realmente excelente! me has inspirado a realizar un proyecto similar.
凄いですね!! The custom camper is so cool!! I’d love to have such a camper too. Miss travelling to Japan a lot!
This gives me hope that I can do this too one day.I live somewhere in Southeast Asia, and used minivans and trailers aren’t really an option here (as most YouTube videos cover those). Kei trucks, though, are cheap and numerous.Thanks for sharing your build!
Gosh this is a masterpiece! So beautiful! 🥰🥰🥰
This was phenomenal! What a treat and a wonderful camping home!
So fantastic to watch you making your little motorhome. You must be so proud of yourself, thank you for sharing . Enjoy your travels.
Hi 👋, What a Great home on wheels. It will give you plenty of Adventures I’m sure! Very well built and thought out! The cooking facilities looked great ( and tasty 😋) 100% on Effort. Cheers Grant.
I found this channel about 2 or 3 weeks ago and I absolutely love what you are doing! thank you so much for sharing your journeys with us.
I am so touched by your video, you did such an amazing job! I love your tiny house on wheels, and I love the freedom lifestyle you must have.
You know a man is enjoying what he is doing if he willingly continues at it even after dark
Thank you for sharing your build with us. I look forward to following your adventures from Australia.
I loved your passion for this project, you did great and should be proud of your achievement!! 🙏☮❤
Congratulations on a wonderful build and thank you for sharing. It’s really given me something to think about. 🙂
You are very talented, what an awesome build! Use safety glasses next time when using your saws though, especially when cutting metal. Great videos!
Awesome! I loved seeing the process of your build. I was jumping with you to celebrate your completion🥳. Hooray!

(c) 旅する家の物語 新しく料理チャンネルを作りました↓こちら↓ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSS3bV9Qg932opN17K_adQg?sub_confirmation=1 第56話 自作の軽トラ …
My husband said that table you use to make dinner on looks like a school desk we used as children. Very nice!
Thank you for another wonderful video. Always look forward to seeing where you go and what you eat. Your country is so beautiful, it has always been on my list of places that I would like to visit! Be well, sending Peace
So peaceful and calming to watch. Thank you for sharing your journey.
i just love this video. its so relaxing with the music. may you have more safe travels.
I always look forward to your new adventures. Never stop because you have a large following who appreciates you very much!
don’t recall how I came across your channel but I’m so glad I did. I always enjoy the adventures you share and such a calm demeanor that you’re like a cup of tea; warm, calming, and flavorful. Thank you so much for sharing your adventures with us all
I love you! Your adventures are so peaceful and heartwarming. You give me hope that I can get out and see my world; to enjoy nature and it’s free! Thank you for giving me life!
Wait for your videos every week. It’s such a peaceful way to start my mornings. Your videos, and a nice hot coffee. My wife and I moved into a camper full time, and your videos give me so much joy.
Seeing you being so neat and organized is giving me such inferiority complex.I need to put so much effort to be anywhere near your level of cleanliness🙏
Amazing journey… it’s wonderful how you enjoy little things of life! Your videos and soundtrack are so good, congrats men!
This has such a great vibe to it. Keep up the great work. Greetings from North Carolina USA
Every video, your place is improved! Keep up the great content!
Nossa, vc é super organizado…adorei 😊❣️👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Very relaxing, thank you! 😉
The mountains are beautiful and that rain sound so good it will put me to sleep ,I love sushi. 🙂 THANKS FOR LETTING US COME CAMPING WITH YOU.
I love that you’re so neat and tidy and that you say thanks before and after every meal. Great viewing, from York, U.K.
Thank you again for your videos. They truly have made road to recovery satisfying knowing that the world is such a beautiful place, to see the places that really bloom. Thank you 🙏🏻
Me encanta. Mucha paz, naturaleza y tranquilidad Saludos desde Argentina
Ok. So I thought it was hilarious when you finished cooking the French toast. First thing I thought was “it looks like a steak”. Then you said “it looks like meat”. Wife and I had a good laugh. Well done!! 🙏🏻
【総集編】軽トラの荷台に家を建てる!自作軽トラキャンピングカー|DIY VanLife|外装編|1話~20話ダイジェスト|タイニーハウス|モバイルハウス|小屋|トレーラーハウス

(c) 旅する家の物語 自作で軽トラキャンピングカーを制作しています。今回はその総集編。1話から20話までをギュっと凝縮して13分にまとめました。 制作は現在も進行中です。続きの21話は …
You can see English subtitles, so click “CC” to see ☺
I love how dedicated you were as you made your portable home. It’s really beautiful.
Молодец, умница! Аккуратно и толково сделано!! 👌💪🏼🙏🤗⛩️✌🏼🤝✌🏼✌🏻⛩️
This is one of the coolest ideas for tiny living I’ve seen 💕💕💕💕
Just discovered this channel and it has become one of my favorites! I also love the channel name “Tales Along the Way”; simple and so perfect.Keep up you’re amazing work and thank you for sharing your journey with us!
What a beautiful, peaceful and relaxing video this is, as we witness the creation of this lovely, lightweight, demountable Travel Cabin for the Kei Car pick up truck.The meticulously precise, high standard of workmanship and the quality materials will ensure that this really neat, clever camper will provide many years and miles of comfortable service to its builder.I particularly liked how well insulated it is, especially the base which benefits from the air space beneath the foam boards. Many builders omit to insulate this part which I’ve always found somewhat odd!Having really enjoyed seeing this lovely build, I’m happy to subscribe to follow the builder on his journeys with his beautiful camper.
Congratulations on this amazing build! You did a wonderful job with basic tools and really inspired me!
Muito bom. Amigo 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
Давно мечтаю о доме на колесах и очень понравились твои решения, спасибо за видео ! =)
👍Great video! It’s refreshing to see such a refined approach to setting up a function compact camper. I am really enjoying this!
Amazing work! You can enjoy the beautiful landscape and live the van life
How much work is in this small Cabin. Nicely to see how you made it. 🙂
I’d add a loft for either storage of a bedroom, and look for a way to secure the structure without a tailgate, as it seems to have a foot less for a step up the but otherwise this seems perfect, if just a lil’ small, but if it works for you, that’s great
I love this idea. I wish we had light duty trucks like that here so I could do something like that.
Desde México disfruto tus videos.Son excelentes!!!!👏👏👏👏Muchas felicidades!!!!
Love this little home,mate.Bravo!😊
Спасибо большое за видео, но позвольте мне высказать свое мнение,надо было ещё построить пространство над кабиной.
Que hermosa casa rodante !! Saludos desde Ushuaia tierra del fuego ! El fin del mundo !!
This is amazing work!
Great work! Greetings from Argentina! What paint did you use to paint the exterior?
【極寒の車中泊】電気毛布が使えない!真冬に自作軽トラキャンピングカーで道の駅車中泊|41|DIY VanLife

(c) 旅する家の物語 第41話 自作の軽トラキャンピングカーで車中泊をしました。モバイル電源を持って出かけたのですが、充電ミスによりほぼ残量ゼロ。外はマイナス8度の極寒の中、電気毛布 …
You can see English subtitles, so click “CC” to see ☺
There are no problems, just opportunities to learn. I am so glad your channel popped up on my feed. The music you have chosen is so beautiful, the quiet gentleness of your video makes me want to see more. Love from The Blue Mountains in Australia!
Thank you for your video. Your music gives me the impression that you have been through some very hard times and your life of solitude brings you comfort. Always know that God is near and will help and heal any broken heart if you just ask him 🙂
Love the music, peaceful and loveable. I hope you install a heat for the winter and air conditioning for the summer
thank you for sharing your adventures with us, appreciate that!
Your music selection is great , so calming, maybe put a link to them on the description please.
You are an excellent cook. I wanted to take a nap after watching you eat, especially after breakfast. Your camper is awesome ! You did such a beautiful job building it.
As far as instant food is concerned, Japan has the best variety and quality. It’s so expensive to buy it here in Hawaii but I love it. Instant curry pouches, Mabo tofu sauce, ebi chili sauce, miso soup, etc You make the food part fun to watch. I wonder if you could have 2 power generators in case 1 of them fails to charge or just to have a back up.
You are left handed. No wonder you’re artistic.I admire you for getting out of your truck, setting up your camera, getting back into the truck, and filming yourself parking the truck in reverse 🍕🍩🎥🚚
I’m glad you got the fire extinguisher
My Dad rebuilt a trailer for camping with places to store all the items in custom bins and cubbies. He would have been so happy to have seen your video of your camper! Everything fitting in it’s place neatly.
It’s interesting to watch you cook your meals and I think you have quite a number of cooking utensils 😀 for different cooking. Awesome.
I love your videos! So relaxing. This is something I want to do myself in a year or so. You have great in music, and the food is incredible.
I really enjoy your channel- do you have the details of how you cook the rice on the Esbit stove? Is it as simple as it looks? One tablet for heat? What about timing? Do you let the rice soak before heating? I am very eager to try it! ありがとう!
Hey, I loved your miso soup, egg & Japanese sausage breakfast! Looked really tasty, I can’t wait to try doing that sometime. I really enjoy you videos, keep them coming! Thanks taking the time and work to put english subtitles. Also putting you life living in a truck camper, really amazing! Also, your dinner I give it a 10/10! lol
Beautiful little adventure , with humour, nice views and good music… Thank you for sharing your art of living. Inspiring even 10 0000 miles away ( France )
Thank you for sharing your videos, I love watching them. I used to live in Japan and miss it so much but your videos make me feel like I’m there again. Many blessings to you and safe travels.
I realy look up to japanese people, most hard working, innovative and disciplined. Love this video and this beautiful home.
Love the calm of your videos. Will just say as an Aussie I love tofu & sticky sauce, green onions & basmati rice. It is my go-to dinner in a hurry and have it at least twice a week. Cheap and tasty.
No s� s� puedas leer �ste mensaje, pero soy de chile (Sudam�rica) y tus videos desde el inicio de la construcci�n y t� forma ya de vida, me lleg� al alma, fue c�mo un ba�o de miel para m�, arigato, un abrazo.