
(c) 旅する家の物語 第52話 自作の軽トラキャンピングカーで車中泊をしました。今回は友人が開催した着物の展示会を見に行く旅にでかけました。ぎりぎり花桃の見頃だったのでそちらも鑑賞し、 …
I just can’t stop saying this, but I really like this guy. He is so neat and clean. He is so grateful, simple, and humble. He mind his own business and keep going on with his day. I wish you the best in life and your journey.
My father was stationed in Japan for 6 months and always spoke so highly of the beauty of Japan. He brought home many treasures after his tour including the woman that would one day bring me life 🙂 RIP mom and dad.
I don’t know why, but this time, I started crying in the first 4 minutes of the video. Japan is so beautiful. Thank you again for these moments, my friend.
Your adventure videos are so calming. I hope you can do longer versions.
J’adore les unit�s de mesure dans la recette, c’est international tout le monde peut refaire facilement ! 😀 Les paysages sont vraiment magnifiques 😮 Merci pour vos sous titres qui sont g�niaux, on apprend beaucoup de chose, il sont dr�les c’est vraiment parfait =)
Y como yo como poquito estaria perfecta ese tipo de comidas . ME AH ENCANTADO SU FORMA DE VIDA !
Sir, you are such an inspiration of tenacity, patience and dedication. All my respect for you. Greetings from Colombia🇯🇵🇨🇴
Thank you for letting us come with you throughout your journeys! We get to see more and more of japan and how lovely it is ❤️ stay safe always!!
Definitely felt like I was ( physically ) a passenger in your van today. Thanks for the journey.
Been to Japan twice, loved literally everything of it, cant wait for my coming back there to your lovely country again and again and again. Cheers from Vietnam.
I love this channel. 🤩 I love Japan, their food, (even natto). The cycling is the safest in the world and I cannot wait to get back there, soon I hope. 🤞🤩
Que paisajes tan hermosos , estoy fascinado con ese Japón 😍
Your country is stunning w the spring blossoms on the trees! Thank you so much for sharing the sights and customs w us! I’m gonna go find an overlook to throw a plate from….
Great story. Really enjoyed the scenery as you were driving around. This is a wonderful place you live in.
Paisagens magnificas, comida saborosa e um jovem que sabe dar valor a vida. PARAB�NS.
Watching his videos makes me want to let lose my stress level. Thank you for the videos!
Really beautiful scenery (as always) on your weekly adventure. 😊 I am curious to see what you decide to do about your chair and giving yourself more room to turn around when you sleep. I often wondered the same thing when seeing it. I think I would also need more space when sleeping. After watching this episode, you have convinced me to try natto sooner than later! Depending on how much I like it, I may turn out to be a “natto with rice” kinda guy. Hahaha. 😉 Thank you for sharing. Mata raishu!
I really enjoy your videos, your cleanliness and definitely very good appetite. Your camper is awesome and you made it in a way that it fulfills your needs. Thanks for taking us on your scenic adventures. I live in the United States, but came from the island of Puerto Rico.

(c) 旅する家の物語 第70話 自作の軽トラキャンピングカーで車中泊をしました。今回は10万人突破記念に届いたあるものを開封するために山奥に旅にでかけました。ぜひご覧ください。
Congratulations! I’ve been watching for a week now. I need to catch-up with all your vids! So relaxing! Thank you for putting up amazing content! Stay safe out there and enjoy the onsens!
We are with you whenever you travel and camp. Stay safe and keep on showing us the beauty of Japan 😊
Ah, congratulations on your award and well deserved my friend. You’re doing such good work. Thanks for making Friday’s in the USA something to look forward to. 🙏🏻 がっしょ
Congratulations. You work hard and make beautiful content. I’m glad that so many people have found your channel and appreciate it.
Congratulation! It doesn’t feel like that long ago when I subscribed to your channel, and you ‘only’ had about 24-25,000 subscribers or so. Look at how fast the channel grows! I’m so happy for you. Please keep the videos coming, and always be safe out there! 🙂
Congratations again. You have provided me many calm nights and beautiful sights. I am grateful and thank you🙏. Very happy to see your award. 😊❤
CONGRATULATIONS!!!😎👍 I live in Trussville, Alabama in the U.S. and your videos are one of the highlights of my week. I enjoy watching them whenever I’ve had a busy or stressful day, they help me to relax. Thank you very much for sharing this part of your life in your beautiful country and I look forward to you reaching 200,000 subscribers next!😀
I’m so happy for you and it was lovely to see you look so proud of your award that you truly deserve. You give so many of us a sense of escapism each week, I am glad to be along for the ride every time! ☮❤🙏
Keep up with your magnificent works Mr. Japanese Man!!! Also congratulations on your first milestone. We as a community will always help you create contents like this. Never give up!
I really do enjoy watching your journey! Congratulations on having over 100,000 friends! I hope you are able to continue sharing your adventures for a long time to come. I’m from Canada so our cuisine is a bit different but I really want to try making some of your recipes. Take care!
Congratulations on your milestone. I must say that traveling with you gives me such peace and serenity. I have always yearned for an opportunity like the one you are experiencing. Safe travels 🥰🤗
Congratulations! You will have more celebrating to do as your Channel continues to grow. Thank you for your videos, they are great!💕💕
Congratulations on your well deserved acheivement. I have been following your channel for quite some time. I find your trips very relaxing to watch. Keep up the good work.
Congratulations 🎊 I always feel at peace watching you, relaxed. Thank you for showing us your Courtyside, it is beautiful. Thank you for showing us your grocery store. Thank you!
Boa noite Tales, n�s � que agradecemos pelos seus v�deos. Parab�ns. Rita / Brasil
Congratulations !! I’m proud of you…You worked hard, spending you now life traveling and sharing your life with us. Thank you! I’m happy for you 🙂
Congratulations!!! I am very very happy for you! I can’t wait to see what’s up next for us through your adventures in Japan. Watch you wherever I am, and if there isn’t a new video I rewatch an older video. Thanks for the happiness and the enjoy you have brought to us. Your music, editing, videos, and photos have brought me to the moon and back. Hahaha! Thanks again! Congratulations!!!! You the best!
Congratulations, Sir! Your videos are always relaxing. Thank you for taking us to the relaxing places in Japan! 🙂

(c) 旅する家の物語 第46話 自作の軽トラキャンピングカーで車中泊をしました。今回は長野県の木曽地方に旅にでかけました。古い町並みをみているとまるでタイムスリップしたようでした。
字幕ボタンを押すと日本語の解説が表示されます😃When you tap the subtitle button, subtitles will appear in various languages😃
Yesterday I binge watched your entire channel and I thoroughly enjoyed myself, this is quickly becoming one of my favorite channels. It was a pleasant surprise to wake today to find you released a new episode. Your visit to the Satoyama was a wonderful sight, you walked in the footsteps of the Samurai this trip good Sir. I’m glad to see you enjoy yourself… cant wait till your next adventure… All the best from America…
Life is not supposed to be complicated, I wish everyone lived a simple life like you 🙂 I just subscribed!
I’ve always wanted to visit Japan. The culture, the people, the foods, all seem very fascinating to me! Thanks for taking us along for the ride, it’s the next best thing to being there! 😊
i’ve never wanted to be anyone else, but i’d switch with you for a moment if i could. japan is my dream
If you don’t already, you should create a patreon, I would love to support you there! Much love from Canada
This episode is really good. Like that you have started capturing yourself exploring in the towns. Keep it up!! 🙏🏻
I see absolutely no reason why snow peak shouldn’t sponsor you! Great content <3
I love your little camper, it’s perfect and i imagine myself in your adventures. Thank you, looking forward to more!
Greetings from England. I’m almost addicted to your channel, so relaxing. I really think that one day you should write a cook book for people on the road, love the way your food is so heathy. Fabulous film work. Well done.
This guy’s sandwiches look so good!!
The English subtitles are great! I miss seeing the Japanese as well. I’m trying to learn and I enjoy when I recognize words. Have you thought about keeping the original Japanese as well since YouTube only lets you choose one CC option? Others might also enjoy being able to see the Japanese along with their native language.Thanks for the show!ありがとうございます!
Slurping is a natural way to eat noodle in Japan, you do not need to be sorry sir. Love from Vietnam and the USA
Achei muito legal tamb�m n�o deixa de ser uma forma de aventura e sobreviv�ncia.
I love those old streets. 💙💙My trip to visit Japan in 2020 has been postponed till the future when things get settled down and safe to travel.
Вы супер! Приятно смотреть, ощущение что с вами путешествуешь! Благодарю 🙏😊💕
Love all your adventures and travel. You have made life to look so simple and yet so exciting.
this episode has made me want to visit Japan even more. Wonderful video, thank you
I love your camper my friend, you did such a nice job constructing it! I’ve been to Japan many times, what city do you live in?
Thank you for English subtitles. I really enjoyed the tour of the old post towns. So beautiful.
【車中泊の旅】夕闇に吹く風、孤独なひとり旅。絶景楽しむ車中泊|自作軽トラキャンピングカー |58

(c) 旅する家の物語 第58話 自作の軽トラキャンピングカーで車中泊をしました。今回は山奥にある秘境滝と展望公園で夜景撮影をしました。夕暮れになると風が強く吹き始め、それにつられるよう …
I made a no music version of the channelhttps://youtu.be/arx0kLI3aBg
the way you shoot the roads, the scenery, and every activity you do gets better and better! I hope this channel will be very big soon.
Ah, the beauty and tranquility of Japan. I hope to visit in the future. Love your summer bed setup. It looks more comfortable than the sofabed. Awesome video as always.
You seem like such a tranquil and grateful man. You bring a lot of serenity into the lives of the people that watch your channels, thank you.
I enjoy watching this video. I love the scenic, tranquil hill top. Thank you!
I love watching you and your rituals…
Wow, the sights in this were so breathtaking! I loved the the shot of the truck with starry sky and trees. The waterfall and all of the lush greenery looked like a magical fairy spot. Wish I could’ve taken a bite of the curry….looked so delish 🌸💗🤙🏻
The colours from 13.58 are just beautiful, I really enjoy how calming these videos are and I can’t get enough of them.Keep up the great work, stay safe my friend.
It’s the simple things that truly make life a beautiful experience and nature in all its glory is magnificent. Your videos make me happy! 🙏☮❤
Nossa! Eu me acalmo muito com esses v�deos! Maravilhoso
I love the music and overall calmness of these. I’ve already watched all your camp videos
I think this is one of your best videos so far! Between showing off your cooking skills to the incredible scenery, great job capturing the feeling and enjoyment of your trip. Karē ga oishi-sō! I like your comments when you realize you would have been fine from the beginning with only the foam sleeping pad 🙂😄😁. It’s satisfying and humbling when you realize how little we really need to be happy and comfortable. Thank you again. 🙏
This is why I would travel to Japan for to see the beautiful wilderness
Love your videos, they’re so relaxing and fun to see, cheers from Panama.
Japan is so beautiful. You always find really nice areas to camp. I subscribed to your other channel but I much prefer this on because of the travels and beautiful sites. 😃
Очень красивое место!
That view mid video as you eat your supper, priceless 🥲 So perfect, so beautiful!
What a magnificent view. You are definitely living the life. Thanks for sharing it with us. 👍👏
I enjoyed your video again, I laughed out loud when you said your sleeping pad was bloody comfortable. Very British! The curry looked delicious. What type of rice are you eating?
Nice view, delicious food, calming music, fresh air. What could you ask for? 😊😊

(c) 旅する家の物語 [提供]Jackery Japanチャンネル https://bit.ly/3g89ndp エアコン設置の動画はこちら https://youtu.be/MDo5ntLkohk ーーーーーーーーーーー 第66話 今回は山奥のダムを …
Thank you for allowing me to live my dreams of exploring Japan through this video 🙂
I don’t know why I watch this because it’s sort of the same every week. Go somewhere, clean your table, make dinner, clean your table, go to sleep, wake up, clean your table, make breakfast, clean your table. But damn it, you have some sort of magical sorcery over me that makes me keep coming back for more 😄😄😄
We love watching your channel and the each time tiny improvements you make to your van!
Your episodes are food for the soul. Watching each segment is like a gentle meditation. Thanks
I always feel sad when each journey comes to an end. Seeing you travel, eat and enjoy nature always lifts my spirit, just like the music you play. Each of those tunes has become so familiar now it’s like meeting family each time I hear them. Thank you for living your best life.
The air conditioner is a great addition to the camper van…Another word of suggestion is you can maybe keep the air inside the pillow after you finished using, and dun have to squeeze the air out everytime, just leave the pillow in a corner in the camper van…It can be quite a hassle having to blow air into the pillow every time you wanna use it…Anyway, great video as always…! Am loving every moment of it…!
Thank you for sharing your videos on your travels, you go to the most beautiful places in Japan and I also really enjoy the calming and soothing music absolutely beautiful. Your pancake I wouldn’t mind trying it looked very interesting. Congratulations on the air conditioning. Safe travels and stay safe.Hello from the Texas Hill countrySteve
13:28 wow, the plating was pretty damn gorgeous for a camper food 🤤.. and congrats for the air-con, glad you have it now!! Cheers from Indonesia 😁
I love watching your videos , Your trips look so peaceful. I would love to travel and see nature on my own. Sending best wishes from Scotland.
Your dinner looks so yummy! Am glad to see you installed an ac to meet that summer challenge. Would you be able to get a switch install as well so that there’s no need to get down and up to get the ac working. 💙💙Do u have problems with mosquitoes or other insects?
I really enjoy your trip, your filmography is amazing but still appear as simple as a daily vlog. Thanks for making these trip videos man, it really is a mood booster 😀
The first time i had Okonomiyaki was at a street venders stand in Osaka, it was only a couple of dollars but it was so huge, it was a seafood Okonomiyaki with shrimp and roe, i have not had a better once since and i have been trying to replicate the experience for years… thank you for bringing us along on another adventure.. cant wait for the next one, in fact I’m going to watch it right now… :o)
Love your videos. So calming and peaceful. The music and sounds of nature are so healing and soothing for the soul. I am in love with your country so much I hope to visit it one day. Greetings from Dallas, Texas.
The mountains looks amazing and cool, I can almost smell the fresh summer air
What a fantastic series much love from the USA!
Thank you for uplifting my soul! Your videos are the perfect escapism I look forward to every week. 🙏☮❤
Have you always had the little window by the floor behind you, I do not remember seeing it before? I am very happy for you getting some air conditioning. You looked very happy eating that pancake, and it really looked good. Hats off to another great video! Oh, and I can not thank you enough for the English subtitles, and the wonderful music.
I watched it with my family, your journey was very interesting, thank you for presenting an educational and fun show, greetings from Indonesia 🤗.
Dam, what a great opening to your video this week! @14:24 I laughed out loud when you can see a smile starting to form on your face from the 1st bite…the sweet taste of success, hahaha. OMG, OKONOMIYAKI! And then when you made a okono-sandoitchi the next morning….brilliant! I am curious to see what refinements you come up with for the A/C. Knowing the dokuso-teki solutions you’ve come up with in the past, I am confident all 105k subscribers will see it in the next few videos! Dōmo arigatōgozaimasu!
Still happy to have found your channel and happy I subscribed. I am retired and in the morning I turn on my computer to check the various world news sources, no not Facebook or Twitter. There is so much unhappy news in the world these days. After that, I watch one of your videos and it relaxes me and reminds me the world is not as bad as I sometimes think. Thank you for that! My curiosity is killing me; what is the blue light on the ceiling we see just before you go to sleep? Is it a bug catcher? Thanks again.