【雪の車中泊】哀愁ただよう雪中車中泊|自作軽トラキャンピングカー|軽自動車|リフォーム|足場の改善|ルーティン|42|DIY VanLife

(c) 旅する家の物語 第42話 自作の軽トラキャンピングカーで雪中車中泊をしました。今回は軽キャンピングカーのシェル部分の乗せ方を変更しました。初期に思いついた独自の機構を変更した …
You can see English subtitles, so click “CC” to see ☺
It’s okay to be sad, and it’s okay to make mistakes! You’ll learn along the way 😊 Hope you’re feeling better!
We love how refreshing and honest you are in your videos. Also, your editing and music volume and selection is top notch! 😊
By the way, you are a brilliant man so you will figure out your challenges and be successful.
This is my favorite video that you made. Thank you for being so honest and sharing your sadness and struggles. Your house is beautiful and I love watching your adventures. I have built 3 small travel trailers over the years to travel across the United States. It is a beautiful way to live.
I like how self sufficient you are with the construction, loading, and unloading of your camper. I also must do many things by myself. I love to see how creative people can be to get the job done alone. Excellent!
This is awesome! I feel the urge to cheer you up since you help many of us with your videos. These are difficult times, many of us are going though things that sometimes are more than what we can handle, but your videos help us to be relaxed and enjoy the trip with you. They’re awesome, and no matter how difficult it could be sometimes, there’s always the possibility to stop, relax and enjoy. Keep up with it! You’re doing something really amazing in too many ways! Thanks a lot!
Vc � meu her�i. Est� claro que esta com depress�o e, em vez de ficar trancado em casa, vc faz v�deos muito bons pra gente. Eu tive esses sentimentos por um tempo tb, � muito ruim mas, se vc vencer, ele te faz crescer.
I just stumbled over your channel a few days ago. I think it is fantastic how much food you make with just that little soto muka stove ( i have that as well). It is so inspireing that you actually can live in such a confined space. LOve from Sweden.
Very nice little moveable house. Lucky you with the weather, I live in a very hot and humid area (south of Jakarta, Indonesia) (neigbor’s garden looks greener LOL). It is actually a very good idea, it is probably more affordable to have moving house rather than permanent one 😄. It looks quite relaxing staying at yours, like a small kid in camping mode
it’s incredibly relaxing content. Thanks from Russia. and Bon Appetit 😉
The person who never made a mistake never made anything
You are an inspiration to so many people. Be proud – you’re making our lives brighter. Many of us would love to be able to copy your wonderful little home on wheels but don’t have your skills. It’s great to be able to share your experiences…..both sad and happy. Thank you so much. From UK 🇬🇧 👍
Wow, you were able to move the camper house by yourself? I am impressed! I learned from your scaffolding method, that was brilliant.
You are awesome! Keep it up! I enjoy watching your great solo lifestyle!
Everything is so conveniently at your fingertips. Great build.Thank you from New Zealand
Cool little camper 👍. I like how you are using the camper and changing things as you progress. Some suggestions for you…… 1, Use curtains or better quality camper fitted blinds to offer better insulation….. 2, Would be cool to have a little pull down projector screen on ceiling over door, and get a little Android pico projector. 3, The table is bulky. Maybe one that swings out from under the shelves. Or wall mounted swing up one. 👌👍
I love your videos and your stories. You are an inspiration to me. Thank you.
The story at the beginning was so relatable and funny I loved that. 😛
When I first time watch your video. I just curious “how do you lift that house to the truck?” . I know got the answer. damn. you done it by yourself. what a amazing man !

(c) 旅する家の物語 第44話 自作の軽トラキャンピングカーで車中泊をしました。今回は長野県のアルプスを撮影するためにとある展望スポットに行きました。車中泊ごはんはペペロンチーノパスタ …
字幕ボタンを押すと日本語の解説が表示されます😃When you tap the subtitle button, subtitles will appear in various languages😃
Thank you for adding English subtitles. You have a bueatyfull country i look forward to watching your video’s. Hello from Australia. Have a great day Choppersrule1
Being from the UK I’m just fascinated by Onsens! In fact your country looks a superb place to visit one day. Thanks for sharing little glimpses. It’s a joy to see your happy travels! 🙏☮❤
I love kinpira but would not have thought of adding it to a sandwich! So glad you were brave enough to try it, now I am inspired! Thank you for sharing your experiences!
Thank you for posting such wonderful videos. The cinematography is terrific and the music choices are very relaxing.
The pictures are so beautiful. I love watching your videos. The food you make is amazing and something I never experienced. Thank you for making such fantastic videos.
I really enjoy your mini trips in Japan. I wish I could the same. It’s very relaxing just watching your videos. Thank you for sharing. Sending u a hello from Florida (US).
Love your DIY spirit and positive outlook. Keep up the great work and look forward to your future adventures!
I find peace in Your movies. I do bushcraft myself, communing with nature, but there is something else in your films. And of course good food… I would try it 🙂 Greetings from Poland!!!!
What a absolut stunning nature. Nice videos. One wish: More from outside of your journeys <3
Use a heat diffuser plate (for gas stoves) on your IH Stove. It gets hot and any pot on it gets hot also. Iron, stone, aluminum, stainless steel, etc.
Great music to go with the sunrise, thanks for letting me tag along
Hello, I do not want to extend but I just want to say that the video is beautiful, as always everything is very relaxing, music, images and simply relaxing atmosphere, I congratulate you, greetings😊👍🙏
Please include how to settle toilet issue when not near the town area. Thanks a lot. ☺🙏
Stunning scenery
parab�ns pelos v�deos, vc � uma verdadeira inspira��o
I think your video make me more loving Japan ,Japan is a really Wonderful country ,Keep it up your great video 😊Greetings from Indonesia ❤
自作の軽トラキャンピングカーで初めて車中泊キャンプしてみた|ソロキャンプ|軽自動車|ゆるキャン△|スープパスタ|45|DIY Camper Life

(c) 旅する家の物語 第45話 自作の軽トラキャンピングカーで初めて車中泊キャンプをしました。今回はプライベートキャンプ場で初めてのキャンプです。遅ればせながらゆるキャンに影響を受け、 …
字幕ボタンを押すと日本語の解説が表示されます😃When you tap the subtitle button, subtitles will appear in various languages😃
Your choice of music, your camera work, absolutely perfect. You’re an amazing person. Thank you so much for channel. Be well.
He had me at “ this menu was inspired by a anime” that was wholesome AF
Thank you so much for taking us all on your adventures in Japan. Although I’ve never been there in person, I feel as if I have been there with you in spirit! Your little camper is so very sweet. I have watched all your building, living, and cooking videos! Some of the non-expression expressions are so funny. You seem to be such a sweet human being. Bless you and your kind heart! Enjoy your life and may you have easy yet exciting travel adventures! Thank you for bringing us along!
This is why i love youtube so we can watch creators like this guy <3 Its so relaxing watching your videos , greetings from Norway 🙂
damn, this dudes got life all figured out.
The moment I saw the pasta, milk, and read “soup pasta” my mind immediately went to Yuru Camp… (*chuckles*) I love that anime!
Thank you so much for subtitles. I like it, how you relax when eating a meal. Don’t apologize for slurping. I don’t know why but I feel relaxed watching you. Enjoying camping is really fun. Thank you
This is the way I want to travel. Love it, once again thank you, I hope your channel grows and grows
I enjoy every video you released so far. They are very cozy to watch. I love them so much.
Embracing every single day in a minimalistic style is the foundation of self happiness.
Gosto muito dos seus vídeos, espero que com o tempo ficando quente vc mostre o Japão para nós 😊👍…abraços do Brasil 🇧🇷🥰🇯🇵
I love watching your videos. Awesome job from a fellow Laid Back Camp watcher!!!!
Definitely loved your video camp in a light truck amazing all the simple way of living.I really love your cooking.I had been getting the idea to cook for myself.
I am also alone here in the mountains with just my Dog Jarvis beside me and it’s really hard.. But eversince I watch your videos, you inspire me to be more independent and I feel more confident with myself and I Thank you for that.. Keep safe and God bless😊🙏
My husband and I are shopping for a pie oven as nice as yours. We like your videos a lot. This one is really inspiring.
As a non japanese person thank you for the CC it help me enjoy your video more.
I learn a lot from your videos, your lifestyle is so adventurous and with many DIY ideas.
The camp 🔥 fire is very cozy, and it looked so nice🌟🌲🌿🌾🍜
I really enjoy your videos! Can’t wait for more!!

(c) 旅する家の物語 第73話 自作の軽トラキャンピングカーで車中泊をしました。今回は平日夜の車中泊です。アフター5の冒険車中泊。ぜひご覧ください。 ◇ツイッターでは裏話などを呟いてい …
맛있는 음식과 함께하는 아름다운 날,
Why people dislike this Masterpiece 😞Actually they Don’t Deserve this Awesome Stuff….
The way you film I feel like I’m sitting there with you, obviously I’m not but I’m so use to watching you its like I’m a microscopic guest! ❤
I love the darkness and sounds of nature. Wonderful video as always, thank you for sharing. Have a lovely weekend! ☮❤🙏
I love your videos I love the music I love that you put what you’re doing on the screen into words. I love how relaxing your videos are after a long day. Sending much love from the North Carolina of the United States. 💛🧡
Idk why your videos are so relaxing. Your videos helped me relax during my anxiety attacks, due to long period quaratine. Thank you for taking us camping.
Great videos. I love the cosy atmosphere. The noise of the insects in the background. Love it. I miss traveling Japans countryside, hiking mountains and volcanoes, taking the ferry to an island. I miss the chirping of the cicadas. And of course some nice Asahi or Sapporo beer :DI really wish Japan is reopening for vaccinated travelers in 2022. It’s been long enough. Greets from Germany.
Very relaxing looking at the flower outside of your camper. Loved the the Thai grilled chicken and grilled salmon. The sandwich maker really comes in handy. After working all day, it’s feel good to unwind by yourself.
Hello Mr solo, pls don’t think that you are alone, remember you are inspiring people who are watching you. Remember your best teacher is your self and don’t shy away from responsibilities. Explore! Don’t fear! Watching you from the Philippines
Everyday I see one of your new videos is a good day. They make me smile on the inside 😀
Love your videos! They are so relaxing! I Want to see you cook outside not just in the van, thank you for creating an amazing atmosphere! ☺️
Thank you for taking us camping with you. Just be careful out there.😀
You should consider fishing some of the many trout streams you pass by. Will open to wider audience and give a new discipline to conquer.
Parab�ns! S� v�deo maravilhoso.
Thank you for taking us into the store with you. And the night creatures sound so cool. Reminds me of my summer camp days as a child. I’m here in the USA.
I really enjoy it when you show how simple things can be so satisfying. Love the new music cuts and if you ever opened a yakitori restaurant, I would definitely be a customer because I know the care you put into what you do! Thank you for sharing! 👍🙏😊

(c) 旅する家の物語 第64話 自作の軽トラキャンピングカーで車中泊をしました。今回は真夏日の車中泊で暑さとの戦いです。夜ご飯は以前失敗したソーメンの再挑戦です。なぜだか緊張感が …
despues de una semana de trabajo, siempre es bueno un buen descansoy excelente comida, los paisajes son tambien excelentes y hermosos
I watched this one with my 7 year old granddaughter and now she wants to build a camper! Thank you again for sharing your journey!
Your videos help me through my hard times this is something that I enjoy watching everyday the beautiful Journeys that you take us teaches us about clear our minds and being able to enjoy
Loved this and your channel. Thank you for sharing your travels with us. It takes me away from my daily stresses even just for a short while.
The camera angles and lightings of the breakfast scene, just beautiful. I love the mornings!
Omedetō for conquering the somen! I always chuckle when your face shows how pleased you are with how the meal has turned out! If you start smiling, I know it was a success! Hahaha. You can really tell how hot it was on this trip from your comments, yikes! Does your Sambar (not the camper) have air conditioning? As others have commented, I miss not seeing a morning shot of the scenery around your camping site in this episode. In future episodes, please continue to show the beautiful sights of Japan! Thank you for sharing! 🙏👍😃
So relaxing and peaceful, thank you again,for taking us all on a wonderful journey again 🙏🏽✌🏻🤘🏻💪🏻
ola, adoro os seus v�deos, parab�ns, sou do Brasil e n�o perco um v�deo, experimenta um dia comprar em mercado brasileiro comida t�pica do Brasil e prepara-las, seria maravilhoso, um abra�o
It’s always pleasant to follow these moments provided by you. Thanks for that and happy adventures! 🚛😌
It’s a joy seeing you look so satisfied you conquered the noodles this time! So cute! ☮❤🙏
It’s so refreshing watching you smile, enjoying your food 😊
I’m so excited when you post a new video 😂. It’s incredibly soothing to watch how meticulous you are in everything you do. I still want to think of a way for you to store the chair so you have a bit more room when you sleep. Also, that table…well I guess it’s a sentimental favorite now and will stay lol. Happy travels always. ✌👋
Every time I watch your videos I am not only relaxed by the journeys, and experiences you have, but also very hungry!!
I love it when you travel around , when we can see the scenery
Good job for your dinner, it is suitable for the hot summer time.
Another beautiful episode, thankyou so much ❤️
Would love to see shopping trip into grocery store as well!
Your smile after success making the food was priceless 👍🏻👍🏻
That moment when you get it right while cooking. I usually do a small happy dance when everything turns just the way I like in my food. Hehehe! Congratulations on your sōmen success!!