【車中泊のふとん】自作軽トラキャンピングカーで冬の寝心地を最高にする寝袋【フトンキャンパーDOD】|38|DIY VanLife on a very cold day

(c) 旅する家の物語 第38話 自作の軽トラキャンピングカーで車中泊をしました。真冬の車中泊ではマットやふとん・寝袋といった寒さ対策の寝具はとても重要です。いかにして快適に夜を過ごすか …
You can see English subtitles, so click “CC” to see ☺
Recentemente vendo v�deos de n�mades em motorhome o you tube me direcionou para o seu canal.Estou adorando sua criatividade e capacidade de adapta��o em t�o pouco espa�o.As m�sicas s�o relaxantes.Fico curioso de saber os recursos que voc� tem a� no Jap�o e que n�o temos aqui no Brasil.Sucesso no seu canal!
Recently found this channel and I can’t help but feel happiness while watching. Thank you for the relaxing content!
Thank you for your videos,you have very special sense of humour and great abilities to assemble this house on the wheels👍
Seus v�deos, suas m�sicas com seus coment�rios s�o �timos. Gosto demais.
Should make a fold up table so you don’t have to worry about the table taking up space😊
Just love the quite contentment of your videos. Glad I found you.
Admire your positive spirit. You make solo camping look so fun.
Loved the look of your dinner, simple yet tasty. I need to try courgette wrapped in bacon! 🙏☮❤
Your videos make me happy and relaxed! Thank you!
Nice to try it out as a cabin before you hit the road it wasn’t that long ago relaxi g video💪🍀💪
Привет я из России мне понравился твой проект твая задумка орегинальна и красива жду новах идей спасибо за контент Коля из россии
The champion is the sandwich maker😂. Great stuff mate
Nice!! Yummy dinner too. You migth know it by now, but futon can get ruined if it gets to be compacted too much, thanks for sharing. I really like your videos. Sorry for broken english. 🙂
Bacon in any country, makes almost everything tasty. I can’t recommend bacon and brownies.
I would make a collapsing table mounted under your window instead of having an actual table, that way you can move around alot easier instead of shuffling around to go in and out and it also stows away nicely when not in use to give you more space
Love this
The sleeping bag is really great🌟
【雨の日の車中泊】雨音を楽しむ車中泊|自作軽トラキャンピングカー|冬の雨|孤独|軽自動車ルーティン|39|DIY VanLife

(c) 旅する家の物語 第39話 自作の軽トラキャンピングカーで車中泊をしました。雨が降る中、美味しくしゃぶしゃぶを食べていきます。冬の寒さも防寒をしっかりする事で快適に過ごす事ができまし …
You can see English subtitles, so click “CC” to see ☺
Im starving looking at you eating. That rain is so relaxing. Good job, your videos are addictive
Just proves a slow and low spend life can be beautiful……it is not for everyone, some have no other option……. but still a life of worth and richer then so many others who have much but miserable …love the video…….
Amazing channel. I love everything about it. i love the cabin.. the cooking and the music. Very very relaxing! thank you my friend!
A nice ladder, amazing I have just found out you built everything yourself and I like the relaxing music too! 😉😉
I’m very curious about the life you left behind. I just discovered your channel. It’s like finding gold! I’m subscribed.
I really love your videos…no chatter, just beautiful music and your daily routine. And you’re a good cook! Meals always look great. You’ve given me some great ideas for my own car camper kitchen!
I love seeing your videos, I think you’re very creative and a clever guy. I’m just curious to know how do you manage your toilet and shower needs? Do you always park your truck at a location where those facilities are available? Thanks. Keep up the good work and I hope when I retire I can live a life just like yours.
that touchless sink is fancier than my own sink in my full size apartment
I love this little home ,it’s all you need to get away and relax by oneself, thanks for the video once again your a very handy man ,I hope you have relaxing times in this little camper ,enjoy yourself my friend , and best of luck .
I love this channel! Please keep the videos coming. I thought you should have a flip up table outside if your tilting window. Then you can open the window and set your hot pans outside while making room to eat! 👍🏻
Your title is both unusually honestand funny 🍕🍧🍡🍩 I bet you nowhave many female fans. Decide how you will fit her in the camper van 🚀💖🌭
I was excited to find Japanese sesame sauce at a local supermarket here in Vermont, USA! I first tried it in China (it was imported from Japan) and I ate it all the time. It took me almost 2 years to find it back in the States. Anyway, I really like almost all things Japanese. Thanks for your interesting videos!
I like this guy. He is so neat and clean. Wish you the best on your journey.
I love watching your videos. They’re calming and fun to watch. I hope you have many adventures this year!
just subscribed to you today. i have watched so many of your videos and i am “hooked”. the trips you take, the meals, and also the music selection is amazing. thank you for sharing with us.
I loved every moment of this. Thank you.
Love your videos. I was watching one of your videos where you apologized for slurping. You don’t have to apologize for something that is apart of your colure. We are each different in our on ways. Live life the way you want. You seem like a sweet and loving person. Keep the videos coming. Good luck in all your travels. Sending much love to you and yours.
I love the sound of rain at night time and feeling warm and dry inside. 🙏☮❤
Congratulations on building that step ladder. You deserve the shabu shabu! 👍🏽I envious watching how calm and peaceful truck camping is for you.In my country it’s not recommended as it isn’t quite safe. In fact your cute truck camperprobably broke a few of our road regulations already!😂Enjoy yourself!

(c) 旅する家の物語 第60話 自作の軽トラキャンピングカーで車中泊をしました。今回は蛍の撮影に行く旅でした。初心者蛍撮影は果たしてうまく行ったのでしょうか。車中泊では韓国料理の …
One of my favourite videos. Love the food prep, the trips and anything else you throw at us!!
Your videos are honestly some of the most relaxing, peaceful videos ive been watching recently, i enjoy them so immensely
Hum parece t�o bom! Fiquei com �gua na boca com vontade de comer da sua comida!
I absolutely love the rain. It’s so calming and sounds perfect.
I love how you always give thanks for the food afterwards. Gratitude is a great quality to have! Roof rack looks good too 👍
So calming, makes a great start in the morning to my day
Well done! Another superb video. As for the fireflies, your ISO is perfect, try adjusting your shutter speed, and making it faster, to cut down on the lag. I like your photos as they are, it looks like the fireflies are writing a message in them.
Fireflies – how wonderful! I remember seeing them as a child with their little glowing green lights Thank you for a lovely video – keep posting your adventures for us
So glad you introduced a Korean dish. I love Bibimbap, Kimchi, Japchae, Naengmyeon, Kimbap, and Hotteok. I love many other dishes, but those are my favorites. The sandwich was awesome. I love the new storage rack. It will be exciting to see what you store in it. 감사합니다 (Thank You)
I love watching your travel routine. Food looked especially delicious on this episode.
I love that you read all comments. Just know your content is amazing. It’s so peaceful, and charming. Your English commentary is such a highlight to read. I’ve been learning basic Japanese phrases because of you, and you are making me step out of my comfort zone to try different foods too.
A new UK subscriber here! I love the simplicity of your videos, I find them so calming and relaxing. The music you add in is perfect. Thoroughly enjoyable. With gratitude. 🙏☮❤
Wooohoo! Rain episode! This is so awesome! Thank you!
São tão bom seus vídeos 😊👏🏻👏🏻
I love watching your videos. You have a wonderful car camping set up. It’s obvious that you love what you do, and you’ve put a lot of thought into it.
Beautiful, as always. And Korean food is so good! Thank you again for these moments, my friend.
Seus v�deos inspiram e acalmam, trilha sonora excepcional. Parab�ns, os rituais s�o tributos � vida ……from Brazil
thank you – that made me smile. I’ve only seen fireflies once – when I was back in Detroit, Michigan for my sister-in-law’s wedding.
I appreciate how your videos embrace the value of a home away from home – there are few things more satisfying than having a hot, relaxing meal indoors, while it’s pouring rain outside. Also, really liking the roof rack, was a nice little tidbit for us who watched your video to the very end!
Love the sound of rain. ❤️

(c) 旅する家の物語 新しく料理チャンネルを作りました「旅する家の朝食」 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSS3bV9Qg932opN17K_adQg?sub_confirmation=1 第57話 今回は特別 …
I visit Japan twice a year for holiday (before covid) and I never showered at the Airbnb or hotel. Because I would go to a different onsen every evening. Haha. Your video is always about onsen. Eating and camping. It’s all my favourite things. 👍🏻
I love that view. It is so beautiful there. I live in the mountains here in the US. I love it but long for the flat lands sometimes. Before my husband passed away, we use to take trips on our motorcycle’s. I miss it
Muito bom gostei de assistir. É muito gostoso viajar. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
Really enjoyable video and adventure in your car. You have convinced me you can improvise and solve any type of problem you might encounter on your travels! Plus, the meals you prepare always look so satisfying and sore wa oishi-sō!!! 👍🙂
Thanks for sharing your travel moments, they are so relaxing! 😌
I miss this car soooo much! So nice to see you’re back camping in this car. Thanks for sharing your life with us again, loving it. どうもありがとうございます!
Admittedly I had to look up what an Onsen was….. now I’m well informed! Thank you for another fantastic video! 🙏☮❤
Going through your videos encourages us to travel with what you’ve got..
Very nice video, the sleeping setup very efficient & the meals looked very tasty. I prefer the Japanese version of Jackery as the top is flat, the USA version has a molded handle that doesn’t fold.
Nice and simple setup. No heavy mods or removal car seats just to have flat surface for bed. This SUV has a true car camper versatility. Among the best car camper I’ve seen.
It feels so nice that you can spend your time alone doing things that you love. Wishing I able to do it in future.
Another fabulous, relaxing and enjoyable video. Thank you for taking the time to film, edit and share your adventures with us! Dōmo arigatōgozaimashita.
Thank you for sharing this amazing video and journey!
Beautiful, love the music 🎶 ❤
Hi from Paris! Seeing you cooking and eating is my favorite part – you never waste food. Thank you!!
In my opinion, your camper was what drew me to your channel. It is so unique and personable. This car (it is a nice car) is like any one of these Youtubers in their car camping out in a Walmart parking lot or side of the road.
Been waiting all week for a new video. This may be one of my favorite videos of yours yet! Keep it up! Your editing is getting so much better!
I really like this seeing your part of this beautiful world and your adventures in a place I can’t get to right now but find fascinating thank you for allowing us to share your experiences 🙏 😊 ❤
Красавчик 👍🏻🙏
i always come here for the music and vibe. cant put it to words… this gives me calm

(c) 旅する家の物語 第63話 自作の軽トラキャンピングカーで車中泊をしました。今回は雨が降る中車中泊旅に出かけました。夜食はホイル焼きにチャレンジ。過去一番美味しかったと思います。
I just want to say that your videos are really a big help to me. It helps me relax and destress specially in this pandemic. Thank you for always sharing. You deserve so much more views and subscribers.🙏🙏🙏🚛
Meu camarada, esse repert�rio de m�sicas de fundo e seu cabelo espetado s�o �nicos na net. Gosto demais das m�sicas.
Exactamente lo que estaba buscando para aprender inglés entreteniéndome pero a la vez aprendiendo. Así veo el vídeo mientras voy leyendo 👍🏼
Hi, love how you seem to make everything look so easy! You’ve given me some new idea’s for baked fish! Peaceful adventures as always! 👍🏾✌🏾🙏🏽
Soy de Chaco en Argentina y me encant� este video, con mi esposo tenemos un mini casillita y verte nos hizo desea m�s poder viajar as�. Contin�a con tus v�deos, mostr�ndonos lo maravilloso de tu pa�s!!!!
I love the “ahhhh” after the first sip of beer! Keep up the great work!
Why is it about Japan always makes my eyes soothing when it comes to nature😌.
Love how you have your truck set up. I admire how its not complicated, its just a nice simple camper for fun travels. Stay safe and look forward to more adventures.
I watched your videos starting from episode 1 and what I learned from you is to start whatever passion that drives you, it may not be perfect at first but as you go along day by day you can make adjustments making everything perfect just now.It’s so nice to see your camper truck becoming more like a mini house every episode. 😁
Just incase nobody ever tell you, your translations are perfect English well done, great videos
i love all your videos and hope that you would post daily or every couple days! it’s so relaxing. i watch it every night and ran out of video to watch so i replay it again. lol. keep up the amazing work!!
I’ve been binge watching your videos and I love it everything’s perfect!Keepsafe!
That yummy dish, awesome weather, and..my favorite part to relax my mind, the camper….. wonderful😇
I really envy countries with such wonderful scenery. Truly it calms our heart so much.
I really loved the way you appreciate and thank God for being contentful of what you’ve had in your life😌
Hello my friend from Japan! After a long time, I was finally able to watch all the videos of Camper’s construction. Your dedication and persistence are very inspiring! Keep sharing your stories with us! Stay safe my friend! Greetings!
I LOVE your channel and all your videos. You pay amazing respect to every meal,you have inspired me to be more grateful for everything I use in my meals. Until your next video, I wish you safe travels and countless adventures. Much respect & love from 🇺🇸.
Love your videos! Do you usually have a destination in mind, or do you just cruise around following interesting things you see. Would love to hear more about the locations. Your world is so different and beautiful. Take care.
Your videos are very soothing to watch. I enjoy the relaxed atmosphere and the cooking that you always display. Reminding us all to slow down to enjoy the finer things in life.