
(c) 旅する家の物語 第59話 自作の軽トラキャンピングカーで車中泊をしました。今回は山奥にある廃校になった木造校舎を見に行きました。夜になると空は満天の星空でした。 ◇ツイッターでは …
Really enjoyed this video. Also, wanted to give you a shout out on your ever improving production quality. It is a ton of work shooting the way you do, with shots of you walking or driving away requiring you to come back and retrieve your equipment. Your efforts do not go unnoticed.
It’s great to see the improvements you make with every episode. I’m also seeing impressive video production improvements. This was a great story. Bravo! 🙏🏻
Once again thank you your videos are always so calming and soothing. Watching them is like taking a break from the hectic life we live. I might even consider it some form of meditation.
And once again my mind is calm and transported to your travels in Japan! Many blessings to you. 🙏☮❤
Mmmm Grilled Unagi is my favorite Japanese dish. Never had it served as Unadon but I am sure its outstanding. I have had it on skewers at an izakaya many times as well as on sushi, I wish it was easier to come by here in the states… great adventure, thank you for bringing us along…
Loving the new rice cooker you’ve incorporated! But I hope you never get rid of your sandwich maker as I look forward to how you will use it each time! I think they should sponsor you because of your ingenuity you apply lol. I am so happy I found your channel. I love traveling along with you and dreaming about the day I can visit Japan again 🌸🌞🤙🏻🌴🌈🍙
Just started watch and trying to watch them and get caught up. I’ve never ate eel but I would try it to see if I liked it safe travels ❤️❤️❤️
Love your videos! They are a big comfort, I’m binging them while in recovery from my wisdom teeth removal. Keep the journeys coming!🍜🥪🍚🍛🏔🚚
I could watch your videos all day. All the artistic angles. The commentary. The soothing music (yes I’m subbed to your channel without music as well) it’s all so calming. I wish you had your own tv special. Heck, I think we’d all watch an unedited episode. You’re so calming. Don’t let that go unknown.
I love the background music it’s so calming.
“If you would know a man, observe how he treats a cat.” – Robert A. Heinlein
Love this guy. The engineering of the sleeper. The cooking, the photography! All bloody amazing. But the thing that brings this together so well, is the music! Beautiful choice of piano pieces.I want to see and hear more please.Lots of love and wishes from Yorkshire, UK. 👍🇫🇴🇬🇧🚚
Your videos are so calming and relaxing to watch. The quality of production is also incredible so thank you for all the work you put into this channel.
Another great trip. Beautiful landscapes and delicious food from a traveler’s perspective.
I love these videosespecially the scenery , the cooking and how u change up the layout of your gear from trip to trip
As m�sicas que vc usa s�o um verdadeiro calmante para a alma.
i’m watching in korea now and realizing that even two countries are geologically quite closer than any others, they are quite different on every aspect. otherwise always thanks to make me refresh
So beautiful and peaceful…
I have really enjoyed your videos! Just a little concerned with the back of your camper: it seems the ladder can easily be stolen or the door broken into. Maybe add a covering or some type of door to cover the entire back? Looks like there’d be enough room to add something.
Ahhh i love this❤️❤️❤️ very relaxing

(c) 旅する家の物語 第64話 自作の軽トラキャンピングカーで車中泊をしました。今回はあじさいがきれいに咲くお寺を見に行く旅に出かけました。雨音が旅を彩る中、ちらし寿司づくりをしました。
The way you wipe down your table before every meal… It’s almost like a ritual.
Little things like locking the truck door with a real key is why I like this channel. Simplicity is beautiful.
You have made a wonderful and refreshing video, as usual. Thank you so much for letting me live a travel life through your videos. Hopefully, I will be able to live like this and travel, soon!
You do simple things, but you do them perfectly, and that’s why the video is so satisfying.
Hi from Adelaide, Australia. Love your videos like so many other people. I don’t know what it is but it is very peaceful and relaxing watching them, also the music. In times like these, it’s great that we can escape a little through your channel. A big thumbs up, thank you so much and please keep making these videos 😀
It is so wonderfully therapeutic to take half an hour out of my day to mindfully watch your videos. Keep creating, they are wonderful! 🙏☮❤
Kaisen don is seafood over plain rice chirashi is seafood over vinegared rice. You made chirashi and it looked great. I enjoy your videos and thanks for the English subtitles from Pennsylvania 🇺🇸
You really make me dream about my future and how calm I’d like it to be, someday. Thank you for being the FIRST video to actually make me relax. Thank you, and stay well! Safe travels : )
Love the set up you made for your cooking utensils!
I absolutely love your videos and put care into your meals 🙂 keep up the amazing work and do what you love!
i really like this type of video, it makes me feel comfortable and at ease, thank you very much!!
Just enjoying life and visiting beautiful places. It’s such a privilege to have the freedom to do this. I’ll just imagine that I am going in these adventures with you. Thanks! 👏👍🙏
Another great video you’ve produced. I think the giraffe’s neck adds character and “street cred” to your knife case 🙂 It proves you use your stuff and aren’t afraid of showing some of the bumps and bruises of your “tales along the way”…. 👍👍👍 Thank you for sharing with your growing audience and subscribers!
After a long day at work I get to watch Tales along the way to unwind. ☺ Keep them coming, so peaceful and relaxing. Great work my friend 😉👍
Please keep making these awesome videos. I always look forward to watching them!
🍽️ está lindo o prato 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😋
Really love the way you tell us about how beautifull Japan is. Keep going on!
I am glad to hear you happier in sunny days 🙂 but you and videos are also awesome on rainy days. I enjoyed watching your dinner…i am going out for Poke Bowl (its the closest to what you had where I am). Thanks for sharing your adventures!

(c) 旅する家の物語 提供:ポータブル電源miLln https://www.makuake.com/project/milin/ 【特別編】小旅行にピッタリなポータブル電源を提供いただきました。そこで今回は普段乗っている …
Thank you very much for sharing your experience. The English closed caption was especially helpful since I don’t read Japanese. Please keep posting your stories.
Thank you for sharing your simple yet relaxing adventure. I thoroughly enjoyed it and am a new fan. ☺️❤️👍You’re also hilarious and made me laugh. Lol 😆
When I come back to Japan I’m definitely looking for your camper van, and if I find you I’m buying you dinner!
Thank you so much for making this video. We didn’t get back to Japan last year and may not this year either due to the pandemic but always loved our roadtrips with family. This video makes me want to make some solo trips sometime too.
You seem to have such a nice assortment of prepackaged foods available that work for camping in Japan…it looks very exotic to Americans…😀😋 Your dinners and breakfasts always look amazing to me…very fancy!
This could be my first time see a normal car can be a little camper car. It kinda motivates me to try this with my car but I doubt it would have more space than yours🤣. Anyway I enjoy your camping video, is relaxing.
Thx for uploading the video.. watching your video bring back memories while I was staying in japan in 2019..Used to travel daily from Matsumoto in Ina to suwa on a daily basis for work purpose..the lake was the definitely the highlight..thx once again..Best wishes and love from Malaysia🇲🇾
I envy your adventures! Very relaxing.
I have enjoyed all of videos so far. Thank you for sharing. Will be looking for more of your stories.
I enjoyed your videos very much. Keep up the good work. I liked your meticulousness and thoroughness in all the things you do. You are also very introspective and I am glad that you shared your thoughts about your trips with your audiences.
I congratulate you for this wonderful video and excellent music, I love your travels, wonderful moments and beautiful landscapes, greetings and until the next video 😊👍☘️
Awesome!! I love your content, thank you very much for the captions 😁
I am amazed by all the prepackaged foodstuffs. Wonderful selection for dinner and breakfast. Thank you for sharing once more
The country seems very safe and very clean. So many easy to make meals made possible by packaged ingredients…simple but tasty.
I do really love your content, since there are not much video from that using English closed caption. It’s very helpful to understand what you are doing. Can’t wait to watch your DIY camper van transforms. Best of luck for you 🙏
Looks fun and relaxing! How do you use the restroom? Is there a public restroom around the parking lot?
Wow you’ve taken very good care of your car?! I thought it was brand new it looks so nice??!’ That’s amazing! 😊
thank you for the great experience brother
Que relajante . Esta muy bueno que paz. que tranquilidad en estos tiempos. que bien hace ver la vida de una forma mas tranquila y facil. Gracias amigo. Desde chile. Saludos

(c) 旅する家の物語 第67話 自作の軽トラキャンピングカーで車中泊をしました。今回は暑い夏の車中泊を少しでも快適に過ごすため、雲海がきれいな展望公園での車中泊を行いました。夕飯は …
it would be amazing if in the morning sitting with a cup of coffee in the outer while enjoying the beautiful natural scenery
You are a lesson to us all being so thoughtful and grateful for what you have.
This is so relaxing to watch after long and stressful day. The music is excellent. Congrats and good job. keep doing what you’re doing.
I just started living alone and I have been struggling in cooking meals in single portions. Seeing your camping videos and learning different recipes in small servings is such a treat. Thanks!
Beautiful sky, amazing scenery. Nice place to park.
tanta tranquilidade, da prazer de ver esses videos!
I stumbled across your videos a few weeks ago. I immediately got pulled in. First of all your camper is amazing and it’s so awesome that you put it together your self. Second, I love watching because it’s honestly very soothing. The music is perfect. And watching you go through your routine is very comforting. I absolutely love Japan and can not wait to travel there one day. Please keep doing what you are doing. I look forward to seeing the adventures you go in in the future. ❤️🌏🤗
I was hoping he went out for breakfast .. though it might be a bit cold in the morning but the scenery is nice.
Love from India🇮🇳👍May Allah Blessed You
Another calming video. Thank you.
Parab�ns pelos v�deos! Cada dia est� melhor. Esse local muito lindo.
Your filming is amazing! And you make everything look so cozy😍
Godo afternoon, I really liked this video. At home cook the eggplant and it trastes Great. Thanks for the Great ideas. Greetings from Quer�taro, M�xico.
Congratulations, you have over 100k subscribers! Always looking forward to your video on Friday night.Once again, congratulations.
Your journeys soothe my mind and I appreciate them so much. Watching is like a moment of mindfulness to me! Keep travelling, I love what you do. 🙏☮❤
I finally just ordered and received my own Snow Peak knife and cutting board, though it doesn’t have the character yours does i absolutely love it, it completes my Snow Peak cookware kit also it really makes it much easier to perform my preparation tasks and it fits perfectly into the rear compartment of my Maxpedition mongo versipack bag along side my Soto Micro Table. thank you for taking us on another outstanding journey, i look forward to the next one…
The scenery is so beautiful 🌆 … I want to go there …. I love this place..it’s not just the scenery I want to see .. I also love seeing you while cooking😁spirit💪
thank you for the relaxing video, I would love to know the locations you travel to =)
I’m so happy you have AC from the last adventure! That Eggplant and pork looked so scrumptious, I love that kind of food with room temperature rice. You cut your hair to, looks good! Beautiful morning view to wake up to must feel so refreshing to your soul. The song you play during your morning bedding clean-up is my absolute favorite, it’s what I associate with your adventures and wouldn’t feel complete without it. Much Mahalo for another sweet adventure.🌸🌴🌈🤙🏻💗☀️🍙
Your videos is my escape to reality. I always watch your videos every rest day😊 it helps me to relax after a long stressfull week of hard work. Please don’t stop making new videos!. I want to suggest something with your airconditioner, why not put the valve directly to the window from the driver seat? It will be much easier for you and you dont have to leave windows open. Thank you for very much! I will wait for your new upload❤️

(c) 旅する家の物語 第47話 自作の軽トラキャンピングカーで車中泊をしました。今回は長野県の山奥にある、知る人ぞ知る滝を見に行きました。 Twitter https://mobile.twitter.com/tabisuruie …
字幕ボタンを押すと日本語の解説が表示されます😃 When you tap the subtitle button, subtitles will appear in various languages😃
English subtitles are very well done! Love your videos, hope you continue to show awesome camping spots and videos! (personally hoping for possible rain/snow camping)
“I made a truck camper to discover the tomorrow that nobody knows.” I really love this.
The way you pay close attention to details. And the way you always clean right after you eat or the way you put things away properly when done using them. I envy that. I wish I was more like that
Thank you for showing me a side of Japan I had never seen before! This looks so much more appealing to me than the huge metropolitan areas. Do you know if wild camping using a tent is allowed in your country?
I’m amazed by your craftsman abilities and my wife and me are literally in love with your way of camp. Your videos are a weekly appointment that we cant miss!
Another great adventure, i only wish it was longer. just as i settle in its over. thank you for bringing us along…
This gentleman certainly has his priorities right… I’m impressed, but also a bit envious.
I love your videos, and seeing what yummy meals you make! Thank you so much for the effort of adding subtitles, it’s such a considerate thing to do.
Thank you for sharing your travels. Loved the waterfall. We have lots of waterfalls like that here in New Zealand and in the South Island of New Zealand there is plenty of great places with low population for taking nice night-time/Astro photography and also landscape photography if you like that. I think you would like traveling in New Zealand if you ever have the opportunity. Kind regards, Ross.
This video was awesome. Love the camper build,That futon chair is perfect.
So relaxing and enjoyable! I always enjoy being alone, it’s so so so relaxing and quiet. Sadly, the reality is not always what and how we expected. So, I came to your video every now and then to get into your world. Imagining mine will be like yours for some 30 mins. Then, back to my world. Thanks for sharing!
What am I envy with Japan is how they can preserve their nature so well, and they develop their natural tourism potential effectively by providing roads, camping facilities, etc. From those located at remote locations or those close to settlements, most of their tourist attractions can be reached by vehicle relatively easily. This provides many options for tourist for visiting, and the tourist wouldn’t gather in just one popular spot at one time.My country has a lot of natural tourism potential too. Too bad, the development plan and execution isn’t very well.
Love the videos! Seeing in other countries and areas is great. I hope you get a ton of use from your camper.
Another very relaxing video! Thanks for making these, I love when you go exploring!
That waterfall is beautiful! THANK YOU FOR LETTING US COME it is so fun to camp. It is beautiful there, I pray that I can come next year around my birthday it is in the summer. 🙂
The countryside where this is filmed, looks exactly like where I live in Scotland. Love your channel ❤👉🏴
I always look forward to your videos every week. Thank you again, you make it feel like we’re right there with you. It seems very relaxing and beautiful where you go. Thanks for sharing your camping adventures and can’t forget about the cooking 😀 should look into a portable Air conditioner, I have one we use when we go camping. Until your next adventure, see you then 👍
Such a beautiful area and a gourmet breakfast too! Thanks for sharing w us. I really enjoy watching people from other countries enjoying the same kind of things that I do here in the US.