- Food Industry Machines That Are At Another Level ▶6…
- Highly Ingenious Workers That You Need To See ▶7…
- Welding Workers Who Are Professional and Experts Of High Level…
- Ingenious Construction Workers That Are At Another Level ▶8…
- Ingenious Construction Workers That Are At Another Level ▶12…
- Amazing Home Ideas and Ingenious Space Saving Designs ▶2…
- New Inventions That Are At Another Level ▶9…
- Creative DIY Ideas That Will Take Your Home To The Next Level ▶9…
- Most Satisfying Factory Machines and Ingenious Tools ▶9…
- Man Digs a Hole in a Mountain and Turns it Into an Amazing Apartment
- Ingenious Construction Workers That Are At Another Level ▶9
- Creative DIY ideas That Will Take Your Home To The Next Level
- Food Industry Machines That Are At Another Level ▶7
- Ingenious Construction Workers That Are At Another Level ▶7
- DIY Car Upgrades That Are Next Level
Man Digs a Hole in a Mountain and Turns it Into an Amazing Apartment

(c) Quantum Tech HD Big cities have many amenities and attractions, but it doesn’t compare to the calm of the countryside. This man grew tired of living in the big city and returned to …
Damn, his tools are powerful
This was amazing to watch. Made me think about core drilling in Egypt and how much you can really make with the right tools and ingenuity.
he got some use out of his little demo hammer. Pretty amazing. The only thing I didn’t like is the electrical showing. Why didn’t he bury it in conduits like the water pipes?
This is literally one of the most powerful men in existence right now.This man should be a legend and I will remember him whenever I feel lazy.You just gatta keep chipping away at it until you get it done. Pun intended.
Absolutely REMARKABLE. I have to say this is one of the coolest thing I’ve ever seen! Not to mention this guys raw talent!!!
The commitment by this one man is phenomenal. It’s extremely rare to have someone who has the skills and commitment to undertake such an enormous project. Wished he had partnered with a designer to give it more form.
Amazing that’s all I can get out he’s just simply amazing n that was dedication n hard work n I’d love to live in that mountain built beautiful house
This guy is an engineer and at least knows a lot about mining. You still have to put the reinforcement rods and mining glue (paste) to prevent collapse
I want him on my team for the eventual zombie apocalypse lol. I love his commitment.
Wow amazing ! You are really hard work . Don’t forget water slide to swimming pool
Wow, hard work and dedication pays off. Really hats off to his patience and dedication 🤎
Incredible I just think about his dedication Love it Simultaneously i wish to travel this amazing house
Amazing…..everything was done by himself…. including the idea n design…very very appreciated ….tekun, kreatif, n semangat….
Intelig�ncia, determina��o e for�a de trabalho. Fazer tudo sozinho � uma grande fa�anha.
This guy knows what he’s doing. No way he’ll make the rookie mistake of mining straight down.
Impressionante!!! Muito linda!!!🤩🤩🤩
That is a softer kind of rock called “dead rock” but still requires a lot of work. Amazing.
He is creative and able. That being said, will the house survive any heavy rain/typhoon? I imagine mudslides…
Amazing and all due respect for your hard work and ingenuity.
The fact that someone can look at the side of a large rock and say, “I’m going to live there”, is amazing. The amount of imagination alone is remarkable. Now to have the skill to do it just adds to the amazement.
Ingenious Construction Workers That Are At Another Level ▶9

(c) Quantum Tech HD NEW MERCH AVAILABLE HERE: https://teespring.com/stores/quantum-tech-hd ○ INSTAGRAM 😉 https://www.instagram.com/quantumtechhd/ …
This should be calledAverage construction workers applying standard practices
“Construction workers do construction”Fixed the title for you
�timo amei o trabalho de vcs parab�ns.
Вон та. Длинная штукенция в тему была😁
Talento é amor a profissão 👍🏼👍🏼
건축 전문인으로써 최고 입니다^^♡👍👍👍👍👍👍
Excelentes profissionais! Parab�ns!
04:26 Put cavity wall insulation behind one of the bricks, then replace the brick, only, make it wonky so it ruins the look of the previously perfect wall!
Anything done in repetition is mastered and creatively completed. To the regular eye it becomes a beautiful piece of work/art.
These workers are professionals at what they do. Work to perfection.
Bizim ülkemizin çok ihtiyacı var böylesi yeteneklere 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Совершенно новый уровень! Ага! Нигде такого не видел! Гениально! Инновейшн! Эмейзинг!
These guys bring plans to life. They are the ones that really make it all happen 👍👍🙏❤️💯👏👏 And most times are the least appreciated. Without them an architect, electrician, and everyone else no matter how much they do, are worthless. Thank you 🙏👍👍👏👏🔨🏗🧰🙏🌻🌷🌸🌺☘️🌴
It just has something calming to watch others work.
Beautiful work!
Trabalhadores muito habilidosos, MAS, n�o t�o habilidosos quanto o editor desse canal, que cortou praticamente todos v�deos antes de aparecer o resultado final. Um g�nio!
Good Beats! Much flow!
То есть нормально качественно делать в 2019 – это гениально на новом уровне ???
This video is proof that the term “ genius “ is overused.
Creative DIY ideas That Will Take Your Home To The Next Level

(c) Quantum Tech HD NEW MERCH AVAILABLE HERE: https://teespring.com/stores/quantum-tech-hd ○ INSTAGRAM 😉 https://www.instagram.com/quantumtechhd/ …
It looks soooo easy! A project done over a weekend!Knowing my luck – I’d find myself glued to the epoxy counter top, along with a call to emergency services to come and un-glue me!
Isso n�o � bricolage, s�o profissionais car�ssimo!
Cool wall treatment whenever you use good glue like liguid nails or any other type when you lay your board /sheet you should always make contact then lift it away then stick it you will always get a much better bound 👍
The worktop video. I did similar to our house years ago. Fantastic finish. The wife wasn’t too impressed. Stank the house out for weeks and weeks!
That god awful background music in some of these…haunts my dreams!
This is so relaxing to watch 💕
Adoro os trabalhos dos pedreiros fazem coisas lindas
Идея с камнями великолепна, при условии что совсем рядом можно таких камней набрать бесплатно на берегу горного ручья!А если такие камни привезут в Москву за 5-10 тысяч км,то они будут стоить в 5 раз дороже гранитной брусчатки .
ماشا الله تبارك الله روووووعه الفيديو للأسف الشديد قناتي طبيه بس الأفكار رووووعه ومفيد
Полезное видео) Интересно смотреть)
That was unbelievable it’s just like taking a Priceless Doubloon and Hammer it into a ring you can’t get more ghetto than this
Hello Quantum Tech , Your vids including Wonderfull ideas and i watch all of them excitedly , keep going man !
1st project will look great with my wood kitchen cabinets. Can you give me the exact item names and quantities for that counter top? It looked like you started with cement. Details please. Thank you
타일 시트가 저렇게 좋은거였다니…
I have so many saved videos of all this DIY stuff. In my mind I’m like “yay I’m gonna do that” but no, in reality I’ve never attempted a single one of them and probably never will!
Que du connu, vu et revu ! Comme d’hab !
Nice transformations, but the laminate flooring on the wall didn’t allow for expansion on the ends. These are designed for floors, and they are left free floating for expansion, since it is a wood product.The adhesive tile in the shower has joints where the tile panels butt up against each other, so they should be grouted or mold will grow between them.The pipes in the shower are not caulked so water will get in and mold/algea will grow.I would like to see all of these projects after about 6 months.
Que coisa mais linda! O cara � bom de mais.
My reaction; what are you using? On those countertops? Written instructions would be great! Everything else, like the wall , was self _ explanatory.
Food Industry Machines That Are At Another Level ▶7

(c) Quantum Tech HD LI○ INSTAGRAM 😉 https://www.instagram.com/quantumtechhd/ -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- INDELICATOTECH Web: …
Круто! Особливо шинковка капусты, обязательно сделаю такую, а то на обычной я ужО несколько раз обрезал пальцы👋
Just look at those nutritious, healthy doughnuts being made. Making me feel fat just watching it
I think most of these videos come from the company that makes the machines. The operators aren’t actually making food to serve, they are demonstrating the equipment, that’s why they aren’t wearing gloves.However, that being said you don’t HAVE to wear gloves to be sanitary. I spent over 20 years in foodservice and didn’t wear gloves, but I sure washed my hands a lot (and do to this day).
I’m amazed at how many food handlers don’t use gloves.
Amazing stay safe Godbless
If these companies don’t advise employees to wear gloves (to avoid unwanted materials entering customers products) while making these videos, it would not even make sense to question how organized the company’s GMP’s are.
Did they make some sort of pineapple cheese? Or did it change to another machine…I’m so confused. I wish they would explain stuff!
Özellikle gıda işletmelerin de küpe saat bileklik kolye yüzük gibi takıların takılması kesinlikle yasak olması ve eldiven bone ve maske takma zorunluluğun olması ne kadar acayip değil mi
Vraiment int�ressant !
Achei legal essa do repolho ,e me interessei na maquina de encher salaminho !
The amount of work that goes into producing food is mind boggling. AT the end of the day it keeps us alive and results in poop, which then goes back into the sewage system and then God knows where else. 😌I noticed no gloves were used in some of these processes. They should for hygiene sake, this is why contamination occurs.
Muito obrigado pelo seus estudos.
Its amazing!
Muito bom parab�ns a todos envolvidos nesse v�deo.
Muy interesantes procesos de industrializaciones.
Классный канал.очень интересно
Muy bien, pero deben ir explicando
Gerçekten muhteşem
Gostei muito de vê máquinas incríveis 👏👏
Ingenious Construction Workers That Are At Another Level ▶7

(c) Quantum Tech HD NEW MERCH AVAILABLE HERE: https://teespring.com/stores/quantum-tech-hd ○ INSTAGRAM 😉 https://www.instagram.com/quantumtechhd/ …
Yep, installing a cheap laminate floor is truly amazing and next level, I am totally blown away by the unrivalled skill set on display here. This modern day artist must absolutely clean up with the ladies, I bet he gets any woman he chooses, and a different one every night. Bow down, mere mortals, to laminate man!
“новый уровень”- Картонные технологии…Фетиш всё это,”что нам стоит дом построить,нарисуем,-будем жить”! Древние технологии полигональной кладки и обработки камня,вот это уровень, века стоят строения!
When I take the elevator and go to level -1 it’s also called “another level” yet I did go underground. Just like where this compilation should belong.
Ага, всё у вас гениально по ровным стенам, ты покажи что делать в хрущёвках, только без гипсокартона, там и так площади минимальные.
Sıradan hiç bir orjinalliği olmayan görüntüler. Ama 30 milyon kişiye izletmişler. Tebrik ederim.
You should rename this video: “Promotional videos of various companies, mixed into a longer single video!”
en verdad no entiendo porque estos trabajadores están a “otro nivel”, creo que hacen el mismo trabajo y desempeño que muchos otros en el mundo📉☝
I love the “ingenious workers” and the brick is stacking bricks in a line and uses $10k machine to make his stack work. Miss-nomer on title
О да… нанести “шубу” это новый уровень! А мудохаться с имитацией камня верх технологий.
You should rename this video: people doing their jobs
I would love those wooden tiles for my future house! 😍
Первый мастер просто гений, но одна уборщица не сможет собрать всю пыль с этой стены, через пару лет вид ее будет как грязная опа в пыли😃
They can move there arms and do their job wow im so impressed omg pls help me to get this godlike skills!!!
Надо же он красит стену валиком! Гениально!!!
Construction workers are underrated. Thanks to all the workers to helped build the city around me bc w/o u this place really would be nothing lol (I’m from nyc)
“Гениальные сторители” шубу валиком накотали…. пипец…
Complimenti, sei un genio. Lavoro impegnativo e impeccabile.
I never want any wall or ceiling textured again. They collect dirt you can’t wash them and repairs stand out like a soar thumb.
Поучительно!!! Спасибо!!!
The guys at 5:15 seem to be doing something cool. The rest is a bunch of product shilling. The flooring guy from Lowe’s pretending they do that sort of installation job is hilarious. They use independent contractors unaffiliated with Lowe’s in any way
DIY Car Upgrades That Are Next Level

(c) Quantum Tech HD INSTAGRAM 😉 https://www.instagram.com/quantumtechhd/ -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- PREMIUM AUTO STYLING Web: …
The best DIY projects always involve a shop full of professionals doing them for me
More like “DIY Car Upgrades to Become a True Ricer”
This felt more like an ad for professional installers, than anything next level, or DIY.
Otom: Literally sow your own cover onto your steering wheel. In only an hour and a half!
Apparently steering wheel covers and vinyl are “next level”
That man’s hand in wrapping was 🔥
fyi, Toyota has OEM steering wheels with that cover, we actually make them in the shop I work at
That’s 2 minutes i’ll never get back!! Yes, that’s how long it took me to realize this is pure bull$hit.
Me before watching: i wonder why this video has 16.000 DislikesMe after video: i wonder why this video has 75.000 likes
Just a guess, your leather couch at home is also covered in a clear plastic cover.Pure class! 👍
Emeğinize, bilginize, birikiminize ve yüreğinize sağlık…
The upgrades were so next level that I had to watch this is 144p!
👏👏 ¡ Impresionante video ! maravillosos consejos. Muchas gracias por compartir.
Magnifique 😍
Not a single thing in this video felt “next level”!
Eu to babando, top, top, top, top, top…👏🏼👏🏼
양카스러운 업체 작업인데 DIY라니…
어디가 차원이 다른건지 의문스러운 영상~ 소개된 영상에 나오는 diy 는 전부 차량동호회에서 이미 다~~~ 하고 있는 흔한 diy 인데!
Amazing!! He made art 👏👏👏
When you think about it, most of these “upgrades” are just them putting stickers all over the cars.