【総集編②】軽トラの荷台に家を建てる!家完成までの道|軽キャン制作DIY|DIY VanLife|21話〜35話ダイジェスト|キャンピングカー|タイニーハウス|モバイルハウス|トレーラーハウス|車中泊

(c) 旅する家の物語 自作で軽トラキャンピングカーを制作しています。 今回はその総集編第2弾。21話から35話までをギュっと詰め込みました。 制作は現在も進行中です。完成後行った初の車 …
You can see English subtitles, so click “CC” to see ☺
Incrivelmente fant�stico parab�ns
I found this very interesting and I can’t wait to see your travels. I’ve subscribed 👍
This was beautiful, really amazing work! If only i could read japanese😅.
Beautiful! Have lots of fun on your journeys!
Really awesome design, and very aesthetically pleasing! Love it!
I’m really amazed at how well your DIY camper came out and I’m jumping for joy with you and no more leaks. You deserve every trip you take with your camper. Waiting to see how you made the wall mounts for your cooking utensils and ice thermos. I love chicken wings too! Lol 😂😀
Yo! I’m going to like and subscribe. This was an awesome vid. If I were this guy, I’d build these all throughout the year, put them on his own personalized auction
I am so glad that you have share this vid, everyone that lives in a tent can built this, but it’s where to park in overnight it’s the issue in USA.. laws is the issue, no park, no parking lots. etc.
This was a blooming marvellous video! Came up on my feed and so glad it did, you are a wonderful person to watch going through this transformation and loved the other videos on the channel. Thanks for sharing your content
Beautiful job, I love it!
I admire your ingenuity and am looking forward to sharing your new adventures!
You really worked hard to build your camper top and did such a nice job. It looks like a great learning experience, and I am thinking that it will get easier each time you work on something again. You really can proud of how much hard work you have put into making your home and how well built it is🚚🌲🌟
Watch this video again and yes, your dance at the waterproofing-experiment is hilarious somehow hahaha but i really love it <3.
Wonderful … really great!. Simple, practical and stylish. This is the first time I see your channel and it will be exciting to see your further adventures.Thanks for the subtitles by the way!
Simple design but so effective. Japaneese builders are pretty effective when it comes to extract the most of small spaces ^_^ Great work!
Fantastically simple, and simply fantastic. Shows how much work needs to be put in to achieve a great result – not easy, and it takes a lot of time and resources.
You are so cute! Congratulations on building this!
beautiful, really amazing work
loved it! amazing job! enjoy the adventure!
【氷点下の車中泊】自作の軽トラキャンピングカーで真冬の氷点下スキ―旅|37|DIY VanLife on a very cold day

(c) 旅する家の物語 第37話 自作の軽トラキャンピングカーで車中泊をしました。氷点下5度の寒さの中での初旅です。駒ヶ根高原スキー場、早太郎温泉こぶしの湯、道の駅田切の里にお邪魔しま …
You can see English subtitles, so click “CC” to see ☺
Oh, i am loving that leather hip bag. What a pefect accessory on a trip!I have a hip bag too, but it is just fabric. 🙂
I am an old man and can’t do much anymore but you make me feel I am there with you having fun. Thank you!
I finally get to see the start of your camper and noticed how you bought it together finally, congratulations. Did you ever consider a table that folds and is attached to the wall which would give you more room, and definitely a portable heater for colder days.
Merci pour le partage, votre camping car est très confortable avec tout le matèriel et ustensiles essentiels pour un confort pratique. Le canapé transformable pour dormir avec une couette très chaude invite à bien dormir. Et les repas ont l’air tellement délicieux et bien prèparè. Excellente vidéo qui nous révèle que l’on peut vivre agrèablement avec peu de moyen et des idées en créant et en s’organisant et de voyager.
This looks like so much fun! I love your videos
One of my favorite parts is seeing how you decided to add new features or change things (like from the original blanket to the one that stores in the bag). The evolution of your camper is the plot. 🙂
It’s so good!!!
Edit: NVM i saw you bought one on your next vid hahahaYou should really have a carbon monoxide alarm, looks like you have little to no ventilation if all windows are closed. Other than that amazing, looks really fun.
Por favor coloca a legenda em Português do Brasil ❤️😘
I guess my favorite part of every episode is when you make hot sandwiches and cut them! So yummy and satisfying! 🙂
I enjoy watching your simplistic lifestyle. I really believe it takes a certain special person to enjoy the basic things in life, and not need to live in a luxurious lifestyle. Thanks for having us along, I enjoyed it🌟
El sof� bed,se ve muy confortable y puede dormir bien calentito y la comida siempre se ve muy buena , gracias por tus v�deos ,nos transporta a una mejor vida ,con pocas cosas , saludos !!
Que vida maravilhosa !!! Parabéns !!! 🇧🇷🥇🏆
Very perfect atmosphere!
Saludos desde México…..🇲🇽❤️
Look forward to seeing what you do for heat.
You need a small heater to plug into Jackery. Great trip
I have been watching your journey, I love it! Your videos give me peace and enjoy every one of them. Thank you for sharing! 💪🏼🙏🏻🌺💙
I’m happy to have stumbled upon your videos. I really enjoy your journey and simple yet elegant craftsmanship. 🙏 For your health and safety. Safe travels.

(c) 旅する家の物語 第61話 自作の軽トラキャンピングカーで車中泊をしました。今回は蛍の撮影リベンジに行く旅でした。初心者蛍撮影はこんどこそうまく行ったのでしょうか。朝はまだ冷える車 …
Muy interesante, y muy tranquilo el viaje en el campo
This is why I love videos from this Japanese dude named “Tales Along The Way” because he is NOT HIDING his face nor identity and he keeps it real unlike a guy named “Dentan” who hides under the shadows so people wouldn’t know that he’s really nothing but a homeless person living in his vehicle! T.A.T.W. guy is grateful, prays before he eats and actually shows you as the viewer on what’s he cooking and how he cooks it.
Great photos and great cooking. Still I’d like to see more landscapes of your beautiful country. Thank you!!! Greetings from Argentina.
Another serene video – it is great that Japan still have such nature – thought it was all built up with cities.I notice you don’t use the hot plate anymore but rather the propane burner – did it draw too much power from your battery ???.
This is such a cozy setup you have! Thank you so much for sharing. :o)
Ironically you’re the encouraging one, thank you for these videos. They are part of my meals at this point lol
Love watching your videos and the music u use is so calming. I shazamed the songs n added to my spotify playlist 😊 my friends and I were saying that u r such a neat cook! Among the many other car camping vids that show cooking, you are the neatest and so efficient!
YES I’ve so been waiting for this!!
A simple man enjoying a simple life. Very relaxing.
I respect the fact that you built a simple camper which has everything you need.
I really enjoy your channel. It’s fun to watch you make this delicious food in such a small space. Just wanted you to know that you have a follower in Naples, FL USA.
하…마음이 좋아지네요 👌 😊
Very nice video and excellent quality. Enjoy how you have everything in a special place. I guess you will need a heater of some kind.
I watch your videos with my breakfast. It feels as though I’m sitting with a good friend, reminiscing about their lovely travels. Thank you.
I rarely say this but this is one of the best contents I’ve ever watched. It soothes my soul. Thank you!
I enjoyed the photos you took. It looked amazing with the way the fireflies moved. Hope to see more. 🙂
I wish you could do more videos of you driving around your camper.. overall everything is amazing!❤️
I love the quietness of the places you visit. Your firefly pics were beautiful against the running water. They’re so magical. Although your meals were simple this week, they looked delicious. Thank you for another wonderful adventure! Still dreaming of the day I can visit Japan again 🌸
�Salieron muy bien las im�genes de las luci�rnagas!
All the simple joy in this video. Love how you are enjoying every moment, and you keep things so neat and tidy! Subbed even though this was my first video of yours!

(c) 旅する家の物語 第69話 自作の軽トラキャンピングカーで車中泊をしました。今回は雨の中のんびり車中泊を楽しみました。ぜひご覧ください。 ◇ツイッターでは裏話などを呟いています …
Очень спокойная и необычная в тоже время атмосфера. Атмосфера прекрасного вечера….. Музыка. Всё замечательно у автора!
Очень нравится смотреть Ваши фильмы, спасибо!!! 🚚
Eu adoro os v�deos desse cara, s�o sempre t�o tranquilos, e esse trailer dele n�o parece grande coisa, mas se fosse pra mim, seria super confort�vel e eu gosto desse caminhaozinho
So relaxing, especially with the sound of the rain. 🥰🥰🥰
so peaceful…i like the onsen shots (water, rocks) and then the rain.
It’s Friday where I am and this is the video I needed after the week I’ve had! I’m relaxed now, and also I want that cup of noodles with the kitty face!!!
Thank you for yet another well produced upload….By watching it,,,, I too feel I have “de-stress” and am relaxed ….The world is truly becoming a smaller place , when I too can enjoy the rain in your ciuntry….Looking forward to more …Love and respect from Ireland ….
Love your content, very relaxing! Someday love to travel to Japan.
When I were doing my Shikoku Ohenro-ing trips, met one or two on-the-road like you, at a few Michi-no-Eki. We are alone, but we are not lonely in whatever way. haha… Now, I am preparing a hiker trailer, with DIY webbing attach to my hip, and drag along while I walk. Also, trying to integrate a simple bug net inner frame onto a tent cot. With a 3m x 4m good weather tarp, I will test it out at Shodoshima first prior down to Kyushu walk Nagasaki Kaido.
I adore your little home on the truck. It is so perfectly built with such care. It seems like a wonderful place to meet for tea! God bless you on your journey.
This guy has an inner peace that is soulful and true. Massive respect sir, love your videos. Thank you for posting them.
Me encanta!!!
Camping in the rain is super relaxing. The smell of the rain in the mountains and that view is priceless. ⛰🌲🏕
You brought this week’s episode at the perfect time and mood for me. Thank you! I am tired from the past week with low energy, so seeing you enjoy the rain and having simple meals are things I can really relate to right now. 🙏 It’s comforting to know many of us need to have a “Cup-of-Noodle” type day from time to time. Thank you and looking forward to next week. Yoi shūmatsu o!
Душевный, релакс- фильм. Привет из Владивостока!
So much positivity & calmness in your videos. Also cup noodles + camping.. to anyone who understands… Gladio (FF15) would be proud..
Transmite una inmensa paz. Saludos desde 🇲🇽
Me encanta ver la lluvia por esa ventanita mientras preparas tu comida,comes,limpias y ordenas.saludos desde argentina!!!
That rain, it was a magnificent backdrop for a relaxing lazy day! It must have been marvellous falling asleep to that sound. Great video! ♥️ 🌧 👍 🍚 🥢
Loved how the rain covered the ground and made a gentle moving background throughout this adventure. I was so jealous watching you eat your cup noodle as I remember the quality is so much better then what we get in the USA. Loved all the window rain drop shots, it was another lovely trip with you friend 🌸

(c) 旅する家の物語 第51話 自作の軽トラキャンピングカーで車中泊をしました。今回は春の山菜が採れたので、それを天ぷらにして食べたお話です。 Twitter …
I respect you for the man that you are. You give thanks before and after each meal, this tells me how you appreciate what you have. You also keep everything so clean and neat, this also shows me how much you respect what you have. Your meals all look wonderful. Please don’t ever change the wise and gifted person you are. I wish you good things and much happiness❤🌟
i wonder how the table feels about this man, does it appreciate the care he shows to it, or does it feel annoyed as a teenager may feel about his caring parents and wants to be left alone.
Other camper trucks and vans: hmm we spent tons to install a state of the art ventilation fan in our ceilingHim: a window
These videos are great! Soothing and relaxing. The music is pleasant, there is no unnecessary noise and speech. I just look and feel like I’m there at rest. Thank you for the peace and quiet and the beautiful. And delicious food. ☺️ Now I go and make a sandwich in the kitchen ☺️ Carlo from Hungary.
I love it how he doesn’t brush his teeth but cleans an apparently clean table first thing in the morning.
So what do you think happened to the table between cleaning for 10 mins at night and cleaning it again for 10 mins in the morning?Love the videos!
Все так уютно, вкусно, аппетитно, что самому захотелось. Лайк👍
Here lately ive been watching videos after work or before a nap. So calming and peaceful. I may have to go out and truly live and experience the world as he does. Big thumbs up 👍👍👍
As an RV camper I love all your clever & efficient ideas as well as the relaxing atmosphere of your videos. You’re one of my favorite channels!
Watched so many campers’ videos and you’re definitely my favourite!! I love how simple and clean and neat you’re(the way u clean the table top remind me so much of myself 🤣) not a high end expensively built van-home like others. This is that kinda of simple life linking to camping. Salute!
This is one of my all time favorite YouTube channels. It’s SO peaceful to watch these beautiful trips.
I am on a camping trip right this minute. I am trying to sleep in the front seat of my car because there are huge rains. Really makes me appreciate your cool and comfy setup.
I admire every detail: the hygiene, your neatness, your elements and your appreciation for food. Congratulations !! Not forgetting to mention the extraordinary truck you have. Still a big hug from Mar del Plata city, Argentina. Daniel
You should do some outdoor cooking outside your camper somewhere since it would be nice to see the scenery too.
You are my favourite Japanese person. I don’t know anyone else, aside from some famous filmmakers and writers in the 1960s but even if I knew more people from there, I doubt anyone would give away such a relaxing feeling about being and life. Stay well, enjoy your adventures!
Thank you for sharing your stories, I really do enjoy them.
No matter what happens, always remember to clean your table
I love these videos, I especially appreciate the time took to subtitle them! They’re very calming to watch!
God bless you men, you inspire peace and show people the simplicity of life.