【孤独の冬山車中泊】ひとり楽しく平日車中泊|自作軽トラキャンピングカー|軽自動車|ルーティン|40|DIY VanLife

(c) 旅する家の物語 第40話 自作の軽トラキャンピングカーで車中泊をしました。平日でも行ける近くの山での小さな旅です。 Twitter https://mobile.twitter.com/tabisuruie …
You can see English subtitles, so click “CC” to see ☺
So relaxing. I love your videos! Get yourself a product called “hot lips” – I think Snow Peak actually makes them. You put it on the cup and no more burned lips!
I really enjoy watching your videos. They’re very peaceful and make me miss Japan 🙂
Your videos are so calming and relaxing. I can tell how much gratitude you have for your experiences!
Thank you for sharing your camper build and camping trips. It looks so relaxing away from the hustle and bustle of normal life. Cheers, Ross.
You are following your bliss and that’s what makes your videos so enjoyable to watch. I love the simplicity! 🙏☮❤
Your videos are fantastic, and such an inspiration! I subscribe to at least a dozen vanlife channels, and yours is the one that makes me jump with anticipation.Also, as you mentioned work, what is it that you currently do for work?
Thank you for sharing your adventures. Your videos make me excited to visit Japan again when it is possible. I very much enjoy your cooking as well. Thanks again!
Great episode. Your photography is really nice. 👍🏻It’s nice that you have a beautiful place in the mountains to enjoy close to your home.
i like all the music on your videos. great stars photos and landscape! well done. keep on taking us in your adventures
Love this type of travel. Short and impromptu. Just drive off to the mountains!
Breathtaking view. Think lots of us want to see the stores.
Such peaceful videos to watch, very calming. Thank you.
Love watching your videos and the food looked delicious 👍
3:54 Beautiful scenery! Love your videos, they’re so peaceful. Keep up the great work brother! 👍
Aren’t you supposed to remove the plastic from the top of the solid fuel? Just curious.Love this channel – every upload is great!
You are as a great constructor as a big chief. Thanks man to share this nice life.
This is awesome. I wish I could do that here in southeast Texas!
Just stumbled upon your videos and I love them 💗…. Hello from Arizona !!!

(c) 旅する家の物語 第72話 自作の軽トラキャンピングカーで車中泊をしました。今回は雨の中人里離れた山奥に旅に出ました。夜食はすき焼きです。ぜひご覧ください。 ◇ツイッターでは裏話 …
Очень понравилась серия, смотрю и отдыхаю, спасибо!! 🚚
I’m about to build a house truck. My marriage ended four years ago. My wife had an inappropriate relationship with her daughters husband. It was very sad. But, we have a saying, when the going gets tough the tough get going. I love these videos. I want to travel everywhere in a beautiful house truck. I love watching this… even the most normal thing of having a meal becomes special. You’re an inspiration. Cheers
14:28 … gosto de ver as diferenças culturais! Fiquei aguardando: que horas ele vai cozinhar esse ovo? 😄🌺
Es muy relajante ver la lluvia, ademas del frescor del ambiente, uno siente el descanso del d�a, soy una persona sola tus recetas se ven faciles y rapidas de preparar gracias por ellas,
Cómo siempre muy buenos los vídeos y hoy hermoso amanecer, te agradezco por estás imágenes, de paz y tranquilidad un saludo desde Argentina 🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷
I saved this video to watch till Sunday evening. So peaceful it gives me a chance to relax and enjoy the simpler things in life 😁😊
Like anything you do, this trip was incredible, and the meals look delicious. I hope some day can do something similar
To the person reading this: Even though I don’t know you, I wish you the best of what life has to offer.
I love this. Your taking in the time and moment to truly appreciate the simple joys of life 🥰
I have an alcohol stove made in Sweden which I have used for 30 years, it still works as well as the day I first used it. It has a stand and guard which allows it to be used even in very windy conditions. I get a lot of inspiration from the meals you cook. I absolutely love how there are so many places in Japan that you can park and stay for the night.
Your journeys are something to admire my friend, every step of the way! Till the next one….. 👋☮❤🙏
Incre�ble lo que haces,y el momento de preparar la comida ,me encanta
I’m waiting for your next camper. In my imagination there will be interior storage over the cab. The height will be increased and the width will be increased. The length will also be increased. Thank you Tales Along the Way. Good night. Irene
I really admire your lifestyle. Humble, peaceful and relaxing. Have a nice and safe weekend 🌹👍
Can’t wait for winter to see what beautiful location he decides to visit next. Peace in all you’re travels my friend. 😊😊
Another awesome video. I love it when you drive in the rain it looks so peaceful. Another beautiful place in Japan. I love how you tell the story without saying a word and the music is absolutely beautiful and relaxing. Safe travels stay healthy and happy. Hello from the Texas Hill country.Steve
This is so peaceful. I needed this today. 🙏❤
Dinner looked delicioso, but the place where he stayed was beautiful. Thank you for sharing so much beauty. Greetings from Querétaro México 👍👋
Quite a feast! I almost enjoy the healing camping with you.
You look calm today not sad I am glad You have lots of us visiting you in your lovely van! I admire how neatly you work Everything has it’s place As always your food looked so delicious Stay safe dear friend we wait for your next video!!!

(c) 旅する家の物語 第49話 自作の軽トラキャンピングカーで車中泊をしました。前回大失敗したたこ焼きをリベンジすべく、今夜も旅に出ました。今回は古い木造校舎にたたずむ見事な桜も見に …
字幕ボタンを押すと日本語の解説が表示されます😃 When you tap the subtitle button, subtitles will appear in various languages😃
The cherry blossom tree’s look wonderful when they have lights on them. I am pleased that your takoyaki meal was a great success. Thank you for taking us along on your adventures. Have a great day Choppersrule1
I was thinking…..you need a roll up screen or one that slides from the side like a screen door on your big window. We love your channel. Please keep up the great videos!
I don’t know how I ended in your channel. But since I found it I’m addicted to your videos. Your videos show me a Japan that have never seen and it is like if I were there, enjoying a travel life as you are doing. Thanks for adding English subtitles to your videos. I don’t know Japanese and having the subtitles really help me out to understand better the context. Finally, the music of your videos and the atmosphere relax me sooo much. After watching one of your videos I feel so relaxed! Thanks for creating this content and sharing with us. Keep going!
Thank you for the upload. It comes to me at a time in my life that this relaxing content is much appreciated. Thank you for your hard work.
Nicely done. I’ve seen videos of the experts at work making these and your attempt looks really good.
I always love your wake up shot and your first peek out the window. Loved revisiting the Sakura again. Super impressed how you upped your takoyaki game lol! I thought maybe you were gonna try a breakfast variety takoyaki as well…..maybe next time! I think you should add butter to your bread so its buttery and toasty when your done…but I love butter lol! and such a beautiful look out view!A Hui Hou 🌸☀️🌈🌴
Hello from Sweden!I always look forward to what you’ll cook next for your camping trips! 😀
Очень вкусно смотреть! Very tasty to watch!
I did this kind of living in your vehicle back 20 years ago. It was som kind of hard but I realized of how tough I am of readjusting to a life this. My employer let’s me take his delivery van home not knowing I just lost the lease in my apartment so I lived in his van. It was the best 2 years of my life tbh! I kept all of my salary and only used some for the necessities like food, Gym membership so I can take a bath. So DIY camper life and Dentan are my 2 very favorite vehicle dwellers!
What a large and beautiful sakura! The lights make it look even more spectacular at night. You conquered the takoyaki! I knew you would take control of the situation and showed the takoyaki who is the Boss! Hahaha. We have enjoyed all of your videos, but this one especially we laughed along with you the entire video. @12:00, Itadakimasu and oishi! @14:00, you cannot hide the pride on your face, it is very evident! Thank you for a great video! 😄😋😉
Как всегда красивое видео! Большое спасибо !
Your takoyaki looks so delicious! Great to see your perseverance paid off! Another great video 😀
Nice cherry blossom scenery! Live independently is so enjoyable! 👍👏💪
You did great making Takoyaki this time! They were very tasty looking!! The pictures of the cherry tree were beautiful. Can you tell us how old that tree is?
I’m happy with this beautiful video. It was a wonderful experience to look around Japan again. Beautiful blooming huge tree. Thank you for the nice experience. Carlo from Hungary
Love your travels, Japan is so elegant! Your dinner looks delicious, will try this at home.
Yay, you cooked them perfectly!! And a lovely place to wake up to, thank you for taking us with you once more
Это прекрасный канал. Спасибо.

(c) 旅する家の物語 新しく料理チャンネルを作りました↓こちら↓ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSS3bV9Qg932opN17K_adQg?sub_confirmation=1 第53話 自作の軽トラ …
I love the way he carefully cleans the table before and after use. That table is special!
So relaxing to watch after a long Friday night on the night shift testing Covid samples.
Thank you for your videos they have made smile during the rough times of my surgeries and me being somewhat bedridden. They’re relaxing and make me smile knowing I’ll be able to move around love nature
I love the METHOD of the minimalism. One can do this in the back of an empty van 🙂
I really truly love how you clean before and after cooking. And how you praise your food before and after as well. You’re truly a wonderful, kind soul. I’d love to meet you someday.
Sometimes it’s the small things that make a difference. 2👍’s up and a like!
The rice looked so delicious! I love the way your knife box is also your cutting board, and I noticed the cute minimal Snow Peak cookware single snowflake, so cute. Another wonderful episode. Mahalo🌸
Hi, it is very relaxing and refreshing to watch your videos. The mood, the atmosphere and much more ensure that I can put usual stressful everyday life aside. Can you please provide the links to your cooking equipment? Thank you 🙏
Ah, you cook Thai national dish! (I’m Thai). Very impressive and it looks yummy! Also this is the first time I see that the Snowpeak cutting board you use can be folded to keep a knife inside. Now I want one for when I go camping 🙂
I love how you say bliss out! Actually I now bliss out at the end of the day when I’m winding down to watch your videos! 🙏☮❤
Gosto muito de ver vc na sua vida diária, é bem diferente 😊!!! Abraços daqui do Brasil 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🥰🥰🥰👍
I love your videos, you have such a nice way to tell a story! Your camper is so cozy and absolutely beautiful. I love the simplicity of your design. the armchair/bed and the multipurpose table. The easily accessible wall mounted shelves. Beautifully done! One thing I am curious about what is the interior dimensions? how long is it. 180cm? it can’t be 200cm right? I have seen those small trucks in real life. they are absolutely tiny! 😀
Very cool! I didn’t know that folks were converting box trucks in Japan. Was surprised to see the Jackery; this battery is very popular here in the US! Thank you for sharing your lovely build
I’ve watched all your videos. I find them relaxing. I also like to see parts of Japan that you visit. Your cooking is very hungry making. Thanks for the great subtitles.
Your camper is coming along nicely my friend, there are a few video’s on YouTube that tell you how to make a homemade aircondishioning for you camper out of an esky or cooler, i hope this information helps you out.Have a great day Choppersrule1
Отличная история! Мне всегда нравятся твои рецепты👍🍚🍡🍜🍛 и торжественный поклон после их употребления 🙏. Удачи!
So peaceful and beautiful !
The magnetic screen is perfect. I have a similar one at my house. I do not have a camper like yours… 🙁, but that’s why I watch your videos! Hahaha. So much easier to open and close than a regular screen door with a latch, especially if your hands are full! Besides the natto in #52, now you have me thinking I need to try bacon with tartar sauce…🤔👍 Thank you for sharing.
Love your videos – really like seeing the progress on the camper!
I would enjoy an expansion of your concept. Perhaps you can add other people (in minimal but engaging ways) to your videos. It would be nice to see you meet up with another camper. It would be nice to learn about your family. It would be nice to allow the viewers to follow you into a grocery store or Onsen.

(c) 旅する家の物語 第50話 自作の軽トラキャンピングカーで車中泊をしました。今回は夏に向けて大窓に網戸を作成しました。ちょうど分厚いソロ鉄板を知人から頂いたので、換気しながら …
Such a simple yet satisfying dinner! Love your channel, very down to earth.
Excellent work with that mosquito screen. It will come in handy for summer time. I like your videos, they are really calming and cosy. Greetings from Greece.
Great work on the window screen, super simple but effective! Maybe your next project should be a screen for the front door. Tonight’s meal looked delicious and inspired me to cook steak for lunch today! Thanks for sharing your adventures.
The way you appreciate food is like nothing i have seen before i feel so bad for all the food i have wasted or say is not good enough thank you do mich for opening my eyes! Love the series 👌
Your videos make me want to go out and live just like this! It seems so tranquil and simple. I’d also love to get my hands on one of your friends steel cooking plates. Is there any way to buy one?
Nice Mosquito screen! For the rice, maybe start using the Cup as a measuring tool for the water, so that you can have perfectly cooked rice every time. 🙂
Wonderful video as always!One question though, wouldn’t using magnets to hold the screen door in place be better than using a carabiner?I would think that it would be much more hassle-free unless there’s some limitation to it
Ur every episode never fails to amuse me. 🙂🙂
Hello, does your friend sell those BBQ plates? That looks like a good way to cook for camping
I love the little iron plate. What’s it called? I’d like to get one on Amazon, if possible. BTW, I found the sandwich grill you use on Amazon and bought it. We have a wonderful Asian market here in Oregon that sells the kind of bread you use so we are going to make some grilled sandwiches on our camp stove this weekend. I just love your channel and your vlogs. The food looks just wonderful!! Thank you!
You’re living the life I want, Sir! 🌻🤍
Always look forward to your videos, my friend! Keep the excellent work coming.
I am a new to the channel. I just wanted to say how much I enjoy watching your videos. They are so relaxing and the food looks so healthy. This makes me want to go out to the woods and explore. Very interesting. Watching from San Antonio Texas USA.
Full of peace ❤️
Toujours un bon moment. Merci…
Another great video, thank you for inviting us along, New screen should keep the bugs at bay. both meals made my mouth water, is there a place we can buy the griddle plate your friend designed? also is that dinner plate you use, the small oval plate is that from Snow Peak? looking forward to your next big adventure.. take care
Как всегда великолепно!!
Another great video. I was glad I found it after a week of hard work. Thank you my friend! Carlo from Hungary