
野郎が撮った猫動画(おすすめch紹介) チャンネル紹介
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茶トラ猫とサビ猫が仲良く魚を食べる  (c) 野郎が撮った猫動画

(c) 野郎が撮った猫動画 海水浴場に隣接する漁港で撮影しました。 モフモフの茶トラ猫とサビ猫が釣り人から魚を貰った時の様子です。優しい釣り人さんが2匹の魚をくれたので、取り合う事なく2匹 …





こんにちは😃猫ちゃんが生魚 食べるのを、初めて見ました❗綺麗に食べるのね😋

Fresh Fish?Gordon Ramsay : IT’S RAWWWW! So cuuute! 😻

尾まで食べるのがスゴイですね。 感心しちゃいます、残さないし。

Les fascina el pescado 😸 se ven muy bien alimentados 👍👍👏👏👏👏💖💕💗♥💓💞😉

Cats loves raw fish so much 🐯😻

They eat fish very deliciously.


Oh this nice man gives the cute kitties yummy fish.

Thanks for uploading.



茶とらさん優しいね。サビちゃんにまず譲ってあげてからのお魚食べ食べ🐟 頭からいくのね。元気なはずだね。魚釣りと野良さんはセットです。二人とも至福の時・・しあわせ~💕💕  海が穏やかで綺麗🌅





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野良猫のプロレスごっこ、いつまでも決着がつかない・・・  (c) 野郎が撮った猫動画

(c) 野郎が撮った猫動画 大きな池がある公園で撮影しました。 ウォーキングロードを歩いていると、植込みの中からハチワレ猫が出てきて、私の後を付いてきました。今日は一匹だけでまったり過ごす …

Cow and cinnamon milk tiger have a friendly wrestling competition over the right to groom each other.

Both look to be young cats. Probably siblings, grew up playing like that. Interesting both are missing part of an ear.

These two must be brothers👍

very clean stray cats^^ I think the community is taking care of them…..

I was walking home, heard two cats yelling at each other from down the street, they were face to face about to jump on each other when I shouted wullaballoo in a high voice like mickey mouse. It made them both jump, they looked at me for a second with crazy wide eyes and ran off in opposite directions.

They remind me of a caramel sundae and a hot fudge sundae scooped together to make one delicious dessert.

If stupid humans “fought” like this, what a beautiful world this would be !!! *~:)<333*

🧡💛💚💙No-one:YouTube recommended: Did you know that the Fight of cats cannot be stopped? 🧡💛💚💙


Ow; look at that doods ear. I bet that hurt so bad when it happened.

I’ve often see how two cats fight playfully each other.😀2:48 : The Tuxedo cat’s body shaped like a deflated balloon while it lay down to relax.☺

Hermosos gatos hasta parece que están de día de campo 😍❣️

Too cute! I thought this was going to be one of those “rock’em sock’em robots” hardcore fighting style videos that border on animal abuse, so I was pleasantly surprised to find it’s just two friendly cats rough-housing and play-fighting with each other, but all in good humor and fun. It’s actually kind of peaceful and calming … and I don’t mind a bit. Thx for sharing!

5:30 wow tuxedo kitty going in for the submission choke LOL

The kindness toward all “his” cats is wonderful. I admire his kindless.

Never seen aggressive grooming before!


離れても わざわざ側に行って 仕掛けている所を見ると、この子たちはは相当 気の合う仲間なのではと思ってしまいますよね まぁ元気が一番ですから😋

I wanna live like that – light-heartedly


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野良猫を虐待している奴、震えて眠れ!!  (c) 野郎が撮った猫動画

(c) 野郎が撮った猫動画 野良猫がたくさん暮らす公園で、虐待犯へ警告する張り紙を見つけました。「ネコの首元をバリカンでそったりタバコの火を押し当てた方警察に通報しています。」と書かれてい …

The message contains the following:「Someone shaved the hair of a stray cat with a clipper, and pressed the cigarette fire on the cat’s neck. I accused the person who did the above act to the police.」There are some people who lynch stray cats in Japan. In Japan, lynching animals such as dogs and cats is a crime. However, police don’t investigate actively for animal lynch incident. In the past, police arrested a man who burned more than 50 stray cats, but the man did not go to jail.




#straycatsmatter spread this word, we Can save all cats and kitty’s, they deserve a good life, including stray cats (I love all breeds of cats, no matter how they are. Show respect to stray cats too. We love every cat!!)

Meu super like para o canal e para os gatinhos 😻 meus amores 😍 😍 😍

저 순하고 착한 애들을 누가 학대하는지 화나네요약한 생명들에게 잘해줄지는 못할 망정~~






Нельзя издеваться над животными))))


An eye for an eye, that’s the best rule for any abuser.



Thanks to the person for translating the message as the message put to the public should be done in multiple languages so we all can understand and as for cats and other living species of animal creatures just like us humans we all should have a right to live a happy healthy life ideally but in reality it doesn’t actually go like that so persons are having to be vigilant against those who cause problems to cats or other animals as some of my fellow humans are the most depraved and destructive to fellow creatures and to the environment in general which means a more competent and efficient law enforcement organisation to clamp down on so-called people who are cruel to animals or if not a vigilante groups will take over and bring the law into there own hands enough said hey


Пожалуйста , переведите!


喧嘩をする猫達を仲裁してみたら・・・  (c) 野郎が撮った猫動画

(c) 野郎が撮った猫動画 #猫動画 #野良猫 #GoPro.

Басня Крылова “Слон и Моська”, указывает насколько жалко и нелепо выглядят усилия Моськи, пытающейся привлечь к себе внимание важного и великого слона.” Ай, Моська! знать она сильна, что лает на Слона”.

love cat


Black cat: “Starting from the new year this is gonna be my turf, so get it in your head from now.”Grey cat: “You’ll have to fight me first.”Black cat: “It’s your funeral , busu.”

The serious teacher cat and the good listerning pupil .


I Wonder cats have wolves in them when they get in fights they like your howling🤔?


I went to the fish port and witnessed too fun to watch cat fight between loud siren emitting kuroneko and stripped pheasant cat and arbitrarily reconcile them, goron. 😂



“So, you want to start a war yeah?!” – Black panther kitty.

Estes gatinhos 😸 são muito arteiros mas continuam muito fofos…


“Черный аргументированно убедил Серого покинуть его территорию без конфликтов”)))

Как у людей: Чёрный – истеричка, а Полосатый – настоящий мужик.

😆 cats are so cute even when they fight.



Черныш кричит: ” Давай! Давай!” А Серый ему в ответ: ” Ну неее”


高所恐怖症の猫!?展望台へ登っている途中で逃げ出す猫  (c) 野郎が撮った猫動画

(c) 野郎が撮った猫動画 #猫動画 #野良猫 #GoPro.

“What’s the point of being up here? I mean, yes, I can see the birds more easily, but it’s not as if I can pounce on them. This was a silly idea. I’m off.”

That’s a pretty cat 😻💋💋


So cute when it runs tokotoko with the short legs 😂 sweet putty-tat 🤗🤗🤗💕

So cute, when he drops to the ground and rolls 😍




Chunky Kijitra cat tries to climb the observatory, stops by for mohumov and goron then finally patrols elsewhere slightly tontong waisted, rolls in ground goron gong. 😄





🐱🐶🐥Uma grande variedade de animais apenas querem nossa atenção, nosso carinho e nosso amor. Retribuindo assim com sua inocência, seu carinho e seu amor.Cuide bem destes e recompensado(a) serás!Um abraço àqueles que cuidam bem dos animais!😻🦓🦒


SO SWEET! BEAUTIFUL CAT! KISSESS FROM ITALY! 🌠🌈🧑😘😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻👍👍👍👍👍👍👍🌟⭐🌟⭐🌟⭐🌠🌠🌠⭐🌟⭐💖💖💖🌛🌛🌝🌝🌝🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

Marroon tiger tries to reach the stars but lands back to the trees

포동포동한 고양이씨~당신 정말 귀엽군요 ♡

진짜 너무 귀엽다ㅜㅜ

I would take it home! It’s so pretty 😍😍

