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- 【鬼滅の刃・遊郭編】表参道の美容師が上弦の陸・堕姫(だき)を再現してみた《+ 実際に被ってコスプレしてもらった》…
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- 【呪術廻戦】表参道の美容師が虎杖悠仁&宿儺の髪を本気で作ってみた《呪術廻戦 コスプレウィッグ》…
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- 【ジョジョ】美容師がの東方仗助の髪型を本気で再現してみた / How to make Josuke Higashikata’s hair
- 【ジョジョ】美容師がポルナレフの髪型を本気で再現してみた / How to make Jean Pierre Polnareff’s hair
- 【リクエスト】美容師がヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデンの髪型を本気で再現してみた / How to make Violet Evergarden’s hair
- 【ジョジョ】美容師がジョルノ・ジョバァーナの髪型を本気で再現してみた / How to make Giorno Giovanna’s hair
- 【ジョジョ】美容師がの空条徐倫の髪型を本気で再現してみた / How to make Jolyne Cujoh’s hair
【ジョジョ】美容師がの東方仗助の髪型を本気で再現してみた / How to make Josuke Higashikata’s hair

(c) さとけんHair Labo 東方仗助(ひがしかたじょうすけ)のコスプレウィッグの作り方】 東京・表参道の美容師が ジョジョの奇妙な冒険/第四部 東方仗助の髪型を …
Let’s appreciate that Josuke always gets up early just to take care of his hair
so this is how long josuke’s hair actually was huh
Now we all know the reason Josuke always gets mad when someone insults his hair, it literally takes forever to maintain
Goodness, to think he does this every morning and his hair is still not ruined after fighting almost to the death most of the time shows how dedicated he is lol
I think when someone told that Josuke’s hair looked ridiculous, they meant the effort that he made to maintain the hair is ridiculously impressive.
Imagine how much cosplay potential there could be if there was multiple wigs like this- i’d imagine it’d be expensive too.
This is why it is forbidden to insult Josuke’s hair….its a MASTERPIECE!!!
That was awesome ! Watching the hairstyle slowly take form right before my eyes as it went from just purple wig to a full of perfect recreation of Josuke’s hair was so cool. You are so talented !
Oh wow this is amazing! I didn’t think you could replicate his hair so accurately ❤️
really nice job! also just a tip, you don’t need to call crazy diamond, “shining diamond” in the English subtitles. since the stand names are based after western bands and songs, the subtitles for lots of translations calls it things like “shining diamond” or in gold experiences case, “golden wind”. but most western fans recognize them by their actual name.
I love how this show brings people together, your talents are quite impressive!
Maravilloso trabajo, qued� fascinada con el resultado, es id�ntico al de Josuke! Tienes una nueva suscriptora, saludos desde M�xico :’)
This is a literal masterpiece, I never thought making josuke’s hair was even possible but this… is on another level its so crazy!
This makes me want to cosplay Josuke so badly! A masterpiece.
Nah because this is such a hard hairstyle to pull off. Well done, you should definitely be the hair stylist if there’s ever jojo live actions!
i really love josukes hair, and i really enjoyed watching this !! if i try to make this hairstyle i would completely fail lol, you make it look so easy
【ジョジョ】美容師がポルナレフの髪型を本気で再現してみた / How to make Jean Pierre Polnareff’s hair

(c) さとけんHair Labo 【ポルナレフの髪型の作り方】 東京・表参道の美容師が ジョジョの奇妙な冒険/第三部 ジャン=ピエール・ポルナレフの髪型をコスプレ …
This guy can make any hairstyle! Amazing! If they ever make a live action JoJo movie again they should hire you to be a stylist for the set!
HUGE talent on display here. You can feel the passion as strongly as the power of an enemy stand…Edit: the makers of Crazy Mist should sponsor him!!!
Wow!! You’re amazing at wig styling 😍
Omg !!! 😍😍 me encantó! Polnareff es mi personaje favorito y ver que hiciste tremendo trabajo haciendo el peinado me parece increíble ! 💖
This makes me want to see a huge Youtuber collab where every youtuber contributes to a part of a cosplay in which craft they are expectionally great at like for example Satoken doing the hair, someone else makes the clothes, another one creates accessoires, if the character has a weapon then add a youtuber who can smith/forge weapons, a youtuber model (do they even exist on youtube?) that has a similair build as the character who also can pull off the attitude of the character in their poses and to top it all of a make up youtuber that can transform their face to match the character even more. By splitting the work everyone can focus on the very fine details which make the cosplay feel like it really jumped out of an anime/videogame/ movie and so forth. Everyone could make a separate video on their process and then they could make a big documentary where the videos of each youtuber are cut together with some videos of what was going on in the background like how it all started, the planning, finding people, discussions etc.It really fascinating that there are cosplayers who do all that by themselves, in some way they are hairstylists, tailor, models, make up artists and on and on.
Incre�ble como siempre!!! Incluso desafiaste la gravedad esta vez con este peinado, qued� id�ntico al original a pesar de que era tan dificil, considerarias hacer el peinado de Hanako kun? es algo simple pero me encantaria verlo
this process is really amazing lolol— i used to think it was impossible to get a haircut like polnareff, but i guess not 😳
With his hairstyling skills and humour, this man needs more subscribers. This is so amazing!For the next JoJo, I suggest you to do Kakyoin’s hair or maybe Okuyasu’s.
You are a master hairstylist! This was time consuming and it turned out phenomenal! 👏🏾👏🏾
ブラボー!おお・・・ブラボー!!どの髪型再現も素晴らしいですが、ジョジョシリーズは重力に逆らってる系が多いのに完成度が素晴らしいのでいつも感動してます(⸝⸝⸝ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ ⌑ ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀⸝⸝⸝)リクエスト受け付けてくださるとのことなので、ぜひ3部より花京院典明の髪型をお願いしたいですm(_ _)mこれからもお身体に気をつけて頑張ってください٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و
Por fin subtitulos!, gracias! ^^Muy buen trabajo con el pelo de Polnareff!
Mad respect for Polnareff to do this every morning
Damn this is impressive <3 There’s literally no excuse to do anime hair for cosplayers now lolI wonder how you would do Bayonetta’s hairstyle (from the first game), just to see if my idea is not crazy as I’m almost sure it is
With seeing the process, Polnareff would look so handsome if he had his hair down! Either way, love this video so much!
If there’s any live action JoJo movie then you should totally do the hair for it. Every single one has been a perfect copy from animation to real life. 👍
Your hair styling skills are amazing! I would love to see Funny Valentine ( ファニー・ヴァレンタイン) or even Jobin Higashikata (東方 常敏)!
【リクエスト】美容師がヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデンの髪型を本気で再現してみた / How to make Violet Evergarden’s hair

(c) さとけんHair Labo ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデンのコスプレウィッグの作り方】 東京・表参道の美容師が ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデンの髪型をコスプレ …
I can’t understand a word you’re saying, but I still enjoyed this video a lot! God, Violet Evergarden is a beautiful anime, and I’ve always been so in love with her hair! Thank you for doing this, it looks amazing
I really love they way you make it fall so naturally, like real hair. So many cosplay wigs just have this artificial look to them in the styling that makes it look odd to me, but all the ones I’ve seen you do look so natural, like it’s a real person’s hair.
アニメから本当に出てきたような完璧な完成度で感動しました…!最初のお手紙や言い回し、ブローチやイラストからも“愛”が伝わってきて嬉しくなりました。最近大好きなジョジョの動画でこのチャンネルを知るとこができたのですが、ヴァイオレット・エヴァーガーデン も大好きなのでとても幸せです!!
Me alegra que el canal ya aya crecido tanto!!! Yo te conoc� cuando tenias 500 subs !!! felicidades te lo mereces!!
I love the extra detail like the letters in the beginning and the soundtracks in the background. Great video!
Actually, あいしてる is translated in “Ti amo” in Italian, and we use “Ti voglio bene” for friends or family, not for lovers ^_^
素晴らしいです!it looks so natural! I wish I had my hair again long so I can style it like you did 😍 by the way, your voice is so relaxing 😌
Amazing, the wig looks almost if not identical to her hair in the anime. Keep up the work you’re doing great
【ジョジョ】美容師がジョルノ・ジョバァーナの髪型を本気で再現してみた / How to make Giorno Giovanna’s hair

(c) さとけんHair Labo 【ジョルノ・ジョバァーナのコスプレウィッグの作り方】 東京・表参道の美容師が ジョジョの奇妙な冒険/第五部 ジョルノ・ジョバァーナの髪型を …
I’ve never seen such a realistic Giorno wig, you’re work is incredible! Can’t for for Jolyne omg
as someone who tried to create Giorno’s hair style on my own (and not doing so well.) I am glad I wasn’t the only one to be inspired to try and create his hairstyle! thank you for showing your process! much love and happy new year!
Wow, it’s incredible how you can actually make these hairstyles look so good! And the effort you put into the videos are great! Thank you Satoken!
You are the only person I’d actually feel comfortable with when giving me a haircut for the first time.
this is a literal masterpiece….. you’re so talented, YOU HAVE MY RESPECT.
The wig is perfect, even without understanding japanese it was interesting to watch how Giorno’s hairstyle could be put together! Congrats!!!
I don’t even do cosplay or anything hair-related, but I can’t stop watching your videos because they’re SO GOOD. You have a lot of talent, my dude!
4:30 このままでも十分綺麗なコロネなのに、わざわざ中心部分を黒に染める事でより原作絵に近付けているのがもう凄すぎます…マジでシビあこです…!!さとけんさんのウィッグはどの角度から見てもディ・モールトベネですね✨そして今回も途中のジョジョネタ楽しませていただきましたww(特にゴミのやつ😂ww)次回の徐倫、個人的にめちゃめちゃ大好きなキャラクターなので楽しみにしています…!!!わくわく!!
【ジョジョ】美容師がの空条徐倫の髪型を本気で再現してみた / How to make Jolyne Cujoh’s hair

(c) さとけんHair Labo 空条徐倫のコスプレウィッグの作り方】 東京・表参道の美容師が ジョジョの奇妙な冒険/第六部 空条徐倫の髪型をコスプレウィッグで再現し …
This feels like such an impossible hair style to do yet you absolutely nailed it!
Now I’m convinced that Satoken-san is a hairstyle God. Watching his videos I’m convinced that there is no hairstyle or haircut that he cannot do. If he did Jotaro, Josuke and Jolyne’s hair perfectly, then he’s capable of anything 😂😂😂
Seeing the wig freshly dyed before it was dried out reminded me of a pile of wet seaweed 😂You did amazing work!!!!.💖 So excited to see the ultimate challenge that is Polnareff’s giant tube of hair!!!
コスプレイヤーさんとかでも徐凛ちゃんの髪型セットの動画を出してくれてる人少ないから本当に嬉しい( ≖͈́ ·̫̮ ≖͈̀ )さとけんさんいつも動画投稿ありがとうございます🙏
That’s so impressive! You absolutely nailed Jolyne’s hairstyle!
i’m consistently amazed by your ability to bring such impossible-seeming hairstyles into reality… incredible work as always!!!
Quedó Increíble 😍!! También me gustaría que la actriz de voz de Jolyne la use ✨
THIS TURNED OUT SO GOOD!!! Does anyone know know how he styled the bangs to create and maintain that wavy kind of shape?
¡Te quedó genial! Me encanta como explicas todo y le das temática del anime a tus vídeos Un trabajo increíble. Me imaginé a Jolyne en la peluquería contando su drama familiar con su padre 😂
Good grief this is amazing never thought i would be interested in hair but this creator made me appreciate what hair stylists do
This was absolutely mesmerizing to watch! I hope to use this video if I ever make a Jolyne wig. Although, I’d like to make my version blue and green like in the manga… I wonder if I can still dye it like you did
Whoa, this is so impressive!!! I could never figure out the buns for the life of me. I loved the hair dyeing/boiling process as well! Fantastic video and poses. I hope Ai wears the wig as well lol