
(c) MINA
Very nice selection of instruments, BTW, you exude epic coolness ! 😀😍
ベース奏法も凄い上、ベースのデザインセンスも良いですね。オシャレ!歌声、ダンスも最高! お若いのに素晴らしい才能がある。是非、セッションしてみたいです。
this was great!! both the player and the guitar 🙂
You the best! That bass with the green body and white pick-guard (and maple neck?) is so beautiful!
MINAsan, it’s going to work out. One way or another it will work out. You just have to keep breathing and being.
たしかそれ以外にもSagoのPrime Edgeも持ってるよね?あれもめちゃくちゃ好き。MINAちゃんほんとにデザインのセンスいいよね…凄い✨
Uno のkenken のやつ見たいっす〜!

(c) MINA スラップ講座をしてみました! いつもYouTube見てくれてる皆さんありがとうございます^^ スラップ難しいけど、楽しいよ Twitter …
Thank you Mina-san. Your way of explanation is very good 🙂
thank you so much mina!! i just recieved a bass as a gift, and am so excited to start playing it. thank you so much for adding eng subs, you’re so talented!!!!!! ♡
Such a thoughtful and fun video and channel. Your English subtitles are so well written and video editing is great. Great close-up camera angles. Your hard work is appreciated.
Thank you very much Mina! I’m starting with slap and you helped me a lot 😊. Keep working you are awesome!!
You are a very talented musician Mina! Love your cover of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure where you are playing all the parts. Your sense of rhythm is fantastic! Keep up the great work and videos – you will go far!
Very clear and well explained, More bass tutorial pls. Thanks. Love it~!!
Thank you, Mina sensei, for the lesson on the slap, it is especially interesting to me since I do not have big hands either, it would be very interesting for those of us who are just starting out, scales and advice on what to practice daily, to improve our performance with the bass, thank you very much for the lesson, greetings.
Thank you Mina-san, this was very helpful. And sweet :).
Your slap style is unique it’s what makes you the bass player you are I like seeing different techniques for doing the same thing no matter if it’s slapping tapping or plucking as long as it works it has value keep being a inspiration to the rest of usRespect from 🇺🇸
Thanks for all your hardwork! Learned a lot 😊
Thanks Mina, this was brilliant! Been thinking of getting a bass and this was very helpful..arigato gozaimasu 🤘🎶
Great bass lesson Mina-san! Thank you for the Engrish subtitles! Love you!
Such an easy to understand video about slapping the bass!! Feels like picking up a bass now!
Thank you for this great tutorial 👍 I would love it if you could speak English or I should say Scottish 😂 for me it’s difficult to watch you and read sub titles at same time 🥵 but I can see you have put a lot of work in to learning to play Bass and it is very evident by your skills 😊 all in you are an inspiration to me 🙏🥰
This is the slap lesson where i can say i enjoy till the end of the video, so entertaining yet still very inspiring
Even tho I know how to slap the bass and stuff, it’s still interesting to see you explaining it. I also got some tips after watching the vid, which is great! Thank you.
1:25 my favorite! Need to do the underground bass line too please lol. Thank you for this video. *A true gem!*
Thank you for the story, the lesson (thumb and pull), and the English subtitles!=]
You are a great teacher Mina!!!
【うっせぇわ】ベース弾いてみた -Bass cover-

(c) MINA 本家様 https://youtu.be/Qp3b-RXtz4w Adoさんのうっせぇわを弾いてみました!! ぜひ聴いてみて下さい^^ Twitter …
I love Ado’s songs and this cover by you gave it an extra oomph. Keep making amazing covers 💞💞
You’re awesome Mina, great bass playing🙌🏻
That was wonderful Mina! You look very happy while you play <3
You are incredibly talented Mina, you play the bass very well.Greetings from Poland ❤️🇵🇱
Your playing is full of love and joy. Thank you for sharing it with us all. Happy 2022. Be safe. Behave. : )
The song is out of this world and so is this cover 👏👏👏
You maintain your loveliness even whilst playing. It’s a sight to behold
That was really good! Keep up the work!
No he visto los demás covers de esta canción, pero con solo ver el tuyo ya sé que es el mejor de todos (✯ᴗ✯)
I love seeing how much she enjoys playing her Bass. She is in the zone, groovin’. Love that.
amazing work. keep posting regularly and your channel will keep growing!
Musica muito boa cover exelente MINA �tima no baixo com sempre simplesmente SUGOI
You’re so talented, good job
どうやって? How.. How can you make it look so easy–like you’re just having a chat with your friend at a coffee shop?尊敬。。。 👏👏
Great funk girl! Great cover!
you’re so talented
It’s amazing how many fantastic Japanese musicians there are ! ❤️😍🇨🇦
【踊ってみた】Dynamite / BTS さん

(c) MINA
and she dances too?!?!?! will someone give this lady a medal or something?!?!
so talented girl!!! You can do literally everything 👍
Mina you’re an artist with the potential to become a famous idol
Mina!! You go girl! You got it all, so talented! You sing pretty, you are a multi instrumentalist, you are “Fashion Monster’ and a wonderful dancer! You are a star on the rise! Keep up the good work, I am a big fan!
Wow! Your rhythm on bass and in dance is fantastic!
You are a gorgeous and multi talented performer Mina, quite amazing!
I really enjoyed watching you dance wonderfully.Thank you MINA 💐💕.
All this musical talent and she can move too! ❤
you’re really good at dancing!
Never heard this song, and I don’t like boy bands. But I do like watching Mina dance. This young woman is extremely beautiful and talented.
Great dancing 👏🏻❤️
The first video I saw of you was your Bass Battle with Dave504. I loved it and checked out all of your videos. I love the Bass so it’s always my favorite. Then I see you playing all parts. So much talent. You also have A beautiful voice. Your so cute and beautiful. And you Dance?!! Thank you for sharing everything.I only wish your videos were longer I could watch and listen to you Jam on your Bass all day. Love your cut smileAnd its great to see you branching out. Im always looking forward to your new videos to come outThanks for bringing a smile to my face!!!!!
Beautiful, electric, elegant danse !! Bravo
Ohh sheesh she can dance too! ❤️❤️❤️
omg you’re so talented :))) what can’t u do??
🥰Mina is so cute and talented. 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Ya hab�a visto un baile tuyo de esta canci�n y me sigue encantado como lo haces. Ya te has dado cuenta que desde el a�o pasado tu fama ha crecido un mont�n, sobre todo en tik tok. Y no es casualidad, derrochas talento, a pesar de que no eras la cantante principal en GIRLFRIEND, igual eras la que m�s quer�amos y resaltabas con tus movimientos, coro y ya sabes, el bass. Espero que te consolides como una idol, o no s� que es lo que quieras hacer. Pero, sin duda alguna, lo lograr�s! Extra�o a tu banda, Mina :c
You are so talented 👍🏽😊
【弾いてみた】Title / Meghan Trainor -Bass cover-

(c) MINA
Mina, plays with a smile and nails it as usual 🙂
Wow!! So talented and I love her smile.👍👍
Love your smile and your enjoyment, Mina ❤️
WHOOO <3 🤩🤩😍😍 is there a full version of this song? thank you 😍😍
Love this 🙌🏻❤️
You always seem so happy playing bass. When you play other instruments (which you do well), you look like you’re concentrating. When you play bass you are always smiling, especially if you are slapping. I get it. Slapping is super fun!
awesome as always keep it up
Love the bass, and the turtle neck ,💜
her smile makes everyone smile 😀
😍😍😍😍😍😍 love her
Full/longer version please