【ジョジョの奇妙な冒険】処刑用BGM 〜JOJO〜 全パート頑張ってみた 『il vento d’oro』

(c) MINA スタンド使いはスタンド使いにひかれ合う… 大好きなJOJO5部の処刑用BGM『il vento d’oro』を弾いてみました!! この前の廻廻奇譚より …
I thought you are only the bassist, but damn, you are the whole band yourselves. AMAZING!! I’ve watched this like 10 times and am still watching.
You’re totally a gifted person. I will look forward on your upcoming covers
I love how she concentrates with the guitar but goes full vibin’ with the bassShe’s so good!
Definitely getting a great vibe from this whole thing, doing a mashup of you playing all these instruments is truly talented, love this so much
This is awesome! Great talent, and well arranged and recorded. I look forward to seeing more videos like this!
Your personal touch in this was really amazing. Have listened to so many covers of this song but yours stands out amazingly
That was awesome, well done. I look forward to hearing more of your covers, or some originals if you choose to go that route.
This is so over the top incredible!!!🔥Would live to see you release multiple videos of you playing the whole band!This is truly amazing and entertaining!!!
Talented AF!!! Can’t wait until Mina unleashes these skills on original compositions…maybe an entire anime or movie score!!! Though an album of all these covers would be something I listen to all the time too! ❤❤❤
That’s truly incredible !!!Your musical skills are really amazing !!!I really loved this video !!!Keep going like that ! You are incredible !!!👏🏽👍🏽
Mina!!! you are amazing!! didn’t know you played guitar that well!! you can be your own band!!! you rock!!
as much as I’ve always known that Mina is a very talented artist, with every video she posts I’m still surprised.p.s: Jojo + Mina = perfection 💞
Loved it all. Very good, especially the bass! Well done.
woot! thank you Mina! I am so happy to see you continue playing and growing! you are so talented and you have such a kind and happy spirit! I hope you will continue and I cannot wait for what comes next! <3 you from NJ, USA! hope to see you perform live some day!
killed it 🔥🔥
Really well done! Truly a talented musician 👏 大変お疲れいさまです!
Wow this is awesome! Having been a one man band myself one…I can honestly say…YOU ROCK!! Oh…and I subscribed for more.
Really great and quite impressive! That music might be excellent for an action-adventure movie or a TV show. Sending you lots of great wishes, you are super talented!
【弾いてみた】夜に駆ける / YOASOBI さん -Bass cover-

(c) MINA 本家様 https://youtu.be/x8VYWazR5mE YouTubeの皆さん明けましておめでとうございます!! 今年もよろしくお願いします^^ 新年一発 …
미나님을 통해서 이 곡을 알게되고 이 곡에 푹 빠져서 오늘 밤새도록 이 곡에 관련된 영상들을 둘러봤습니다. 결국은 미나님의 연주 영상이 가장 인상 깊어서 지금 다시 또 보고 있네요ㅎㅎ 죽기 전에 꼭 한번 미나님의 연주를 직접 보는 순간이 온다면 소원이 없을것 같아요ㅠㅠ
I love that she smiles when she is playing the bass so fabulous. Really looks like fun. Need to practice more on my bass…
Cuanto talento!! Saludos desde C�rdoba, Argentina.
I loved it how you enjoyed playing paired with this beautiful song 🥰
Always excellent playing and your smiles make me happy, thank you Mina!
Yooooooooo, I actually listen to Yaosobi everyday so this is cool! 바보!
Great cover Mina! Love your smiles while playing 💯❤️
So talented! It’s boggling to me how many incredible female artists there are in Japan. Here in the US It’s a male dominated career path. It is refreshing to watch beautiful women jam!
I never realize how hard a baseline slaps until I hear Mina jamming out with it
This is my favourite song and I can’t believe you covered it! Your skills are mind-blowing, thanks for this <3
This is a FANTASTIC way to start 2022; Mina playing Bass and smiling. Thank you
マジでいろんな人がやってる夜に駆けるのベースカバー聴いたけど、ミナさんのベースが一番好み( i _ i )ほんと心地いいしかっこいいです!!!
What a cute smile u have and I like the way u play bass. That’s cool♡
Your left hand looks so effortless and relaxed – I’m amazed. And how your thumb isn’t in bits from all that slapping, I’ll never know? Great piece – thank you.
That proficiency! Impressive bass playing!
Nice Bass Sound and Awesome Bass Skills. Domo Arigato for Sharing this Video. 👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️

(c) MINA
Keep playing the bass! Greetings from Chile 🇨🇱.
Funny MINA, you make me smile 🙂 I have never seen anyone do that before hahahahahaha great slapping. Greetings from Norway.
I have never seen DAVIE504 attempt that. I know, no matter how hard he tries; he could never make it look that Kawaii. I will admit to my bias though. I have always said that MISA (BAND-MAID) and you are my two favorite ❤ Bassists. As always, stay happy healthy and safe.Enjoy.
…that bass…soooo personalized!!
Gorgeous as usual!
Please, can’t handle any more cuteness 😍😍
You can SLAP it, but MINA can CUTE it ^_^
うわぁ!かっこいい ギター ですね!
I knew I’ve been holding my bass wrong!
I’ve never seen that technique before.
She looks like an Anime girl in real life
【弾いてみた】Me Too / Meghan Trainor(Bass)

(c) MINA Twitter https://twitter.com/mina_gf_band?s=21 Instagram https://instagram.com/mina_gf_band?utm_medium=copy_link TikTok …
I love watching the girls play together. They look so happy, they sound so great – there are irreplaceable! It would be so cool to see them back together singing, playing, writing, performing, recording and making videos. Girlfriend could be a worldwide success with that much talent and those great looks. They haven’t produced a single dud song so far. The covers are all better than the originals and their own compositions are just wonderful, and varied, and powerful. Come on ladies, have a nice quiet Christmas break then pull your fingers out, get everything in one sock and take the world by storm – you know you want to! ❤️[I hope that Google manage to retain my meaning! 😊] 私は女の子が一緒に遊ぶのを見るのが大好きです。 彼らはとても幸せそうに見えます、彼らはとても素晴らしい音を出します-かけがえのないものがあります! 彼らが一緒に歌ったり、演奏したり、書いたり、演奏したり、録画したり、ビデオを作ったりするのを見るのはとてもクールでしょう。 ガールフレンドは、その多くの才能とそれらの素晴らしいルックスで世界的な成功を収めることができます。 彼らは今のところ単一のダッドソングを制作していません。 カバーはすべてオリジナルよりも優れており、彼ら自身の構成は素晴らしく、多様で、強力です。 女性に来て、素敵な静かなクリスマス休暇を過ごしてから、指を抜いて、すべてを1つの靴下に入れて、世界を席巻してください-あなたはあなたがしたいことを知っています! ❤️[Googleが私の意味を維持できることを願っています! 😊]
Mina, PLEASE cover a Leslie Langston bass line. She was the first bass player for the Throwing Muses, and an amazing one at that! Not to mention, CRIMINALLY underrated. She played on House Tornado, Hunkpapa, and Red Heaven. She was my first bass playing inspiration, just like you are my most recent. You guys really remind me of how much I love bass and music in general! Can’t wait to see what you do in the future, it’s going to be amazing! (LOL no pressure!)
the image is tiny, but the bass is mighty!! <3
ooft, sounds awesome. Wished you did the whole song! Good stuff.
Beautiful play as always.
You are so amazing!
Todo lo haces ver muy sencillo, me gusta tu estilo
Too good 🔥🔥😆
Awesome skills Mina <3 xx
I can watch her play all day…. She’s fun to look at…. And listen to
I can watch this all day long. Your posture is 🔥
I really like the Bass playing, but could you please make the videos longer and full screen.
베이스 기타를 배우고 싶게 만드는 영상이네요 🙂
【弾いてみた】脳漿炸裂ガール れるりり さん (Bass cover)

(c) MINA Twitter https://twitter.com/mina_gf_band?s=21 Instagram https://instagram.com/mina_gf_band?utm_medium=copy_link TikTok …
MINA, the more difficult it gets, the more you smile. I love your bass playing, and I get very happy from watching you 🙂
I just get so mesmerized watching her play bass! She’s so cool
Love it, you’re amazing 🙌🏻❤️
Nice playing. You’ve got great technique!!!
Love this so much!!
Your Bass skills are the Best!!!🎸🎶🎵🎶🎸🎶🎵🎶🎸🎶
ミナさん、15秒では足りません…でも、短い動画でも何もないよりはましです! 🙂 🙂 :)あなたは、各ビデオで低音を上達させるというあなたのコミットメントを示しています!メリークリスマス!!!
I would love to see a bass off between MINA and MISA of BAND-MAID.
WOW where is the rest?!! hahaha amazing talent