- Eddie Griffin Wants the Police to Whoop Him | Def Comedy Jam | LOL StandUp!
- Mike Epps⎢” Wherever there’s a van there’s an Old Man!”⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq
- Deray Davis⎢Women say the most hurtful things⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq
- DeRay Davis⎢I Speak Fluent Hood-Rat⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq
- DeRay Davis⎢Women are liars!⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq
Eddie Griffin Wants the Police to Whoop Him | Def Comedy Jam | LOL StandUp!

(c) LOL Network Stand-Up! 1991 was a crazy year. Magic Johnson, Rodney King, and Michael Jackson were all in the news, and Eddie Griffin’s got thoughts.
Back when people had balls and comedy was funny
Eddie Griffin is criminally underrated. See how he owned that stage.
“91 was a trip!”*2020 just laughing it’s ass off*
Picturing Rogan backstage going “I gotta follow that?? “ 🤣
The most iconic performance in Def Jam history
how is he spinning without getting tangled in the mike wire
This was when Def Jam first started off and didnt have a name….I remember Eddie Griffin was not going to do this because getting up for 5 minutes didn’t make sense when HBO already had him booked for a 30 minutes show, but Martin Lawrence persuaded him to come on saying: you can get your name out there just by doing this for 5 min, and when your HBO show comes out everybody will know who you are and tune in for the HBO show…Eddie was like “that’s a good idea nigga!” and it work
Eddie WILL go down as one of the great ones of comedy
You can definitely tell that most of these comedians who appeared on the show were well ahead of their time. Eddie Griffin, Chris Tucker, and Bernie Mac were just sensational
This guy should have been richer than Kevin Hart and Will Smith!
This was the set that put Eddie Griffin on the everyone’s radar
THE BEST MJ impersonation everrrr
Dude is dressed like a low level RPG protagonist who has to wear the gear for the stats and not for the looks.
U know u good when even the camera guy is cracking up 🤣🤣🤣
There and then, Eddie killed the crowd and a comedy king was anointed.
I’ve watched this so many times over the years and I’m still amazed how he didnt get tangled on the mic cord
Eddie Griffin is one of the smartest comics …very underrated
He ain’t underrated. He’s in the category of Paul Mooney. He’s so straight forward they don’t let him be on TV.
Eddie Griffin was so funny underrated
Eddie is a king in comedy. The best MJ impersonation Ever!!!!! He had every move down to a tee with all the expressions 🤣🤣🤣 damn it he is funny
Mike Epps⎢” Wherever there’s a van there’s an Old Man!”⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq

(c) LOL Network Stand-Up! SUBSCRIBE▶︎http://bit.ly/SubscribeLOL and http://bit.ly/LOLStandUpYT FOLLOW THE FUNNY: Newsletter▷https://mailchi.mp/laughoutloud/stand-up …
Mike is always hilarious. His random delivery makes it feel like you just hanging out with him rather than going to watch him do a routine.
he has that family kinda comedy not really jokes just shit talkin
My favorite comedian lol funnier than Kevin Hart I believe
Mike Epps is a fool💯🐐 is top 10 comedians Period
When he talked about his Stacey Adams and slide I was weak lmaoo
He’s so underrated man 😂😂😂😂😂
Lol Nia Long was next to Taraji
I love Mike epps this dude is a improv fanatic.
I totalllyy died laughing when he did the big girls turn ! OMG
you know ol boy with Precious was mad!!!…he spent that money on them tickets and she wanna leave in the middle??!!…shiiiit!!!…i’d been watching that show by myself!!
Man I laughed the whole fucking time hilarious asf
he might’ve not been the most famous stand-up, but in his shows everybody was laughingall the timea lotconstly
He joked them so hard, they had to leave. lol smh
Mike is that funny dude that we all knew in high school.
If I was Precious, I would’ve laughed along with Mike Epps instead of leaving. Those tickets cost too much money to leave.
You gotta eat chicken like this😂😂😂
So impressive how he does his comedy. Seems like it doesn’t come off like a actual comedy routine. Like he’s naturally being funny in his way.
when he mimics the way people walk is hilarious
His sets are crazy 😂😂😂
Mike is mad funny, I gotta see him live 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Deray Davis⎢Women say the most hurtful things⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq

(c) LOL Network Stand-Up! SUBSCRIBE▶︎http://bit.ly/SubscribeLOL and http://bit.ly/LOLStandUpYT FOLLOW THE FUNNY: Newsletter▷https://mailchi.mp/laughoutloud/stand-up …
That “ok” part is real😂 I do that when I’m about to lose my mind😂
He had to be a barber at some point in his life 😂
We need more stand up from this man. He’s too funny to just have a few clips out there XD
Its painful I’m not talkn about the sex I’m talkn about wen I get up n walk out in be like alright. ..lmao
I like how he’s naturally funny, like along with his written jokes he jokes on the crowd which is even funnier
Him and Corey Holcomb are my 2 favorite comedians right now!
My mouth dropped when he said that last part 😂
How did the industry manage to put Mike epps before deray? Society been sleepin on deray.💯
DeRay is a daaaaaamn fool. Lmao!!! “It’s painful, not the sex part, the part when I get up and leave like aiight. ✌
“I was at home with my wife”
He be say in some real shit though, check Power Play too funny
The man is a comedic genius. This entire clip was a “wait for it” moment. Awesome!!
Katt Williams, Earthquake, DeRay are the coldest comics out
he’s so funny and a cutie pie!
The accuracy is huntin’ me 🤣🤣🤣
DeRay is a comical savage!!!
He was in the zone that night. I think that whole part about the white girl standing up was improvised…
This dude is hilarious. I’ve seen him perform live a few times.
Best comedian they’ve had on here so far!
This whole movie is one of the best I’ve ever seen
DeRay Davis⎢I Speak Fluent Hood-Rat⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq

(c) LOL Network Stand-Up! SUBSCRIBE▶︎http://bit.ly/SubscribeLOL and http://bit.ly/LOLStandUpYT FOLLOW THE FUNNY: Newsletter▷https://mailchi.mp/laughoutloud/stand-up …
DeRay Davis is such an underrated comedian, Can someone tell me whether he as a HBO Special?
dude is super funny. if he takes it serious and writes more.. he can be one of the greats.
DeRay is a fool. He is too funny.
That’s why you can’t dance😂😂 my favorite part😂
When he tells girl in the audience it’s painful 😂😂😂
Deray is my favorite comedian. People sleep on him I swear….lolololol
1:26 is that Shanti and Nelly?…Damn talk about way back…
im female and i feel the same way bout vday. im cool with the bills being paid!
Deray is the shit he killed it this man is funny as hell i got mad love for him much respect
Society stay sleepin on Deray.💯
“That’s why you can’t dance!!” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣
Boi had me laughing like crazy and I haven’t hit the blunt yet.
Dam the video is over a full min and Im still lolling…hellz yeah man u funny as hell.
This is a classic
That’s why you can’t dance!
Damn I forgot when we could just talk unlimited nights and weekends
Anyone else see Ashanti beside Nelly 😍😭
Funny as hell!�
I actually want my man to pay bills for the gifts ☺️🤣🤣💆✌️
DeRay Davis⎢Women are liars!⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq

(c) LOL Network Stand-Up! SUBSCRIBE▶︎http://bit.ly/SubscribeLOL and http://bit.ly/LOLStandUpYT FOLLOW THE FUNNY: Newsletter▷https://mailchi.mp/laughoutloud/stand-up …
Idc what nobody say DeRay Davis is the most underrated comedian. Dude did 4mins and killed every joke that Kevin Hart has ever told. DeRay is in my top three of all time, hands down….
The voice of the sasquatch friend😄😄😄 My belly hurts😄😄😄😄
LOL I ain’t got no heels on and these aint shoulder pads had me rolling
Chicago got some funny comedians. Deray and Deon Cole are some of my favorites because they have original material that everyone can relate to.
I am so happy watching this. He is hilarious!
this made my day comedy has a way of brightening your life
lmao I’m mad the cameraman switched to that lady when he talked about Sasquatch.
Deray davis is one of the most underrated comedians out there! He is sooo talented!!!
Ayyy don’t call her that man 😂😂😂
“Close this casket”…”Look B, you gotta get outta HERE!” 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
“Nuttin’, life. Jus gettin’ stuff together.”
He did that shit lol, his shoulders had me rolling!!!!
He is sooooooo Underrated, One of my favorite, Real Life Humor, A1
DeRay is funny as hell
Her: “Take them shoulder pads off”Friend: These ain’t shoulder padsHer: Got-DAAAAAMMNNN! Well that’s ok , we still gone have fun !Lhh
DeRay is one of the best. I still remember this bit years later dying of laughter.
I think I found my favorite comedian
“These aint shoulder pads” LMFAO
This might be the funniest dude alive!
He made me laugh so much�