Timmy について深堀解析

Timmy について深堀解析 分析
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Twitterのtweetから Timmy について感情解析した結果。

ポジティブ 67 %
ネガティブ 32 %

喜び 29 %
悲しみ 70 %

信頼 89 %
嫌悪 10 %

恐れ 63 %
怒り 36 %

期待 53 %
驚き 46 %

楽観 41 %
悲観 58 %

愛 61 %
後悔 38 %

従順 82 %
軽蔑 17 %

畏敬 59 %
攻撃 40 %


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Timmy に関するTwitterのtweetデータの一覧(一定時間)。

timmy is so cute awe

eliza istgimmasue 2021-08-17 03:44:49 ID: 1427340586462314496


ぼうず@Japanese bouzukunHyper 2021-08-17 03:44:39 ID: 1427340547212005388

Timmy every morning at 7:

Hugh Jazz (Feat. Pzifer on the Vax) nikiswellcool 2021-08-17 03:44:21 ID: 1427340470565457925

Timmy huwa mfyam…. very underrated

Electronics Kenya Online Shop 🇰🇪 akasha_xl 2021-08-17 03:43:52 ID: 1427340349094117380


波紋 barhan7919 2021-08-17 03:43:40 ID: 1427340296388452353

The same club that stopped yer 10 IAR. And started a Timmy implosion 😂😂😂👍🏻. Jog on Pacific Shelf. Why you posting on a Rangers related link away & prep yer barriers 👍🏻

Gaz BlueHeaven1873 2021-08-17 03:43:07 ID: 1427340158890921989

Aprovechando mi ateísmo voy a manifestar uno a ver si es cierto, quiero ser Timmy Turner.😌

Camille.🇦🇷 desIettres 2021-08-17 03:42:52 ID: 1427340098710945800

Tengo juego del directo o.O

Timmy Timmy__tt 2021-08-17 03:42:44 ID: 1427340063730503683


ペーニャ penyatin 2021-08-17 03:42:23 ID: 1427339973666099207

timmyまだ配信してるんだけど 早くプレデター行ってくれ

ます ma_hamtr 2021-08-17 03:42:08 ID: 1427339911644925954


etinöza🌚 EtinosasereO 2021-08-17 03:42:04 ID: 1427339897392750610


【takeɕi】 takenokoM910 2021-08-17 03:42:00 ID: 1427339878694486016

fiz as contas, o timmy ganhou até agora 50 mil dólares gostaram

milli fleursjeong 2021-08-17 03:41:21 ID: 1427339714529480704

The state of the game hurts the only one strong enough to carry on through the pain is Timmy showcasing the hard knock life of a solo.. but honestly when you’re dog shit it is that much harder, RIP me ⚰

anthony clark odom AnthonyClark012 2021-08-17 03:41:19 ID: 1427339706673532936


penny flwrify 2021-08-17 03:41:05 ID: 1427339649811353602

Poor Timmy isn’t a snake

DANNY THFC DannySpurs1882 2021-08-17 03:41:03 ID: 1427339640449773574

You can add DRob and Timmy, Kawhi

dillon 💫 LeDillonX 2021-08-17 03:40:40 ID: 1427339542755950595

Just because there’s many LGBTQ+ (notice how you excluded the T in LGBTQ+) employees, doesn’t mean there aren’t fucking assholes and transphobic people who still work there. That’s like saying because I’m gay, all my coworkers must be gay and have the same thoughts as me.

timmy krohn_timmy 2021-08-17 03:40:36 ID: 1427339528528875524


しんしん shinshin_1004 2021-08-17 03:40:05 ID: 1427339397159014426

i’m a disinformation agent from 6 flags u got me🤫

clare ClarePike4 2021-08-17 03:40:04 ID: 1427339392402743297


YkHeart⛄️🤍 YkHeart_ 2021-08-17 03:39:58 ID: 1427339366888722442

Yes. Bow to my authority.

Tim Lewis Timmy_lew 2021-08-17 03:39:47 ID: 1427339322022408201


kurainsan kurainsan_ 2021-08-17 03:39:44 ID: 1427339306675306496

Bro tio quien quiera jugar un videojuegos pues que sepa jugarlo y no llore ns no es tan difícil 🤓

Timmy Timmy__tt 2021-08-17 03:39:42 ID: 1427339299318554629

Apparently where ever the money is coming from…..

Prairie Dweller timmy_carlie 2021-08-17 03:39:38 ID: 1427339282113519627


ペンギン大使 PenguiiiiiinAmb 2021-08-17 03:39:30 ID: 1427339249293008898

I have a pic of me somewhere in winslow in front of the welcome to winslow sign for that very reason lol But I have never been to Spain!

Zen Frog zenfrog13 2021-08-17 03:39:17 ID: 1427339194238636035

Give em tonys like yayo

timmynice timmy_buckethat 2021-08-17 03:39:08 ID: 1427339155537862660

Oh so I assumed 00: Quin Houff 13: Garrett Smithley 15: Derrick Cope 16: AJ Allmendinger 36: David Ragan 51: Cody Ware 52: Josh Bilicki 53: Joey Gase (I don’t remember if RWR cars are all star or not) 66: Timmy Hill 77: Justin Haley 78: BJ McLeod 96: Ty Dillon

♠️Seph♠️ sephilav 2021-08-17 03:39:05 ID: 1427339145748287488

timmy hör ufff dich in mei playsi account inzulogge

deadboyfreeze66 freezysechs 2021-08-17 03:38:38 ID: 1427339030740578309

!excel vibes

Timmy Timmy__tt 2021-08-17 03:38:26 ID: 1427338982669565953

【今の急上昇トレンドワード】 Timmy 渡辺みり愛 武士スタント逢坂くん パトラ マッスル 小林千晃 ひよってる奴いる 鷲尾伶菜 松坂桃李 石川典行

速報トレンド情報bot sokutore 2021-08-17 03:38:24 ID: 1427338973270224898

Timmyまだ配信してるじゃん 顔が死んでるから早く終わってほしい

みずき C9_five 2021-08-17 03:38:01 ID: 1427338878248095744


SLEN(サレン)🏰🕛👑🌙 SLENshun 2021-08-17 03:37:59 ID: 1427338870182465536

shoutout to timmy but wow idk how he didn’t just curse that guy on his team out that game

Jade 👹 jaadefps 2021-08-17 03:37:56 ID: 1427338853929652228

People can care about multiple serious issues at once, Jennifer, unless you only have the capacity to care about a singular thing at a time

timmy krohn_timmy 2021-08-17 03:37:51 ID: 1427338834002448385


T.I kool_timmy 2021-08-17 03:37:45 ID: 1427338807758688263


みかさん Mika_chanm 2021-08-17 03:37:36 ID: 1427338771075256404

During the seer meta no sleep or breaks, Timmy skill level is nearly incomprehensible . Goated in the Apex Community

Toneee 🥷🏽🇵🇦 RealToniiioo 2021-08-17 03:37:32 ID: 1427338753920671746

Timmy has been live for almost 48 hours no sleep now

dylan ue1hp 2021-08-17 03:37:13 ID: 1427338674237329413


コピルカク@吃音の民 hels128 2021-08-17 03:37:12 ID: 1427338670906830848

vo fazer tarefa pra depois ver as entrevistas do timmy

STYLEF4RY 2021-08-17 03:37:10 ID: 1427338663705317382


T.I kool_timmy 2021-08-17 03:37:01 ID: 1427338624543113217

Why is kate/Timmy pasted on the scary little girl meme

Emily Lynch 🍳 _emilynch_ 2021-08-17 03:37:00 ID: 1427338622563405824


HANA_🌠 HANANANANANA9 2021-08-17 03:37:00 ID: 1427338622206840837

I was there for this play. Timmy is a god 💯

Alex Niedra DangerClose13 2021-08-17 03:36:09 ID: 1427338405160042504

I like the sound of this.

timmy j. ✨ talented_TIMMY 2021-08-17 03:35:33 ID: 1427338256937541634

Sending extra love and light to this week, as well as this video of Timmy bathing

Audrey 🌸 CinderLaura2013 2021-08-17 03:35:15 ID: 1427338181683433474

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Timmy に関するTwitterのtweetデータの一覧(一定時間)。


Ref:rain Refrain63725769 2021-08-17 03:35:00 ID: 1427338116323430401

timmyガチで心配 あと500盛らないといけんやん

_p_p_a_p_ 2021-08-17 03:34:45 ID: 1427338055833178119


hydraの人。 hemutetu 2021-08-17 03:34:41 ID: 1427338039718662155

Would be interesting to see the underlying numbers for the Lukaku example though. Do you know if the stats are exceptionally high as well?

FPL Lost FplLost 2021-08-17 03:34:21 ID: 1427337955320926211

Timmy Hill doesn’t count

🍭Renee🍭 SockPops 2021-08-17 03:33:51 ID: 1427337829802299392

…that a player should have curses against certain teams. And again, the underlying stats are really good for Salah, which for me “proves” that this comes down to variance, not that he ‘can’t score’ vs Burnley. A really good save or one missed chance skewes the results massively

FPL Lost FplLost 2021-08-17 03:33:42 ID: 1427337789138481169

Timmyさん46時間配信してんの!? さすがにやべえ、、、2徹やんけ、、、

シューヤ@ガスしか勝たん!! godonlyknows103 2021-08-17 03:32:59 ID: 1427337610481991680

I only got into Anthony’s content about a week ago, I think I found my new favorite content creator.

Timmy Bitchen Timmy_Bitchen 2021-08-17 03:32:56 ID: 1427337598893117443


たーくん Ta_kun92z 2021-08-17 03:32:27 ID: 1427337474318106624

Same Lindsey. Fought hard for a SCOTUS his RINO cabal knew was crappy.

CynicalVampire SpillMyTincture 2021-08-17 03:32:20 ID: 1427337447223005190

The best part is the chocolate milk “moustache” 🤣🤣🤣 ‘t it past little Timmy’s bedtime? Time to put away the cowboy LARP Timmy! 😅😂🤣

LickMeDarling DarlingLick 2021-08-17 03:32:18 ID: 1427337438213574662

Shock me sef o. Is health care in the North that bad?

Okunola Timilehin Ok_Timmy 2021-08-17 03:32:14 ID: 1427337423164514305

Ole Timmy ran the wrong route

Coby Sherrow CobySherrow 2021-08-17 03:32:02 ID: 1427337372534980614

Looks like somebody bumped into a dried up house plant and it crumbled into pieces on top of it.

Timmy Franchise timmy_franchise 2021-08-17 03:31:48 ID: 1427337310555754505

einfach dieser timmy typ streamt seit 44 hrs Apex ohne schlaf und zerstört einfach immernoch

Kris rxyquaza1 2021-08-17 03:31:48 ID: 1427337310127919112

“Grande Europa”

timmy timmy_turner137 2021-08-17 03:31:44 ID: 1427337295733067781

o timmy não deve estar mais aguentando ver A CARA DO PATHFINDER

milli fleursjeong 2021-08-17 03:31:33 ID: 1427337250854035463

timmy同接9万人超えだしマスター行ってるしえぐいてえ がんばれー

みさ mimisa_18 2021-08-17 03:31:30 ID: 1427337237650296855

Right there with you bud. I put more time into playing COD as a kid than I did my actual school work. Look at me now MOM!

char ac___________ 2021-08-17 03:30:59 ID: 1427337107668828162

if it’s that timmy then what’s the point

ً lgbtsienna 2021-08-17 03:30:57 ID: 1427337096453312517

Timmy e Guerreiro demais to acompanhando essa jornada

jv XD joaovitorsrp1 2021-08-17 03:30:39 ID: 1427337021677350921

no, timmy

raven raven_apex 2021-08-17 03:30:34 ID: 1427337001951498251

timmy stalking juliet and peri i need him in a grave right now

joe julietandperi 2021-08-17 03:30:23 ID: 1427336954987925507

“Timmy, do your taxes!” “I’m 10!”

J.M. McGovern RefrainbowNO1 2021-08-17 03:30:05 ID: 1427336879221977090


sadnigga rk_timmy 2021-08-17 03:30:01 ID: 1427336862952218625


よう kryoobijo 2021-08-17 03:29:56 ID: 1427336840344850457


𝑔𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑘𝑢 _grk143 2021-08-17 03:29:55 ID: 1427336837803102222

Nae bother Timmy

GOING FOR 56 zoolander1680 2021-08-17 03:29:47 ID: 1427336806475960320

Well, I’m very hesitant to these runs vs specific teams. Maybe in rare cases there can be some truth to it – perhaps motivation can spur a player if they’ve scored before – but I have a hard time seeing it the other way around…

FPL Lost FplLost 2021-08-17 03:29:38 ID: 1427336768144220164

Timmyもうすぐで丸2日配信でランク回してるじゃん 体力おばけすぎでしょ

あるふ m0xs___ 2021-08-17 03:29:31 ID: 1427336736766513152

My longest stream is 15 hours, and Im over here watching Timmy do solo queue from bronze to predator in 1 stream, and hes been streaming for 47 hours straight lol Hes so fucking insane man.

TGravy TGravyz 2021-08-17 03:29:30 ID: 1427336733134311432

Yeah I honestly didn’t think anyone could do that shit in this meta. Timmy doesn’t fail.

GanjiMayne GanjiMayne 2021-08-17 03:29:30 ID: 1427336731167272970

Hi Timmy! 🐶 Hope you are having a pawtastic Monday. Thinking it is close to bed time for you. Sleep well. 💗😘

Petunia Mae 🐑 PetuniaMaePug 2021-08-17 03:29:29 ID: 1427336729350983691

Lost one of my Kaws pins 😞

sadnigga rk_timmy 2021-08-17 03:29:10 ID: 1427336647763451913

I bet Timmy is stalking Peri.

Embroidered Owl EmbroideredO 2021-08-17 03:28:44 ID: 1427336540607352844

Turmoil, weed (the drug or plants), Olaf, Timmy, drew, dog, Nancy Drew, Kyle, water leaks, new job, new course of action, table

Ashley Boyd brujastoblunts 2021-08-17 03:28:36 ID: 1427336505542922254

both of them away different aceu for 6 hrs mostly a day and now took break for weak and successful but timmy stream for 11 hrs mostly and with 8 hrs sleep so?

Verdi VerdiHQ 2021-08-17 03:28:26 ID: 1427336466695397376

This tells me all I NEED to know about them and makes me want to VOTE for him TODAY if I could!

Timmy Gibbs Timmy_Gibbs73 2021-08-17 03:28:26 ID: 1427336465520934913


蓼丸/たでまる♂ TADET_03 2021-08-17 03:28:02 ID: 1427336364320694273

Sorry we’re all watching Timmy still. Don’t worry king we’ll tune in afterwards.

Ben Simmons FT % JustLikeToArgue 2021-08-17 03:27:46 ID: 1427336296964444165

I will do my best, you know Belgians can take good care, i already made him do 5 push ups 😅

TimmyTheOne Timmy_The_One 2021-08-17 03:27:43 ID: 1427336283651809285

damn jae watching timmy’s almost 48 hr apex stream

mao || ia minhyunieping 2021-08-17 03:27:21 ID: 1427336192559783936

Jajá o timmy vai bater 50h

🌹Obi🌹 ObiTheBird 2021-08-17 03:26:57 ID: 1427336090579521542

Timmy1回の配信でソロプレデターチャレンジやってんのかよ… 今の時点で44時間らしいしやばすぎる

あさがお apexasagao 2021-08-17 03:26:28 ID: 1427335968789450754


WMPK masumidesu5 2021-08-17 03:26:16 ID: 1427335920819195910

Bro timmy is insane almost 2 days 😂

nic Nicsa_ 2021-08-17 03:26:15 ID: 1427335916494917648

Thank you so much Frero!!❤️

baddyG baddyyG 2021-08-17 03:26:08 ID: 1427335886866354177

Yukk aku ada dear u wendy nihh month 7 sama month 8 yang milkywan. Ada pc clearike water juga. Details dm ajaaa

Timmy timmy_shon 2021-08-17 03:26:08 ID: 1427335885444435989


King Timmy timmy_jonez 2021-08-17 03:25:58 ID: 1427335842754924544

Timmy について深堀解析!

