α7S III: 機能説明ビデオ【ソニー公式】
(c) Sony (Japan) α7S III 商品情報 https://www.sony.jp/ichigan/products/ILCE-7SM3/ —————————————————- 【α7S IIIスペシャルコンテンツはこちら】 …

(c) Gerald Undone Thanks for watching! Please like, comment, & subscribe. ============================= Table of Contents: ============================= 0:00 …
This was the most I’ve ever learned about a camera in a single video. Well done man.
Everytime you said “i can make a whole video about that if you like” i was like Yes Please
What a legend. You make the best camera reviews on YouTube, hands down.
I don’t need yet another camera, and I don’t have any Sony lenses, but this was a fascinating watch – excellent review, Gerald!
Truly the best technical review I’ve ever seen. Thank you 🙏💛
Anyone else watching this instead of the actual announcement? 😂 Thank you Gerald for the killer breakdown!!!
When you said “great success” all I could think of was Borat saying it.
I’m less than 2 minutes in and I already like this guy more than 99% of youtube reviewers
Love your detail, Gerald, per usual. I love that new control over manual rack focus.
This is more thorough than a medical text book.. Hats off to you my friend, I have found my perfect camera!

α7S III 暗所性能テスト、そしてキムチ鍋。
(c) 瀬戸弘司ミニ α7S III で暗所性能テストをやってみました。 部屋をめちゃめちゃ暗くして、黒い物体(Novation PEAK)を撮影しました。1/100 F1.8 ISO12800で適正露出なので、かなり暗い …

Sonyの新カメラα7S IIIの写真・動画の設定はこれがベストかも。 (c) 高澤 けーすけ
(c) 高澤 けーすけ ちょっと今日はマニアックな話。 昨日購入したばかりのソニーの新カメラ α7S IIIの設定について徹底解説してみました…! 僕なりの色の設定とかも全部紹介しているので、 …
訂正!03:52 の表の右上の部分は「XAVC S-I 4K」ではなく、「XAVC S 4K」でした!ごめんなさいぃ…😭しかもやや誤字ってるし…ぐぅ
いつも勉強になる動画ありがとうございます!質問なのですが、プロキシをカメラで作成した後、premiere proにプロキシとりこむやり方わかりますでしょうか?!
α7S IIIの設定初心者向けを作ってほしい、宜しく検討してください。
カメラ初心者ですが、動画も撮りたくてα7S IIIを購入しました!スマホやPCにアプリを入れて色々できるみたいなのですが、普段から使用されていましたら使っている部分だけでも教えていただけると嬉しいなと思いました。

Sony A7S III Adventure film | First cinematic 4K footage reveal
(c) Benn TK A month ago I was lucky enough to play around with the new Sony Alpha 7S III and take it to some beautiful locations to see what it was capable of. I have to say …
Never been more excited about a camera before, did you know it’s been 5 years since the a7sII was released!?! now the A7SIII is finally here!
This is stunning !
Love it dude! Images are looking soooo clean. Also, stop training you’re getting too shredded to handle🤤
Amazing! What lenses did you use?
You are a genius video editor)
Damn beautiful
Blink and you missed it. Would have liked some footage where there isn’t a cut after 1-2 seconds.
Dear Lord that was amazing, what lens are you using at 1:20 in the jungle there?
No Words , EYEGASM 😍👏🏼

40万円なのに、1210万画素の理由。ソニーの新型カメラ「α7S III」がぶっ飛んでる!
(c) ギズモード・ジャパン 訂正:4K120pは「クロップあり」です。間違った情報すみません。 □Sony α7S III 発売:2020年10月9日 価格:40万9000円(市場推定価格) 記事も見てね!↓ ソニー「α7S …
![(c) Sony Korea [카메라 소개] A7S III, 영상의 초격차 [카메라 소개] A7S III, 영상의 초격차 (c) Sony Korea](https://imitoha.com/c/img/α7S III/Kupo5XurtZM.jpg)
[카메라 소개] A7S III, 영상의 초격차
(c) Sony Korea 영상의 초격차, α7S III 크리에이터를 위한 4K의 새로운 혁명 주요 기능 – 새로운 1210만 화소 이면조사 센서 – 8배 더 빠른 BIONZ XR 프로세서 – 픽셀 비닝 없이 …

Endless Beauty by Chris Schmid – a Sony α7S III short movie
(c) Sony Europe Discover the short movie ‘Endless Beauty’ by Chris Schmid, created with the Sony Alpha 7S III full-frame camera. Discover the short movie ‘Endless Beauty’ by …
Thank you Chris for these beautiful recordings! I hope we can save this wonderful World 🙏🌍🙏 Stay safe Guys and enjoy your life ♥️
beautiful Chris ! ❤️❤️
As a Canon shooter, extremely beautiful short film with some powerful, powerful images! The A7SIII is definitely an incredibly solid camera!
Nice work Chris, epic wildlife.
Here Before 5000 views.
Well done sir
Who is the voice of the video??? I need her contact please!
Very beautiful 👍🏾

α7S III:映像作家 江夏由洋「Siúil A Rún」【ソニー公式】
(c) Sony (Japan) 映像作家 江夏由洋による、フルサイズミラーレス一眼カメラα7S IIIを使用した動画作品。 □α7S IIIスペシャルサイトはこちら クリエイターのインタビューやα7S IIIで生み出され …

Sony A7S III 4K: Times Square in the Rain at Night
(c) Andy To Last night I went out with the Sony A7S III and explored Times Square in the rain. It was a mesmerizing experience and I got a little wet but the shots were worth it …
loved it!😍
Shot of the police car, with the 85mm. at 2:22 BEAUTIFUL, looked like the Joker film
That car door shutting and going back to the music was YUMMY
I dont like walking through Times Square now that I live here, but watching it on video is always magical.
You never. Ever. Disappoint. Well made, I really love how the color yellow played with my eyes during the vid
Beautiful! Loved the dynamic changes in the speed of each shot- sound design also on point. Good work man!
I appreciate your music choice for this, the music matched the story super well! Very sooothing 👌🏾
Whenever I feel like I need grounding I just have to watch one of your videos! Great work
Just amazing man, your work never misses brother. Always on point, the lowlight with a7siii just gives no noise period. Can’t wait for mine to come in!
[…] SONY α7S IIIの価格・レビューと性能など Matti Haapoja […]
[…] SONY α7S IIIの価格・レビューと性能など | 意味とは何? より: 2021年4月6日 4:02 PM […]
[…] SONY α7S IIIの価格・レビューと性能など | 意味とは何? より: 2021年3月23日 5:21 AM […]