- 【全身全霊】Northern lights/林原めぐみ『シャーマンキング』OP(Piano ver. covered by 夕凪 夜)…
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- 【男が歌う】だから僕は音楽を辞めた/ヨルシカ(Moonlight/Yorushika) Acoustic cover 夕凪 夜…
- 【全力で歌う】『廻廻奇譚』Eve (TVアニメ「呪術廻戦」/Kaikaikitan/Jujutsu Kaisen)OP ver. cover by 夕凪夜…
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- 【ラプンツェル/n-buna】Rapunzel piano ver. coverd by 夕凪 夜…
- 【全身全霊】Butter-Fly/和田光司『デジモンアドベンチャー』OP(Coverd by 夕凪 夜)
- 【全身全霊】The Biggest Dreamer/和田光司『デジモンテイマーズ』OP(Coverd by 夕凪 夜)
- 【男が全力で歌う】『残酷な天使のテーゼ』(新世紀エヴァンゲリオン主題歌)/Zankoku na Tenshi no Te-ze/The Cruel Angel’s Thesis/ Rock ver.
- 【男が歌う】『Shout Baby』緑黄色社会(TVアニメ『僕のヒーローアカデミア』4期「文化祭編」EDテーマ/MY HERO ACADEMIA ENDING)
- 【全身全霊】『DAN DAN 心魅かれてく』FIELD OF VIEW( ドラゴンボールGT 主題歌)coverd by 夕凪夜
- 【男が原キーで歌う】『炎』LiSA (劇場版 鬼滅の刃 無限列車編主題歌)piano arrange cover by 夕凪夜
【全身全霊】Butter-Fly/和田光司『デジモンアドベンチャー』OP(Coverd by 夕凪 夜)

(c) Yoru チャンネル登録・グッドボタン https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDn8… よろしくお願いします!! Key-Original ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー …
Eu choro ouvindo essa música de tão boa que ela e 😢😢😢
este gran tema cover de fondo mientras juego Nascar Rumble y Final Fantasy Vlll
Me encanta ❤
Não canso de ouvir, que voz maravilhosa! 💛💚No Brasil marcou infância de muitos! 💚🇧🇷💛
0:04 my voice stared to break at 0:30 i started crying this song hit the feels man it brings back those memories and feelings as a child when i watched it than i just cant explain it but i start crying such a Beautiful song and such an Amazing Cover <3
que cover incr�vel,parab�ns
🥺🥺❤️Que recuerdos que tengo tan maravillosos que me traen las imagenes ,,, muy esplendoroso 🥺🥺❤️
i cant hold my tears watching this 😭😭😭
Digimon, mis recuerdos siempre quedan en mis recuerdos 😭♥️
Dios, hiciste que soltara unas l�grimas por la nostalgia, tienes una maravillosa voz, eres incre�ble!!!
this song is epic and wada koji /和田光司 is a legend we will always remember you 😭😭😭
Agumon shinka!Gracias por este espectacular cover.
Always keep me smiling when I hear this song
I don’t know why but Everytime I heard this song it’s always make me cry like something within me missing something important/special 😭😭😭😢
Amei, pois amo Digimon de coração sempre que vejo essa canção lembro da minha infância e o quanto nos emocionamos a o escuta-la!!!!!😁😂👍🏻❤✌🏻
always got a goosebumps everytime listening to this song
This song came to my reccomendation and my day is complete alreadyIm not crying your crying
Eu choro ouvindo essa música 💙
【全身全霊】The Biggest Dreamer/和田光司『デジモンテイマーズ』OP(Coverd by 夕凪 夜)

(c) Yoru チャンネル登録・グッドボタン https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDn8… よろしくお願いします!! Key-Original(原曲キー) ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー …
Tamers had some awesome songs and this is an AWESOME cover XD
Gallantmon, “I am a noble knight!”Sakuyamon, “I am a warrior priestess!”Megagargomon, “I’m a MOTHER FUCKIN GUNDAM!”
It’s really impressive… how well this cover is done, tbh I think that’s better than the original imo
That’s insane. It’s 2021, why is someone making a REALLY good cover of Biggest Dreamers.
Recuerdo mi infancia, q hermozo
Been listening to this since its release and it’s still a banger
Just when I finished the series. Worth it
I love that this is reaching a lot of people…that puts a smile on my face. Dream on fellow digimon fans.
i didnt like the biggest dreamer until I watched this cover, absolute banger 👏
This sounds like what a Digimon Tamers Modern Remake theme would be
Ahhh, a trip to my childhood 😭💕👏
The music is amazing. But the artwork in the background is just as impressive.
Woah, this is an amazing cover, possibly the best. True to the original, but much cleaner and smoother sounding.
The best digimon and the best digimon OP for me
Thank you for creating this. Brings back my childhood <3
digimon op covers always make me tear up, cuz i know that it isn’t forgotten and someone still makes covers for it. this is my childhood right here
Amazing cover! Brings tears to my eyes at least as much as the original.
that is awesome can you make a cover of one vision from digimon tamers it’ll be sounds awesome
【男が全力で歌う】『残酷な天使のテーゼ』(新世紀エヴァンゲリオン主題歌)/Zankoku na Tenshi no Te-ze/The Cruel Angel’s Thesis/ Rock ver.

(c) Yoru チャンネル登録・グッドボタン https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDn8… よろしくお願いします!! Key( Original 原曲キー) ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー …
i just gotta say, that i’ve been listening to this version on loop, and i love it!! 😭💖
Parabéns 👏🏼Seu trabalho é maravilhoso e sua voz é prefeita, que você tenha sucesso no seu projeto 💚💛🇧🇷
Your uploads never cease to make my days better! Great job, as always. Never thought you’d do A Cruel Angel’s Thesis, tho, haha. Still love it 👏👏👏
歌も動画もコーラスも凝りに凝りましたᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤp.s警報のとこが意外とめちゃ大変でした( ゚д゚)
Esto es lo mejor que escuché en días!!信じられない!
another masterpiece!
夕凪さんの 歌ってみた投稿は 毎回動画も アレンジも歌い方も全てに凝っていて しかも本家様に対するリスペクトも感じられて。聴く度に 感動しています。こんなにスパーンと綺麗な高音出せたら 気持ちいいだろうな… 今回もありがとうございました。耳が幸せです(ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)♬♡
I love how you changed my perspective about Evangelion because of this cover
finally i’ve found you!!! your voice gives me chills as fuck.. great job!
最近知ったんですが 一年以上前からやっているとは こんな素晴らしい歌がもっと大勢に見られることを応援しています! 次の動画も楽しみです!
【男が歌う】『Shout Baby』緑黄色社会(TVアニメ『僕のヒーローアカデミア』4期「文化祭編」EDテーマ/MY HERO ACADEMIA ENDING)

(c) Yoru チャンネル登録・グッドボタン https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDn8… よろしくお願いします!! Key −4 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー …
i will always be herewaiting for season5!
I came here on accident, this video is so awesome!! WT…his voice of this video is so great! Thank you, algorithm 😀
I can’t tell you how much I love this song .. although the original is pretty amazing by itself ..I feel your cover completed it in some way.❤️ This is how a cover should be. It doesn’t have to replicate the original but a little deviation here & there and some improvisation..I love this more than the original ..I’m sure everyone feels this way.
Incredible vocals aside, anyone else notice that the instruments are also the same as in the original? That takes a lot of work and dedication and I think it’s respectful to the original but also amazing on its own. Great performance!
Imagine that jiro sing this song on the school festival or maybe she’ll sing starmarker in her version 😆😆😆
I love this song and i want to send 3000 love to you for this cover <3
at least three hundred of these views are from me, this cover is so good <3
Such a beautiful cover. Brought me to tears because I just visited my grandpa’s grave for the first time and this gives me the same feeling. ❤
YouTube acaba de recomendarme y estoy 😭❤🤧✨💕😭❤💕
This is the theme song that’s gonna play in my head when I think of Jiro now ❤️😁これは、次郎のことを考えたときに頭の中で演奏するテーマソングです❤️😁
You’re so talented, your voice is so great ♥️♥️
Very nice cover man 😎😎😎
No habló japonés pero que hermosa voz tienes :’3 💕
【全身全霊】『DAN DAN 心魅かれてく』FIELD OF VIEW( ドラゴンボールGT 主題歌)coverd by 夕凪夜

(c) Yoru チャンネル登録・グッドボタン https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDn8… よろしくお願いします!! サブチャンネル⬇︎ …
Yo after watching GT and watching it till the end, this song is hitting me right in the heart.
I lost my grandpa just 2 days ago. Scrolling through my feed, I randomly found this video. “It’s GT”, I thought, “got nothing to lose in giving this one a try”.I cried. A lot. Like a newborn.Have absolutely no words for you, pal, you just made me feel so much better. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Guess I’ll ask Goku to say hi to my pops for me!
The best cover of this song I’ve ever listened to, probably even better than the original.
Q nostálgico, essa música me trás muita felicidade 💙
It wasn’t the best, but it is forever part of our childhood.
Amo esta canci�n en casi todos los idiomas a los que fue doblada Espa�ol de Espa�a, Espa�ol latino, Espa�ol Chileno, Portugu�s de Brasil, Catal�n, Gallego, Euskera, Coreano y como no su versi�n original en Japon�s. Este es sin dudas para mi el opening mas bello de toda la franquicia Dragon Ball.
This is the best cover! I love it!
This brings back so many memories 😭The Goku/Pan scene when he first transforms into ss4 with DDKH playing in the background still gives me chillsThank you for these amazing covers!!
MUITO LINDO!!!! Parab�ns, eu amo dragon ball GT e a Franquia, seu cover ficou maravilhoso, sou brasileiro mas admiro muito as vers�es Japonesas, Parab�ns, sua voz � muito bonita.
GT has so much feelings, I love this series despite everyone hating on it
I don’t care what anyone says I love Dragon Ball GT!!!!!!.
glad that there are still some GT lovers.
Bravo! This is incredible! This might be my favorite DB franchise opening, well it’s one of my favorites since it’s so sad and gives a nice vibe! You have a really good voice, and this was a spectacular cover.
Una de las mejores canciones de dragon ball que marco un final muy nostálgico y emotivo 😍
The ending of Goku in GT made me cry. I watched it on the VHS tapes. And I never stopped crying until this didn’t become Canon….
es simplemente hermosa te trae buenos recuerdos cuando eras peque�o y no te preocupabas de nada mas que si goku pudiera hablarte o que pasa con ellos mas adelante
【男が原キーで歌う】『炎』LiSA (劇場版 鬼滅の刃 無限列車編主題歌)piano arrange cover by 夕凪夜

(c) Yoru チャンネル登録・グッドボタン https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDn8… よろしくお願いします!! Key-Original(原曲キー) ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー …
Love from 台灣(・∀・)ノ
Man…I frickin love this….and yet you’re so underrated, I will share this in discord server etc…
I like how he started it strong.💖 giving a new fresh hope for the demon slayers
Till this day, I still listen to this cover.
ここまで完璧に歌えるのがすごい感動した( ´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥`)
I got Goosebumps ❤️
Very beautiful piano arrangement of 『炎』 ~~ 💖 and very beautiful singing voice of 夕凪 夜 さん 💖 The illustration & movie is also very beautiful and touching ( ´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥` )
Oh my gosh this is an amazing cover 😳❤️
自分用ですさよなら ありがとう 声の限り悲しみよりもっと大事なこと去りゆく背中に伝えたくてぬくもりと痛みに間に合うようにこのまま続くと思っていた僕らの明日を描いていた呼び合っていた光がまだ胸の奥に熱いのに僕たちは燃え盛る旅の途中で出会い手を取りそして離した 未来のために夢が一つ叶うたび 僕は君を想うだろう強くなりたいと願い 泣いた 決意を餞に懐かしい思いに囚われたり残酷な世界に泣き叫んで大人になるほど増えて行くもう何一つだって失いたくない悲しみに飲まれ落ちてしまえば痛みを感じなくなるけれど君の言葉 君の願い僕は守りぬくと誓ったんだ音を立てて崩れ落ちて行く一つだけのかけがえのない世界手を伸ばし抱き止めた激しい光の束輝いて消えてった 未来のために託された幸せと 約束を超えて行く振り返らずに進むから前だけ向いて叫ぶから心に炎を灯して遠い未来まで……