
ビモチャン(アソビモ)(おすすめch紹介) チャンネル紹介
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トーラムオンライン公式生放送|「秘密結社 鷹の爪」×「トーラムオンライン」コラボ直前生放送 [Toram Online] #1227

トーラムオンライン公式生放送|「秘密結社 鷹の爪」×「トーラムオンライン」コラボ直前生放送 [Toram Online] #1227  (c) ビモチャン(アソビモ)

(c) ビモチャン(アソビモ) 「トーラムオンライン」公式生放送は11月4日(木)夜8時開始 【チャンネル登録/Subscribe/Berlangganan saluran】https://bit.ly/bemmoch …

Omggg I didn’t know there’s a character for every weapon :’3 13:32Edit: do they have names or something? Hoping for a reply :’3

Best game ever.. but I need new phone now (・ัω・ั) また遊びたいです .. Toram

Please fix the 1h md proration. It’s still same and there’s no change when do some hit even Enchant Combos

1:07:50 party with supreme god XD

they lost a lot of members to the 32-bit update

kenapa game master bisa tersesat di game ciptaanya sendiri:’)


? :V

understand :)))???


Tf is this collab


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トーラムオンライン公式生放送|【キーワードプレゼントあり】今年の振り返り&2021年のトーラム / 「初音ミク」コラボレーションイベント後編 [Toram Online] #1022

トーラムオンライン公式生放送|【キーワードプレゼントあり】今年の振り返り&2021年のトーラム / 「初音ミク」コラボレーションイベント後編 [Toram Online] #1022  (c) ビモチャン(アソビモ)

(c) ビモチャン(アソビモ) 「トーラムオンライン」公式生放送は12月23日(水)夜8時開始 バーチャル・シンガー『初音ミク』のコラボイベント後編が開催中 イベントバトル …

Imo magic knights are still underwhelming since their MATK are too low compared to pure mages. Instead of the lousy “chance to activate magic with normal attack” effect, it’d be better if the effect is to make a percentage of ATK to also affect magic damage output.

Make conjuring skills could be cool to see skills like that to be honest like having a skill that summons a bunch of sword that attack the enemy

Add new main weapon. Make Knife or dagger be main weapon. It would be nice

…imma yolo for that scythe skill now


Wonder was registlet and stoodie mean…also adjustment on refinement?

welp i tried anywaysdidnt get the reward TwT

Please asobimo give reset skill becuase im wrong up skill

soo why barehand, but the attack animation is kicking ?, pls improve it

👇Who missed this livestream?

Has anyone gotten the live stream viewer present? Haven’t received it yet even tho I typed it through say in underground channel

anu please can help me change server? me from indo but my account server eng can change?



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トーラムオンライン公式生放送|最新情報&トーラムフォトコン結果発表 [Toram Online] #891

トーラムオンライン公式生放送|最新情報&トーラムフォトコン結果発表 [Toram Online] #891  (c) ビモチャン(アソビモ)

(c) ビモチャン(アソビモ) 【チャンネル登録/Subscribe/Berlangganan saluran】http://bit.ly/bemmoch 【ツイッター】https://twitter.com/bemmo_c 【再生 …

Im excited to next update and wiating for voice action

I know its hard to implement PvP,But i wish it would be added soon.So i can have the reason to play again for fun.It was fun and all fighting bosses and selling,but the amount of scammers and the drop on economy of the game made me not play frequently anymore unlike before where i play almost daily.


I don’t understand a thing need subtitles 😂


please add more hair option

Skil new job mage kapan

Where whe shout? And what text we must shout?

Indo map ny ap cuk?

I mean present

fotopomGovernment OfficeSay only



Toram Online|【Special Giftouts】Garnache Challenge Showdown #1058

Toram Online|【Special Giftouts】Garnache Challenge Showdown #1058  (c) ビモチャン(アソビモ)

(c) ビモチャン(アソビモ) 2/24(Wed) 8:00 PM JST is the Toram Online Official Live Stream of Bemmo Channel 【Subscribe/Berlangganan …

This game is still quality, great job

Is the gift out still available?


Thanks sarah😆




Present keyword2:15:15

I’m at 1h 4 mins hehe

Where’s the Adv diary?

Can I have a good weapon

Mango resign

Ahhh i’m latee


トーラムオンライン公式生放送|【キーワードプレゼントあり!】鈴木プロデューサーから最新情報 [Toram Online] #876

トーラムオンライン公式生放送|【キーワードプレゼントあり!】鈴木プロデューサーから最新情報 [Toram Online] #876  (c) ビモチャン(アソビモ)

(c) ビモチャン(アソビモ) 【チャンネル登録/Subscribe/Berlangganan saluran】http://bit.ly/bemmoch 【ツイッター】https://twitter.com/bemmo_c 【再生 …


Put English subtitles please


Toram, i want my reward, i put the jeyword kinkorin when u put it. I didnt get my reward again, this is not the first time you didnt give me the reward. Cmon, where is?

Kapann event re:zeroo :'(((

Apa kodenya?

kode please




Gaada hadiah ?

Kok dimajuin om

