- 『秘密結社 鷹の爪』×『トーラムオンライン』コラボ|吉田くん、総統、レオナルド博士が異世界転生!?原作キャラボイスを務めるFROGMANさんのアフレコ動画を公開…
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Gameplay Trailer “Toram Online”

(c) ビモチャン(アソビモ) [Subscribe] http://bit.ly/bemmoch [Gameplay Trailer] Toram Online – MMORPG with Complete Freedom – – Enjoy the Game with …
Everytime i watch this. I remember all of my “once meet friends” who help me so much in this game when i still was a newbie. I’m pretty sure they forgot all about me, i’ve also left this game for a while so it’s pretty much impossible to meet them again but thank you guys for gave me a great time in this game.
I had a whole ass story arc about meeting and parting with people through this game, what an awesome experience
This is the REAL MMO RPG game.
I played this for 3 years and it still continues today
Amo este juego
Ah,yes the nostalgia
Man, I wanna play this game once again but don’t have the time to play and i missed my friends there and idk if they’ll probably remember me XD
Good Game ^^ ‘w’
amazing game
Please make a new and op trailer.
Ain’t nobody gonna talk about how cipiwon and his gang dummy thicc
this bgm feels similar to levi vs female titan ost
This game needs more servers cuz they are either full or unavailable
So many good n bad time in here thank you for the roller coaster experience. *still playing owo
This is toram reality
Te que melhorar o gr�fico de todo o jogo e o desaning do jogo e do mapa aberto etc.
New feature please. Buff mage demage
Change the trailer to the actual gameplay pliss.This actually is very old.
RPG アヴァベルオンライン -絆の塔- プロモーション動画2017年9月ver(特報なし)

(c) ビモチャン(アソビモ) 正式サービス4周年を迎え、ますます絶好調のアヴァベルから新PVをお届け! ————————————- ▽ゲームダウンロードはこちら …
You should make another trailer. This is so outdated so much things had change 😂
What are the best stats to add to make a creator melee type? I am just bringing the game
lol the old avabel .. now its completely different XD
Nostalgic it in 2015
Meu deus
next update enable the option to retrieve game data via gmail as a second alternative … thank you !!!
Nice Video Clip👍🏼 im play since 7 yeahrs Avabel. Asobimo you had become a old picture from me, playing avabel on my tab/-send to your Instagram-Acc. 😁
Parece uma YouTube r japonesa qu� grava com o Goulart
Avabel old ia better 😞
ngga ada bahasa inggris?
I do not speak whatever language this is
I really love this game avabel best
【エターナル】LUNA SEA新曲「PHILIA」を主題歌に起用!ゲームPVに乗せて世界初公開

(c) ビモチャン(アソビモ) 2019年リリース予定の超大型”国産”MMORPG『ETERNAL(エターナル)』 本作の主題歌を、日本を代表する大人気ロックバンド『LUNA …
良いミュージシャン、曲は年月が経とうと消して色褪せない。さすが天才しかいないバンド LUNA SEA。
LUNA SEAクリエイターに好きな人多いイメージだね。製作する苦労苦悩を知っている側から見るとこういう音楽作りは難しいことがわかるからすげぇっ!いつか作ってもらいたいてなるんかなと思う。
LUNA SEAはやっぱり良いね!ゲームは知らないけどLUNA SEAは好きだ!
曲の転調含め単純にメロディがかっけー。そしてRYUICHI の声。やっぱLUNA SEAいいわ。
アソビモがLUNA SEAを起用できるようになるなんて凄いな
LUNA SEA 本当、大好きです!☆☆☆☆☆ライブでもじっくり聴きたい曲ですね♬
LUNA SEAでこういう曲なかったなあ、ゲームも気になった
I love the song 😍
LUNA SEAの曲はアニメやゲームにも合うとむかーしから思ってたので、昨今のLUNA SEAの積極的なタイアップは嬉しいよ
G�ant….J’adore…..Et bravo Luna Sea….
The intro was op! Hope can play it asap! In English version
おおアソビモ社LUNA SEAの曲を使うなんてセンス良いぞLUNA SEAのファンの誇りや

(c) ビモチャン(アソビモ) わりぃが一番危ない所に付き合ってくれ! 『Re:ゼロから始める異世界生活』×『トーラムオンライン』コラボイベント開催 原作シリーズ累計 …
Oh… Now I REALY have to download this game. Such hype for every Re:Zero cross over!
Overlord event when?I want Demiurgos/Albedo avatar.
yep. everyone dies and sometimes mysteriously lol
overlord collab please 😂
When ia gm sara going to play with us?? Miss her
I killed him already 15+ times
that whale really rocks his 5fps
you died, okay try again… wait how many times have you done this? you forgot? xD
Witch points are mine
Why I can’t Log In??? Data and Internet Connection Running Well and Smoothly But why can’t I log in ??? Please give me advice.
Mt 🙁
Where is rem???
Hi , this will be a little weird . I’d like to request a maintenance for toram cause I Cant login my account since yesterday. I bugged out of the game because Int 1 is always crowded. I’ve been active in our guild list since yesterday nonstop. I have high hopes on maintenance because all accounts were forced to log out. My account wont respond. And its been 1 day now. I already filed a customer’s support about this. Thanks and hope to reach my request.

(c) ビモチャン(アソビモ) 公式サイト:http://rebellion.jp/ 公式ツイッター:https://twitter.com/GateofRebellion ゲートオブリベリオンは多種多様の種族と広大な世界を …
Un a�o esperando por este juego y sigo con los mismos animos que cuando lo presentaron, ademas adoro el soundtrack <3
*Looks good, would love to play sometime!*
muito bom
Archer all the way!! Cannot wait for this!! Going to look amazeballs on next gen phones
Esperando o game! Please release in Brazil too ! :3 <3
Uwaaaaaa hiiNeed this mmorpg type. the viscosity of the story and the feel of the kingdom, as well as fantasy like in manga,I hope this game once again rises in the mmorpg world. 😊👍🏻💖💖
waiting this game for a year, can’t wait to see this game in TGS16 :)also waiting Seven Swords Second :3
Hopefully this pops over. I loved Avabel despite the lag, and this is looking to be a great follow up. Both this and God Eater Online.
I immediately love this game in first sight due to FFXIV vibe! C’mon Asobimo, hurry up and release it~~~~However, characters and the field look so bland. Add some reflect, shadow, shiny…. effect to them. UI needs to be more stylish. Take a look at Black Desert online for reference.And please don’t add auto-questing mechanic. Thanks!
Gimme this game! Oh goodness! Looking forward to that Archer!
j� joguei esse a� ,muito bom
3 years and nothing…. I’m wanting!
nice when this game have eng version i cant wait to play it
like how they gave english gotta respect that
it seems like i found a new game to play
when is it going to release!!!! omg
3 yearI been waiting For 3 year to play this game