- Mine All Day (Minecraft Music Video)…
- I found AMAZING loot from FISHING in Minecraft! – Part 23…
- REACTING TO PEWDIEPORN – (Fridays With PewDiePie – Part 107)…
- The Last Of Us Gameplay Walkthrough Playthrough Let’s Play (Full Game) – Part 1…
- “I’m black” – Ft. Ricescum…
- I found an Ikea Bird in Minecraft! – Part 17…
- This is the end… LWIAY – #0064…
- PEEKING ON GIRLS! – Lucius: Playthrough – Part 7…
- Smosh Draws My Thing!…

(c) PewDiePie Next Episode ▻ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRyPjRrjS34&list=PL501CA12E38536E7C&index=2 More in the Playlist …
PewDiePie Hej Monika Remix by Party In Backyard

(c) PewDiePie SUB TO PARTY IN BACKYARD: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIaIVpEocfuQ9fhBT1rsKrQ NEW MERCH: …
I hope this becomes new Youtube anthem.
I’m so glad ticktock hasn’t found this song.
If I ever get a friend named Monica….I’m gonna keep this as my ringtone just for her so whenever she calls me ik who it is exactly
Is it weird this song has been stuck in my head for three years??
Doki Doki Literature Club Plus: _announced_This video: _returns to my recommendations_Me: *cranks up the volume*
This is Actually Catchy
I couldn’t understand a thing except MonikaBut I sure do feel it
This guys a pretty good singer. He should make a song.
Pewdiepie: Hej Monika!Marzia: 👀
3 years already? Damn i even remember when it came out…
Back after 2 years and Still this Super Catchy !
PewDiePie : hej hej MonikaMe : doki doki literature club flashback
POV : you have come back again to listen to this masterpiece (Doki Doki plus is coming soon)
27,000 people have no taste in good music…. 1.3m are not a virgin
I can listen to this all day ✌2021 anyone
When DNA Test says that you’re 0.5% Swedish
petition to make pewds grow his big ass beard back
1:34 hypes me so much that makes me wanna learn swedish.. help
The F**KING DEDICATION at singing shows how much he loves his community
The best PewDiePie era.

(c) PewDiePie Next Episode ▻ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yP35-V042c&list=UU-lHJZR3Gqxm24_Vd_AJ5Yw&index=443 More in the Playlist …
*spits*”I love to make you smile”*thank you*
“Don’t care for money because money can’t buy you love.”*Smiles when bought a present*
Felix and Angela’s date has more views than the weddingGuess now we know the stronger couple
I used to play this as a kid?!?And thought it was fun?!Wtf was wrong with me?!
“I don’t want anyone to know that I played this”Also pewdiepie: shows it to 38 million
5 years later and this is on my recommend
7 years later and this is on my recommendation
PewDiePie: making a creepy face Angela: I lIke tO sEe yoU sMilE
*BRUH* Pewdiepie looks so innocent.
4:25 Nigus came back to haunt him lmao
people in 2015: that’s normal People in 2021: *S I M P*
I actually kind of miss when PewDiePie was like this
I miss this pewdiepie more then the other
I’ve learned that over the years, pewds has lost his english accent.
Pov: you’re here because you remembered the “can you teleport part”
Pewdiepie: *Can you Teleport?*Angela: *Can’t Everyone?*Pewdiepie: *To Space!!!*
Hello Someone in 2020?
I was 9 years old watching this video this was my favorite
Angela: Was that one of your “fall of a chair” jokes?Pewds: No, that was “bitch I hate you” joke
Yall I was actually 12 years old when I watched this😳 but now I’m 9
GREATEST PERVERT GAME OF ALL TIME. (Love Death 4: Realtime Lovers)

(c) PewDiePie WATCH MORE SIMILAR VIDEOS? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gC7q17VoB6M&list=PLYH8WvNV1YEkyFTt2KZ2hVuI47mJzBBhT Click Here To Become …
I laughed more with this than with most other videos! great job Pewds!
Pewdiepie why did you breathe in this video??! Kids in Africa could’ve eaten it
Best game of 2k15 10/10
Maybe the bat was censored because it wasn’t a bat…
where did you download this
What’s the game called
Pewdiepie why are you not playing call of duty?
@PewDiePie ™ plz notice me
READING MEAN COMMENTS. – (Fridays With PewDiePie – Part 78)

(c) PewDiePie Fridays with Poodiepie.. SORRY I MEAN Fridays With Pewds! Next Episode …
Can I just say your comment review section is pure comedy gold. X’D
There’s this thing called jealousy
Day 6 without Pewdiepie:Re watching all this gold
3:15 I came here for this. iconic.
2016 : my names Peeewwwdieepiieee2019 :WASSUP GAMERZ
Oh my god, I’ve not laughed this much in a long time, brilliant. I will forever call you poodiepie.�
Honestly since Minecraft he talks with an even heavier Swedish accent
i miss 2012-2015 pewds😢but I still love him
He sounded so Swedish back then.
He makes fun of himself to make us laugh He must be feeling so bad 😣100M babyyy
H – havingA – angerT – towardsE – everyoneR – reachingS – success
The guy who still believes that there’re 7 million people in the world Pewdiepie 108 million subsHim:👁️👄👁️ 101 million fake accounts
Wow, this… is nostalgic 😌
Don’t mind me just reliving my childhood
2014- bro army 2018- 9 year olds 2019- gamers
“All zero of them”, the most savage comeback pewds has ever done
I like how hes Funny and serious At the same time
“ Everyone is entitled to their own opinion even though you’re fucking wrong” – pewdiepie 2014My favorite quote from him 😂💕3:13
I remember seeing this when it first came out… goddamn I’m old…