I did an Oopsie in Minecraft – Part 21

(c) PewDiePie New Minecraft Merch! https://represent.com/pewdiepie Minecraft Full playlist: …
Normal Minecraft players : *cheats to get diamonds*Pewds : *cheats to get potatoes*
PewDiePie: THANKYOU NINE YEAR OLDSme: A 18 year old rewatching the series crying when a pet dies
Pew die pie: your skin must be so wrinklyDinner Bone: what skin?
23:45 pewds: “you see this ikea bird? staying with me has its privileges”caption: (flashbacks to all pet deaths)
Felix literally every time one of his pets dieHe was like a father to me
Felix: *goes to woodland mansion and doesn’t die once* Also Felix: *dies and uses two totems of undying while building*
Dinnerbone: I can’t wait to see Joergen and Sven again!
I made a huge castle in the name of joergen that literally took a month to make
Me thinking that Pewdiepie hated water sheep a few videos ago.Me Now: He really did love that sheep…
15:42Pewdiepie: “I saved your life Sven”Me: And the series
This series is genuinely more interesting than some netflix shows I’ve watched
Pewds: builds a memorial for jorgen to prove he doesn’t love water sheep moreLiterally the next episode: **builds another memorial for water sheep**
“You don’t eat coco, but you eat melon”. The prophecy turned out to be true.
Pewds: Sven is stuck in the portal I don’t know whyMe: * has flashbacks *
Pewds: picks up rotten flesh Also pewds: leaves lapis emeralds and gold
Imagine marzia doing literally nothing in the house and hears her swedish husband yell “SHUT UP PEEPEEPOOPOO”
other minecraft youtubers:beat the ender dragon,beat the wither,has netherite armor pewds: *I K E A B I R D*
Pewds: “Their all living here in harmony this is so nice”Pewds a second later: *kills cow*
I like how his luck is so good and he doesn’t even know it
Me noticing the watermelon hunger bars and the Sweden color health bar: 👁 👄 👁
I found an Ikea Bird in Minecraft! – Part 17

(c) PewDiePie We find a parrot and panda in the jungle of minecraft ALL MINECRAFT EPISODES HERE: …
**sven survives 2 explosions in 1 video**:everyone liked that:
Imagine getting hurt and your parents yell *EATTTTTTTTTTTTT*
I see …you are rewatching this again 👀. You aren’t aloneEdit: ayee looks like many people are actually rewatching it😂
*Sven inside of creeper**Creeper explodes**Sven hurt noise*Felix: EAAAAAAATTTTTTTTT
Felix when he finds bamboo “I can make shampoo now”
“I don’t understand redstone”Literally builds an elevator
pewds sure has a lot of graves by his house…
11:05 I feel terrible for laughing at the death of a legend.
Imagine being on felix’s case and just keep on talking to minecraft food, monsters, animals, villagers, and a camera. No wonder he keeps laughing at random moments.
Sven: Gets a *HUGE* Japanese mansion for himselfJeorgen: Gets a small stableMe: *How sad* ☹️😢
You should get a cat to protect Sven from creepers
This is the 4th or 5th time that Sven has tanked a creeper explosion so far
Pewds: //kills the cow in Joergen’s stablePewds: Don’t ever speak to Joergen again Maya: woofPewds: that’s right, MayaUwU
Felix: sees a turtleAlso Felix: is it a virgin?
let’s be honest he was the first person to get good loot in a jungle temple
We’re just gonna ignore the fact that Sven tanked two creepers at point-blank range and was fine?
I love how Felix politely asks if we can give him red stone advice, and we just absolutely bomb him for every wrong thing he does.
Someone should count how many watermelons have despawned on Jöergen’s grave
It is really sweet of Felix that he cares more about his pets than himself. ‘He was like a father to me’.
When times were easier….
KILL YOURSELF IN VR?! – (HTC Vive – Part 03)

(c) PewDiePie HTC STUFF BOYS! Thanks for da like ☆~(◡﹏◕✿) MERCHANDISE: PewDiePie Clothing: http://bit.ly/ShopBro My Game: PewDiePie: Legend Of The Brofist …
I’ve heard the same sweedish swear words so many times that I know what they mean without the subtitles now 😂
I’m binge watching pewdiepie playing VR games
This game got pewds thrown out of the apartment lel.
“you want some of this?” *points at privates* “too bad, only for marzia!” XD
Just imagine if Marzia walked in at2:06
Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?
I feel sad for your neighbors
“I’m out of ammo” *shoots himself in head with AMMO???
Pewdiepie got the awesome moves!!!!!! BROFIST!!!🔫🔫🔫
So hilarious 😂 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
You else started laughing when he said ” To bad only for Marzia
Imagine his reaction when he edits his videos
2:04 “conserving my ammos is one of my special abilities
I love how he used the Metal Gear Solid 2 theme when he was out of ammo.
We all know poods is the best with guns 🙂
<3 YAAAAY The intro is back! :3 hows it goin bro!
6:18 best anime deaths ever
handguns use magazines… not clips. games these days….
the suicide scene was epic!
5:47 😂😂
You Laugh = You’re a Gamer – YLYL #0062

(c) PewDiePie You laugh you lose gaming edition Suppert the chan get merch : https://represent.com/pewdiepie (◡‿◡✿) Submit M E M E S: …
I’m not supposed to give my opinion, but I want Minecraft
Нет ничего лучше, чем Пьди, который смотрит Куплинова)
Imagine not having the 100M pewdiepie chair in gaming weekPewds:👀
2:04 “i’ve been meaning to play this”we’re still waiting pewds
2:04 the domestic girlfriend intro at the back fits so well
Felix: “if you’re a gamer, you can do the stanky leg”Also Felix: *doesn’t have legs*
“You first” “Deine Mudda” Ah yes, I see you’re a man of culture as well.
4:10… Felix wishes there were more children being attacked by birds their size. Now that’s a gamer.
it’s like, what happens when a genuine psychopath learns to control his urges by trolling gamers? watch this!
*With a delay.*Russian Russians constantly joke about “sit on a bottle”, so there are a lot of memes where both Russian and bottles are present. 🙂
Pewds: uploads a video that isn’t Minecraft in Minecraft monthEveryone: *wait that’s illegal*
3:51 О Куплинов, привет
Так смешно когда англичане говорят “BLY@T”.
I’ll love a pewdiepie persona 5 playthrough
13:37 aminaakoyimm pure angery
Pewdiepie: “doesnt upload minecraft for one day”Me: “already feeling nostalgic” aah the good ‘ol days with gaming week 🙁
Just want to say, the star wars rp one was THE DEAR LEADER JIM’S HEAD PRIEST, call me Kevin
Felix : “If you’re a gamer you can do the Stankey leg too”Me : “You’re a legend if you can do the Stankey leg without legs”
4:27 in the subtitles, there is an awesome video…
Got to love the Domestic girlfriend op playing in the persona 5 gameplay

(c) PewDiePie I have the answers…
THIS IS AMAZING holy fuck felix is entertaining as fuck
Why do I feel like Jake is the one who unscrewed the tires on the van.
To y’all who wrote the English captions, I thank you for making me feel better today😂
jAkE pAuL : JaKe PaUlErS aRe ThE sTrOnGeSt ArMy!!!*Meanwhile*Felix : *FLOOR GANG!!!!*
i feel like me, a twelve year old, is more mature then both jake and logan combined..
He’s gonna think you actually like him cause he doesn’t understand sarcasm
i barfed when the girl said “hes funny, savage” 🤢🤮
Logan’s and Jake’s parents made two mistakes -Logan-Jake
jake: starts talking about the neighbours trying to ‘kill’ him captions: a bowl of old overcooked ramen talkingbruhhhhhhh i died lmao
Newscaster: Its like a circusJake Paul: but people like going to circus?People go to the circus to see clowns.
I live for pewdiepie roasting Jake Paul
i think Satan will refuse him when he enters Hell
I feel bad for those poor girls JP hypnotized.
JP: Jake pauler army is the strongest army!19 year old army: You sure about that?
how does the reporter have a better sense of humor than jake
This shows pewds is way matured than jake…
He gives his address to anybody on the internet who wants it, and he thinks his neighbours tried to kill him? I’d say he’s lucky there havent been any direct attempts on his life tbh and I’m not saying he deserves it, but any crazy person now has access to his address
6:40 IT’S really hard to focus on jp when subtitle refers him as “bowl of old overcooked ramen talking”seriously pewds give raise to the guy who did the subtitlesEdited:Now you won’t find it
2020: *Jake paul goes to jail*The neighbors : mission succeeded everyoneEdit : 1k likes after 1 year that is smooth..thanks for the likes u r the best 🙈💕💕💕