gurune kreatif poel(おすすめch紹介)

gurune kreatif poel(おすすめch紹介) チャンネル紹介
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Air terjun mini – mini waterfall styrofoam

Air terjun mini - mini waterfall styrofoam  (c) gurune kreatif poel

(c) gurune kreatif poel Konten ini berisi video cara pembuatan Air terjun mini – mini waterfall styrofoam. Teman-teman yang suka dengan suara gemercik air bisa MEMBUAT AIR …

Mau tanya� om,Kalau untuk styrofoam pas di semen, pakainya semen nya aja atau di mix pakai pasir ? Hasil awetan mana ?

Ci vraiment fantastique très très bon travail meusieu 👋 je vous souhaite une bonne chance 👍🇲🇦👋🌹

Guru,,,bisa beli yg sdh jadi ukuran Tinggi 40 lebar 60 ?

Mantab suhu..🙏🙏🙏


Ide kreatif dan tambah pemasukan👏

Ilmu yang bermanfaat,

Pak guru kalau pesen air terjun untuk dalam aquarium brp ya? Yg media pasir bukan air pak guru?

Saya suka banget nonton ini, cuma blm bisa buatnya… Pak guru bikin buat yg pemula dong


Untuk mewarnai sterofom, lankahnya apa aja gan. Biar tahan di air. Ku coba pake semen luntur ya gan

kreatif brow, matapp

Thanks for sharing

dijual ga om hehe

Very good

Pohonnya jenis apa mas,,trus beli dimana?

Klau psen bisa om

Itu kira2 kuat brapa lama pak..?? Soalnya medianya kan dari gabus..Mohon penjelasannya..

Pengen buat nnti siapa tau bisa tambah2 pemasukan ni klo dijual apa lagi baru tren work from home .Setuju gk bos ku gurune kreatif poel ini??

Pak guru, itu cat apa ? Cat minyak atau cat tembok

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How to Make Mini Water Fountain at Home with Styrofoam – Mini Landscape Waterfall

How to Make Mini Water Fountain at Home with Styrofoam - Mini Landscape Waterfall  (c) gurune kreatif poel

(c) gurune kreatif poel This is a video on How to Make Mini Water Fountain at Home with Styrofoam – Mini Landscape Waterfall exceptional that you can make at home as mini …

Amazing and so beautiful.Love it.Thank you so much for sharing your talent.

Simply amazing! I don’t know where you get your inspiration but it’s wonderful. 🙏🙏🙏

Hello…. congratulations on your waterfalls, I love Them👌 what Do you use to waterproof your projects? How long can we expect Them to survive the constant water flows? Any danger of leakage? Thank you un advance

Very nice fountain, but why not protect the underside of the styrofoam from water? The little bridge is awesome. Do you have a fotage of the build of these? Greetings from Germany on the other side of our world.

Precioso. Excelente trabajo, muy didactico

Congratulations genius! Greetings from Colombia. 👍

espl�ndido,parab�ns maravilhoso trabalho!

Wahhhh.. bisa mirip pemandangan sungguhan bang.. tutorial nya juga bagus .. makasih atas kerja keras dan ide nya bang 🙂👍👍👍👍🙏🙏🙏🙏

Wow…..! It’s AmazingI love your content brokeep up the good work👍👍👍

Mantap pakai alat dan bahan seadanya.,👍


Filter cloth nya biasa di ganti dngan kapas gak bang?

Mantap 👍💪



Mantap kreatif …jadi pengin bikin

MaANTAP,Keren bang..Kreatif tanpa batas

시멘트만 발라주면 물에 녹아 내릴 텐데 요.뭔가를 더 첨가 해줘야 물과 희석 이 안 고 영구적 일지 궁금 합니다.

Everytime I see styrofoam in rubbish bin I see mini landscape waterfall gurune channel.

Semoga Allah memberikan kesehatan bang terimakasih ilmunya

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Mini Waterfall Garden With Styrofoam – Mini Landscape Realistic

Mini Waterfall Garden With Styrofoam - Mini Landscape Realistic  (c) gurune kreatif poel

(c) gurune kreatif poel This is a video on how to make Mini Waterfall Garden With Styrofoam – Landscape Realistic extraordinary that you can make at home !! ALSO AMAZING IDEAS: …

So attractive & soothing to watch this!!! A must do project! Thanks for sharing such an awesome idea 🙏😆😀😎

Quiero expresarte que a�n sin escucharse tu voz dices m�s que con palabras, es incre�ble la forma que tienes para crear y dejar que solo tus manos hablen…MIL Y MIL FELICITACIONES

Hermos�simo . Me encanta !!!!

완벽합니다.. 진짜 잘보고 가요!! 저도 디오라마 만드는데 많은걸 배우고가요!

Very nice work. Thanks for sharing. How do you make the wood mill wheel? Thank you. Congratulations.

Muy bonito trabajo. Gracias por compartir. Como haces la rueda del molino de madera? Gracias. Felicidades.

Beautiful work 👌

New subscriber here. I like your creations. I’m planning to make one for me also. What is the proportion of the cement and sand (if any) that you apply to the styro to strengthen it? Thanks.

Espetacular!!! Qual tipo de tinta voc� usa?

So adorable..Reminds me of my hometown.



Como hiciste la dor�a, me gustar�a hacerla

Mantap kang.trims ilmu nya semoga chanel ini sukses

Аmazing ♡♥

Mantap Guru..👍

Muy bello


Awesome 🔥🔥

keren om… jadi pingin ikut bikin

How to Make a Homemade Mini Waterfall

How to Make a Homemade Mini Waterfall  (c) gurune kreatif poel

(c) gurune kreatif poel This time I shared how to make a homemade mini waterfall with Styrofoam and cement. How to make this cement water fountain or cement waterfall fountain of …

Bonito, que enorme creatividad, me encanta ❤️ gracias mil gracias por compartirlo

Show , linda 👏👏👏👏👍👍👍👍👍👍🥰

So beautiful 😍. Thank you 😊 you are very artist 🥰

I love it 😍😍😍


Bisa buat bisnis ini mah, …mantap,,💪💪💪💪💪👍👍👍👍

Wow, you are an artist, beautiful piece of art, thank you so much GOD bless you, what colors do you use? 👍🙏🙏🙏🙏.

Very beautiful, creativeNice content

Beautiful 😄👍💓


I have done like that …. waterfall for Ganpati decoration ..🤞

Mas itu gulungan kartun bekas isolasi apa tidak mengembang kalau terus kena air kan terbuat dari kertas, So pasti saya acungkan jempol dua jari sunguhh..sungguh penuh kreativitas,…semoga bermanfaat bagi kita semua..IS OK..the Best…👍👍👍

Very nice. Well done.Greetings from Cumbria in the UK.

itu pake double tape ya guru..?

Very nice project BUT you need to do something about the green plastic recipient!!!! It’s horrible!🙈🤷‍♀️

Ngopi jgn lupa dong wkwkw mantap 👍

Water will go to inner cement layer and your gaffertape cardboard rolls will start to rot and smell in a few days time. Cardboard will get floppy and soft, all cement will collaps and crack of the cardboard rolls

Mantaap bg

Very Creative 😀

Itu di lapisi semen kang???

Amazing Realistic Waterfall Diorama (HOW TO MAKE AMAZING WATERFALL) with Styrofoam + Cement

Amazing Realistic Waterfall Diorama (HOW TO MAKE AMAZING WATERFALL) with Styrofoam + Cement  (c) gurune kreatif poel

(c) gurune kreatif poel Amazing Realistic Waterfall Diorama (HOW TO MAKE AMAZING WATERFALL) with Styrofoam + Cement extraordinary, and you can make this homemade mini …

Nossa…. Fiquei encantado!!! Como voc� � criativo, sens�vel, sensacional!!! Um artista surpreendente!!!Tiro meu chap�u para voc� por infinitas vezes!!!! Meus sinceros parab�ns!!! Voc� � incr�vel!!!!

Amei o seu trabalho, você poderia me dizer a quantidade de isopor que você usou!? Quero fazer um desse para dar de presente!🤗

You’re so amazing and talented.Thanks for sharing.

Hermoso, hermoso simplemente hermoso.

Om bikin tutorial melekatkan keramik mozaik ke Styrofoam dong🙏

ما شاء الله تحفة بجد

guapisimo, eres un genio.

Boleh kah saya mempelajarinya pak ?Alamatnya dimana ya?

Красиво, супер

تسلم ايدك

Indah bnget. Mksih untuk pembelajarannya

Keren pembuatan aquarium ikan dan air terjunnya 👍

Mas apa gak bocor kacanya di tempel cuman pakai semen.bukan pakai lem kaca?

Wtf? Amazing


Sir cost how much

Semangat bos

vc e muito bom

Mas bro, mau tanya itu habis semua di selimuti sama semen hasel, terus nunggu kering dulu ya ? Baru di kasih semen biasa ?


