gurune kreatif poel(おすすめch紹介)

gurune kreatif poel(おすすめch紹介) チャンネル紹介
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Aquarium Decoration Ideas – Waterfall Aquarium Decoration From Cement And Light Brick

Aquarium Decoration Ideas - Waterfall Aquarium Decoration From Cement And Light Brick  (c) gurune kreatif poel

(c) gurune kreatif poel Aquarium Decoration Ideas – Waterfall Aquarium Decoration From Cement And Light Brick extraordinary NOTABLE !! (Using Language Translation) ALSO …

Perfeito os seus trabalhos show show

Excelente amigo muy hermoso el acuario

very beautiful waterfall and aquarium😍😍

Beautiful design!

Keren mantap aquariumnya Mas 👍kreatif 🙏

om minta tolong buatkan contoh aquarium untuk ikan predator, yg simple gak terlalu banyak hiasan. asalkan besar dan panjang. panjang sekitar 100/120cm🙏 tolong yaa om…

Beautiful 👍

رائع جدااااا نتمنى عمل جديد شلال

Room tour dong pak, review alat-alat yang digunakan selama ini,

Este me gusta mucho pero nececito ver la cantidad de cuadritos que usan. Saludos.

Thank you for sharing, wanna to watch your next videos

Kagum sama hasil karyanya 👍👍

asline apik temenan, super kreatif poll, masbro.

Dekor aquarium yg keren ya. Cantik motifnya

,a cool video keep up the great content

Apik tenan

Video bạn chia sẻ làm hồ cá đẹp lắm mình ghé kênh a hom wa nhe

I love your. Design they are so. Amazing I love. Your. Video’s on u tube keep. Up the. Design you. Make. Love them a. Lot

Waw kerenn istimewaaa lorr

Mantabb om,, jd penasaran om SEO iku opo om,,😅😅😅 pokok e wis di dadi sedulurr😅😅

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Air terjun dari Styrofoam Bekas (waterfall styrofoam)

Air terjun dari Styrofoam Bekas (waterfall styrofoam)  (c) gurune kreatif poel

(c) gurune kreatif poel Pada kali ini saya menampilkan sebuah air terjun dari styrofoam bekas atau waterfall styrofoam. IDE LAIN YANG MENAKJUBKAN: …

Oh wow this is amazing!!!

Wow amazing art work ….

Muito bom!!!! Comecei o meu primeiro

Wowww Indah sekali nampak natural

Mantul gan saya juga buat waterfall,aquarium,paludarium dll memanfaatkan limbah styrofoam,terus berkarya gan 👍

pak guru yg asik agak slengehan tp kreatifmakasi atas ilmunya lho pak gurukreatif lah pokoke… bisa bikin karya yg originil dan berkualitas

Of course big like for you.🙋🏻‍♀️😍👌👏❤

Mantab mas, kelihatan natural sekali. Itu pakai kaca atau mika mas?

Natural banget bang bagus buat inspirasi trims ilmunya..👍👍👍

sir adain dijakarta Pelatihan…saya siap berguru 😂😂

Amazing mas ,juooooss

pakainya semen apa mas

Waoooo fantastic i watch your full videos


Kalo mau pesen bisa kah bang


Ini daerah mana?

Boleh saya Tanya Anda Dari mana?Saya pikirin Kalau saja say Bisa jemput Kamu datang Dan dapat membuat satu Projek waterfall yg berunsur rumah Di tepi Pantai, t. Kaseh

..kreeen suppeeer

Aku punya ada bocor halus.perlu disemen dahulu ke mas?..

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Homemade Aquarium Decorations - CREATE A SMALL HOME-LEVEL AQUARIUM FROM ICE STICK  (c) gurune kreatif poel

(c) gurune kreatif poel Homemade Aquarium Decorations – CREATE A SMALL HOME-LEVEL AQUARIUM FROM ICE STICK extraordinary, and you can make diy aquarium …

Rep�blica Dominicana, un fiel admirador, me encanta �se arte que tiene para mejorar la pecera.

ماشاءالله تبارك الله احسن الخالقين رائع اجمل قناه انتظر دائما ابداعاتك

The sitting place on top is very cute. Nice aquarium as always. Thanks for sharing😊 stay home, stay safe.

Beautiful 😍

I want to buy. How much cost of this aquarium? I am staying at Saltlake, Kolkata.

Jadi pngin buat 😍Mantap, sangat kreatif dan inspiratif

Inspiratif keren mase👍


Ide dekorasi yg luar biasa 👍👍

galfok sama miniatur dapurnya om.itu DIY sendiri jg kah ?


Waw mantap bossque 👍😇🤝

Waww mantap banget mas.slalu banyak idenya mas ini.👏👏

Gagal fokus sama dapurnya keren euy

Mau tanya, itu dijual enggak ya?Kalau iya dmn jualnya?

Keren banget sob👍


Klo memesan bisa mas?

Well done How much money i can sell it if i do ?

wow amazing video

Build A Simple Garden Waterfall Aquarium House Terrace – How To Make An Aquarium With Cement + Foam

Build A Simple Garden Waterfall Aquarium House Terrace - How To Make An Aquarium With Cement + Foam  (c) gurune kreatif poel

(c) gurune kreatif poel Build A Simple Garden Waterfall Aquarium House Terrace – How To Make An Aquarium With Cement + Foam that you can make at home as an diy creative …

ficou incrível, ❤❤❤❤❤

we are living in 2020 and this guy is already live in 3030… serious awesome job to the max… serious awesome tank… i might do 1 for my betta or guppy 1 day… this is serious way more cool… good job man!!!!

Muito linda. Amigo vou tentar fazer

Nice new project !

Waduh chanele ws maju ,semoga tambah maju pak😂,Kulo muride sampean pak 😂😂

Mantul Kang👍👍👍

Merek catnya ap kang..

Ide yang cemerlang salut..


Bahan2 nya di jelasin satu persatu mas agar bisa meniru membuat

Sukaaaaaaa …..mauuuuu bagus banget sih….👍👍👍👍

is this safe for fish? the tank looks overcrowded and very small

Wow tetap berkarya trus pak Sukses slalu


Ilmu yang sangat bermanfaat dan patut diapresiakan,salah satu cara mengurangi limbah sampah styrofoam. Semoga selalu sehat agar dapat terus berkarya dan memberikan manfaat kepada banyak orang… salam karya.

Kamaaaal…sir very nice

Bagus sekali..👍👍👍

Lampu led nya beli dmna kang??

Good idea I love you work


Mini Waterfall Garden Ideas (5 AWESOME IDEAS WATERFALL MODELS DIORAMA) with Styrofoam

Mini Waterfall Garden Ideas (5 AWESOME IDEAS WATERFALL MODELS DIORAMA) with Styrofoam  (c) gurune kreatif poel

(c) gurune kreatif poel Mini Waterfall Garden Ideas (5 awesome ideas waterfall MODELS DIORAMA) with Styrofoam extraordinary that you can make at home as an tabletop waterfall …

Esta genial 0w0

Do you make the houses? or buy them and the bridges premade?

cat ny pake apa mas? apa merek yg d rekomendasiin?


Keren mas,cakep cakep idenya,semoga sukses selalu… aamiin…

What type of colours you do use..? Small glue gun glue sticks is ok to stick a glass..? Please reply



Klk mw order gmna cara ya bos?

Most beautiful models …Fountain maker .. .. #waterbaz

Waooooo…. Mezing…Bnr bnr unik dn istimewa..👍👍👍

Keren….inspiratif…Sukses lah

Wooow very wonderful number one how do you make it you don’t have video for number one.🙋🏻‍♀️👌❤

You are very talented, you have great ideas, and the results are great.

Bagus bagus banget…Maaf gan klo blh tau harga kisaran brp..???

Purwokerto hadir

Jenis cat.nya itu apa bos, dan beli.nya dimana..? Mohon info untuk cat warna. Triem..

Msh ditggu ide kreatifnya mas…amazing

Good video

Om tutor juga bikin rumah2anya Om

gurune kreatif poel に関する情報を厳選してまとめ!

