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バリオスがフルカウルに!? DIYでフルカウルバリオス作ってみました

(c) てるてるボーイズ バリオス初期型45馬力車両をベースに250ccフルカウルスポーツバイクを作ってみました てるてるボーイズ綾人 TwitterID; @partner1107.
Amazing job! Congrats! Greetings from Brasil!
AKIRA 金田のバイク製作 ハンドル跳ね上げ FRP外装製作

(c) てるてるボーイズ Twitterやinstagramなどでは動画になるより先に最新情報が上がることがありますので良かったらフォローよろしくお願いいたします …
akira was the first anime i ever watched back when it was new. i’ve owned a lot of different bikes over the years, from bsa’s to yamaha’s, but i never thought i’d see kaneda’s bike for real. i am a mechanic, and used to work in a factory that built fiberglass boats. other than needing a little more practice with your welding, i think you did an awesome job! it’s just too bad you can’t get the engine he had, but i suppose first someone will have to invent it. keep the shiny side up, the rubber side down, and stay in the wind my friend.
I knew about CAD (Cardboard Aided Design), but this is the first time I’ve seen CAM (Cardboard Aided Manufacturing). Very impressive.
Watching your fabrication reminded me of seeing film props being built.The old school methods have stood the test of time and people are always surprised at how straightforward it is to make this stuff!I really enjoyed your video and have subscribed to follow your fabrication adventures.
This is amazing 👏🙌 I think everyone who has seen the movie Akira, wants a bike like Canada’s. I hope to see the finished version, keep up the excellent work sir!!
keren, this like a futuristic bike concept
This has been tried and failed a few times. I’m a big fan of Akira and have been to many bike shows displaying “attempts” at Kaneda’s bike… I have never seen the one the guy rode across Japan, apparently that one is quite accurate. I hope you achieve your goal and do the bike justice, I can’t wait to see it finished!… 😀
Closest thing I’ve seen to the actual bike. Everything else out there looks like a compromise. Amazing job!
Congratulations on the design and execution, it’s getting splendid! Kaneta’s bike is one of the most incredible and desired ones, but one of the hardest to make, I hope it’s very successful in its completion and can have a lot of fun with this bike. Have you thought about using an electric motorcycle engine in this project? it could be the solution for not needing to use chains or apparent gears to pull the rear wheel.
I really like the concept of a low rider motorcycle. Lower center of gravity means better stability. Akira was ahead of it’s time in a variety of ways. Thank you for sharing.
Muito bom! Parab�ns pelo excelente trabalho e por compartilha-lo conosco.
That is absolutely amazing work, can’t wait to see this finished.
Fantastic work! I love seeing your process. Never would have thought to just glass right over the cardboard! Very well done. アキラ!!!
Awesome build, so imaginative! Can’t wait to see it finished
Wonderful work on an iconic bike. Beautiful art.
Guy is a very good artist, designer and mechanic . He also has much patience!! 🙂 He should convert it to run on electric !
it’s seriously way too cool to be able to do something like that with your own hands.
My first anime i saw was AKIRA and i was like 10-11 years old.Now at 37 i saw it again and i was still blown away like back then!Salut from Romania!
I enjoy watching you create. You have very practical methods.

(c) てるてるボーイズ Twitterやinstagramなどでは動画になるより先に最新情報が上がることがありますので良かったらフォローよろしくお願いいたします …
That looks amazing! Really brings the bike to life. Just a suggestion but when you get everything else finished you could hook up the lights into an arduino and program them to “spin” or something for 10 seconds or so when you power up the bike, that would really get people’s attention 😄
Parab�ns man!!essa moto esta ficando cada vez mais uma super m�quina!!!show de linda
This is looking sooo cool! Damn i really see people gonna love to just look at it:)Great work done so far and im sure its gonna look stunning when its done!:)
Ta ficando lindo! De todos os projetos de Motos do Akira que j� vi a sua � mais legal de acompanhar!
a galera brazuca ta doida pra ver essa joia pronta! esta ficando show ! abra�o aqui do brasilll
Stunning, I’ve been waiting more than twenty five years to see something like this. Thank you for pursuing this endeavour.
Wow, its getting exciting now that its nearly finished, looks very cool. I totally do not want to add to your “yet to do” list, but is there an easy way to tune the sound of the air releasing when “dropping” and parking the bike, so that it makes a cyberpunk whistle sound?
Really looking forward to seeing the final version of this.
would’ve loved to see it in action🔥🔥amazing build nonetheless 💪💪
Again – Beautiful. The LEDs are a great touch. this is the best kaneda bike ever! Can’t wait to see video of it moving. I did half expect you to insert plasma balls into the wheel hubs to simulate lightening. Just kidding. your attention to detail is awesome.
Can’t wait to see this thing drive 🤪 in all seriousness it looks so cool!
That bike is looking sick sir. Your doing an amazing job sir
ありがとう – This is the best one by far… nothing that’s been tried before has ever hit all the right visual lines. This one is pretty much perfect. Cant wait for the paint and stickers!
Wow, this beast is slowly coming to life. Good stuff 👍
So freaking cool. Impressive work!
エアサスキット投入!リアエアサス化 金田バイク改製作プロジェクト

(c) てるてるボーイズ Twitterやinstagramなどでは動画になるより先に最新情報が上がることがありますので良かったらフォローよろしくお願いいたします …
This is coming along so well. you are one of the two builders I check for every day! can’t wait to see it going down the road.
It’s so great to see someone build a functional replica of the bike, i really want to see when it’s done.
The original design is the coolest bike ever, but doesn’t appear to have been thought through as an actual mode of transport. For some reason it has a very wide part low down on the bike. The steering also has a lot of rake, which may lead to sticktion. The other thing is that the wheels in the anime are probably 20”+, especially the rear. It’s hard to match the proportions with off-the-shelf wheels / tyres.Great project though, and enjoying following along.
projeto ta muito bom!! queria saber o que significa “deshemachooo” hahahaahha nem sei se é isso mesmo, mas ta ficando cada vez melhor 😎 🆒️
its looking great every day , i love the attention to detail your making , i hope one day this bike can become a production bike and have a whole line for 2022 i will be a customer
I’m following your project for weeks now and this is GREAT. Hello and thank you from France !
This bike is getting amazing 😎
Juste incroyable ! <3
No entend� ni una palabra, pero estoy de acuerdo en todo, Impresionante, estoy deseando verla acabada!
J aime bien .👍 Vivement la suite.
아키라의 가네다 바이크를 직접 제작하시다니 정말 멋지네요~ ^^
Waiting for the finished piece is sooooooo hard!!!
i think adding metal plates on bottom would be ideal
金田バイク改 リアエアサスの改正と激安タンク付きコンプレッサーを流用してみる

(c) てるてるボーイズ Twitterやinstagramなどでは動画になるより先に最新情報が上がることがありますので良かったらフォローよろしくお願いいたします …
Parab�ns pela dedica��o, empenho e principalmente pela criatividade, que est� dando vida para essa super m�quina, que pelo jeito ir� ficar muito show quando vc finalizar este projeto.
�xitos!!, yo tambi�n tengo ese deseo de modificar, por el momento solo he empezado con una moto el�ctrica, pero ver como lo est�s terminando tu proyecto me anima a seguir mejorando. Excelente trabajo y dedicaci�n
Tr�s tr�s beau travail , il reste encore le moteur et la peinture. Cette moto d ‘ Akira est magnifique
nice dampening and suspension , this bike gets more impressive and close to the original everyday , thankyou for this i always watch your updates with fascination
This bike looks awesome, great work, well engineered 🙂
Aunq no hablemos el mismo idioma se pude apreciar el trabajo y empe�o q le pones a esta increible obra de arte… ya quiero ver la continuacion
I can’t wait to see this on the road. Its a work of Art and every Akira lovers dream to have this bike. Fantastic!
Esta sendo um trabalho muito dificil,mas no final vai dar tudo certo!!!show
Hope to see a road test soon!!! Keep up the amazing work!
So much positive progress! this is coming along so well. you are doing an amazing job!
次から次へと流用と発想と試行錯誤がハンパない!! 何回も失敗とテストを繰り返して極めて行く綾人君に脱帽です!!! 素晴らしい!!!