
TSM_Albralelie(おすすめch紹介) チャンネル紹介
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(c) TSM_Albralelie If you enjoyed the video remember to drop a like and subscribe with notifications so you know when I upload next Edited by – Lupin Twitter …

I love how you struggled in the first bit of the video. Makes you look human.

Dude that rev at the end just gave up, no way he could handle a 3v1 lmao

Me watching pathfinder’s grappling movements: “I didn’t know they included Spider-Man in this game.”

That revenent was like “just end my existence”

The 3:00 part was insane zipline oh my gosh so sick at grapple.

“yeah there’s Revenants everywhere, welcome to Japan” hahaha love it.

That grapples, Al. U still got it. Path is in ur veins.

Every season r301 bring emotions on my heart

I feel really bad for thet revenant tho

Kind of crazy to think these dudes’ll most likely hit pred every season in apex from now on 😂

3:17 smooth affff


Al’s grappling is some nicely to watch

Just make a grapling video people will still watch it ❤️️

Watching you swinging around like spiderman I understand why path got that nerf now…


You could have at least had a fist fight against the rev instead of sweating on him like have some fun. At least Zeus and Sweatband have fun.

3:15 was so smooth



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DROPPING 22 ELIMS BEFORE ALGS!!! | Albralelie  (c) TSM_Albralelie

(c) TSM_Albralelie If you enjoyed the video remember to drop a like and subscribe with notifications so you know when I upload next Edited by – Lupin Twitter …

https://www.twitch.tv/albralelie I’M LIVE RIGHT NOW!!!

Didn’t know Ed Sheeran was this good at Apex

3:38 look at the killfeed, the gibi he damaged jumped off the map XD

14:09 is why pathfinder is so damn good, no other legend (even octane’s jump pad wont) would’ve been able to close off the game like that

Why do people care if he’s playing noobs this man literally gets 20s in pred lobbies what more do you need this man is just a goat

It’s so funny watching his teammates trying to keep up

TBH, most of the enemies were bots, standing perfectly still, just waiting to receive headshots. Still good game.

Watching your frags and your plays at 2 and a half am is the best thing ever, love your vids

2:13 my mans tried crawling for his life so bad 🤣

I wish I had that bug so I can finally get the 20 kill badge

Congrats on the tournament win! You guys are amazing.

fuck i remember watching this on stream. Him having is headset on backwards was funny af

Lmao this guy is a 5 time back to back to back to back to back champion… thank god you figured it out before the tourney, well played sir

5:41 was so clean tf

The best Apex player with my favorite legend.

Watching your Old Pathy Videos again ❤️ miss Ur Pathy plays man 💔

Whenever my I watch your vid i think that if i play apex now i would kill everyone in the lobby 😂

12:33 : Godlike Hook 13:18 : Fail Hook But he is still the best Pathfinder in the hole entire universe !!!!


There are a lot of predators in casual now…

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I Am The Kill Leader of Pubs & Ranked | Albralelie

I Am The Kill Leader of Pubs & Ranked | Albralelie  (c) TSM_Albralelie

(c) TSM_Albralelie If you enjoyed the video remember to drop a like and subscribe with notifications so you know when I upload next Edited by – Lupin Twitter …

You’re the only real anti-cheat we have Mac. 🤜🤛

like actually wtf are this man’s binds

How do you dc when you have Albralelie on your team? That’s a free dub man.

5:10 imagine kicking the door in just to get blasted by the PK lolol

That hand crack at the end was satisfying 😂

As a console player your key binds are disgusting 😂😂

10:57 bodied Apryze etc easilyyy😂😂😂

You’re so talented. You never dissapoint with your aim, game awareness, consistency, confidence, and humor. You inspire me to be chase my dreams and be the best content creator I can be. Much love ❤

The “getting (put whatever you want) from narnia” is really a tsm thing isnt it😂😂

What settings he’s using for the game to look that clean with that lower res?

Damn his game looks so smooth

11:31 omg that team got ROLLED

Imagine calling people cheaters when they hit you once lmao

I just want to know how the hell does TSM get 70-130 with the mastiff from 100ft out, when i get mostly 14 damage from point blank to the chest?? 🤯🤬 This game is BROKEN!!!! 🚮🗑️

I thought I was watching Imperialhal the whole time until I heard Albralelie start talking half way through the vid 😂😂😂

Revenant deals 11 damage and leaves…That’s just how pubs work

Imagine Leaving On Him

You were the champion in a pubs game I played on Tokyo servers. I was like yo thats albralelie! Lol

Why do you play Prowler with Selectfire and still just use the burst mode?

Abusing the aim assist. I can dig it haha



(c) TSM_Albralelie If you enjoyed the video remember to drop a like and subscribe with notifications so you know when I upload next Edited by – Lupin Twitter …

Imagine you think you can nerf pathfinder but TSM Albralelie exists lol

Your vids and streams have kept me going through quarantine, love your content keep up the great work 🙂

8:03 “Knocked Skittlescakes” A garbage player who was permabanned from Xbox for teaming in predator lobbies. Feels good to watch 🙂

2:31 Community : It’s all about positionsAngles : Hold my beer

Pretty sure the title could’ve been best ….(enter any legend). Love watching these guys in the ALGS

Pain. I was at 9999rp today and of course didn’t gain any next game😂

who else got trigger by that prowlers not set to auto? OMG 😀

My boy Steve says its “Taxi2g” i believe Timmy to be one of the best. We’re going to have to go with who has the more rings here (Tournament wins)

Poetry in motion Mac!

やっぱりパスファインダー!!I like TSM

i dont understand how does he control the recoil so perfectly, he doesn’t move the mouse even a bit…. captain?

That push at 05:36 was Alpha af

Playing prowler on burst despite having selectfire…Respecc

I love how he kept the prowler on burst

Keep it up mac! My top streamers for apex! Keep grinding buddy

Just wait till Zylbrad sees this lmao

Still a great game, but why does diamond III-I seem to have harder lobbies than this

Titan fall needs its own BR, with titan fall movement

Happy to see mah man back on mouse and keyboard

I try so hard in ranked. I keep alternating between D4 and D3. Of course you play the game more that me and is better but I wish I could get to apex predator. I’m hungry for it.

I FOUND THE GOLDEN EVA-8!!! | Albralelie

I FOUND THE GOLDEN EVA-8!!! | Albralelie  (c) TSM_Albralelie

(c) TSM_Albralelie If you enjoyed the video remember to drop a like and subscribe with notifications so you know when I upload next Edited by – Lupin Twitter …

was that first game actually that intense or is this adderall intensifying

Seems like Madness found the golden Addy before the game

Every single match:”I need shotgun ammo” 😂

Never seen someone with more accurate name than this Madness dude, holy shit haha

3:29 “OMG WHO’S NEXT” made me laugh

11:42 “we should just play low ground.” *next scene* Him on the roof 😂

10:26 that trick helped me win a game because of the enemy not knowing that and me being able to kill him without him even shooting back lmao ty mac

I love the CLG guys.. they’re hilarious

considering how hype the title was his reaction was just extremely unsatisfying


That 1st game was so entertaining!!! Insanity

13:10I love it

Holy hell that first match!!! Also, Im not sure if it was Reps or Madness, but his screaming has me absolutely dead – fuck pickle rick – that was the funniest shit of all time

Y’all get third partied more than anyone I’ve ever seen in Pred… And you handle it with such finess every fucking time truly it baffles me

13:09 one of the most satisfying “bitch” ever 😀 I love it.


That was intense af 😂😂

1:54 where the madness begins

I love it how lupin uploads at same time on both channel

this guy is literally a beast bruh

