【呪術廻戦】廻廻奇譚 / Eve さん ベーシストが全パート頑張ってみた

(c) MINA YouTubeでベース動画の投稿は初めてで新鮮な気持ちです! 初回ということで大好きな呪術廻戦のop「廻廻奇譚」を弾かせていただきまし …
Sounds good
When you are playing the bass, you look so relaxed and in the moment. Your collaboration with Davie was superb. I have the bass battle jam as a song on my playlist.
Mina – you’re very talented, and this is just the beginning! Keep up the great work!
She definitely needs to perform anime soundtracks))
Your voice is so unique. I already liked it in your cover of Flash with Girlfriend and it is even better now. Nice work and thank you
As a bass player, I appreciate how fun you make the bass look.
Uau….you play bass so relaxed and so easy, congratulations and a big hug from a bass player fan of you from Rio de Janeiro – Brasil !
The best cover by far. Great job, Mina-san!
Your version is awesome!! I would love to hear a long version :DDDD
Your playing brings a smile to my face. You are a wonderful artist.
Your instrument skills are so amazing and your belting is really nice!! Love it!!! ♥️♥️♥️
She becomes somebody else when she plays that bass. BEAST MODE
Your voice is so beautiful <3 I fall in love with it every word you speak 😀 but you are most adorable when you play your bass 😉
WOW. This was really incredible. You’re something else!
I love the sound of his bass and his voice is incredible
【呪術廻戦】廻廻奇譚 / Eve さん 弾いてみた -Bass cover-

(c) MINA
This is just what we all needed on these cold mornings.Slap bass princess 👸!
Que linda!😍🥰
Already this video last year and it’s still awesome. Talented and cute ❤️
You got a hair cut! Love it! Nice style! Love your bass play as usual! Amazing! 🔥🎸🔥🎸😍🔥🎸😍🔥🎸😍 Overdrive Your Life!
Just started to listen to you recently, incredible talent, love the tone of your bass and your new hairstyle suites you very well ! ❤️😍🇨🇦
Adoro ouvi-la tocar! Voc� � �tima.
Thank you for always bringing me to a big smile and a warm feeling of joy 🥰
You’re so talented, keep up the great work and keep slapping that bass 🙂
I never realize how hard a baseline slaps until I hear her play it
Very good skill.why don’t you go to a concert and make a album?
Super nice! Amazing bass line, can you play Tommy the Cat from Primus? It should be nice reinterpreted by you:)
as always, outstanding. I love your dedication to your instrument. As much as I love you, I do miss Girlfriend a little bit.❤❤❤❤
I love the new hair!! Your slap technique and playing is amazing as always 💞💞
Toca muito Mina. parab�ns!!!!!
【弾いてみた】シル・ヴ・プレジデント / P丸様。 さん -Bass cover-

(c) MINA
The smile and your playing brightens up the song so much, especially when you smile. I’m sure everyone have their hearts melt!
A truly unsurpassed performance of your Incredibly beautiful cover of this magical music.Thank you MINA👍👏🌹🌹🌹💕.
She looks lovely just happily bass’ing it up. You go girl!
Thank you for showing us your wonderful talents.It is good to see you enjoying each tune.
WOW your playing makes me smile, it makes you smile as well, wonderful bass playing MINA
Curto muito seus videos, toca: BLISTER, THE KOXX
Great playing!
Amazing 👏🏻👏🏻
私はいつもあなたがベースギターを弾くのを聞くのを楽しんでいます。 よくやった!🎸
【ベース弾いてみた】Forget Me Nots / Patrice Rushen

(c) MINA こんばんはー^^ 高校生の時にはじめて聴いてからずっと好きなこの曲を弾いてみました! ゆったり聴いてください:) 動画編集 MINA Twitter …
매번 잘 듣고 있습니다♥
you make this look so easy and elegant at the same time. that’s such a gift!
Hey! Que buen ritmo! Me ah encantado! ❤️
That was lovely. You’re such a natural player and seem so peaceful when you play. Like all great musicians, you’re in love with your instrument and your instrument loves you back.
Such a cool vibe. Hands up everyone that was doing a groovy little head-bob the whole way through 🤩
Heard the original on the radio after many many years, typed into Youtube and found this – Loved your performance. The bass solo is great. Keep it up!
This is absolutely brilliant.. Very gifted. It sounded as if it came from within and effortlessly, not just another had tune to keep up with. Thank you xx
Perfect posture, super skilled to the point it looks like no effort required, and she is beautiful. A winning combination.
I love how you play bass!! thank you for covering this song it’s one of my favorites!! 💞🥰💫
OMG i loved your cover aaa!!! forget me nots is one of my favorite songs too it has such a good bass line
Is good to see how the bass community has grown, this cover made me remember the one from Marta Altesa. I hope she is doing great wherever she is.
This was fantastic. Very groovy. I hope you give us a solo album someday soon… 😁
It’s such a delight to see you play that funky bass!! 💖✨
Always great bass playing and incredibly slap technic there Mina! You may also wanna watch Marta Altesa version of this song cover. It’s so enjoyable~~!!
Outstanding, Mina. I’m following you because I saw you in the epic bass battle with Davie504. You totally rocked then and this is more awesomeness. I’m glad you are on yt now.
You are awesome! I’m Brazilian and I admire how you play.
As a bass player you play amazing !
That was great Mina!!!!! You make it look so easy!!! Thanks for sharing with us!!!
You make it look so easy – fantastic playing!
【弾いてみた】Toxic / Britney Spears -Bass cover-

(c) MINA
Interesting groove, I like it!
Awesome! Love the tone!
You never fail to amaze us, MINA ❤️
Damn Nina, I wish there was more of this song from you. And I’m in love with the tone of your bass, it is exceptional. And as I’ve said before, your bass is an extension of you; in my little-mind, I can’t come up with anyone who plays as naturally as you do. You absolutely rock and inspire.
Você é incrível! Mas gostaríamos de poder ver a sua mão esquerda também, que não aparece na imagem em alguns dos seus vídeos. ありがとう。
Amazing bass cover, great job
So cool! ❤
希望能出完整版的 很好聽
Amazing as always
awesome play ^^
I’m addicted to you…r base playing!
너무 멋있어요 ㅠㅠ
A very seasoned bass player indeed, thanks davie
interesting cover!