【弾いてみた】ELEVEN / IVE さん -Bass cover-

(c) MINA
Right now I’m listening to the most melodious cover of this magical music.Thank you MINA 👍👏🌹🌹🌹💕.
Love the playing. Love the smile. More of each, please. 🙂
Oh my, oh my God~ ♡(˶╹̆ ▿╹̆˵)و✧♡ MINA’s great!
This was so short… I always want you to play longer… but it was probably one of my very favorite snippets that you’ve shared. Wonderful! 🙂
Saludos desde M�xico, que buen estilo al tocar
So much soul in her playing!
Love that green bass!
Your technique is really solid. I’m a semi pro bassist living in Canada and if someone offered me a million $ to stop playing bass I’d say no! I think it’s the same with you. Enjoy your day!
[MINA/the musician]베이스🎸 실력👍✌도 뛰어난데👏,미소😊와 액션🥰까지 사랑스럽다.🧡차곡차곡🕛🕧🕐🕜🕑🕝🕒🕞🕓🕟🕔🕠🕕🕡🕖🕢🕗🕣🕘🕤🕙🕥🕚🕦🕛🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘🌛🌜🌠🌝🌞 팬층🖥💻📱🤳🎧🎵🎶▶️이 두터워질🗺🌐🌍🌎🌏🙆♂️🙆♀️🙋♂️🙋♀️🧏♂️🧏♀️ 듯.🧷옷핀🦻귀걸이 일본🎎매력녀🍓💐애교🥰작살💘건강하게🍎🍊🧅🧄🍅🍳🍠🍣🦐🦪 지내시고🧘♀️🚶♀️🏃♀️⛹️♀️🤾♀️💃🏋️♀️🚴♀️🚵♀️🏊♀️💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤꾸준히 뵙고들을 수 있기를~🍀🙏 바랍니다.
You are awesome!
4弦12フレットあたりのベチョベチョ音ってどうやって出してるんですか…?めちゃカッコいいです…!・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+
She always has good tone. I want your tone.
【弾いてみた】東海オンエアさん旧ED ひとりで居残り練習してみた

(c) MINA めちゃくちゃ速い、、! 最後ヘトってなってしまった、、 編集面では、背景のくり抜き?を覚えました!^^ 東海オンエアさん …
It should be illegal to be so good
This is so visually and sonically creative. The bass layering is so tight. Lots of Minas on bass is a great band and sound ✨🤍
love it!!!!❤️
Great music and also nice touch with the editing!Also, wow, Mina’s shirts are always so elegant and unique.
編集の上達が早くて驚きです笑姿勢が綺麗でいつも見惚れてしまいます!Such a fast improve editing skill.and I like her posture as well !!
It’s like watching an anime character or porcelain doll playing the bass!
Happy birthday Mina-San!!! Thanks to you, I’m looking to buy my first bass and start learning 😀
Awesome video, impressive editing, lovely smile making that mindboggling speed play look so easy! 😃🤘🏼
That was amazing!
Mina is such a talented bass player! <3
Voc� toca muito !
I can’t stop replaying. So amazing and so Kawaii!
Awesome as always mina keep it up
God bless you forever you are so special, pure talent, very amazing, voc� � uma princesinha linda, your smile is a real state of art
What a great way to change the notes, velocity and scales, I really enjoyed this video
That was ripping baselines! You slapped the funk out of Davie 504! Keep shredding and stay funky! 🙏🏼
【弾いてみた】ロキ / みきとP さん 鏡音リン さん -Bass cover-

(c) MINA 本家様 https://youtu.be/Xg-qfsKN2_E ロキを弾いてみました!! 難しかったです、、 ご視聴ありがとうございます!^^ 一生スラップしてて …
0:55 This part gets funky as hell. Love it so much.
how does your hand move like that 😱 such talent ❤️❤️
So composed and happy. It’s a pleasure to watch Mina playing
I am utterly in love with your skill. So amazing!
You are amazing. My hands hurt just watching you! Sounds very good, I can’t believe how well you play because you have such petite hands fingers
I really enjoyed listening to your most beautiful cover of this magical music. Thank you MINA 👍👏🌹🌹🌹💕.
I love waking up to Mina’s new bass covers.
This cover is legendary!!
That is so cool! Mina is scary good and so, so cool.
absolutely brilliant …, RESPECT ! You make it look soooo effortless 🙂
I really love your smile while you are playing! ❤️💯
Keren banget mina 😍😍
Impressive ❤
looks like enjoying playing bass.skillful fast clean sound and smile.i’m motivated to play bass as a beginner.have nice days, MINAsan.~🍀🙏
menudo talento y menudo bellezon!!!
【弾いてみた】ロキ / みきとP さん 鏡音リン さん -Bass cover-

(c) MINA
Lindaaa 🇧🇷😍❤️
近々ベースを始めるんですけどほんとに尊敬しちゃうほど上手……てかもう尊敬してる……私も頑張ろう!ᕙ( ˙꒳˙ )ᕗ
Hi MINA, I slapped the like button as fast as you slapped the bass, I love your playing 🙂
Amazing how you can play like such a badass with the face of an angel.❤️😍🇨🇦
So cute, and ridiculously talented

(c) MINA 動画みてくれてありがとうございます^^ 見所はフィギュアの露伴先生です!!! 私が寝てる間にヘブンズ・ドアーで書き込んでくれないか …
0:00 OP0:33 OPトーク1:09 誕生日プレゼント3:15 Can’t Stop / Red Hot Chili Peppers4:50 Stone Cold Bush / Red Hot Chili Peppers5:49 Virtual Insanity / Jamiroquai6:24 秒針を噛む / ずっと真夜中でいいのに。7:29 ロキ / みきとP8:52 まとめ10:00 EDどれもかっこいい曲ばかりで真似したくなります👏
Hello Mina! It would be great for some beginners to have tabs on screen, it would help them a lot! Keep on uploading vids! Fighting!
All your videos are of great help! Thank you Mina-San
Love your videos Mina, you play the bass so well☺️
Hi MINA, thank you for promoting the bass. You are very good at playing the bass, and I have noticed that the harder the song is to play the more you smile 🙂
@Mina, Happy Belated Birthday 🎂. I hope that your day was Happy Healthy and Safe from everything but carbs and calories. Thank you for doing these videos. I enjoy them a lot; with the transition it’s helping me learn the Bass a little better. As always, stay happy healthy and safe. Enjoy. 👍🙏🤘
Great videos! But it would be better to use a sound board to record the sound and do some mixing, equalizing, mastering later… By using the microphone some undesirable sounds might be captured and sometimes some notes are lost to the sound of picking/slapping the strings. You’re doing great, so happy to watch your channel! Keep up the great work!
I started playing bass after listening to some of your songs and seeing videos! Thanks for the slap recommendations 😀
It’s nice to see you working at the passion of playing the bass guitar and wanting to share your gift of slapping on it with others. I wish you the best in your pursuit of becoming a professional at it, as I believe you are well on your way to doing so! May God bless you as you move forward. 🙂 BTW, it’s nice to see you smile more and to hear your voice. I’d love to hear you sing more, too!
Hello Mina, your video was great, I really enjoyed the bass and also the Red Hot Chili Peppers 👍🏼👏🏼.Greetings from Argentina🙌🏽
Awesomeee!!! I’d love to play bass too hehe where do you get the chords and tabs? :0
Watchig your videos really makes me want to play, thanks for the motivation and greetings from France !
I love all your guitar videos Mina san, so smooth!
フィギアの話をしてるキャピッた感じと、ベース弾いてる時のキリっとした感じ、どっちも好きです!!! So cute!!
5:06 Mina is so happy!! It was worth crying when you finally get there 😄✌🏻
The fact that you like the Chili Peppers is awesome! What is your favorite song or album by them? Happy Birthday!