Brilliant idea | Use Coconut Trees to Grow Purple Lettuce at Home – TEO Garden

(c) TEO Garden Brilliant idea | Use coconut trees to grow wonderful vegetables, Growing Purple Lettuce at Home – TEO Garden. Thank you for watching! Do not forget to …
Growing Purple Lettuce at Home – TEO Garden. 🌳 Thank you for watching!
As ideias dele s�o simplesmente maravilhosas, mas a m�sica de fundo � alta e estressante.
I wish I had just a little bit of your talent ❤️❤️
Muy bien! 👏👍Saludos desde Colombia. Gracias Teo 🇨🇴🌱
Admiro la creatividad de Teo, su paz. No se le agotan las ideas, aprovecho hasta la corteza del arbol 😲🙌👏👏👏🌟🥥🥬
Amei essa ideia muito bom parab�ns
Wow: you are my hero!!🌱🪴🙏🏻
Es una idea GENIAL !!!!👍👏Cualquier cultivo prospera en ese recipiente , es especial !!!Saludos desde Argentina 💖💖💖
Parab�ns senhor teo
Muito criativo! Gosto muito dos seus v�deos!
Que bonito el vídeo y buenas ideas ☺️. Saludos desde España. Sebas
Maravilhoso 👏👏👏👏👏
Jesteś pomysłowy piękne wykonanie super sprawa brawo 💓 pozdrawiam serdecznie
Beautiful presentation and outstanding quality work,totally loved the beautiful channel dear friend
Tel eres increíble.❤️
Awesome it’s really really information about the how to grow at home I’m loving the idea
Ang galing mo pare. Ang dami mong idea. Keep up your good work. Have a nice day. God bless.
Que lindo
Que fartura � de se admirar ABEN�OADO.
Amazing Vertical Garden from Plastic Bottles for Your Front Yard | TEO Garden

(c) TEO Garden Amazing vertical garden from plastic bottles for your front yard. Thank you for watching! Do not forget to Subscribe, Like and Share.
Maravilhosa ideia obrigado
Q maravilha! A Natureza fica feliz e agradece. Essas embalagens iriam para os rios e oceano.
Lindo parab�ns
👏👏👏👏👏💙🌸🌹🌸 adorei
Hermoso para emplear el tiempo libre bello gracias
Really amazing creativeGreat idea..wish you all the best and may god bless you…amen
U r so hardworking person for me you are good person ..👍😘🥰
Another great garden peice 😊👍🏽👍🏽
Very nice brother thank u..
Que lindo te quedo te felicito porque eres tan detallista eso es genial te mando saludos desde Veracruz
Very nice.👏👏👏
Surreal 😍
Thank you it’s beautiful
oh this is really nice ideas🥰❤
Excellent idea | Hydroponic Garlic Onion Cultivation at Home for Beginners

(c) TEO Garden Excellent idea, Hydroponic garlic onion cultivation at home for beginners. Easy, efficient and economical. How to grow onions and garlic in water at home.
How to grow onions and garlic in water at home. 🌳 Thank you for watching!
Ameiiiii essa ideiaaaaa❤❤❤❤❤
This man is amazing at his creative gardening ideas! Have watched every video, made some of my own using his ideas, and always look forward to his next video. 🥰
Lindo lindo parabéns o senhor muito criativo amei 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
O senhor e suas idéias maravilhosas,👏👏👏👏👏, namastê
Excelente trabalho
Muito bom!
Felicitaciones Teo! 👏👏👏👏👏No dejas de sorprenderme, como reciclas, reutilizas, CREAS con diferentes materiales tantas cosas.
Excelente idea. Gracias
Золтые руки,спасибо за идеи🧄🥕🧅👍👍👍
Me encata todo lo que el señor hace, pero me perturba que no use zapatos 😂
Y cuando puedo ver todo el proceso
Good job friends ,thank you information
Wow nice 👌 thank you for sharing 😀
Kreatif bangat dah👍👍👍
Me facina todo lo qxeste Se�or hace es una BENDICI�N
Good idea, thanks for sharing…
so this is just growing leaves and not bulbs?lol
Recycle Plastic Bottles into Beautiful Flower Pots for Your Garden

(c) TEO Garden Recycling plastic bottles into beautiful flower pots. The idea is easy to do and you can do it at home. Inexpensive, does not take much time, tools. Recycling …
Muito lindo
Muito lindo seu trabalho ficou bel�ssimo parab�ns
Wow amazing recycled old bottle save our environment . Thanks you look beautiful
Excellent idea. Beautiful and useful. Thank you for sharing.
عمل رائع فعلاٍ شكراً لكم🇸🇾🇸🇾🇸🇾SYRIA. IBO
Beautiful 👏👏👏 idea, easy to make and will suit for small size gardens 👌👌👌.
Great videoWould you please tell the plant name
아주 아름답습니다. 최고~
Uncle you are doing so well
Which colour are you using on plastic bottles? What’s the brand
Beautiful person
This would be great to grow strawberries or an herb garden.
You are magician
Good morning sir to good rice cal pot