
Namiのくらし(おすすめch紹介) チャンネル紹介
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🍙休暇中につくって食べるおひとり夕ご飯 1週間の記録|What I eat in a week

🍙休暇中につくって食べるおひとり夕ご飯 1週間の記録|What I eat in a week  (c) Namiのくらし

(c) Namiのくらし 一人暮らし会社員の一週間の夕食の記録です GW中だったので、沖縄料理や長崎の皿うどんを作ってささやかな旅気分を味わいました 沖縄の料理はどれも大好きなの …

This may sound odd, but I love the way you make being productive soothing 💓💞 Your content is a reminder that you don’t have to go through life rushed and stressed. That you can slow down and really pay attention to what you do and eat. 🙏 It’s the way we need to approach cleaning, cooking, and productivity.

I’ve noticed a few comments of people who suffers from anxiety and so on who find calm and relief here. I’m one of them. These videos are not just entertaining, they are so therapeutic. So healing. Much appreciated ❤️

I already mentioned this before in one of your previous “Stay home with me” vlogs, but you could definitely open up a successful restaurant or cafe with your cookingI may not live in Japan, but I would definitely go😊

I’m over here taking notes when you are cooking, Nami! You have a wonderful attitude towards life, and I agree with the others – if you published a cookbook, I would absolutely buy it! Just please have it translated into English <3 Wishing you only the best!

Nami, thank you! To see your video is a real pleasure, thank you that share with us your way of life. It’s really inspiring🌸

❤️Nami, me inspirei em você para criar meu canal! 🇧🇷

It looks like you have a lot of new kitchen items? So pretty! xxx

Love all the meals you make!!! I wish you’d run us through the days when you do groceries, too! More power!!!

Thanks for all the effort and delicateness you always put in your videos, they’re all so inspiring and relaxing to watch! I hope you have a great weekend Nami 🙂

i never get bored with watching all your videos. i always love the way you prepare food. i can feel how you appreciate life so much and made many people realize that we really do not need to rush in everything we do, and just enjoy living life to the fullest with gratitude like you do. Thank you Nami!

That was interesting to see your week day-by-day.

When i live recklessly, i go back to your channel, to remind me how to live like a human being.. 😁❤️I suffering depression and anxiety.. your video is like a trigger to get out of it.. thank you, Nami..

You are never alone as me and so many people around the world look forward to watching your videos each week , so as you sit down to eat and show us all how you spend your time is so beautiful and it really does relax me on weekends . Plus if you ever think of making a cook book I will be one of many who would buy your book. As always thank you for sharing your life with us. Good health and wellness Love from the UK❤️ Ps I really don’t understand why anyone puts a dislike on here as you only show us how we can all relax and unwind . Again thank you

This is lovely and calming to watch,I feel like the process you take to make your meals demonstrates self respect and being present thank you,I thought I was the only single person who did this mindful self care process. wishing you wonderful things.

She is such a good soul. So relaxing and I love her routine she has. Structure is always so good in a persons life!!

Your life seems so fulfilling! Thank you for putting in the time to share your life with us, your editing has gotten far more advanced!!! 🙂

Next year’s holiday come to iran🇮🇷 we’ll be hosting you perfectly ❤️

Everything you make is such a joy to “participate”. Thank you for your videos, Nami 🤍

Anytime Nami-san beats the eggs and cook them, I somehow feel like I can’t stop taking my eyes off from them😂🍳And love to see what you eat throughout the week! Thank you😊💕

Adoro seus vídeos me acalma! Também passo a conhecer um pouco da cozinha asiática que é muito exótica! 👏😘💞🌹🌿

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Stay Home With Me | お家時間を楽しむ休日ルーティン|1人暮らしアラサーOLの日常VLOG

Stay Home With Me | お家時間を楽しむ休日ルーティン|1人暮らしアラサーOLの日常VLOG  (c) Namiのくらし

(c) Namiのくらし ご視聴ありがとうございます✨ 都内に住む一人暮らしOLの日常VLOGです 今回は食材を買いに行く以外は家の中で過ごした休日でした 少し気合を入れて料理をして、映画 …

My heart melted when i found out that those letters for someone special were for us thank you so much everytime i watch your videos it soothes me thank you so much😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺

Even I’m crying, that was absolutely the most loving thing I have ever seen on YouTube.

The idea of speaking through fortune cookies is just amazing! Your thoughtfulness, consideration and softness really touched me! I should be the one to say thanks, thank you for keeping the life so sweet, which inspired me all the time for pursuing a peaceful and better life. Wish you all the best!

Nami your videos prove that not all people living alone are lonely because not all people living with someone are happy, keep it up, we love your peaceful and entertaining videos 🥰

Living in a rural cottage has shaped my life in the most unexpected way… and coming here on YouTube and seeing you document you journey in the most calming way, makes me realise just how blessed I am .Sometimes we spend too much time complaining about where we should be and what we should be and we miss out on the beauty in the season that we are.This is a gentle reminder that nothing is without purpose.Thank you for inspiring me to document my journey, its the best decision I ever made, you are truly beam of light 🌄

I literally cried when I found out that special someone were us – your viewers <3 At first, i thought it could be for your family or yourself. I love you!!! I always enjoyed watching your videos!!

I love how deliberate and present you are with everything that you do. 💜

Hola Nami, “Gracias a ti” por hacerme disfrutar un momento de calma y serenidad en las noches antes de acostarme. Me gustaría probar algunos de tus platos que se ven apetecibles, te deseo para el 2021 mucha salud y ojalá que todo esto del Virus ya termine. Soy de Venezuela y ahora vivo en España. Sigue haciendo vídeos tan especiales y apetecibles. 💐🇻🇪🙌

This video shows just how sweet and delicate a person you are. Thank you for inspiring me to just be myself ❤️

The ending is touching and adorable. Congratulations on this milestone.

Owwwwn Nami! That so sweet from you. The fortune cookies mesaages made me cry 😢💕You deserve nothing but the best, thank you for your lovely videos and for taking the time and made those home made cookies with cute messages to us.. u soon will hit 1 million. As always, It’s so satisfying watching your videos, thank you for your your great content. Send you love from El Salvador, central America 💙

Aw, my heart melted! The “special someone” turned out to be us subscribers! 🥺 Thank you Nami for sharing your simple yet pleasant day-to-days with us. Best fortunes and blessings to you always! ❤️

Not only Nami is a great cook, she makes cooking process look seamless 😃 and i was definitely curious when she said she wrote letter to someone special….turns out that someone special is for us!!!!That really touched my heart. Ive watched thousands of youtube videos but none of them actually thanked their subscribers like the way Nami does 😭 thank you Nami, we love u ♥️

Congratulations on the milestone Nami! Your videos always make my day so comfy and relaxing, as I bet they do for other people as well! Keep up the great work! <3

Omg Nami! At first I was confused when you open the fortune cookie, like why did you made little messages to you, haha! And then you show us and it was so sweet!!! ♥️♥️♥️ Thanks Nami, I love what you do!

Thanks for another lovely glimpse of your life. The care you give to even the smallest task or activity is simply exquisite. Each of your videos is so calming, it is genuinely a gift to the soul. Thank you Nami.

I love watching how people from all over, do the everyday routines in their lives. We are all connected! Thank you Nami from Canada 🇨🇦

Oh Nami. I don’t usually comment, but for this I had to. Thank you for sharing your wonderful simplistic life with us. This one brought a tear to my eyes for the effort you put in to thank us. Take care my dear. xx

No, thank you Nami. For you relaxing, uplifting and inspiring videos! You were my best find in 2020 😘

Oh my! You are so sweet, my heart pop when I see the “furtune cookies ” was for us!!!!!!

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【Morning Routine】Vlog・休日OLのモーニングルーティン・一人暮らしの休日の過ごし方・スキンケア・生活音

【Morning Routine】Vlog・休日OLのモーニングルーティン・一人暮らしの休日の過ごし方・スキンケア・生活音  (c) Namiのくらし

(c) Namiのくらし Namiのくらしをご覧いただきありがとうございます 一人暮らしをしているOLの日常を綴ったVlogです。 今回は休日のモーニングルーティンをまとめてみました 家を出るまで …

Seems like she really makes the best of her single quiet life. That’s the beauty in it. Some people can’t live alone or just have a harder time. She keeps herself busy and productive. I think that’s why some of us are so intrigued to watch.

This video made me realise that we can enjoy our life and be happy even if we don’t have a partner. This is such a good feeling. Thank you so much for for uploading such videos.

IN THE QUIET YOU CAN FIND SERENITY AND BEAUTY..your videos are refreshing and relaxing makes me feel good a reflection of you..just the small things that make life beautiful

Watching her live her life, be happy and enjoy her home and her alone time: priceless. She lives in a way many of us dream of. Thank you for sharing your daily routines with us.

When I get ready to go to the gym, I put on my jog bra, sweat pants and a t-shirt I stole from my husband advertising some rock band from the 1980s. Then I tie my hair in a rubber band (off the asparagus we ate the night before), stare glassily into the mirror to make sure nothing disastrous has occurred in the night (large pimples, a terrible case of fisheye, female pattern baldness), put on my sneakers and stagger out the door. You look better going to the gym than I do on date night! Well done! 😁👍🏻

If I share my daily routine you’ll be horrified 🤣


this is the life I’ve been missing… when I was young I told myself that I’m going to finish college, live independently find a job and have a great life as a single but, I was wrong all my dream vanished….

I just found your channel and I am so glad I did! I’m really enjoying watching all your video’s. Thank you for sharing your life with us!

I love that she put captions on for the non Japanese speakers. I love you❤🥺

I’m a really grumpy person but your videos give me such a positive energy and inspiration ✨

I love your jewelry display. It’s so simple and elegant and space-friendly!

So very healthy motivating me to start being more healthy. I love how people in Japan keep their home so clean. I’m so glad I found your channel

So glad to find your channel, I m living solo too. On this 15 years, due to work, I m moving from Hong Kong, Shanghai and now settle down on Melbourne, me too, has many routine similar to you such as after work , weekend. It’s much harder on you on such a small apartment and enjoy yourself. I am not too fond of Tokyo, my favourite place was Kyoto and high land area. Take care and stay safe.

These are the best quarantine videos. I’m hooked.

I really love watching you make your meals; there’s so much care put into all you do. It’s inspirational.

I love that you actually went to the gym after planning to do so! I never realised that actual attendance completed the plans!

I love how you fill your day with meaningful joys such as flowers and beautifully prepared meals. 🌺

You seem like a lovely lady and your videos are super relaxing and the fact that you bought flowers to yourself is a lesson that we should all learn “Stop …and smell the roses” thanks Nami!

God bless u with the same humble life forever.

1人暮らし会社員の好きなことだけして過ごすおうち時間|家から出ない休日|Stay Home With Me |VLOG

1人暮らし会社員の好きなことだけして過ごすおうち時間|家から出ない休日|Stay Home With Me |VLOG  (c) Namiのくらし

(c) Namiのくらし ご視聴ありがとうございます 都内で1人暮らしをしている会社員の日常VLOGです 字幕を日本語字幕に載せています。 【スマートフォンの場合】再生画面右上の「︙」を …

Все со вкусом. Приятно смотреть 😁

You make me a better person Nami, seeing you document your life in the most beautiful and artistic way is my greatest inspiration. Everytime I watch your videos, I think to myself “this is my ‘lonely’ life, the life I hated so much that I didn’t realise what a gift I have been given . You helped me appreciate solitary and simple living and inspired me to share my story . Thank you being the light 💡 in a dark tunnel

Since I’ve started watching Nami’s channel my tea intake has subconsciously increased ☕️

NAMI que lindo video me encanto tu estanteria y quedo lindo para los vinos cuidate muchoooo besos😘😘😘😘

It is so wonderful to be able to have your company! You will see and do many things, Nami! Sending you lots of love <3

I love the way she vlogs! She doesn’t do something special for her vlog but show us her natural lifestyle (which I think really lovable and very soothing for many people💕)

Music is very relaxing. I live alone in Australia and suffering from deprression,anxiety & isolation you have helped me throught out the years. Love you Nami🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹

I’m so happy of seeing the number of your subscribers increases day by day. So well deserved! Thank you as always for opening a window for us to enjoy a simple and nice day

Watching your vlogs is a therapy for me.

Deseo que puedas realizar esos viajes que quieres hacer, y que puedas disfrutar de nuevas experiencias. Que DIOS te bendiga

thank you for sharing your day . it makes me feel better when I had a tough day. as always watching your videos makes me feel better with life 🙂🙂

I heard about the earthquake in your country and hope you and everyone are safe. I also loved your makeup storage case!

I was just editing my own vlog when yours popped up! 🥰 Love how you share your daily life, I hope to be able to bring the same calm to someone’s day through my vlogs too 💕 thanks for sharing!💕💕💕☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️

Thank you for sharing your peaceful life. I, too live alone (with two cats), and am trying to get to a more peaceful mindset… after a very challenging 4 years. 🙏💖🙏

It never ceases to amaze me what lengths you go to when preparing your meals. I think it’s lovely that you treat yourself so well and sit down to beautiful looking dishes that you’ve lovingly taken so much time to make. I usually cook my own meals from scratch too, but your presentation is gorgeous whereas I just put mine on a plate once it’s cooked and ready. Well done 👏🏻. You did a great job of assembling the shelves as well 👍🏻 😊💕💐🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Thank you dear Nami. That is, again a very nice day you spent. Wanderful.

I wish I was as sophisticated as Nami when I was younger… whenever I doubt myself and my value, I look to Nami’s life. Thank you for reminding me to be grateful and to take care of myself…

You are a very fine chef Nami, and most graceful in all your motions. It is so wonderful waking up in America to watch your lovely day to be shared with us.

You did a great job with building your shelves.

🌺🌺Thank you Nami for bringing us another calming and enjoyable video. I think I speak for some people when I say I needed that.🌺🌺

【夏】1人暮らしOLの夏の1日の食事🍉|そうめんお弁当|Obento Lunch Box|What I eat in a day as a Japanese office worker

【夏】1人暮らしOLの夏の1日の食事🍉|そうめんお弁当|Obento Lunch Box|What I eat in a day as a Japanese office worker  (c) Namiのくらし

(c) Namiのくらし レシピやコメントを日本語字幕に載せています。 宜しければONにしてご覧ください☺ ご視聴ありがとうございます✨ 都内で一人暮らしをしている会社員の …

Я отдыхаю глазами, когда смотрю такие видео. Спасибо ✨

I see why you’re shopping for a new refrigerator. Perhaps a new seal could fix the problem. That one isn’t holding anymore. It could be a quick and easy fix.

Son recetas un tanto complicadas pero muy antojables y adem�s muy interesantes.

So sorry you forgot your wallet and umbrella! The food look delectable and I love your lace skirt. I hope you have a great week Nami.🌻🌻🌻

I always eagerly wait for her vlogs. They are so calm, peaceful and satisfying. I especially love her cooking. They are always therapeutic. 💕💕💕

I was surprised that someone else is into Christmas music during this time. I though I was the only one. 😅🎄🧑‍🎄

I love the 3-dimensional cards that you give and have received.

The lunch box you made came out beautiful. It’s like a work of art.

I love your outfit for work and home! Sorry about the rain. Have a good weekend, Nami.

This is so relaxing.

Wow that food is wonderful. So healthy. I think I can see why the Japanese have such longevity.

Namii, thank you for the video! This week was quite exhausting, but seeing you uploading every Saturday makes me feel better 😁😍

Nami muy completo es vídeo que has editadoLa ropa que te has puestoSúper estilosaLa falda muy Bonita y tiene un color divinoHe tomado notas de las comidas que has preparadoDice mucho de tíDar las gracias con una tarjeta es una cortesíaQue siempre te agradeceríaGraciasDesde España 🇪🇸 MAI 🎁🎀🎁

Isn’t it so nice to get back home to a safe haven when you have things go wrong in your day? I like that you share even your bad days because we all have those. You have such grace even on your worse days. I admire that you take such care in making your lunch and all your meals.

Obrigada por compartilhar seu dia conosco! Achei incrível como você preparou suas refeições com tanto capricho e delicadeza!😋😍

I listen Nami in my bad moments and the morning; it’s so calming and refreshing! You motivate me to move foward et try your recipes! (Miso soup in particularly!) Your vlogs are a great discovery. Thanks! From Quebec, Canada. And yes… mistakes are human! ^^

Today’s weather is so gloomy. I was kinda bored. But you made my day so special. Thanks for sharing ☺️

In Spain, Shishito peppers are called Padr�n peppers. Some Padr�n peppers are hot and others are not. ” Los pimientos de Padr�n unos pican y otros no”

Does anybody else watch Nami’s videos when they get into bed. Like they put me in this really relaxed and zen mental space right before bed. 🥰

Приветствую Вас из Литвы ✋🇱🇹,С большим удовольствием смотрю Ваши ролики, от них умиротворение, изящество и деликатность,отдыхаешь душой. Сейчас ,когда в мире много негатива Ваш канал как глоток свежего воздуха.Желаю Вам процветания и благополучия.

