
(c) 古民家ひとり暮らし Kominka solo life 伊豆に移住して田舎暮らしを始めました。古民家で一人暮らしをしています。冬の始めのある一日を紹介します。 コメントは全て拝見しております。ありがとうございます!
It shows beautifully how living in solitude can be simple and exciting at the same time. I really love that one
I recently diacovered this channel and I love it. It’s very relaxed and can calm me with just a simple day to day routine… Cheers
I don’t think that your moving to Izu will ever disappoint you. You live in a fantastic(old) house and the atmosphere and surroundings are wonderful. Bless you ! 👍👏
こんな自然にあふれた生活とかすっごく憧れるなあ。いつかこんな生活1回はしてみたい( ´⚰︎` )そして主さんの編集力が高い…!
耳に嬉しいASMR。長い間マンション(賃貸)暮らしだと こうゆう生活に凄く憧れる!!素敵ですね(●︎´▽︎`●︎)おばちゃん達や子供の声が聞こえてくるとなんか落ち着きますよね。
oh my, I can watch this for hours even if there aren’t any voices from you. love the natural sounds:)
I am assuming that you found this traditional Japanese house and did a lot of renovations yourself, because it’s suitable for today’s lifestyle.
Amo sus v�deos .Al verlos me imagino vivir en ese pa�s.Saludos desde Guanajuato Mexico.
Прекрасный размеренный мир и быт! Спасибо за видео.
What a beautiful house! ❤️❤️❤️
oh my, the seaside town is just magnificent :3
I am binge watching your channel. Great photography and stories about people starting new paths are inspiring. Thank you
i love this one. you live in a very nice neighborhood. would love to see more of the neighborhood ^^
It is really a nice place and town you are in. I always believe that living alone also means living a healthy life.
I caught myself and smiling while watching your video life style it’s really relaxing and enjoying 🙂 Thanks for sharing I love simple life

(c) 古民家ひとり暮らし Kominka solo life 伊豆に移住して田舎暮らしを始めました。古民家で一人暮らしをしています。家で仕事と家事をして過ごすごく普通の1日のルーティンを紹介します。 いただいたコメントは …
There really is something peaceful about watching someone living out their simple daily routines.
I am doing a “Japanese cuisine month” 🙂 so tomorrow I will prepare the omelette and the maquereau soup( without radish because I don’t like it); may I ask you: what is the yellow thing you dissolve in the Mizo soup? and do you think it can be found in foreign markets?! by the way, it’s a good idea to have only one type/colour of towels. it makes laundry so easy 😀 D
Представляю, какая это вкуснятина! Попытаюсь приготовить что—нибудь подобное, спасибо за видео! Всего доброго!
this is amazing how personal your videos are even without talking or showing your face. I really like it!
The YouTube recommends your video for me and I immediately love it after watching.Ur video gives me a feeling of peace and tranquility and also helps me release my stress Plz keep making it Thank you 🙏 ありがとうございますFrom Taiwan 🇹🇼
There’s really so much beauty in silent vlogs. I appreciate every details. ❤️❤️❤️
Just a suggestion, you can use your “rice water” to water your plants, not only it reserves water, also good for your plants. ^_^
Gosto muito dos seus v�deos!
Salted watermelon 🤭 I need to try! Great content 👍🏻
一人で油断禁物やってるこみくん想像したら最高にかわいい ^^) _旦~~朝の水やりついでの寝ぐせ直し、そう来たか…さすが☆彡
Canadian living in Arizona USA, had to say hello and thank you for your video it was wonderful. I would like some of your juice and dessert melon. The pasta looked delicious and even soybeans. Thank you. I don’t feel you need to do any more editing, it was perfect. Leave it the way it is. I do like your comments about time and bother and who cares about inside the closet, very good.
There is no rush in your daily life. Stay safe and healthy.

(c) 古民家ひとり暮らし Kominka solo life 伊豆に移住して田舎暮らしを始めました。古民家で一人暮らしをしています。今回はルームツアー(部屋の紹介)です。 コメントは全て拝見しております。ありがとうございます …
Thank you for sharing and showing us around your home! I appreciate minimalism and simplicity a lot. Learned new things from watching this video. All the best!
Ok now this channel makes me think of the minimalist lifestyle which l live myself, 😊🙏🏻❤️
Всякий раз любуюсь продуманностью Вашего дома, все на своих местах, цветы ухожены.Получаю эстетическое удовольствие от просмотра Ваших видео, спасибо большое! Удачи и процветания!
行ってみたいーって思わされる♡素敵な生活♡憧れます(*´ `*)
素敵な動画!!なんだか長生き出来そうな生活見ててsimple is bestってとても感じました

(c) 古民家ひとり暮らし Kominka solo life 伊豆に移住して田舎暮らしを始めました。古民家で一人暮らしをしています。 今回は家でのんびり過ごす平日の一日を紹介します。 コメントは全て拝見しております。
Your videos are so relaxing! You can’t imagine how much I love your lifestyle, that you can grow your own vegetables, to live in the fascinating countryside of Japan, starting your day seeing this amazing nature around you! Thank you very much for these inspirational videos. I wish I could have this way of life too!
凄い! 自分一人の為にこれだけ出来るって尊敬します。
Those radish dishes look fabulous !! You’re a real chef !! 👍👍👍
Who would have thought watching a single man cooking up his meal will be so soothing! Can’t wait for the English subtitles. 🙂
Выглядит все очень вкусно 🤤👍Приятного аппетита 😊
Your lifestyle is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing! I am in the city so I crave this peaceful way of living often and the food looks yummy. ☺️💕🌏✨
Thanks for sharing this. It’s inspiring for me to appreciate life better, especially alone. My introvert self is very happy to see this
Все так красиво, что мне захотелось выучить японский язык , браво))))))
You make such great food, can you write down the ingredients in English for the pickled radish( at 2:55). Thank you!
Muito bom
No entend� todos los ingredientes, pero se ve muy rico. I did not understand all the ingredients, but it looks very tasty.
大根でこんなにたくさんのお料理が出来るなんてすごい : ) 甘・辛・マヨの配分も絶妙です。切り干し大根とお漬物出来上がりが楽しみです。

(c) 古民家ひとり暮らし Kominka solo life 伊豆に移住して田舎暮らしを始めました。古民家で一人暮らしをしています。 西伊豆・松崎町の山深くにある秘境でソロキャンプを楽しんできました。 コメントは全て拝見して …
this is so relaxing…. and asmr-y 😀 makes me actually want to go camping…the spring seems so nice
Какой прекрасный уикенд! Сказочная природа вокруг, ночь в палатке…Спасибо за путешествие!
i love the “living in the country” videos that are out there, and usually they’re all about drinking herbal tea that you’ve freshly picked while skipping through the buttercups, which i do like, but this guy–with the whisky–and the hot bath–gold.
My girlfriend has always been very reluctant to try camping… this video convinced her to go with me; mostly because of your AMAZING food!We love your videos. We have been watching them together in our home in Canada and they are bringing such a sense of peace during this pandemic. Thanks for your amazing videography and all the inspiration! We’re really looking forward to trying Japanese style recipes from home.
When I go visit Japan; this is the hing I look forward to the most. I love camping, and the countryside. I feel so hungry now seeing your video!! <3 thanks for sharing.
I don’t like camping. But i don’t mind camping in a place like that, and damn, your cooking always made my stomach grumbling 😢👌
Love learning new ways to camp ~ You have an interesting fire pit, it’s perfect for solo camping 👌 Gorgeous surroundings…such serenity by the river ~ The bath is a dreamy spot ~
Living in the Rural Area is so amazing ☺by the way ,I really like your video
I think Japan is the only place in the world that you can stay outside but still feel safe and serene. Btw nice legs 😂
How are you getting all these angles while solo camping?! :O
This was super relaxing…thanks for taking us on the trip with you 😉 not quite solo…
Merci, on adore cette vidéo sur cette vie dans la nature d’une grande beautè, et tous ces conseils en cuisine pratique et astucieuse et délicieuse sur feu de bois, 3t le montage de la tente et avec le confort du coucher avec un éclairage simple. Vraiment génial. Excellent de qualité.
Thank you for posting this video. It was very relaxing. What was the weather temperature while you were camping? It looked perfect and no bugs! Be safe!
I’m a big fan of your videos! Thank you for sharing your peaceful lifestyle and home with us. I really enjoyed spend hours watching your daily routine, fishing or cooking. I have watched almost of your videos, be safe and keep recording nice natural sounds and life! どうもありがとうございました
You make camping look soo lush, you even made me want to camp and god knows I don’t like that , I mean it’s ok for few hours but certainly not over night , too scared of the creepy crawlers 🙈😂.
this is such a pretty vlog, I love how realaxing this is! :Dby any chance do you know what you used to cook the rice in on the grill?