Restoration EG(おすすめch紹介)

Restoration EG(おすすめch紹介) チャンネル紹介
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Nintendo Console Restoration (SNES) Yellowed Plastic Retrobright

Nintendo Console Restoration (SNES) Yellowed Plastic Retrobright  (c) Restoration EG

(c) Restoration EG How to Restore and how to Retrobright old plastic on Retro Console Nintendo I show you how to remove the yellowing from vintage plastics with the Retrobright …

So satisfying to watch this. I have been restoring old electronics for over 35 years. It is one of the few things that I really enjoy when I’m not at work. Sometimes I buy stuff just to take it apart to see how it was engineered, then I put it back together, usually fixed, and drop it back off at the thrift store. Best hobby for me. Everyone is different. 😉 I really like this video.

I knew from the exterior shell and the Philips screws instead of security screws that this was a clone console. Pretty neat, nice job!👍

Saudades desse console! 😢😢🥺🥺🤩🤩

Me emocioné mucho con este video, es muy satisfactorio ver cómo algo viejo y se sucio queda como nuevo y limpio, fue un trabajo muy bueno, felicidades por ese tipo de trabajos!!! 😎🤘

Would loved to see the moment when and how you repaired the broken plastic from the carcass. Also a description of what chemicals youre using also be very much appreciated

Super job, ça donne envie d’en réparer une😁 j’adore tes tutos 👍

Um dia ajeito um Quarto so com os Imortais Play 2 Super Nitendo e os Outros tambem!!!

Boa restauração, ficou magnífico, tô besta.O serviço foi perfeito! 👏👏👏👏

Show de bola essa restauração 👍🏻🎮

Belo servi�o, o console que aparentemente foi tirado do lixo teve seu dia de “lata velha” e voltou das cinzas. Agora poder� vender a um colecionador por pre�o de um PS4 hehe.Ps: Seria legal ter colocado umas legendas no v�deo os procedimentos, produtos que usou pra limpar as coisas etc.

Sdsds da minha inf�ncia

When I see the Smurf, it makes me smile!

This is so satisfying to watch. Now I know you said this is PAL version of the SNES but the one I remember what I had was completely different. The one I had was sharing the same look as SNES Classic Mini is. Nevertheless watching this is so satisfying like i said 🙂

Damn this looks like it’s been through absolute hell.

Vc � brasileiro? Cara, muito da hora os seus v�deos! Eu tenho um SNES que funciona lindamente. S� t� feinho pq t� amarelado =/

Que saudade desse tempo! 💔

Well after watching it I came to the conclusion it was a mild way job. Carelessly scrubbing the mobo, using the same springs, not replacing blackened metals and a couple chips (I’m not sure if they’re original, doesn’t look like S-CPUN) the intentions are great but it was an amateur expression. Even for a possibly clone console.

Какие средства использовал? Как восстановил пластик? Ничего не понятно

This brings back so many memories for me as a kid my first game playing Super Mario

Esse eo melhor game da antiga gera��o parab�ns vc deixou ele bem novo

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Nintendo Console Restoration Yellowed Plastic Retrobright

Nintendo Console Restoration Yellowed Plastic Retrobright  (c) Restoration EG

(c) Restoration EG How to Restore and how to retro bright old plastic on retro console Nintendo (SNES, Super NES, Super Famicom, Super Comboy) If you like it please Subscribe!

In this video you can see very well that the Super Nintendo fresh pollution has been added🤔.I did a restoration myself with my Super Nintendo and I know that the old dirt can be very difficult to remove.Here in this video there is clearly new dirt and not old dirt to Super Nintendo.Nevertheless, this video is very awesome and I love such videos again and again✌️👍

Man I love seeing the plastics go from yellow AF to like new. It’s mind blowing, and might I add quite satisfying. Also restorations channels like these more than likely help greatly reduce e-waste, because more stuff getting restored and repaired means less stuff getting thrown out.

I feel like that console after my niece and nephew visit. Excellent video!

How on earth do these things get so nasty inside? I’ve cleaned two that were just as dirty, even though most openings are covered.Btw, the cartridge slot can be removed to properly clean or replace it if needed. The contacts underneath are usually in dire need of a good cleaning as well.

This relaxes me soo much! Thanks for being awesome!

Ficou muito bom 🙂

Me: No way he can restore thisEG: Hold my tools

� at� terapeutico ver vc restaurando, queria que vc arrumasse um PS3 meu, eu pagaria.

Muito show 😃😍



Super comme toujour le résultat est juste génial 👍👍👍👍 continue 👌

O nasıl bir taktik ya ufkum genişledi yeminle 😂

Anyone here knows how much it cost to get a console restored like this ? I’m just curious

Essa da chave com tubo de caneta foi a melhor!

смотрю на эту отвертку и хочется плакать

رائع جدا ومشكور على الترجمة للغة العربية

Как можно подключить такую консоль к плазме ?

Ficou lindo mas notei que voc� trocou algumas pe�as tipo onde tem o logo SUPER NINTENDO estava arranhado e esse que voc� colocou t� perfeito.

Au top tu g�re !

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RESTORATION the Vintage 70’s Portable PHILIPS Transistor Radio

RESTORATION the Vintage 70's Portable PHILIPS Transistor Radio  (c) Restoration EG

(c) Restoration EG RESTORATION the Vintage 70’s Portable PHILIPS Transistor Radio Philips 90 AL 185 Support me on Patreon: I …

As somebody else already commented, you need some practice with the paint. But is ok for begginer. I would like to give a piece of advice, don’t put rusted screws back without removing the rust. Other than that, keep going. You’re doing good!

Que legal, saudades de r�dios com ondas curtas e m�dias.. e AM. Parab�ns!!

Parab�ns, sensacional! Saudades desse tempo.

Como eu queria encontrar um r�dio desse. !

Que trabalho primoroso… lindo demais.. TOP

I miss my old radio. It s a shame, it gone to garbidge years ago.

Muito bom ! parab�ns

Nice job! I have the “466” version of this radio, like new, great performer

Bacana demais,eu sempre tive r�dios port�teis,me lembro de um Sharp muito bom .

very nice restoration, be careful with the paint next time! Practice makes perfect

What a classic!


Back to the real PHILIPS once it was genuine Japanese products

What a beautiful thing!!

فيديو ممتع جدا والرديو تحفة

عمل احترافي وشغل نظيف لإحياء الأشياء القديمة كل التحية والتقدير لك استاذي العزيز 💐👍🏻

Memory of old peaceful days! My childhood.old day Electronic circuit Now come as chip

Desde menino tinha voca��o para a eletr�nica, ainda jovem fiz um curso de eletr�nica e trabalhei uns vinte anos no ramo. Hoje ainda mexo com eletr�nica montando circuitos, mas s� para passar o tempo.

رادبو فليبس ممتاز ورائع

hello sir..this is one of the good and interesting content to watch..content according to my hobby..for that reason, i will support your channel to be more successful…👍👍👍

Restoration & Repair of broken Xbox 360 and Fix The Red Ring of Death – ASMR

Restoration & Repair of broken Xbox 360 and Fix The Red Ring of Death - ASMR  (c) Restoration EG

(c) Restoration EG Go to or use code RestorationEG to get a 2-year plan with a huge discount!

Go to or use code RestorationEG to get a 2-year plan with a huge discount!

I love seeing these consoles get another chance at life. It warms my heart

You have really improved the quality of your videos a lot lately. by the way, I recommend that you use a paint brush instead of a toothbrush for the peroxide cream, it distributes better and is much easier to handle.

You should have re-balled the cpu, not re-flowed the cpu. That system will die in a couple days up to a weeks time!

Brutal me encanto la restauración y más con el reto al tener una de las partes tan partida. Brutal espero que sigas así cada vez trayendo nuevos retos, es un deleite ver un video así. 💪🏼👍🏻👌🏻

ainda quero comprar um desses tive muitos bons momentos cara seu trabalho e muito foda parabéns pelo cuidado e carinho que vc tem com cada componente dessas obras primas 👏👏👏👏👏

I’m super happy for you that you managed to fix the rrod, but what you did is only a temporary fix. Only real way is to replace the solder balls under the cpu/gpu with lead solder

Brutal me encanto la restauración y más con el reto al tener una de las partes tan partida. Brutal espero que sigas así cada vez trayendo nuevos retos, es un deleite ver un video así. 💪🏼👍🏻👌🏻

Nunca me dejaran de gustar estos videos tuyos, son muy entretenidos.Jugadores de Xbox despu�s de ver c�mo reparar la causa de la muerte de sus Xbox 360 y volver a jugar: Eres tan hermosa como el d�a que te fuiste

Simply amazing video! You made me think of all the old technology I threw away that could’ve been saved with simple tricks. Thank you for your work!

Resultado perfeito, melhor só novo 👏👏

Just a tip, never spread your thermal paste out like that. If this Xbox is actually used it will almost for sure overheat due to doing that none the less still great you got it working

So glad to find your channel! Great content! Do you have plan to restore an old record player with broken dials and sliders? Would love to see that

The part where you fixed the cracked case was outstanding work. Great job.

I was really amazed on how you restored the xbox 360 casing. Didn’t regret subscribing to your channel!

Xbox который в начале видео при включении орет красным индикатором что что то не так либо с блоком питании( цепями питания) или перегреве после чистки начинает работать, хороший монтаж.

Excelente trabajo de restauraci�n solo hubo un peque�o detalle que no quedo bien y fue el disipador de la CPU las rejillas quedaron hacia un lado y eso a la larga va a crear problemas! Pues no va a permitir bien el flujo de aire sobre el disipador y va a calentarse m�s… pero en general buen trabajo!

incr�vel !! Great, good job

Ficou �timo!

Great job, but the problem probably comes back in a few days.

I Restored an extremely Yellowed PSone controller – Retro Console Restoration & Repair – ASMR

I Restored an extremely Yellowed PSone controller - Retro Console Restoration & Repair  - ASMR  (c) Restoration EG

(c) Restoration EG I restored an extremely yellowed and very Dirty controller for my PSone – Retro Playstation Restoration I restored this PSone controller for my PSone console.

I miss when you could just slap a disc into a console for the first time and play it instantly without having to install the game 😊

Wow this reminds me of my grandma. She bought a PS2 Slim when I was younger so she had something to entertain all the grandchildren with when we stayed over. She would buy almost every game she could find she had a huge cd case filled with PS1 and PS2 games. She was the best. R.I.P GiGi ❤️

It was a revolutionary controller at that time, and the appearance almost did not change until the very Dual Shock 4. I remember how I had it and my first set-top box, a version without sticks and very tight buttons.

Onde posso encontrar peças pra repor nesse tipo de restauração?? Muito bom! 👏👏👏

this is the type of content i can watch all day your freaking amazing dude!

good work !!! i like brush clean ^^

This right here is quality content! Appreciate it.

Para quem acha que n�o tem mais concerto, � s� falar com esse cara kkkkk

Legal cara eu s� tinha visto o pessoal tirando o amarelado com magn�tismo

Controllers back in the day used to look like this and run like brand new unlike the new generation controllers that will start drifting after 7 months

That looked like the exact controller I had before we threw it away 🤣

Uff epico, me encantan tus videos de restauracion xd

i love your work, they look brand new!btw thanks alot for showing how to plug the dualshock on windows.

Не плохо .

Back then all you had to do is insert the disc and play the game .. nowadays it has to prepare the download .. then download the game .. then copy … and then install .. and this is next-gen consoles .. 👍👍👍

Nice restoration! Can you tell me what quantities/ratios you used for your retro-bright solution? I used hair cream only and it was too runny and led to streaking and blotches. You method looks pretty good!

ah yes, the best controller, the Gamep

I like how he brushed the controller like its teeth because the controller was white but its yellow lol

Slk chave de mais

Не знаю зачем я это смотрю,но это круто

