- Gary Owen⎢Subliminal Racism From NBA Sports Commentators⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq
- Gary Owen⎢Sweet potato pie is NOT Pumpkin pie⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq
- Corey Holcomb⎢If You Have Money You Can Get Women⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq
- Corey Holcomb⎢I gotta do a current event joke… I guess!⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq
- Gary Owen⎢What Tyler Perry Is Like In Real Life⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq
Gary Owen⎢Subliminal Racism From NBA Sports Commentators⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq

(c) LOL Network Stand-Up! SUBSCRIBE▶︎http://bit.ly/SubscribeLOL and http://bit.ly/LOLStandUpYT FOLLOW THE FUNNY: Newsletter▷https://mailchi.mp/laughoutloud/stand-up …
he nailed the Kobe hands on the knees chewing gum lol rest in power Kobe
His wife is black in sure he’s around her side of the family often and he’s always around other black comedian and in predominantly black films so of course he’s going to have that “black swag” in his performances and his mannerisms. It’s not forced. If you live in Australia Or Any other foreign country you will subconsciously acquire these mannerisms as well.
“What the Hell does quick look like?” Haha that was funny
I don ‘t understand the hate he gets from some black people. I mean, you can’t win…embrace our way of life, our humor and culture…then that’s wrong and you’re a vulture. Disregard our culture and then that’s a problem, too. Half the people on here talking negatively about him being white are probably the same black men who don’t mind having a Becky with a blaccent on their arm. GTFOH.
A white person getting a sneaker deal is like a black person being a credit advisor ppl just aren’t checking for it lol
Gary’s been around a lot longer than Kevin! I mean, he was in EARLY Comic View, so that says a lot about the likeness!
bounce, pass, lay-up … HEY DAD !!�
He’s 1 of the whitest black person I’ve ever seen!
Got me cracking up! Lol. “Dad, you got to get your life together” LMAO 😂
I swear this is the only white comedian that can rip on black people and not get torched for it cuz everyone knows he’s just makin jokes…. I applaud Gary Owen for his work and not being afraid to say what’s on his mind regardless of what it is cuz I come from place where the racial divide is real it’s good to see videos and stand ups like this that’s some real shit
Son: what a maybach dad?Dad: ‘He gotta bring that back in May.. bad investment son.. 😂
I like this guy a lot, its interesting how he’s developed such a strong black fanbase. His fans all seem hella lovely, this is some kind of cure to racism here..
He said take it back in May “that’s not a good investment” I died laughing! ☺
He grew up with black people and his wife is black. It’s basically his culture. Let em hate
This dude is funny period!
Let’s just welcome him in our black family he one of us
January 2020. R.I.P KOBE & GIANNA BRYANT. Such a tragic loss
LeBron vs Kobe joke was his best joke ever.
This dude said “I’ll rock the Keith’s” LMAO….Whooooooo
How have I been sleeping on this dude?! He’s funny af
Gary Owen⎢Sweet potato pie is NOT Pumpkin pie⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq

(c) LOL Network Stand-Up! If you call a sweet potato pie a pumpkin pie you will get your ass kicked! Happy Thanksgiving! SUBSCRIBE▶︎http://bit.ly/SubscribeLOL and …
I absolutely love when comedians from different races talk about another culture. Especially Dave Chappelle on white people.. Awesome!
He be so on point about us black people but in a positive way. I love him. He is a black man in a white mans body. He got so much soul. That prayer was on point too.
Yes….we don’t PLAY about our Sweet Potato Pie baby!
“Krafts has the cheesyist Mac and cheese. No the fu#$ it don’t” I lost it 💀 😂😂😂☠️☠️😂😂😂
People complain that Gary talks about/has too many jokes about Black people, but tbh he talks as much about us (yes I am Black as well) literally just as much as Black comedians talk about White people. Plus, you don’t hear a lot White comedians tell many jokes about Black people; possibly because they’re scared of the criticism accusing them of being “racist.” So Gary seems to be the main one to say what’s on his (and possibly every other White person’s) mind about certain Black behaviors and activities that he’s witnessed himself, or heard of.
Gary is just a light skin brotha..
We pray because we’re the priest….Unfortunately, we dropped the ball from teaching the world about the true and living God.
That fool said, “Thank you Lord for the cool air. It is hot outside but it is your will that I’ll be cool on the inside”. Dead!!! 😂😂😂
If chitlins were the last food on earthi rather starve.
Gary sounds like he can really pray. You better be careful Gary. The anointing might get you and you’ll start catching the Holy Ghost. lol.
I am Black and I think “Chitlins” are the most disgusting thing ever. I honestly cannot think of anything worse than someone eating hog intestines. UGH
only an amazing lord can make all different colors taste the same..
Gary Owens is invited to the Cookout 😂😂😂😂
The prayer part is so true 😂 my friend literally prays for everything she eats. If you hand her a stick of gum she’ll pray over it first 😂
“Okay that’s different. Does the Hennessy bring out the sweet potato flavor?” 😂😂😂😂
The prayer is embarrassingly true😩😩😂😂😂😂😂
Too funny!!!! You can’t eat every woman’s chitlins…..OMG
He said only an amazing Lord can make red and black taste the same. lmbo.
“I’m not blessin’ nasty food….” Lol
Lol! I hate chitlins too…haha! My Grandma would cook them when I was a kid. As soon as I opened the door, I would yell I’m going to my best friends to stay the night lol! They smell awful. I’d call her on the phone and tell her to close my door so my clothes and my room wouldn’t stink too lol!
Corey Holcomb⎢If You Have Money You Can Get Women⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq

(c) LOL Network Stand-Up! SUBSCRIBE▶︎http://bit.ly/SubscribeLOL and http://bit.ly/LOLStandUpYT FOLLOW THE FUNNY: Newsletter▷https://mailchi.mp/laughoutloud/stand-up …
The look he did after the cough😆🤣
Since Patrice left Corey is the only one left to dish out some tough love to these women.
Him and Patrice Oneal together would have been gold!
This man has no chill or filter LMMFAO
Corey Holcomb is a legend and very underrated comedy straight raw.�
Any rich man who thinks he has women because of who he is…bless his heart! ❤
“A lot of y’all didn’t grow up with daddies because your mom ran him off!”
LMAO this was brutally honest, I love it
He is the only comedian I know that can speak the brutal hardcore truth and while having you rolling laughing while saying to yourself “yo he is keeping it real” and on another noteI got to admit he is right about the income thing cause honestly if a man is rich 9 times out of 10 his girlfriend or wife is extremely beautiful cause he has the choice and power to choose the best looking woman to accommodate his lifestyle
I love how he doesn’t care that most of the audience is so pissed off at him. I hope people learn to research on comedians before going to their shows, coz you come off as stupid when you act surprised when the comics do what’s natural to them. He does his act as though everyone is roaring in laughter – so flawless.. No stage fright and all that.. Similar style to Paul Mooney.
The most underrated comic in the game.
“What are you bringing to the table other than some other man’s kids?” Question of the decade. Lol
“what are you bringing to the relationship besides some other dudes kids? “lmaoooo
“Domestic abuse laws are making very difficult to discipline your woman” I DIED
“What are you bringing to the table besides another man’s kids?” is the craziest, most honest question ever.
Never heard his side of the story!! 😂😂😂
3:18 “ Hey little man let me see you dance”😂😂 Cory is crazy!!😂😂
“Where u been?””Working on the next girl I aint slept with”Bruh I haven’t laughed this hard ever! Just found his guy n I had tears coming out lmfao
I said some mean things that are necessary tonight LMFAO
Always thought Corey Holcomb was hilarious on WildN out, but this is the first time I am watching his stand up. Now I’m def a bigger fan. Can’t wait to see more material
Corey Holcomb⎢I gotta do a current event joke… I guess!⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq

(c) LOL Network Stand-Up! SUBSCRIBE▶︎http://bit.ly/SubscribeLOL and http://bit.ly/LOLStandUpYT FOLLOW THE FUNNY: Newsletter▷https://mailchi.mp/laughoutloud/stand-up …
Shaq was laughing a lil too hard on that magic joke😂😂
See, this is the kind of humor I want to see more with black comedians… the kind of humor where you laugh, but you hate yourself for laughing.
That’s how I measure a comedian.� Can you make me laugh at stuff I don’t agree with.
This dudes jokes are so so wrong and raw but he’s one of the only comedians today that has me in tears of laughter lol he certainly knows how to make an audience feel uncomfortable.
prescription make up. lol. �i saw dude probably 5 or 6 years ago in St. Louis. �he goes hard. �he asked the audience, “what’s that old saying, one man’s trash is another’s…???” i made the mistake if answering. �he made fun of me, mocked me and told the bar to cut me off. �when i walked passed him after the show, i told him he was great, he paused his convo, shook my hand, looked me in the eye, and said thanks for the support. �funny dude, i’d pay to see him anytime �
When he did the flush and the twirl I lost it
I hate myself for laughing at these jokes. Goddamnit.
He’s raw. If it’s not funny, chances are he’s talking about your ass. Comedy is suppose to be a stress reliever for some of the most chaotic and traumatic life experiences..
The way he put the abortion joke together WAS GENIUS!!!!!!!💀💀
I like him because he tackles topics that most people won’t go near.
One of the true Greats, RIP Patrice Oneal, but Corey is keeping the honesty alive in his routines!
“not the babyyy” 😂😂😂😂😂
Chitown’s finest…This boy is at a different level.. He and Deon Cole from Chitown are two of my favorites..
They scared to put the whole stand up on tv that shit was too funny when I saw it live😂😂
Corey Holcomb is a legend and the best comic out period he too raw with it
That mosquito joke is the best I heard in years
The 8-second pause Corey takes at 2:22 to set up the punch line is comic genius! A hack comic woulda rushed that shit and ruined it…lol!
best abortion joke Eva I’m always telling it 😂😂😂
Mosquito flew outta magic Johnson’s crib! Lmao!
I laughed so hard, I literally had tears in my eyes.
Gary Owen⎢What Tyler Perry Is Like In Real Life⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq

(c) LOL Network Stand-Up! SUBSCRIBE▶︎http://bit.ly/SubscribeLOL and http://bit.ly/LOLStandUpYT FOLLOW THE FUNNY: Newsletter▷https://mailchi.mp/laughoutloud/stand-up …
I like how he can talk shut about other races and not be disrespectful…… Love owen
Gary is 1 of the Blackest white guy in comedy
Sharks don’t bite toes 😭😭😭😭😭 As like the only black person in my immediate family who can swim, this is so accurate.
“The pool is just a center piece” lol
“Are u certified?” “Dont worry bout it aint nobody gettn n anyway”😭😭😭😭😭
He crosses racial lines so well because he’s just hisself and his perspective is honest and genuine. Watch his podcast this dudes dad is just as funny as he is, you’ll see where he gets it from.
“I can hear the ocean…we at the ocean…shit so surround sound shell..” hahahahaha. Still the funniest line ever
“you know who to vote 4 riiiite”, ” it just became veery cleear to me”. lmfao, dudes hilarious cant knock his natural talent for comedy
My god!! LOL, he is absolutely spot on about the pool party!!!! �
“I got it. I’m on the squad now” LMFAO
1:23 “I ain’t say nothin’…I wasn’t FN up THAT check!”
“Don’t worry about it…nobody’s getting in the water anyway” lmao
damn! you wear your gators to a pool party?!
Love reading the comments on his videos and seeing ppl have their mind blown that what they associate with being “black” is actually regional/cultural and everyone trips about his voice and jokes 🤯🤯🤯
Sharks don’t bite toes lmao he is hella funny. I want a white man like him
Let me check my schedule YES 😂😂😂😂😂
”lemme check ma schedule…”’YES”!
He said the pool is a center piece. LOL 😂🤣 🤣
The pool is a center piece 😂😂😂
His speaking style sounds like a mix of Mitch Hedberg and Kevin Hart.