- Kevin Hart⎢I am a different kind of parent⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq
- Josh Johnson Fears Drugs, New York and Kids | JFL | LOL StandUp!
- Aries Spears⎢How did Jay-Z get Beyoncé?⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq
- Kevin Hart⎢People think I’m a bitch⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq
- Sommore⎢When you’re Black you just gotta be Black⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq
Kevin Hart⎢I am a different kind of parent⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq

(c) LOL Network Stand-Up! SUBSCRIBE▶︎http://bit.ly/SubscribeLOL and http://bit.ly/LOLStandUpYT FOLLOW THE FUNNY: Newsletter▷https://mailchi.mp/laughoutloud/stand-up …
“When we get home I’m whoopin’ your ass for putting me in that situation I had nothing to do with that I woke up this morning as Christian you don’t do that to me” Lmao to funny
Exactly how my dad parented me; sat in front of the TV and LISTENED xD Drop any thing on the floor or open a window and he’d yell, “WHAT THE F WAS THAT? HELLO? HEY! YOU DEAD?”
That was some dark humor… my dad never fought anyone for me. He just gave me tips on how to fight back against the bullies. Now I know why! 😂😂😂
I’m a girl and I’m like that with my younger siblings/cousins.I just listen and if I hear a bang I’ll go up to them 😂😂😂
If they are YOUR kids, it is NOT babysitting. �It’s called parenting. �LMAO! �
Bro I have to say everything I will implement in the future as a dad I will have learned from kev. Bless you brotha!
i thought his dad said alright alright alriiiiiight hey you gonna learn today
He must be an octopus then! lmao laughing soo hard right now
Your children are very lucky to have you. Trust me. ❤️
A human octopus!😂. I can’t 😂😂
Oh…oh.. Oh you gone get Steve huh?
Funny, but watching your own kids is not babysitting. That’s called parenting.
1:54 best part ever!!!!!
Thank you, I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time.
When we get home I’m whoopin’ your ass for putting me in that situation I had nothing to do with that I woke up this morning as Christian you don’t do that to me” Lmao too funny!
This is when Kev was truly funny 😅🤣
I love Kevin Hart he sooooo funny😂😂😂😂😆😅
“I think ya got up too fast ya gonna get dizzy”
I miss this kev hart.
I woke up this morning as a Christian
Josh Johnson Fears Drugs, New York and Kids | JFL | LOL StandUp!

(c) LOL Network Stand-Up! Josh Johnson is scared of many, many things. The comedian talks about his fear of hard drugs, living in New York City, kids in elementary school and flying.
Shoutout to that one person crying laughing. That would be me.
Started dying when he said the rat said “But you won’t tho” 😂😂😂
He’s talented, smart, and hilarious. This crowd was lameeeee.
I love how expressionless he is while telling his jokes…. absolutely love him!!!
When you’re too smart for your crowd.
Josh: I get to the party, someone offers me heroin…Crowd: *d e a d*Josh: RIGHT?! 😂😂😂😂
“Too much bass for a third grader”. Omg dead
He’s great. Crowd sucks. If this was John mulaney they’d be knee slapping lmao
Josh Johnson is the best! this guy is funny as hell. Netflix…give this man a especial!
Dude’s awesome and hilarious. Crowd sucks.
He’s like if Donald Glover and Jerrod Charmichael had an awkward baby
Crowd was lame. This was totally funny. He coulda presented it a bit better, but it was still really good.
Biggest fear: finding a dead white girl 😂
I like how at 0:43 that woman shakes her head like “yeah i tried it and it screws you up 😂”
Crowd didn’t give the credit he was due 😕 amazing comedian
“Who smiles bottom teeth first?” Lmaoo 🤣🤣🤣
Don’t ever do stand up there again bro. The crowd was full of lames, delivery is a bit different but overall very funny. Single engine planes take off just like that too no joke
Lamest crowd of standup comedy: THIS.
Crowd was so lame, he was killing it and you could hear a pin drop
Aries Spears⎢How did Jay-Z get Beyoncé?⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq

(c) LOL Network Stand-Up! SUBSCRIBE▶︎http://bit.ly/SubscribeLOL and http://bit.ly/LOLStandUpYT FOLLOW THE FUNNY: Newsletter▷https://mailchi.mp/laughoutloud/stand-up …
He didn’t just have the voices down, he also had their rap styles ON POINT!!!
He made a whole song. God damn.
Kill it at the snoop part, now that’s skills
It is scary how on point his impressions are. ha ha. In Hollywood people make sure the far fetched things come true for our amazement.
this man NEEDS A SHOW!! ASAP!! pure GOLD!!!!!!!
I came here expecting to see a beyonce joke, but i ended up witnessing the most *gansta* impersonation *ever*
WTF !!!! This is bomb :O
RIP DMX, you nailed that brother
This shit is gold fam. Had me crying the whole time!! & I feel for Jay-Z. My boys said I look like Joe Camel too. Like this shit tough out here fam.
Pains me how underrated Aries spears is
He just gave them a concert 😂😂
These were straight bars and that Snoop Dogg was insane
jay z part was on Point
1:50 This made me tear up, I miss you DMX, rest in power!
He’s underrated cuz of his attitude He is a no nonsense person when it comes to this industry shit.
I think only the dmx voice needs a little bit more practice. Just my humble opinion. LL, Snoop and Jay 100% on point.
haha jay z could finish a chapstick in one use
this guy is giving me life tho just came across him and now I can’t stop watching him !!!!
The jay z voice is on point 😂
Died this man had all of em on point
Kevin Hart⎢People think I’m a bitch⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq

(c) LOL Network Stand-Up! SUBSCRIBE▶︎http://bit.ly/SubscribeLOL and http://bit.ly/LOLStandUpYT FOLLOW THE FUNNY: Newsletter▷https://mailchi.mp/laughoutloud/stand-up …
What kevin said about women not liking when ur having fun when they’re not around is the truest thing he said.
One of the funniest man alive.
‘Hit em with some thug shyt’ lmfao dead 💀💀💀
You know why it’s funny? Cause it’s true.
“What you gon’ get? The car seat?””OH MY GOD…! Why did you say that…?”
“YOU LAUGHING AT MY STRECH MARKS?????!!!!!” LMAO!!!! got damm that’s some real ass shit, you women are a trip. i miss this kevin right here, this nigga was funny as shit….
“The car seat” lol
I died this was soo funny last bit had me in tears
3:05 This killed me
the best com�dien ever <3
Last part so true 😂😂😂 Kevin’s the best!
That scream laugh #weak😁😁😁😁 he’s hilarious
“Bitch what you gonna get the car seat?” lol i cried
“WTF is so FUNNY!” I died
It’s true, I ain’t gonna lie, man, fo real.
Best shit ever
back when Kev was funny
well I’m a female teenager and tbh when I get older if my man goes out I HOPE he has a good time, why? so that when he gets home hes all happy we’ll have some wine, eat some pizza and just cuddle. LIKE WTF?! Why WOUDLNT you want him to have a good time???? Yo you want your boy’s night? here’s some money have yourself a good time, when you get home I DONT CARE WHAT TIME IT IS! I feel as if I should trust them, I’m married to them aren’t I? I’ma trust them. But the second I have like voice or video OR EVEN VISUAL PROOF (a.k.a I SEE IT!! NOT SOMEONE ELSE, unless they have video proof or more trustworthy witnesses) I’m out. You’re an adult, you have no curfew. I’m your wife not your mom.Anyone else think like this? Please tell me you do. Like I’ll be trustworthy but I’m not going to be oblivious. Understand me? XD Anyone else like this? please xD�
Too damn funny!
Sommore⎢When you’re Black you just gotta be Black⎢Shaq’s Five Minute Funnies⎢Comedy Shaq

(c) LOL Network Stand-Up! SUBSCRIBE▶︎http://bit.ly/SubscribeLOL and http://bit.ly/LOLStandUpYT FOLLOW THE FUNNY: Newsletter▷https://mailchi.mp/laughoutloud/stand-up …
Sommore Hair and Make-Up be on POINT!!!
When they owe you money and you see them in new stuff everyday!
Beauty runs in the family….her and Nia Long are sisters
Goddamn SOMMORE iz a beautiful woman. This woman has not changed. I’ve first saw her in 1991 doing comedy. She’s one of if not the realest female comedian ever. She’s still physically exude. She’s is blessed. I love her material.
“The scales will never be right”… She ain’t tellin’ no lies… 🤓🤑
This woman knows how 2 wear clothes. Can’t wait 2 c what she’s wearing
What a beautiful woman. Fun, really fun. Well done.
I love her. She’s hilarious.
sommore still looking right
I had to spit my drink across the room on that missing tooth joke. Lmmao!
Thank you for allowing me to laugh so hard. I’m white and I love it!
I could use 40 acres & a mule right about now
WAAAAY funnier than Tiff!
Lmaoooo “you wasn’t supposed to go wit eeemmnnn” 😂😂
She’s talkin real, and looking flawless!
Never heard that restraining order been used before….that shit was funny
She is so right go into some Black neighborhood what you usually see is Cash checking store, Dollar general or Dollar tree, Chinee carryout, liquor store and some run down gas station.
I love her she cracks me up 💕💕💕💕
Gods, she’s hilarious! I love her top, too.