Cateen かてぃん(おすすめch紹介)

Cateen かてぃん(おすすめch紹介) チャンネル紹介
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Chopin – Winter Wind (Op.25-11) by Hayato Sumino

Chopin - Winter Wind (Op.25-11) by Hayato Sumino  (c) Cateen かてぃん

(c) Cateen かてぃん Chopin Etudes Op.25 No.11 played by Hayato Sumino. I don’t know how many hours I practiced this piece… I’m Cateen (Hayato Sumino). Feel free to follow me …

かてぃんチャンネル初クラシックは木枯らしに捧げました。これからたまに好きなクラシック曲も頑張ってあげていこうかなと思います! I’m gonna upload more classical pieces to this channel 😉

This is the perfect piece to play when someone asks “do you play piano?”

For anyone who doesn’t play – the absolutely impressive thing here isn’t just the technical ability to hit all the correct notes and at such speed, but rather the musicality is phenomenal. The dynamics, the phrasing, and voicing is superb even listening through a Youtube video. I was immediately impressed upon the very first descending chromatic run, where near the end, you can hear the clear emphasis on the upper chromatic voice while keeping the thumb very gentle to provide the subtle bass backdrop. Just so impressive all around.

“let it ring, let it ring, do you hear me, arima kousei?”

Chopin is typically known for great beginner pieces like this

chopin be like, “I paid for the whole piano, i am gonna use the whole piano”

Chopin was like let’s make the starting easy to fool these noobs

i feel like chopin was keyboard spamming and was like: WRITE THAT DOWN

There are a lot of people on YouTube who don’t have much real talent but get people to follow/like their videos because the average person doesn’t know any better.As a classical pianist, I can say this: YOU have incredible talent, and have put in a ton of hard work. This was not only a flawless performance, but your interpretation/expression is spot-on. I’m not sure if you compete or tour, but in my view you could easily do both. Bravo. Glad you have found a following who appreciate true talent here on YouTube.

As a professional pianist, I would have paid good money to see this performance in concert! I LOVE the dynamic control and the way he doesn’t let the technique get in the way of the phrasing and coloring.


As a 33 year old professional pianist, I can tell you this is one of the most brilliant performances I have ever watched in my entire life

Alg�n d�a me voy a aprender esta maravillosa obra, cuando lo haga me voy a sentir de lo m�s realizada

The description: “I don’t know how many hours practiced this piece”This made me realize that even though he has the skills to play the piano in general, doesn’t mean he didn’t have to practice and practice and practice. This is inspiring for me as a beginner

“I’ll reject that Arima Kousei, no matter what. Let it ring!”

最初の弱音の美しさに一瞬で惚れてしまった。 あれからもうすぐ1年。こんなに自分好みの木枯らしに出会った衝撃は忘れることができない。この弱音に焦がれ何度も何度も訪れてしまう。 ショパンに、そして角野さんの音楽に出会えて、心から幸せです。

This guy looks like the most terrifying tickler in the world.



I keep coming back to this recording. This is the best Winter Wind I have ever heard. Mind-blowing.

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[Melodica × Grand Piano] Kiki’s Delivery Service – 海の見える街 (A Town With An Ocean View) – Joe Hisaishi

[Melodica × Grand Piano] Kiki's Delivery Service - 海の見える街 (A Town With An Ocean View) - Joe Hisaishi  (c) Cateen かてぃん

(c) Cateen かてぃん This is the 2nd time playing both melodica and grand piano 😉 Merry Go Round of Life – Joe Hisaishi → I’m Cateen (Hayato …


Brilliantly played!! Also it sounds so clear.






He’s not only simultaneously playing two instruments but controlling his breath too.



天才…。間違いなく今まで聞いたどの海の見える街より上手い。技術だけでなく超越された表現力、ピアニカで…? 圧巻です。大好きな曲をありがとうございました。

Beautiful piano playing.

Это великолепно!✨✨✨

小2の娘がピアニカを持って帰ってきた。 俺「よし、おとーちゃんに貸してみな」  嫁「口付けないでね」俺「…」


I need someone to play like this in cafe while I’m enjoying my coffee



Damn that brick of nostalgia was kinda painful

i don’t know why but all studio ghibli’s movies’ ost feel like songs i have always known

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Piano Concerto No. 1 “Sasoribi” (Anti-Ares) Piano Solo Version (from beatmaniaIIDX 11 RED)

Piano Concerto No. 1 "Sasoribi" (Anti-Ares) Piano Solo Version (from beatmaniaIIDX 11 RED)  (c) Cateen かてぃん

(c) Cateen かてぃん こんにちは、かてぃんです。 Virkato(wac)さんのピアノ協奏曲第1番 “蠍火”を弾かせていただきました。曲名だけ見るとクラシックのように見えますが、れっきとした音ゲー曲 …


技術もそうなんだけど録音環境めっちゃいいのが嬉しいし、自分を動画の向こうの誰かに最大限伝えようとする表現者としての気概を感じる それを抜きにしても素晴らしいですが 何十年と努力してきた技術をタダで聴かれてしまうという恐怖と動画途中に広告を入れない心遣いに人間性まで見えてくるようです コロナ禍でアーティストの皆様は今までにない環境に置かれていると思いますが見合った報酬と光と感性と評価がご本人様に届くことを祈っております。素晴らしい演奏を本当にありがとうございます


Восхитительно, спасибо за такое исполнение




the first time i heard this piece is in 2013 which was performed by marasy. after that day i have kept searching for someone who can performed it perfectly as marasy did. but now i think this arrangement is the truly perfect one. What a resonant play!



Woah this man is not just good. I feel like he has top class talent. We are blessed to have such a talented pianist to perform this kind of video game/anime/pop pieces at the very highest level of expression that only the very best classically trained musicians have.

I’m just so surprised I’ve only just heard of you now because your ability and technique is so impressive and you also bring so much musicality to every phrase. Wow! 🙂




This piano solo is phenomenal, Cateen you are an amazing pianist I love how you are so passionate towards performing, you really pour your heart and soul to the pieces you perform. I really felt the emotions that you are trying to express, your emotions are overflowing the anger, hopefulness, and melancholy really reaches out from here. This is so phenomenal, you are so marvelous. Canteen I think that you’re my inspiration now that I am starting to learn the piano while also learning the violin. Thank you! Arigato~~


僕はここの所ずっと仕事で行き詰まっていました。好きな仕事だったにも関わらず自分の無力さにただただ悲しくなって、毎日憂鬱なまま仕事へ向かっていました。今日も仕事が終わり、疲れ切った状態で電車に乗りまた明日も同じ一日が始まるのかと憂鬱になっていました。しかし、YouTubeを開いて電車の待ち時間の間になにか見ようと動画を探していたところ、この動画が目に留まり、「懐かしいな。昔pop’n musicの好きな曲で夢中になって練習したな」と思い出し、再生しました。あなたの奏でる音を聴いていると、何だか昔我武者羅にこの曲を練習するために毎日、指にタコができようとも、筋肉痛になって箸がもてなくなろうとも、クリアするまで諦めなかったあの頃のことを思い出しました。そしてクリア出来た時のあの達成感、あの時のなんとも言えない気持ちをまた味わいたいと思いました。仕事も毎日厳しいけれど、我武者羅になって沢山働き、もっと実力を付けて立派になりたいと、この演奏を聞いて思わせてくれました。明日からもっと頑張ってみようと思います。素敵な心のこもった演奏ありがとうございました。聴き入りすぎたおかげで折り返しの電車もないのに、駅を2つも乗り過ごしてしまいました。また聴きに来ます。



Speed up “Flight of the Bumblebee” on Toy piano

Speed up "Flight of the Bumblebee" on Toy piano  (c) Cateen かてぃん

(c) Cateen かてぃん BPM160: Easy BPM190: OK, I can play BPM220: My fingers will cramp… BPM250: I don’t understand why my fingers are moving so fast This is sports rather than …

BPM160: たのしい😊BPM190: ちょうど良いスピード、心地良いBPM220: 指吊りそう、、、BPM250: なんで自分の指が動いてんのかわからん(あ、左耳でクリックきいてます)

Well that hurt my hands just watching

“If you can play it *slowly,* you can play it *quickly.”*

that bee is having a heart attack

“Yes, I have finally mastered the piano after 60 years!”6 year old chinese girl:

Some people have perfect pitchthis guy has perfect tempo

Are we all just gonna ignore how high quality the toy piano is

TwoSet: This is sacrilegi-Ling Ling: No, this is talent.

I showed this to my pianohe’s cowering in the corner, crying after what you have done to that piano child

His mother must be so proud that he made a YouTube video with the piano that she bought him for his 4th birthday.

This takes “why do i hear boss music” to a WHOLE nother level

The sound of his fingers hitting the keys is almost as loud as the sound the keys actually produce 😂

If you can’t do it slowlyYou still can’t do it quickly

The toy piano makes it sound like a part out of a Kikuo song



Are we not going to talk about how he’s like under an actual piano

I like how almost all of the comments are talking about TwoSetViolin 😂😂🤣🤣Also, this sounded really good even though the tempo was pretty fast 😁😁

Playing on a toy piano when you have a normal piano is like buying a pear of shoes and wearing the box. And it’s incredible.

Normal :flight of the bumblebeeThis: bumblebee tries cocaine

Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (Piano Solo Live)

Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (Piano Solo Live)  (c) Cateen かてぃん

(c) Cateen かてぃん Hi I’m Cateen. My Japan Tour 2019 “Inspiration from Rachmaninov” has been just finished last week. This is my piano arrangement played at the concerts of …

Do musicians ever give themselves goosebumps? This is so beautiful.





Incredible performance, finally a good arrangement for this theme! The Bach influences on Requiem are very interesting.



Congrats Cateen, your teacher must be very proud of you:). All the best to you in your music career!

I’m so happy right now. Nausicaa was my first anime and the compositions have been a part of my life ever since. It’s nice to finally hear a classic that has been vastly overlooked throughout the ages.


最初PCの小さなスピーカーで聞いていたけど、 もっと良い音で聞きたくなってオーディオに繋いで聞き直した。 表現力がすごいし、正確だし、澄んでるし、 部屋の空気さえも浄化されていってまさに腐海の森の地下状態。 一日中聞いていたい音色。感動です。






bro this is so good, and this was just 2 years ago!!! im happy people still listen to the movies soundtrack!!!!!!!!! this arrangeetn of yours is so goood its like hearing the whole orchestra in this one pianists performance! good health to you !!!! insta subbed

When it got softer, my breathing slowed and everything else quieted around me. I closed my eyes to enjoy such a beautiful piece.


