- Chopin – Winter Wind (Op.25-11) by Hayato Sumino…
- 米津玄師「海の幽霊」Yonezu Kenshi “Spirits of the Sea” Piano Ver. | Cateen…
- Happy Birthday To Everyone (Variations in all 12 major keys)…
- [FF7R] Those Who Fight Further (Piano Cover)…
- [FF7R] Those Who Fight (Piano Cover)…
- Can we play piano with only 4 fingers?: 親指と人差し指しか使えない千本桜…
- One Last Kiss – 宇多田ヒカル (Hikaru Utada) Piano…
- unravel / TK from 凛として時雨 (Piano Solo Live) [Tokyo Ghoul]…
- 60万人ありがとうLive…
- Mozart – Rondo Alla Turca (Turkish March) Medley on Toy Piano
- 7 levels of “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”(きらきら星変奏曲)
- [Melodica × Grand Piano] Howl’s Moving Castle – Merry Go Round of Life (Joe Hisaishi)
- 【Super Mario Odyssey】Jump Up, Super Star! 【Piano Cover】スーパーマリオ オデッセイ メインテーマ [かてぃん]
- 3分クッキングを壮大に弾いてみた [Toy Piano × Grand Piano] Epic “The Parade of the Wooden Soldiers”
- 夜に駆けない
Mozart – Rondo Alla Turca (Turkish March) Medley on Toy Piano

(c) Cateen かてぃん Rondo Alla Turca (Turkish March) Piano Sonata K.331 3rd mov. 1:11 Piano Sonata K.331 1st mov. 1:25 Turkish March (Arr. Volodos) 1:40 Turkish March (Arr.
We see us all in 7 years again, thanks to YouTube recommendations hahahahaha
The hardest part of this probably was finding a song that actually fit on the piano
One thing for sure is. *He practiced for 40 hours a day.*
Lol this guy is so good he’s playing 2 instruments at the same time. Toy piano and a snare drum.
まずこの鍵盤数の少ないトイちゃんでトルコ行進曲を弾けるんだ〜 ってことに驚いてしまう。凄いーーーーーー! 指細〜 っ😳❣️でも、こんなのかてぃんさんにしか出来ないよぉー そう思うと本当に本当に尊敬してしまうのです。
7 levels of “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”(きらきら星変奏曲)

(c) Cateen かてぃん Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Variations (Cateen Version) Sheet Music (with Lecture video) is available on membership (Cateen Lab) https://youtu.be/89Y-i3sJe8o …
ハッピー七夕!もし楽譜作ったら弾いてくれますか??笑 Does anyone want sheet music? → Sheet Music is now available on membership(Cateen Lab): https://youtu.be/89Y-i3sJe8o
That awkward moment when level 0 is above your current level >.>..
When you’re so good you don’t know how to impersonate a beginner😂
“See? It’s a happy piano after all” -Miyazono Kaori
I really love the level 2 version cause for me the melodies are so deeply touching and at the same time is also fascinating.. & I don’t know why I always loop that version to listen it everyday
he’s not doing twinkle twinkle little star he’s playing shine shine huge solar system
Keep being so good! You are the kind of piano guy you never get tired of hearing
even the first one is a bit beyond simple. :). just wonderful! thank you so much. you are a terrific pianist and composer. love all the variants, but especially the last one. 🙂 ✨🌷🎹 🌼
The star didn’t just twinkle. It turned to a supernova and exploded
Amazing! I’m a big fan of the passion, the creativity and the talent!
His parents wont be proud untill he reaches level 10
I would love to go see you in a live concert and see you performing Etudes and improvised pieces like this. You just became my favorite pianist!
Level 0: Twinkle Twinkle Little StarLevel 1: Twinkle Twinkle Medium-sized StarLevel 2: Flashing Flashing Kinda Big StarLevel 3: Glowing Glowing Really Big StarLevel 4: Blazing Blazing Massive StarLevel 5: Gleaming Gleaming Gigantic Celestial Body Level 6: Erupting Erupting Monstrous Solar SystemLevel 7: Exploding Exploding Brobdingnagian Galaxy
Dulce y tierna canci�n, a la vez que alegra el �nimo.mge.
when level 0 sounds beautiful, i already know i’m not ready for what he’s about to do at level 7
It’s as if each level is its own character. His posture and movements alter accordingly. Masterful.
[Melodica × Grand Piano] Howl’s Moving Castle – Merry Go Round of Life (Joe Hisaishi)
![(c) Cateen かてぃん [Melodica × Grand Piano] Howl's Moving Castle - Merry Go Round of Life (Joe Hisaishi) [Melodica × Grand Piano] Howl's Moving Castle - Merry Go Round of Life (Joe Hisaishi) (c) Cateen かてぃん](https://imitoha.com/c/imgc/UC_QG8miwKHFNuWY9VpkrI8w/z1-6uPSOEf4.jpg)
(c) Cateen かてぃん Enjoy the harmony of Melodica and Steinway Piano :). Follow Me!! ⚪︎ Instagram (English or 日本語) https://www.instagram.com/cateen8810/ ⚪︎ Twitter (日本語) …
OMG!! That blowing and playing are hard to control at the same time. You’re amazing!
I’ve never heard such a perfect harmony of passion and liveliness in your music. You’re the type of artist to change the world, and change perspectives on the art, because of it. Brilliant
Imagine owning a little coffee shop in paris and this is the background song
Has anyone else noticed his head movements such an artist, you can tell that he is feeling the music to his core with his movements
I was fully expecting a parody instead I realized that I was the joke.
Every hair on my body as soon as he started playing: 📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈
Voc� � simplesmente fant�stico ! Parab�ns! um abra�o do Brasil
I’m not used to hearing a Steinway played so serenely, amazing control! Love your rendition of a classic <3
【Super Mario Odyssey】Jump Up, Super Star! 【Piano Cover】スーパーマリオ オデッセイ メインテーマ [かてぃん]
![(c) Cateen かてぃん 【Super Mario Odyssey】Jump Up, Super Star! 【Piano Cover】スーパーマリオ オデッセイ メインテーマ [かてぃん] 【Super Mario Odyssey】Jump Up, Super Star! 【Piano Cover】スーパーマリオ オデッセイ メインテーマ [かてぃん] (c) Cateen かてぃん](https://imitoha.com/c/imgc/UC_QG8miwKHFNuWY9VpkrI8w/4JJFJsmliUU.jpg)
(c) Cateen かてぃん Jump Up, Super Star! (Super Mario Odyssey Theme Song) I played the main theme of Super Mario Odyssey. I struggled to reproduce such a big band rhythm on …
Not sure if I should feel inspired to play more piano or to just give up entirely
this guy’s neighbors must be living in heaven
Disclaimer: This guy playing actually has won a nation-wide piano contest in JapanEdit:Thank you all for so many likes, here’s some more:he’s a graduate of Tokyo University, which is the most prestigious school in Japan. He’s a genuine genius for sure🤔
Really makes you _feel_ like Mario.
I like how this dude gives out sheet music like he expects us to play like him lol
Дар от Бога! Слов нет Так слышать гармонию , ритмы Этому научиться нельзя! С таким талантом можно только родиться Восторг и Радость жизни .Высший класс!! Спасибо!!!!
OK!!!!!! 3:32….. That slow down…… I was not ready. This whole thing is just inCREDIBLE… Like where do I even start….. the FINESSE you had while playing…. you captured the whole spirit of this song, I love how you added the footage as well. You are insanely talented, this literally almost made me cry… this is one of my favourite Mario songs and you did it the utmost justice!!!!
I honestly don’t understand how someone could dislike such raw talent. I’d love to watch and listen to him play in person. Marvellous pianist.
I’m not joking when I say I have tears in my eyes. That was utterly moving; not so much the piece of music, but how you treated it. Your skill is out of this world. I was close to weeping at the end, overwhelmed by the incredible feats you pulled off in this piece. From one professional pianist to another, I bow down to you!
I learned this arrangement and managed to perform it at a recital even though it was way above my skill level. Let’s just say there were more than a few mistakes. It was still an awesome piece to play, and it always filled me with passion. Thank you for the joy.
<3 素敵ですね!
i’m not even a huge mario fan never in played odyssey ngl but this almost made me cry this was so beautiful n made me appreciate mario n the art of games so much more wow thanks
3:34 makes me reflect on the memories I’ve had with this old and beloved franchise.
I appreciate the free sheet music so much i cant express it in words like how cool do you have to be to make an amazing arrangement like this and then make the sheet music free, there’s so much work that went into this
Think about how much Nintendo has worked until this moment as you watch this video
Holy crap man, this piece is not only so well made, but has a very interesting rhythm in the beginning that makes you want to listen to more. Great job and thank you 👍
3分クッキングを壮大に弾いてみた [Toy Piano × Grand Piano] Epic “The Parade of the Wooden Soldiers”
![(c) Cateen かてぃん 3分クッキングを壮大に弾いてみた [Toy Piano × Grand Piano] Epic "The Parade of the Wooden Soldiers" 3分クッキングを壮大に弾いてみた [Toy Piano × Grand Piano] Epic "The Parade of the Wooden Soldiers" (c) Cateen かてぃん](https://imitoha.com/c/imgc/UC_QG8miwKHFNuWY9VpkrI8w/xNqhcKv3VTA.jpg)
(c) Cateen かてぃん トイピアノで遊んでたら思いつきました。キューピーのアレです。「おもちゃの兵隊のマーチ」という曲名らしいです。右手でトイピアノ弾いて左手でグランドピアノ弾くの、見た目 …
_人人人人人人人人人_> 3分晩餐会 < ̄Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y ̄
この勢いでかてぃんさんにお願いしたい。コロナで運動不足やしストレスも溜まってるので本気のラジオ体操を弾いて欲しいです。 アップしてくださった暁には5歳の娘と全力でやります‼︎
Me encanta💗Es asombroso ver cómo tocas 💗
Hermoso me encanta como tocas <3

(c) Cateen かてぃん Chillな感じのアレンジです。夜に駆けないって言いたかっただけ Original (Yoru Ni Kakeru / YOASOBI): https://youtu.be/x8VYWazR5mE 小説原作(タナトスの誘惑): …
I love the effect, this is so ethereal!
I’ve finally found a pianist whose arrangements are very similar with my favorite composer, Masashi Hamauzu.
1:41 水面に月の光が当たってさんざめく感じ。美し過ぎて何遍もリピートしちゃう
I hope you have your playlists on Spotify. You’re very talented!
I could play this on a loop for hours and be quite content.
I’m not into piano covers so much but I love this one! I like the song and lyrics from original version so much but also Hayato Sumino’s arrangement and interpretation is wonderful… Hope to hear more covers from him 🙂
Sounds like a botw guardian is having the best time of his life together with the 3 dragons
呼吸の音、カウントする声、鍵盤を離した後の音、フィルター、それらを吸い込んでいく音色が全て組み合わさってできてる感じ… ピアノの良さを全部収めちゃってる。無駄なものが一切なくて本当に綺麗