- 陶器コップで作るモミジの超懸崖ミニ盆栽 【Bonsai diary 盆栽日記 10/23】初心者の簡単盆栽の作り方 育て方 やり方もみじ 苔 コケ DIY Maple Moss EOS R5 DIY…
- お猪口で作る豆盆栽 初心者の簡単盆栽 ミニ盆栽の作り方 DIY 苔 コケ MINI BONSAI もみじ モミジ 紅葉 GARDENING 小品 ガーデニング 酒 おちょこ 100円素材 秋…
- モミジの育て方 針金掛けの仕方 初心者簡単盆栽の作り方 【Bonsai diary 盆栽日記 10/25】もみじ 樹形 懸崖 wire cut bonsai beginners EOS R5撮影…
- 2021年版 湯呑みで作るミニ盆栽 株立ち風 【Bonsai diary 盆栽日記 5/16】初心者の簡単盆栽の作り方 もみじ 苔 Maple Moss Mini Bonsai DIY…
- ホームセンターの園芸コーナーで見つけた格安990円梅盆栽の植え替え【Bonsai diary 盆栽日記 2/14】初心者の簡単盆栽の作り方 育て方 Plum Replanting EOS R5撮影…
- 山採り素材でコーヒーカップミニ盆栽 山採り好素材でミニ盆栽の作り方 【Bonsai diary 盆栽日記 12/6】ヒサカキ 苔 里山採取 100円ショップ素材 mini bonsai…
- 雑草を抹茶茶碗で寄せ植え盆栽に 初心者の簡単盆栽の作り方 DIY ガーデニング 苔 コケ MINI BONSAI GARDENING お茶 EOS R5撮影 雑草 Bonsai diary 盆栽日記…
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- 山採り月桂樹 【Bonsai diary 盆栽日記 8/1】初心者の簡単盆栽の作り方 育て方 やり方 庭採り 植え替え Laurel EOS R5 撮影…
- 湯呑みで作るミニ盆栽 初心者の簡単盆栽 ミニ盆栽の作り方 DIY 苔 コケ MINI BONSAI もみじ モミジ 紅葉 GARDENING 盆栽 小品 ガーデニング お茶 tea
- 小皿で作るモミジの苔庭ミニ盆栽 【Bonsai diary 盆栽日記 9/25】初心者の簡単盆栽の作り方 育て方 やり方 株立ち仕上げ もみじ 苔 コケ DIY Maple Moss EOS R5
- 湯呑みで作る松ぼっくりミニ盆栽 【Bonsai diary 盆栽日記 6/27】初心者の簡単盆栽の作り方 黒松 Pine cone Moss Mini Bonsai DIY EOS R5撮影
- モミジの育て方 種採取+植え付けの仕方 種まき 初心者簡単盆栽の作り方 【Bonsai diary 盆栽日記 10/4】もみじ 種から育てる bonsai beginners EOS R5撮影
- 里山で好素材を山採り 根芸盆栽の作り方 初心者の盆栽日記【Bonsai diary 盆栽日記 1/2】ヒサカキ bonsai beginners Eurya japonica EOS R5撮影
湯呑みで作るミニ盆栽 初心者の簡単盆栽 ミニ盆栽の作り方 DIY 苔 コケ MINI BONSAI もみじ モミジ 紅葉 GARDENING 盆栽 小品 ガーデニング お茶 tea

(c) As Channel -アズチャンネル-盆栽と山とカメラ 2021年、新作湯吞みミニ盆栽を株立ち風で作ってみました。撮影環境が良くなり比べてみるとどうでしょうか^^ https://youtu.be/9z2s8kxJzts …
Beautiful! Will have to try this. Easy to understand and simply 🙂 Also using Bonsai mix soil(uses akadama, lava rock, pumice) is cheaper but still has good nutrition in them. Greetings from America!
Thanks for the video! Love the final result :)May I ask why is there a need to water until there is muddy water flowing out from the pot? @11:14My second question is, how much nutrients or liquid fertilizers does a bonsai plant need?
Wonderful little bonsai. Brilliant that you have done something on a very modest budget and a very informative video. Thanks!
So beautiful!! 😍😍 Very inspiring, makes me want to try myself 😊
I love your videos. How do you make your 2 year-old maple tree with many branches like that? Do you cut off the top last year so it branches more? Thanks, I’m learning here.
Delicado. Maravilhoso!
Oh my. That little tea cup is so cute and made even cutter by that little bonsai. So pretty.
That was so lovely to watch. You have a lot of patience and a gentle touch. Thank you for sharing 😊
Very nice! What was the agent you used to sit the maple in for an hour?
Watchiing the little beauty of the cup being prepared, soiled, planted the little maple was very meditative. How lovely. Many thanks. Danuta from the West Coast Canada
Love the entire composition… the tea cup is very charming
Trabajo muy inspirador! Muchas gracias!
So pretty! I absolutely enjoyed watching your beautiful creations.
You can use the tile diamond bit. Work easier and safe. And if possible subtitle in English for the soil mix you are using? 👍
Also such a nice “work”. It’s done with heart and mind. Just great to watch. Thank you so much 🙂
Thanks so Much for sharing this. This is something I have been looking for because I have Tea Cups I want to Use for Bonsai as well …Thanks Much
I love this little maple bonsai.
Fantastic job, it looks really great👍👍👍
Loved it. So delicate and so beautiful. Thank you
小皿で作るモミジの苔庭ミニ盆栽 【Bonsai diary 盆栽日記 9/25】初心者の簡単盆栽の作り方 育て方 やり方 株立ち仕上げ もみじ 苔 コケ DIY Maple Moss EOS R5

(c) As Channel -アズチャンネル-盆栽と山とカメラ 去年、種まきしたモミジたちで日本庭園をイメージした苔庭ミニ盆栽を作ってみました。小皿の底にを加工して自作の鉢を製作し、今回も三本 …
Your videos just turn my lunch breaks into something much more beautiful, thank and keep doing this great work!
Loved watching your creation . Awesome but time consuming , I d never be patient enough to achieve such a beautiful work of art . Congratulations .
Łał pięknie.. chciałbym coś takiego..👍👏👏👏
Nice project, very beautiful result. Really would like to see this in 4 or 5 months 🙂
A joy to watch and equally informative. Thanks!
Очень красиво!
Preciosa presentaci�n. Saludos desde Espa�a
Masterclass in the art. Exceptional. 🙏
Excelente trabajo 👍 gracias por compartir.
Wow looks perfect !
This is so relaxing video. Really love your channel.
Wow, so beautiful 🌱🌿☘🍃🌴👏👏
Nice way to kick start a morning or winding down in the eve; so therapeutic to watch…thx for sharing. Arigatogozaimasu !
Hard project I can say but totally worth it. Nice man!
Super! Urmaresc fiecare proiect cu mare interes! Felicitari!
Очень милая композиция)
湯呑みで作る松ぼっくりミニ盆栽 【Bonsai diary 盆栽日記 6/27】初心者の簡単盆栽の作り方 黒松 Pine cone Moss Mini Bonsai DIY EOS R5撮影

(c) As Channel -アズチャンネル-盆栽と山とカメラ 春に種まきした黒松、順調に育ってくれまして今回は松ぼっくりから芽吹いたようなミニ盆栽にしてみました。オフハウスで55円の湯呑みを鉢 …
I’d say this little tree has a great advantage now to become a healthy tree! Thank you for sharing
Hi! How long wil it stay into this small pot? It’s beautiful! Thank you 🌸
Thank you, for sharing, now you are become my inspiration bonsai master, 👌🙏😄
家に緑があるとイイですよね、松ぼっくり盆栽見栄えもイイし オシャレです🤗
Gracias a Dios, �stos artistas comparten, tanta belleza, son grande de verdad
Отличная работа! Но отсутствие микоризы замедлит рост этого растения,и может даже погубить его.Вносите микоризу для хвойных.
No perjudica a las ra�ces el esmalte que tiene por dentro?
Awesome. Looking at the moss added at the end, does this really impact the development of the bonsai negative as some claim or is this nonsense?
In Indonesia, this tree is called pinus..very inspiring
Muito bom 😊 obrigada 👍
Amazing video…i love your work..It’s very relaxing and inspiration to see you’re artwork…Thank you very much for sharing
Как же я раньше о таком не задумывался
こんにちは 小さい松もこんなに手をかけてもらって幸せですね。すごく素敵です あと画像がとっても綺麗でした。ありがとうございました
Really fine beautiful art work, so enjoyable to watch💕💕👍
Muy bello!!!!
Linda demais est� t�cnica. Cada trabalho � uma ORA��O. PAZ. Paci�ncia, paci�ncia, paciencia
モミジの育て方 種採取+植え付けの仕方 種まき 初心者簡単盆栽の作り方 【Bonsai diary 盆栽日記 10/4】もみじ 種から育てる bonsai beginners EOS R5撮影

(c) As Channel -アズチャンネル-盆栽と山とカメラ 9月の終わりから10月はもみじの種採取、種まきの適期になります。庭や落ちている種を植え付けて春を待つのもオススメです モミジの盆栽 …
Hello …. I really enjoy watching your posts … You put so much love into your dealings with the plants …. absolutely great 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 Lg Michael
Hello! Your YT videos make me interested in plants!I will try it as possible as you did in the videos!Thank you!
Can you show us how did it went? In a month it will be a year. I am curious & I like your content and editing. *SUB*
Спасибо за интересное видео
Excelente trabajo 🙏🏼Vendame unas semillas.
great video .. do you sell maple seeds ?
Hello, any luck with these? Did they germinate? Please make a video.
finally which type better🤔
Nice 😘❤️👍👍
里山で好素材を山採り 根芸盆栽の作り方 初心者の盆栽日記【Bonsai diary 盆栽日記 1/2】ヒサカキ bonsai beginners Eurya japonica EOS R5撮影

(c) As Channel -アズチャンネル-盆栽と山とカメラ 親戚の裏山でヒサカキの根が露出している好素材を山採りをさせてもらい、植え替えをしました。ヒサカキはお正月などによく神棚にお供え …
山採り素材をコーヒーカップを鉢に仕立ててミニ盆栽を作ってみましたので、よかったらご覧いただければ幸いですI made a mini bonsai by making a coffee cup from the mountain harvesting material into a pot, so I would appreciate it if you could take a look.→https://youtu.be/-3Hs1Gv3NVI
Excelente tutorial me encant�.estuv� super.te dese� lo mejor.una pregunta c�mo podria hacer qu� �l �rbol pueda desarrolarse un poco rapido .qu� sustrato o qu� abon� puedo usar?
Wow! You’re so creative! I love your videos. Thanks for sharing. 💚
Very nice 👍Is it possible to have an update of this tree ?
great videos, learn a lot, thanks for sharing👍
Small but amazing material my friend…