- 苦等四年,灰姑娘终于与霸总相见,然而他的身边有了别的女人 🥰 中国电视剧…
- 强势出击!顾佳终于爆发,怒扇小三! 🥰 中国电视剧…
- 渣男向王漫妮提出复合,王漫妮断然拒绝 🥰 中国电视剧…
- 离婚后的前夫变得越来越可爱了 🥰 中国电视剧…
- 男主被家人安排相亲,不料对方竟是自己的暗恋女神 🥰 中国电视剧…
- 太子妃被太子气死,临终时太子还在陪着别的女人 🥰 中国电视剧…
- 钟晓芹拒绝被小鲜肉亲热,荒郊迷路,求救前夫 🥰 中国电视剧…
- 女主外出经商满载而归,带领全家人吃烤全羊 🥰 中国电视剧…
- 大雪天女主难产,丈夫却不管不顾,抱着她的姐姐入睡 🥰 中国电视剧…
提着买菜包的大妈进入奢品店,被人瞧不起,怎料一开口便要购下价值百万珠宝 🥰 中国电视剧

(c) 猫眼追剧 Subscribe for more Chinese television dramas 订阅频道: …
Moraleja: las apariencias engañan. Traten a todos por igual y debido respeto 😉 uno nunca sabe
Sou vendedora, acredito que atender bem as pessoas comprando ou n�o: vc aprende muito!
Aconteceu o mesmo comigo algum tempo, em uma boutique muito chic japon�s, olhei! Roupas, bolsas e algo mais.. at� a� a dona da loja fazendo pouco de mim.. perguntei quem poderia me atender.. separei algo bem valioso, al�m de roupa ; A Sra perguntou a forma de pagamento; eu disse como voc� quiser; tenho dinheiro o suficiente na bolsa; cart�o e cheque, arregalou os olhos e come�ou a ser gentil. Infelizmente
Aconteceu no meu estado Minas Gerais, onde o povo n�o tem o h�bito de demonstrar sua riqueza.Um senhor de chap�u de palha e botinas adentrou uma grande concession�ria na cidade. Assim que entrou alguns vendedores se entre olharam e fizeram pouco caso, empurrando um para o outro o atendimento. O senhor percebeu e resolver ir olhar os carros. Pr�ximo dele tinha um rapaz que estava fazendo a limpeza do ch�o por ter ca�do caf� naquele local. Pois bem o senhor perguntou para o rapaz se ele poderia chamar um vendedor. E depois foi dito na reportagem que os vendedores disseram ao faxineiro que fosse enrolando o senhor porque eles estavam ocupados e o homem n�o ia comprar nenhum carro, pq deduziram que ele n�o tinha condi��es financeiras pra isso. O faxineiro voltou at� o senhor e muito sem gra�a e com d� da situa��o, disse ao senhor. Os vendedores est�o ocupados naquele momento, mas se ele pudesse ajudar, mostraria e prestaria as informa��es que pudesse e assim foi feito. O faxineiro apaixonado por carros deu atendimento exemplar e ent�o o senhor pediu que chamasse o gerente. Conclus�o: Este senhor era o maior fazendeiro da regi�o e tinha 2 netos g�meos que acabaram de se formar na faculdade e ele daria a cada um deles 1 caminhonetes…S� que ele sabendo que teria comiss�o, disse ao gerente que s� compraria se a comiss�o fosse para o faxineiro. Este fato virou reportagem local e nacional e teve grande repercuss�o na �poca. O dono da concession�ria teve conhecimento dos fatos, demitiu todos os vendedores, tirou o rapaz da faxina e financiou seus estudos. Este faxineiro virou vendedor e logo em seguida se tornou gerente geral da rede.JAMAIS julguem ningu�m.
The most amazing thing about this video is the calm human respect given to the customer from the store Clark regardless of riches, And that speaks volumes than any money she has in her bank account.
Uma verdadeira li��o de moral,eu presenciei algo semelhante numa loja de roupas, estava comprando umas pe�as para meus filhos e a mo�a que estava me atendendo notou um casal muito simples entrar na loja e ningu�m dava aten��o para eles, da� eu lhe disse,v� atend�-los enquanto eu escolho aqui, eu era cliente antiga da loja e a vendedora era minha preferida e era sempre ela que me atendia, resultado, o casal comprou tantas roupas que foi preciso fazer 2 fardos para eles. Foram embora e a mo�a chorava de alegria, pois a comiss�o que ganhou n�o ganhava em 2 meses de trabalho,as outras ficaram por demais chateadas. Ou melhor morrendo de inveja.
I went into a department store at the mall to buy my mom some perfume. It was costly but I had my bonus from work and I wanted to buy it for her. I stood in front of the counter and no one would wait on me. Finally I got a manager and told him. He looked at me and said, well you know how much that costs right. I just gave up and left. It was embarrassing to me because other women were looking at me like I was nothing. I would never treat another human like I was treated.
That happened to a lady who was a waitress at a cafe I used to go to, she went to a high end store in Beverly Hills and the lady directed her to the sales rack instead of the rack she was looking at. Anyway she had money left to her from her deceased husband and worked because she was lonely and liked people.
Infelizmente hoje em dia � assim , poucas faz o que essa vendedora fez , ela merece todo meu respeito
This happened to me. I was working as a cashier for an exhibition of international brands. A man with old clothes came. The sellers of brands did not deal with him. Only one person dealt with him, and here was the surprise. He bought from the brand enough for two months’ commission for the employee. Everyone wished that he could provide the service to him. The view does not determine who is rich or poor. Some people don’t show their wealth. .
Nossa, muito lindo o a vendedora fez! 😍😍😍🌹🌹🌹🌻
Same thing happened to my dad at a very popular jewelry store for my mom’s wedding ring. He went in with sweat pants and a white t-shirt. My brother said the people working there looked very stiff necked and barely wanted to assist him but as soon as he paid it all in cash immediately other employees started being all smiley and “friendly” 🙄
Muy buena la historia, excelente vendedora, pero quedó corta la historia con ese final, ahí no termina 😪
O cliente deve ser sempre e obrigatoriamente bem tratado, com muito respeito, porque por mais simples que se apresenta ele � uma pessoa que tem seus sonhos e talvez seja at� o propriet�rio dessa empresa.
Something similar occurred to a friend of mine. In the most expensive jewelry boutique of our beautiful city a plainly dressed, elderly lady walked in and asked if she could look at the most expensive and beautiful watches they carried. She was not badly dressed, but neither did her clothes look expensive, so no one seemed eager to serve her, except for my friend, who is gifted at making everyone feel welcome. This customer finally placed an order for 11 non-identical watches (different genders and prices). My friend inquired as to who would be the lucky recipients, grandchildren perhaps? The cusromer replied “No, not for the grandchildren but for the staff that has been taking care of me and my husband, who is an invalid, for many years and these are Christmas presents”. This was many years ago, around 50, and people were very judgemental about what people wore then.
Seguramente la vendedora tóxica aprendió muy bién su lección, 👏🏻. Me alegra que la cliente se dió cuenta de la calidad de la buena vendedora, 👍
This happened to me when I was relatively new to retail. My co-workers asked me why I was bothering to help the family that came in looking poor. They ended up buying like 6 pairs of shoes and 4 bags.
T� brincando? Fiquei com �gua na boca pra ver a mulher passando o cart�o e comprando e no entanto o v�deo acabou e ela n�o comprou.
This happened to me. I walked into a restaurant in ragedy ass clothes. The employees looked me like I could afford anything there. I proved them wrong i ordered my food and got it super sized. I taught them a lesson.
Devemos atender sempre bem a todos clientesParab�ns pelo v�deo
王漫妮这次是彻底被渣男骗了,当众脱衣服,与他脱离关系 🥰 中国电视剧

(c) 猫眼追剧 Subscribe for more Chinese television dramas 订阅频道: …
She was so brave to do that, to strip herself off of him. The waitress is a metaphor of what women should be to their fellow women, rally behind those who were humiliated and abused.
The waitress is really awesome for lending her clothes to the lady, and I’m really happy her friends are there for her
The waitress is the hero that we didn’t deserve but needed.
Me encanta como reacciona ella y que linda la mesera que la apoya y le presta su ropa, la mujer la mayor�a de las veces es la que sufre m�s en una relaci�n, nos entregamos en cuerpo y alma. Linda canci�n y que padre venganza por parte de su amiga para el galancito de quinta.
I love this….here they have shown the real strength a woman has……I hate dramas where a woman just helplessly takes all the blame of a man’s wrong doings….or is stepped on by other people…..
Thanks for the translation..Very good drama..the actor and actress really doing very good with their part’sReally touching drama..with sadness and angreyness and some emotional stuff like that….reflect to our daily life
That waitress was goals, and this girl is a queen.
Dignidade acima de tudo , e amigos sinceros também. Parabéns 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
That waitress was the real hero ..in drama , I rarely see women strongly coming and protecting other women and been successful at it
I love to see other women coming to another women’s aid, even though they don’t know each other. That warmed my heart. Who knew that he would be this way, I was hoping for a good ending for these two, sad face!!!
The waitress rocks I need know her real name and information she deserves to be more than an extra after this amazing line delivering
C�mo siempre la televisi�n China entregando sus mejores series, dramas y pel�culas es un placer disfrutar de el arte de este hermoso Pa�s ,solo un favor traduzcan al espa�ol son tan buenos sus dramas que hay Miles de latinas que los vemos , felicitaciones .
She could have just thrown the photos but she’s quite intelligent throwing away the frames as well🤣
The director’s missed opportunity for the audience to connect with ordinary people like the waitress. Would have been nice to add a quick scene, a few seconds, no talking, waitress and leading lady, identifying, extending human compassion.
Se ve muy bueno �ste drama
Wauw, respect to these women who stands up for each other. Unlike some women who are brainwashed to think that its their right to be maintained by another person/man. Dont forget the rule of life, he who pays the bill/bread gets call the shots and that doesn’t only apply to businesslife . She will receive that bit of his goodwill he wants to share/give.
The waitress is the real hero 🤩
The waitress is the best!! Women must stay together!!! Women must be strong in front of this kind of men!!!
Hola como se llama el drama esta muy interesante. Compartanlo por favor . gracias por la traducci�n ..
Gracias por traducirlo en espa�ol
这一吻来得迫不及待,轮船上的艳遇,这一夜得到圆满了 🥰 中国电视剧

(c) 猫眼追剧 Subscribe for more Chinese television dramas 订阅频道: …
Me encantó este drama, el mensaje que lleva, enseñando que las mujeres somos fuertes y podemos lograr nuestras metas ❤️🇩🇴
Son unos de los mejores conciertos Spornjoss.Uno, no puede ir pero de tan solo verlos desde pantalla, se que estuvo sorprendente.Жизнь, как красивая мелодия, только песни перепутались.
Nombre por favor del drama en espa�ol
I don’t like how this series ended 😩
That smile and his dimples got me!!!
Love this drama😍👍
What happened to this series can somebody put light on it or are they bringing it back ty damm good🦋
يمكن اسم المسلسل الله يعطيك العافيه
As pessoas posta as vezes falta o nome,e onde ver, ajuda os inscritos no canal.
Le nom du drama Svp en vosfr
So romantic 😍
ممكن اعرف شنو اسم المسلسل بالعربي ردوبليز وممكن عرضه مترجم عربي ردوبليز
Gente coloca onde da pra ver esses s�rie,
OMG, EXACTLY WHAT I NEEDED ——THE CUTE———————-GIRLS. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- i Sepecial hot girls for you 💋 FREE.VISITME.UNO ❤️Gaze: “Amazed”Lips: “Sensual”Smile: “Sweeter”Body: “Colder”Жизнь, как красивая мелодия, только песни перепутались.#однако #я #люблю #таких #рыбаков #垃圾* Everyone talking its true *While me: ” Wow that looks so delicious i wanna eat it so badÓ╭╮Ò”Жизнь, как красивая мелодия, только песни перепутались#однако #я #люблю #таких #рыбаковWho really likes me?You guys…Ahh, I’m turbulentwhen your beauty is in front of me. Жизнь, как красивая мелодия, только песни перепутались#однако #я #люблю #таких #рыбаков #垃圾#垃圾THREE IN ONEEveryone talking its trueYoutube is the best foreverSomeone said i love youLife’s story is a short journey so have fun before eternal sleep forever #Чо #эт #делает #на #2 #месте #в #тренде #однако #я #люблю #таких #рыбаков #垃圾
Fala as vezes que o nome esta no início,mas a gente não consegui identificar correto o nome e por favor mais carinho com a gente que dá like e compartilhar seu canal 😞😞😞😞😞😞
So romantic people😍😍
ممكن اسم المسلسل ده بالعربي
ممكن اعرف شنو اسم المسلسل بالعربي ردو بليز
Xin cho biết tên phim cảm ơn nhiều
男主与俊男一起行侠仗义,怎料俊男解下发髻是个绝世美女 🥰 中国电视剧

(c) 猫眼追剧 Subscribe for more Chinese television dramas 订阅频道: …
Она была несравненной красавицей, что как только убирала волосы, всё сразу думали, что она мужик 😂😂😂
For anyone that may be interested, this is from a series called “Queen Dugu”
I love movie or series in that way.,even if they are not realistic at all, its sweet to see love like that in my opinion. Love at first sight😊🎼
I feel like i lost my nonexistant braincells after watching this i give it 10/10
08:14 — The look on every man’s face when he realizes he is in a series with Joe Chen and is therefore entirely out of his league.
Alguém aí, legenda e coloca no YouTube para a gente poder assistir😆. Já estou esperando há meses, só tem em inglês e não quero ir para a Vick😆.
Por favor colocar o nome dos dramas no v�deo
Nombre de esta historia en Español gracias 😊
Muito bom
Tendr�an que poner el nombre del drama en la descripci�n
O nome da s�rie � RAINHA DUGU Tem no VIKI LEGENDADO.
Интиресный очень,а с русской озвучкой,тоже будет???Я тоже хочу смотреть жту дораму-интиресную.Такие актёры классные😃😃😃👌👌👌👍👍💕💕💕🌺🌺🌺😘😘😘ЗА РАНИЕ ВАМ–🙏🙏🙏СПАСИБО.
Merci pour les sous_titres en français 👍🙋💖
سبحاااااان الله ..محد اكتشف إن البنت اللي انقذوووووها أحلى من البطلة ..بس الأهم هو تأدية الدور ع أكمل وجه ..مشكوووووووورين يااااااا رسل الرحمن عز و جل في.. إختيااااااار الذوووووق و الجاااااااذبية من مقااااااطع المسلسلاااااات..
Alguien sabe como se llama este drama? Para descargarlo
I was completely unspeakable after these history. Please, let us to listen more in this channel..🙏🙏🙏
Quando vai postar os epis�dios? S� tenho assistido os clipes.
Alguien podria decirme como se llama esta serie porfa?
Напишите название дорамы. Пожалуйста. ❤❤❤
This drama made me angry to the male lead. He so loyal and love his wife but when he become the king, he not only suspicious of his own empress who sooo devoted and do anything to protect him and family, but he also cold to her and be with many women. Come to his sense when she about to die. What a joke!
女主难产,丈夫着急得恍如撕心裂肺,最终喜得千金 🥰 中国电视剧

(c) 猫眼追剧 Subscribe for more Chinese television dramas 订阅频道: …
Isso s� prova q a mulher � mais forte Doq pensa
我非常喜歡中國戲劇和中國戲劇,因為有真正的連續直播,會有幸福的家庭,有時也會有悲傷的家庭 謝謝你😊的閱讀📚
Muito triste para protagonista ..deveria ter uma planta��o de felicidade tanto quanto a que deu a luz � meninos .Por isso sempre bom confiar e crer na provid�ncia das maos divinas em toda ocasi�o.
Acting skill❣️Another level😘
The baby is soo beautiful 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
But in the end her husband still betrayed her – Disappointed
Que lindo drama que pena que no est� en espa�ol
Will Someone Please tell me the Title of this Drama Please 😊
please put the name of the drama and episode number the clip is from in the title and/or description. thank you
congratulations for having ababy god bless.
So cute baby 😻🍼
6:22 parece que ele t� dizendo “fica na tua caraia” KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
Qual o nome desse Cdrama ?
Que bella ese drama los drama con beb� son los ma hermoso..
The baby is cute
So cute baby😍😍😍👍👍👍💐
So sweet 🤩🤩
Nome desta serie
que capitulo es
Ohh 😮 that was so real and love 💕😘.