- 愛猫ギネスと窓拭きおじさん⑥⓪…
- 『愛猫ギネスと窓拭きおじさん』…
- 愛猫ギネスと窓拭きおじさん⑦…
- 愛猫ギネスと窓拭きおじさん⑥…
- 愛猫ギネスと窓拭きおじさん②③…
- 毎朝恒例の追いかけっこ The usual early morning playtime…
- 愛猫ギネスと窓拭きおじさん⑩…
- 愛猫ギネスと窓拭きおじさん④⑧(おまけ)…
- 愛猫ギネスと窓拭きおじさん②④…

(c) RINA TAKEI 前回の動画の2日後、 今度はリビングルームの別の方角の窓掃除がありました。 ロープが垂れて来てすぐに反応したギネスくん。 そしてまだ記憶に残っていたのか、凪くんも …
Cleaners happy, cat happy, baby happy, mother filming happy, and I’m happy watching this.. I love that everybody’s happy.. 👍😍
_in the simple are the perfect moments_ ❤️ *#morelove** **#love** **#smile*
Sometimes the people we don’t see or acknowledge are the ones that have nothing but kindness in their hearts. Their smallest gestures can make the biggest differences in our lives.
This makes me so happy. It’s so wholesome. You know these men were very happy afterwards and the family too. So simple yet so cute and wholesome.
1:46 Very generous of the cat for helping them in cleaning window from inside😉
Let’s just take a moment to appreciate these window cleaners…every couple of days they risk their lives just to clean windows as a way to earn money to stay afloat, something could very easily go wrong!!
So cute when the guy cleaned that small square and smiled at the baby, I smiled back 😊
From that moment on, i knew i wanted to be a window cleaner when i grew up.- the kid
I was like: Babies get fascinated so easily. Then i realized i just watched a baby watching people cleaning windows.
this would be a memory for the baby. im just smiling throughout the video, it’s so precious 🥰❤
Black cat: Damn! Humans are capable of flying as well?Baby: I did not know we can do that. But it seems cool though
What a view ! That is Vauxhall Bridge going to the Secret Intelligence Service building the home of the real MI5, MI6 ! And of course in the James Bond films!
Классная Видео!!!!!Респект Рабочиму команде!У них самая опасная работа и все равно они работают с любовью!Удачи и Здоровье этим людям и конечно же Малышу всего хорошенького!!!!!Казахстан!!!!!

(c) RINA TAKEI 今度はベッドルームの窓拭き風景をお届け致します。 いつも通り、左右の窓を二回に分けてお掃除してくださったので、 はじめに左の窓掃除をご覧下さい♫ 前回の動画から一 …
0:43 That smiley face the window pro drew for the baby was so adorable! Yay for humanity!
This baby is adorable . Super cute & his laughter is infectious. Absolute cutie! The window cleaners are lovely as well.
This must be their favourite part of the job.
Daily dose of internet needs to see this.
Am I the only fool who got a lump in his throat when the guys started playing with the cat and the baby started laughing. I still believe people across the world are mostly wonderful human beings.
The baby,the cat,the workers guys..Everyone adorable 😃😍🤗🤗🤗
I’m fascinated about the structure of the windows. A small opening window at floor level!
The baby: look What l see ,ayyy how interesting.The cat: Yes, l see it every day.Nice to see the worker training the cat and the baby.👶🐈💕
Baby thinking: When I grow up, I’ll be a window cleaner like them!Window cleaners thinking: The best part of my job is this little guy’s smile and his cat.
These have to be the most heart-warming videos I’ve ever seen. So sweet.
Nothing cuter than that baby laugh. You know the men look forward to those smiles they get from those two. 😂
My favourite part is when the kid starts laughing.
Moments like these are truly memorable, we don’t get something like this everyday, a baby’s laugh is most enjoyable, these are beautiful days to remember
That’s so cute! I have a big smile while watching this clip. It makes my day
He drew a smiley face for them, my heart
Anyone else notice the baby has a pic of the cat’s behind on his shirt? So cute🥰

(c) RINA TAKEI 第4弾となる窓拭きおじさんシリーズ。 今回もいつものお二人が窓拭きに来て下さいました。 ギネスくんは朝から準備万端! いよいよ本番。 なんと今回は直接窓の拭き方を …
cute and fun – I think Guinness is learning and will clean inside of window – what a team lol
So cute <3
The best thing about this video is the views of the MI6 headquarters!!!
So, what’s it like to live across the river from the Tyrell Corporation HQ?
<3 🙂
Forget about your job and come and play with me Buddy !
The cats named after an Irish beer?
mi youtube esta roto me salen letras raras que no entiendo
I need to find some window washing ASMR, this sort of triggered for me.
Is this just a humblebrag for the condo on the Thames?
PLEASE learn how to hold a phone camera!

(c) RINA TAKEI 愛猫といつものダンディーおじさんとの安定感ある戯れ。 Jukin Media Verified (Original) * For licensing / permission to use: Contact – licensing(at)jukinmediadotcom.
hahaha this is so damn adorable
I’d die dangling at that height. Safety harness or not. .-.
Cat-“hey!,you missed a spot”.Guy-“I’ll clean it, in a minute just need to get the windex”.Cat-“no,I meant the litter box”.
This is literally the cutest thing ever! 😍😍💗
hollyy squeegee no streaks that amazballs
in bird culture this is considered a ….
he’s having fun
Most funny ever
Copy the video title and paste it into google translate.Trust me, its worth it.You’re welcome =)
What am I watching
Why did he lower the scaffolding before the guy on the right squeegeed his side?
Inb4 viral.
Im watching this at 11k views

(c) RINA TAKEI ギネスの夢を ひとつ叶えてあげる事が出来ました! 窓を隔てて築き上げた人間のお友達 窓拭きおじさんと とうとう窓を取っ払って 対面させる事が出来ました! 完全に …
Awwww..she actually invited them home …my heart ❤️.
Really glad they come an see the cat and the baby,hope ur life and those man keep healthy always and good things happen alwayss
Nice and interesting to watch all of you! Wonderful people, adorable baby and frisky cats! Thanks for the kind videos and emotions.
This is simply adorable, especially because these same two men have been interacting with her cats from 5-6 years ago as well if you look through the channel, from cats to then her baby. Just heartwarming.
This is heart warming. They will watch this little one grow. Hopefully they had a nice cup of tea for doing a great job.
Such an original and warming relationship to have!! I hope COVID hasnt stopped the great interactions between all of you! ✨
Que hombres tan valientes al realizar su trabajo y adem�s son tan tiernos con el beb� y los gatitos. Dios los proteja siempre .
Nice of you to invite them into your home! What a nice thing for me to see at the start of my day!
Imagine living in such prime location with two cats and a baby 😍😭
This is so wholesome 😭
Saw several videos with these window cleanes and the family. It was great !! Nice men, nice baby, nice cats. Love all of you. Your Russian fan.
LOVEEEE THIS ❤️❤️❤️ My heart is just so overwhelmed by all this love and interaction. I’ve been cutting onions! Thanks for sharing. 🤗🤗🤗
Visiting your loved ones behind bars for years and then being able to see them without that wall of glass. Amazing.

(c) RINA TAKEI リビングルームの窓拭きの後、 すぐにベッドルームの窓掃除が始まりました。 はじめに左の窓からお掃除スタート。 既に飽きたピムスは別室でお昼寝、息子はぐずり始め、 …
Kind and positive video! Kid – just move over!))) The cat is a real mischief. Men are super!
Who would have guessed that such simple elements are all that are required for compelling and uplifting content. I hope the men get some of the ad revenue, as they are awesome, and I am willing to bet that they look forward to this every time they work on your building.😊
Lovely to see their happy faces at the end. What a great end to the video; soo much joy had by all. Love your video content. Made my Monday morning an absolute joy. Thanks.
The baby’s reaction XD finally I am being held by the window gods, my life is complete
Awww bless them…. I hope these 2 guys watch themselves on here.
Вот повезло их женам! С такими мужьями в жизни не страшно и не скучно! Всем спасибо за позитив!!!
Hey guys!! The whole internet loves you 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
I love this 😭😭❤️
Brilliant. Gives me faith in humans, as long as theres guys like this we’ve some hope.
приятно видеть за своим окном таких хороших людей позитивное видео
Awww! Sweet ending😊
What city is that? Looks really pretty
Love these wonderful window washers. May bless both of them for being so kind and special to thr baby and cats. May God bless and keep you all in His Powerful Protective Holy Spirit filled hands in Jesus Mighty Name Amen 🕊🙏🏽🙌🏽