
サマー先生のなりきり英語音読(おすすめch紹介) チャンネル紹介
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Lesson 41・未来や予定について話す・I’m going to ~ (〜するつもりです)【なりきり英語音読】

Lesson  41・未来や予定について話す・I'm going to ~ (〜するつもりです)【なりきり英語音読】  (c) サマー先生のなりきり英語音読

(c) サマー先生のなりきり英語音読 今回のレッスンは私の新しい書籍、 「12週間で「話せる」が実感できる魔法のなりきり英語音読」からの内容です。ご興味のある方は、お近くの書店、またはAmazonへ是非!



Hi, Sam sanThank you for providing good video.In my opinion, take more time to practice phrases for audiences, in particular part-2 & last questions.

I’m going to hang out with my friends.I’m going to the museum.I’m going to eat carry rice.

Tomorrow, I’m going to go to a concert, then after that, I’ll have to go home as soon as I can to prepare for the typhoon.

Tomorrow, I’m going to eat lunch with my friends.

Hi,Ms Summer! I’m glad to see you.今回の使ってみよう。Q:Where are you going to go?A:I’m going to go car dealer this afternoon.I want to buy a new car.Thank you for this lesson.See you next time.

Tomorrow, I’m going to clean my house.

Tomorrow, I’m meeting friends for dinner.


Tomorrow I’m going to go to Hanazono Rugby Stadium. I’m crazy about rugby.

I’m going to go to Nagano then i’m gonna go to smorgasbord style of eating:)

Hi, nice to meet you.I’m going to go to a shopping mall in order to take for a walk tomorrow.It is because I recently don’t do exercise.Thank you for your good video.It is very useful for me to learn English pronunciation.

I’m going to play golf with my friends tomorrow. ⛳️

Tomorrow, I’m going to practice a percussion

Tomorrow, I’m going to bake a chocolate cake.🍰

Tomorrow、I’m going to go to food science seminar. After that I’m going to eat diner with my colleagues.

What are you going to do tomorrow?I’m going to practice golf at the driving range near my house.Then I’m going to harvest some vegetables at my small farm.My wife is going to use them to cook curry and make salad.

I’m going to enjoy the school festival.

I’m going to go to my high school.

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Lesson 21・How often do you ~? (よく〜するのですか?)【なりきり英語音読】

Lesson 21・How often do you ~? (よく〜するのですか?)【なりきり英語音読】  (c) サマー先生のなりきり英語音読

(c) サマー先生のなりきり英語音読 今回のレッスンは私の新しい書籍、 「12週間で「話せる」が実感できる魔法のなりきり英語音読」からの内容です。ご興味のある方は、お近くの書店、またはAmazonへ是非!


How often do you exercise ? I exercise two time a week at the gym near my office.

Q,How often do you take a bath in a week?A,I almost take a bath every day especially in winter.

How often do you go to the concert?Every two months.I like classical music very much.I go to Osaka to listen to it with my wife.

How often do you surfing? Once a week.I can feel my brain reacting to English.It`s the first feeling.

How often do you go eat Ramen?Two or three times a week!

How often do you eat ice cream?Two or three times a week.

今日は、サマー先生。いつも素敵なレッスン、ありがとうございます。岡村です。よろしくお願いします。How often do you have a Noh chant lesson?- Once a month.『どれくらいの頻度で、謡のレッスンを受けてますか?月に一回です。』との意味で英作しました。添削よろしくお願いします。ありがとうございます。

How often do you have meeting online? Twice or three times a week.

How often do you cook yourself? – Almost everyday.

How often do you take beer?Everyday!

How often do you go out for lunch?Three or four times a week.

How often do you hang out with your friends? Once a week.

How often a week do you do exercise? I often do exercise once a week but the number of times depends on weeks.

How often do you study English?I study English five days a week.

How often do you work from home job?3 times or 4 times a week.

How often do you go to Starbucks coffee ? -Only two or three times a month.I like Matcha tea latte.

How often do you take the English conversation lesson? Once a week.

How often do you part-time job?one to Three times a week.「週、1日から3日」、これで良いでしょうか。

How often do you go to a Hotsprings?a couple times a week

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Lesson 55・いろいろな意味で使える getとhave【なりきり英語音読】

Lesson 55・いろいろな意味で使える getとhave【なりきり英語音読】  (c) サマー先生のなりきり英語音読

(c) サマー先生のなりきり英語音読 今回のレッスンは私の新しい書籍、 「12週間で「話せる」が実感できる魔法のなりきり英語音読」からの内容です。ご興味のある方は、お近くの書店、またはAmazonへ是非!

I had a okonomiyaki party with my friends last Saturday. We had a good time.

I had dinner with my friend last night,we had fun time.I usually get stomachache and headache.

I had a drinking party with my friends on web (Zoom). Because it was too fun, we had a hangover.

I had a dinner with my friends in Parking Area. Long time no eat a Katsudon, I was so happy.

I just had dinner with my wife. She prepared it, but I had made lunch for her this afternoon. We think both were very good. Thank you for the lesson, Summer-sensei.

Hi,Ms.Summer.Thank you for this lesson.今回の使ってみようWe had farewell party for coworker.We had a good time. See you next lesson.

Although I ‘ve never had hay fever before , I might get it this year.

Hi teacher Summer!I’m always watching your videos.Btw, can you make a video about ‘as’?

Hi! Summer-sensei! There are much pollen recently. So, I have a fever a little. And covid -19 infection is spreading now. So I’ve not have a meal with my friends.

サマー先生質問です。chapter11復習会話3A best place to のtoB listening to the のtoの音声変化について質問です。Aのtoは前後に母音があるため、タではなく、ダにならないのですか?また、Bの〜ing のあとのtoは、人によってダやナになるとtoの音声変化の動画で学んだのですが、カタカナではタになっています。お時間ある時教えてくだされば嬉しいです!音声変化頑張ります!


I don’t have a meal with my friends recently.of course I’d like to that.but,I can’t go out because of covid-19

I had a good dream yesterday.

I’m going to have a grandchild in June this year.

We can’t have a party recently because of the Corona crisis.

I had a lunch in the restaurant with my wife yesterday.

I had a bad dream a week ago.I traveled somewhere and got to an old house.I thought I stayed there for one night.I had a good sleep but a monkey came into my room.It attacked me suddenly.I had a fight with it.Then I woke up and had a bad feeling.

I had a good dream that I speak English. 英語を話してるいい夢を見ました。質問なのですが、例文のI’m having lunch with my friend. We’re having a good time.で、lunchの前に a が付かないのはなぜでしょうか?lunchも名詞なのになぜなんだろうと、疑問に思いました。

My co-worker seemed tired, so We got to pub.

I usually have a meal alone.I’m sad.I wish I could have a dinner with Summer san.Recently I didn’t have any parties.There are no babies in my house.I was a pretty baby long time ago.I sometimes have a nightmare.Recently I didn’t catch a cold.I think it’s a good thing.

Lesson 17・She does ~ (彼女は普段〜します)【なりきり英語音読】

Lesson 17・She does ~ (彼女は普段〜します)【なりきり英語音読】  (c) サマー先生のなりきり英語音読

(c) サマー先生のなりきり英語音読 今回のレッスンは私の新しい書籍、 「12週間で「話せる」が実感できる魔法のなりきり英語音読」からの内容です。ご興味のある方は、お近くの書店、またはAmazonへ是非!

My favorite guitarist plays in concert every summer.I see his concert.

Jane plays guitar every afternoon.I play piano.For this sentence, do I need to add an article to (the) piano or(the) guitar?

My younger brother listens to classic.I listen to Roc.

元々本場のイギリスのロンドンなまりでは「I plays the piano」などのように「I」や「you」などにもsが付いていて簡略化の方向で三人称単数だけが残ったそうです。そういう英語の変化の流れを知るとさらに理解しやすくなります。

My son plays guitar and sings a song every midnight. I can’t sleep well.

My boss drinks coffee always. I drink tea in milk sometimes.


My husband drinks at least two cans of beer everyday but l drink it only at friend’s and relative’s gathering.

My friend gets up early on weekends. I sleep in on weekends.

Hi Ms.Summer!今回の使ってみようです。My son works at night.I work at day.Thanks for this lesson.See you next.

My boss runs before work every morning. I sleep until work.

My wife watches South Korean TV drama everyday.I watch TV drama of USA .I like “blind Spot” especially.

My sister does stretching gymnastics.I usually do physical training.

My mother drinks coffee every morning. I drink green tea.

My husband sleeps late at night every day.� I sleep early.

My girlfriend watches Netflix every night. I watch Hulu.

My brother doesn’t like an onion. I like it.私の弟は玉ねぎが嫌いです。私は好きです。

My girlfriend drives a tank every day. I drive a tricycle sometimes in the morning!!

I have a dog. It eats dog-food every morning and evening.The dog is toy-poodle. It has come to my house since the end of March last year. It is the first time for me and my family to have a dog.

My friend often eats out for dinner. I always eat at home.

Lesson 32・「現在形」 と「現在進行形」 の使い分け【なりきり英語音読】

Lesson  32・「現在形」 と「現在進行形」 の使い分け【なりきり英語音読】  (c) サマー先生のなりきり英語音読

(c) サマー先生のなりきり英語音読 今回のレッスンは私の新しい書籍、 「12週間で「話せる」が実感できる魔法のなりきり英語音読」からの内容です。ご興味のある方は、お近くの書店、またはAmazonへ是非!


Hi,Ms.Summer.Thank you for this lesson.今回の使ってみよう。I’m not singing at karaoke now,but I’m going there once a week.See you next lesson!

I’m reading a novel ,but I usually read Japanese Manga.

I’m reading a novel ,but I usually read Japanese Manga.

とてもためになる動画ありがとうございます!英文チェックお願いします。I’m not doing a volunteer today, but I usually do it on Thursdays. It’s not snowing today, but it usually snows this time of year in Canada.

I’m taking the Yamanote Line to work, but I usually take the bus.

I’m not listening to the radio, but I usually listen to the radio while doing housework.

Due to the coronavirus,I’m not working today.But I usually go out to work everyday.

I don’t take my dog for a walk because of rain today, but I usually do it every morning.

I’m not working today, but I usually work on day time of week day 🙂

I’m not reading books today,but I usually read books.

I’m practicing golf to hit balls at the driving range this morning, but I usually don’t practice on Tuesdays.I usually do it on Wednesdays.I can get twenty balls for free on Wednesdays.That’s why I usually go there then.

My wife usually cooks breakfast everyday, but I’m cooking today.

I’m not cooking this morning, but I usually chop various vegetables to make salads. Additionally, I use mayonnaise (メイヨネィズ) which was self made.【質問】He’s not working today, but he usually works on Wednesdays.この例文でWednesdayに複数形のsを付けているのに違和感を感じるのですが、一般的に用いられる表現ですか?every Wednesdayに置き換えると変ですか?

Good evening. Is this all right?I’m playing the electric guitar and not playing the classic guitar today. But I usually play the classic guitar.I’m looking forward to Ms.Summer’s next lesson.いつも楽しみにしてますという場合はI look forward to~となりますか?

I’m not asleep yet today.So, I’m staying up late. But I’m usually asleep at this time.

I am studying English on YouTube now, but I usually don’t study .

はじめまして!動画とても参考になります💕チェックお願いします😌I’m eating spicy food today,but i don’t usually eat spicy food.

My son usually live in Nagoya with his family but he Is living in Tokyo by himself.I’m eating bread now, but I usually eat rice for breakfast.

I’m not sending telepathy today, but I usually Send telepathy☺️ 📡🌊

