
サマー先生のなりきり英語音読(おすすめch紹介) チャンネル紹介
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Lesson 20・I know him. (私は彼を知っている)【なりきり英語音読】

Lesson 20・I know him. (私は彼を知っている)【なりきり英語音読】  (c) サマー先生のなりきり英語音読

(c) サマー先生のなりきり英語音読 今回のレッスンは私の新しい書籍、 「12週間で「話せる」が実感できる魔法のなりきり英語音読」からの内容です。ご興味のある方は、お近くの書店、またはAmazonへ是非!


I get high on you. Thank you very much. HOMEWORK: My cat�s name is ROSIO, but we call her Chiyo.

今日は、サマー先生。いつも素敵なレッスン、ありがとうございます。岡村です。よろしくお願いします。My name is Masatoshi, but everybody calls me “Benchan”. Because the name of my shop is “Bentendou(辨天堂)”.『僕の名前は、昌利(まさとし)ですが、皆は、「べんちゃん」と呼びます。なぜなら内に店の名前が、べんてんどう(辯天堂)だからです。』と言う意味で英作しました。添削よろしくお願いします。ありがとうございます。

My favorite sweets are Baumkuchen. But we often call it Baum.

My brother’s name is Takuto, but we calls him “Taku-chan”.私の弟の名前はタクトです。でも、みんなは彼を「たくちゃん」と呼びます。

My nephew’s name is SHINICHI, but everybody call him SHIN-CHAN.

書籍のLesson 20にある…I work with her at…の「with her at」の聞き取りができません。。また別の動画ででも、どのように音声変化しているのかを教えてもらえると嬉しいです。


Nice to meet you!Recently,I bought this text book and started studying.質問です。My mother sometimes calls me on the phone.でも間違いではないですか?

質問があります。英語を話すYouTuberの方で、動画の最初に Hey, It’s~.と自分の名前を言うのですがI’m とIt’sの使い分けを教えてもらいたいです!よろしくお願いします😄サマー先生の動画のなかの言葉(Believe that it IS possible to learn to speak the language fluently.)を手帳に書きました😄❇がんばります!

His name was Michael, but everybody called him the Godfather.

My name is Temperance、but agent Booth calls me ”bones”.

My name is Hiroshi, but everybody calls me Hero(Hiro).

My son’s name is IYORI, but everybody calls him I-chan or I-kun.

My cat’s name is myuta,but my family call him mimi-chan.

My colleague teacher’s name is Masashi, but everybody calls him Mongol-Jin. Because he is an expert on Mongolian history.

I’m Takahito. But everybody call me “Taka”.

My wife’s name is Concepcion, but everybody calls her Connie. She is so charming.

My bird’s name is Piyokichi,but everybody calls him Piyochan.

He is Takeshi. We call him Jack.

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Lesson 27・I want ~ (〜が欲しい・したい)【なりきり英語音読】

Lesson 27・I want ~ (〜が欲しい・したい)【なりきり英語音読】  (c) サマー先生のなりきり英語音読

(c) サマー先生のなりきり英語音読 今回のレッスンは私の新しい書籍、 「12週間で「話せる」が実感できる魔法のなりきり英語音読」からの内容です。ご興味のある方は、お近くの書店、またはAmazonへ是非!

Last week, I went to BKK for thee days alone. I want to go Chenmai in Thailand with my family.

What do you want to do next year ?I wanna visit Venice in Italy for the first time in ages.I’m worried that Venice seems to be in trouble because of the rise of the sea now.

Hi,Ms.Summer.Thank you also this lesson.今回の使ってみようI want to go see the Tokyo Olympics next year.See you next lesson!

I want to run the New York City marathon next year.

I want to be a native someday.

I want to go on a trip to Hawaii next year.I want to go shopping and eating steak.

I want to go to New Zealand and watch a rugby game.

I want to change jobs this year. I want to work welcoming foreign tourists visiting Japan.But… 新型コロナウィルス騒動でそれどころではなくなってしまいました😢

Q1. I want to be able to speak English by next year, because most of the people at work are foreigners. Q2. I want to go to Maldives which is called the paradise of southern countries.Q3. I want to buy a smart watch.

I want to go Spain next year.

Which is correct, “I want to live in tokyo.”, or “I want to live in Tokyo.” ?

I want to go to Spain.But due to coronavirus.I can’t travel abroad.😭Ms.Summer,Please take care of your health.


I want to go to Hawai next year.

I want to live in US with my family. I want to go to the baseball stadium in US. I want to buy my house.

I want to see the Olympics next year.I want …I wish I could go to Walt Disney World in Florida.I want to buy a new car.

want (~がほしい) はかなり 表現が強い単語のようで Sydney (Australia) の McDonalds で”I want A set.” と言ったら、店員に一瞬ムッとされました。やはりここは “I’ll take A set.” と言うべきだったんですかねえ。 Summer 先生は、fast food のお店で どう頼みますか?何と言って注文しますか?

What do you want to do next year? – I want to work in Canada.

I want to work in a different place next year. I need experience.

I want to play baseball next year. I need muscle body!😎I want to go to Poland🇵🇱 I went Ponchaki🥴I went to buy New York city🍟 I need big name‼︎😏

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Lesson 44・I might ~ (〜するかもしれません)【なりきり英語音読】

Lesson 44・I might ~ (〜するかもしれません)【なりきり英語音読】  (c) サマー先生のなりきり英語音読

(c) サマー先生のなりきり英語音読 今回のレッスンは私の新しい書籍、 「12週間で「話せる」が実感できる魔法のなりきり英語音読」からの内容です。ご興味のある方は、お近くの書店、またはAmazonへ是非!

You should record some videos of “ present perfect” and “past perfect”. You might be able to get a lot of views (whisper)

Hi,Ms.Summer.Thanks for this lesson.今回の使ってみようYou should go the party.You’ll get it right.If you don’t go into a trap,you won’t get a tiger.See you next lesson.

You should go on a date with him.He might tell you “I love you “.

You should learn about using Excel’s VBA function. It might help you do your job.

You should go to the golf school to learn how to play golf.I recommend you to learn it by the personal instructor.You might be a good golfer quickly.

You should take a sauna. You may feel really relaxed.

You should make a friends.You might enjoy the school.

You(my daughter) should eat dinner more earlier.You might have a time for playing with me before sleeping.

You should talk with lots of people,you might get knowledge.

You should do exercise. You might sleep well in the night.

you should swim in the pool. you might become cool.

You should study you might have confidence yourself.

You should try not to take sugger.I`t might make you feel less tired.

You should buy the book written by Summer Rane.It might be sold out soon.

You should say positive words. You might feel changes something inside of you. ポジティブな事を口にするといいよ。そうしたら、あなたの中の何かが変わるのを感じるかも。と言いたいですが、どうでしょうか?

you should go hospial.you might get rerief.病院へ行くのは恐いけど行けば安心しますよ、と言いたいです。

You should sleep more. You might feel better after that.娘が具合悪いのでこの文考えてみました。質問です。may notとmight notは、「してはいけない」の意味もあると思いますがあってますか?使い分けは文脈で判断するしかないですか?

You should ask her schedule. She might be busy these days.

You should apply that job, you might get one

We should be careful.There might be a danger.

Lesson 50・便利な一言返答・Sure. (もちろんいいですよ)【なりきり英語音読】

Lesson 50・便利な一言返答・Sure. (もちろんいいですよ)【なりきり英語音読】  (c) サマー先生のなりきり英語音読

(c) サマー先生のなりきり英語音読 今回のレッスンは私の新しい書籍、 「12週間で「話せる」が実感できる魔法のなりきり英語音読」からの内容です。ご興味のある方は、お近くの書店、またはAmazonへ是非!

Hello. Thank you for making good educational video everytime!I have a question. Please answer if you can?You said in your example sentense “Can you call me in about ten minutes?”.Does “in about” mean “ten minutes later”?Can I say “Can you call me about ten minutes later?”Is the sentence same meaning with yours? By the way, I am watching and studing by your video everyday.I hope continue your channel for long time!



I don’t understand how to use “ I’m Okay. Thank you.”We walked for a long time. Why don’t we take a rest?I’m Okay. Thank you.Is this right to use them?


サマー先生、質問です。カジュアルの場面では、No problem の代わりに No worry を使っても同じ意味になりますか?


I’m really sorry for posting something unrelated to the video. But I will do my best to speak English! Dr. Summer, please be your teacher


At Cafe.Would you like some drinks?I’m okay,Thank you.

prime english はCDで販売するじゃなくて、youtubeで有料で売ってませんか?そっちの方が、楽だし。口の動きも見れるかなと


いつもありがとうございます。May I use the bathroom?Sure. Go ahead.友達宅におじやまして、トイレを借りたい時、これであっていますか? よろしくお願いします。

karaoke tonight が何度再生してもKitchen tonightにしか聞き取れないwwww

最近日本人でも大丈夫ですという人が多いけれどあれは”I’m OK”から来ているんだな。。。

Can I borrow this pen.Yes , please.I’m tired. Let’s call an Uber.What’s Uber ?Oh , it’s a taxi.I’m agreed. Shall we go Dutch ?Would you like some coffee ?Yes , I’d like it.Please don’t take pictures here.Oh , sorry. I did not know.Can you call me in about ten minutes ?Yes , I will.Go ahead and take a free sample.Thank you. May I take twos ?Questionin ten minutes 10分後in ten days 10日後ではなく 10日以内正しいでしょうか?Could you help me ?Please help me. だと 不適切でしょうか?

Can you call me in about ten minutes?を以下のような感じでいつも言っていました。→Can you call me around ten minutes later?会話だとin about〜という方が自然でしょうか。

Lesson 49・提案や申し出をするときの表現・How about ~ ? (〜はどうですか?)【なりきり英語音読】

Lesson 49・提案や申し出をするときの表現・How about ~ ? (〜はどうですか?)【なりきり英語音読】  (c) サマー先生のなりきり英語音読

(c) サマー先生のなりきり英語音読 今回のレッスンは私の新しい書籍、 「12週間で「話せる」が実感できる魔法のなりきり英語音読」からの内容です。ご興味のある方は、お近くの書店、またはAmazonへ是非!

Could you eat row fish? If you can, how about we go to my favorite sushi restaurant? Food is fresh and good.

Hi,Ms.Summer. Thanks for this lesson.今回の使ってみようHow about we run around the Kokyogaien National Gardens?皇居外苑の周りを走りませんか?See you next lesson.Bye!

How about we talk about the recent topics about the new coronavirus ?


How about we play golf at the suburb of Kyoto, Summer?Now the leaves are turning red and yellow.It must be fantastic and grand.We can enjoy playing and watching them at the same time.

How about we make a blood donation?コロナの混乱で、献血する人が減っているようです。

How about we go to Izakaya after work?

How about S + V って初めて聞きました

Next, how about riding Big Thunder Mountain?こんにちは。いつもありがとうございます。大分間が空いてしまいましたが、今日からまた頑張ります。

How about having a drink at a newly opened bar right after work.

How about we buy a new equipment for online lessons.

Hi! Summer-sensei! How about we have a rest?

How about we have a cup of coffee?

How about drinking?That’s good idea.How about we go to the Torikizoku?Okay.サマー先生、いかがでしょうか?

How about we drink on Zoom tonight?

How about we go to the Italian restaurant and eat dinner evening.

How about we run the Sumida river?

How about trying the newly opened Italian restaurant?Maybe we could order a 18 inch pizza and share it.

How about we go to having sushi with teacher Summar.

How about we go to the cafe?

