
サマー先生のなりきり英語音読(おすすめch紹介) チャンネル紹介
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Lesson 18・I don’t ~ (私は〜しません)【なりきり英語音読】

Lesson 18・I don't ~ (私は〜しません)【なりきり英語音読】  (c) サマー先生のなりきり英語音読

(c) サマー先生のなりきり英語音読 今回のレッスンは私の新しい書籍、 「12週間で「話せる」が実感できる魔法のなりきり英語音読」からの内容です。ご興味のある方は、お近くの書店、またはAmazonへ是非!


Hi,Ms.Summer.Thanks for this lesson.今回の使ってみようI don’t sing at karaoke anymore.See you!

Thank you, Ms. Summer. I don�t go to the japanese bar, Izakaya, anymore.

今日は、サマー先生。素敵なレッスン、ありがとうございます。岡村です。よろしくお願いします。I don’t play the pottery as a hobby anymore.『もう今は、趣味の作陶はしていません。』と言う意味で英作してみましたが、I don’t attend the pottery class anymore.でも、通じますか?アメリカでも、陶芸を教える講座みたいなもって、有るのかしら?添削よろしくお願いします。ありがとうございます。

Thank you, Ms. Summer. I don’t come back to you anymore.

Hi! Summer. How are you. I’m fine. Thank you for always correcting.I don’t go to live bar’s anymore.

I don’t go skiing anymore.As I’m getting old, I don’t want to hurt in my leg.

I don’t go to a public gambling game anymore. Neither do I smoke. I want to concentrate my time and effort on the goals that I have had for a long time.

She doesn’t come to meet me anymore.Meetに関連して2回目以降に会ったときはseeを使うと習ったのですが運命的に逢えたときはNice to see you again. より Nice to meet you again.の方がいいと思うのですが、どうなんでしょうか?

I don’t drink after work anymore. I used to drink almost everyday.

I don’t update my English blog anymore.I had written a blog in English, but I wrote the last article about three year ago.

I don’t go to pachinko parlor anymore.How do you know about pachinko, Summer Sensei ?

You say “I don’t like winter”?(cause your name is Summer)I don’t to be enraged any more(I was so crank)

I don’t go to the club anymore.

I don’t play the guitar anymore.

I always don’t go to restaurant and bar.Because of COVID-19.I don’t always go to the sushi restaurant.

I don’t ride a bicycle anymore.私はもう自転車に乗りません。

I don’t play the kabaddi anymore.^_^

I don’t drink coffee with sugar anymore. I recently drink the black coffee.

I don’t go to a drinking party anymore, because of Coronavirus.

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Lesson 39・I used to ~ (昔はよく〜しました)【なりきり英語音読】

Lesson 39・I used to ~ (昔はよく〜しました)【なりきり英語音読】  (c) サマー先生のなりきり英語音読

(c) サマー先生のなりきり英語音読 今回のレッスンは私の新しい書籍、 「12週間で「話せる」が実感できる魔法のなりきり英語音読」からの内容です。ご興味のある方は、お近くの書店、またはAmazonへ是非!



Hi,Ms.Summer.Thanks for this lesson.今回の使ってみよう。I used to draw comics when I was a kid.See you next lesson.

used toとbe used to ~ingの違いは大学受験でもTOEICでもTOEFLでもよく出そうなところ。。。

I used to write a blog every day when I was in college.

I used to go to Todaiji temple when I lived in Nara.

I used to play Kendo when I was junior high school students

I used to go running every weekend, when I was young.

I used to go to Roppongi every night when I was single 🙂

I used to hang around all day, when I was a college student.

I used to play electric organ when I was a kid

I used to watch the stars when l was an elementary school student.

I used to go Okinawa on vacation when I was a little girl.

I used to draw when I was a little boy.I could see the sheep inside the box.こんばんは。いつもありがとうございます。would の代わりにcould だと、昔は〜できたものだ と言うニュアンスにはならないですか?

I used to read books when I was an elementary school student.

I used to stay up all night when I was young.When I was young, I used to pull an all nighter to finish my work.It’s only a retrospective.

I used to go running when I was in elementary school. But after I got my lower back pain, I seldom go running. Now I often ride an electronic bike.

I used to feed cat when I was living in parents home.

I used to play basketball when I was young.

I used to play outdoor when I was a kid.

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Lesson 57・aとtheの使い分け【なりきり英語音読】

Lesson 57・aとtheの使い分け【なりきり英語音読】  (c) サマー先生のなりきり英語音読

(c) サマー先生のなりきり英語音読 今回のレッスンは私の新しい書籍、 「12週間で「話せる」が実感できる魔法のなりきり英語音読」からの内容です。ご興味のある方は、お近くの書店、またはAmazonへ是非!




Hi,Ms.Summer.Thanks for this lesson.12箇所中4箇所間違えてました。細かいところまで意識できてないのでしょうか?でも楽しいです。

比較級最上級の前に必ずTHEが使われるので、それが一番分かりやすい。あとはthe sea the sun the sky the moonとかも、この世のみんなが知ってるひとつ物ではtheが使われますよね?

初めまして。とてもためになる動画いつも有り難うございます。ずっと観ていて気づいたことなのですが、STEP1で聞き取りやすい時と聞き取り難い時があります。今回のSTEP1の例文「The manager of this store is a clever guy」で、発音の塊が”maneger of”,”this store is a”となっていますが、日本人の私からすると主語の”The maneger of this store”の塊の方が聞き取りやすい様に思います。ネイティブの方の発音の区切り方に何か法則はあるのでしょうか?



Hello, Summer-sensei.I just made some sentences as follows. Please take a look at these. The lessons Summer-sensei provides are very helpful for me. She is a great teacher of mine. And I assume her hobby is to play the piano. I wish I could bump into her at a station in Chiba.Thank you always, Summer-sensei.



I did it ! perfect ! I don’t know the reason. But I learnd the mistery about the ‘the’.



myなどの所有格と一緒に使わないと言うことを言われて気づくやつ。She is a teacher.は数ある先生の中の1人、ていうこと。the teacher.だと、既に話題に出てきていて共通認識であること、て感じですかね!ちょっとだけわかった気がします😂


I had two mistake.For “I bought a souvenir for my friend.”, I selected “the” because I think that it is specified.Could you explain why reason ‘a’ is correct?

サマー先生質問です。このlesson57のなりきり音読5番の例文にある、The men’s bathroom is on the first floor,and the women’s is the second floor.のthe women’s isを発音する時は通常会話ではBe動詞は短縮して話すとlesson1で学びましたが、こういう’s ‘sのように続く場合は、is と短縮せず話したらいいですか?CDを何度聞いても、isと短縮せずに話してるように聞こえます。またお時間あるときありましたらよろしくお願いいたします。また、この例文の下の例文The end of the movie is so sad.なんですが、end ofは繋がってエンダブとおもいながらCDを聞いたら、サマー先生はend ofと切り離して離されてました。子音と母音は繋がらないこともあるんですか?

In case of superlative,should I use “the”? She’s the most close friend of mine.

Recently I see and hear the word, COVID-19, in news. Why does’n it have “the” ?

Lesson 58・会話でbecomeよりも頻出・get ~ (〜になる)【なりきり英語音読】

Lesson 58・会話でbecomeよりも頻出・get ~ (〜になる)【なりきり英語音読】  (c) サマー先生のなりきり英語音読

(c) サマー先生のなりきり英語音読 今回のレッスンは私の新しい書籍、 「12週間で「話せる」が実感できる魔法のなりきり英語音読」からの内容です。ご興味のある方は、お近くの書店、またはAmazonへ是非!

I reached watching your video until lesson 58. I think that I’m getting only little better English in writing, reading and speaking more than before watching video. But regarding hearing, I cannot yet feel it improving at all.😢😢

How can someone get good at speaking English ? In my opinion, “Shadowing English” is the best way to learn English. Some say that if you can shadow English phrase after natives speaking in 100 %, you almost completely understand English.

When I went to my parent’s grave last year, I got lost in spite of the google map.I got angry at it why it couldn’t tell me how to get there correctly.But I might give it a bad information.I hear aged people should eat a lot of meat .I often ate lots of meat recently for dinner .Now I come to get sick of it.In my opinion, the way to learn English is to watch your videos and speak loudly idioms and sentences that we learn from your videos.I speak them repeatedly and I say about my daily event by myself.But I sometimes get sick of doing it.

I’m going to eat out tonight because I’m getting sick of leftover stew.残り2つのlessonになりました☺毎日継続して、最後まで達成できそうです!!☺✨あと2日間がんばります!



I get angry easily, when I’m hungry!!

The last time I got lost is when I was 5 years old.

Hi! Summer-sensei! Do you ever get angry? When? Yes, I do. When I get irritated, I get angry. But I recently don’t have it, I think. According to my wife, I’m short temper.

I got lost last weekend in Shimokitazawa. The road is narrow there.I get angry when my son hits me.I’m getting sick of bread because I have it every morning.

When it gets hot outside, I get the day off and go to the trip.

while i was studying english using a lot of text book i got lost way to study it.

I like to do the laundry. Clothes get dry well and smell good.

My English is getting better because I always study with Summer sensei’s book and YouTube videos. Is it correct? 😌

I’m getting lost all my life. I feel anger at myself anytime, so I’ve really tired of getting angry. I’m getting good at speaking English, because I’m watching this channel everyday… I’m becoming liar

Hello, Summer-sensei. There are so many videos to learn English on the net. I was getting really confused to find the best one for me at the beginning. After seeing a lot, there are two channels that are survived for me. Of course one is yours. And the other is Nic-sensei’s. I have come to respect the two teachers. That’s because you and he have genuine enthusiasm at teaching English. Furthermore you and he do it by using beautiful Japanese. I could assume how you and he have studied Japanese. I hope I’m getting more and more alike you and him. I’m not sure the last sentence is correct, but it would able to tell you my feelings, I think. And I will answer one of your today’s questions. In my opinion, listening to good English and practicing it out loud repeatedly are good ways to learn English. It is also important to practice changing the subject and paraphrasing negative sentences and question sentences. There is overwhelmed difference between having knowledge about English and being able to say it in English, I think. Knowledge can be acquired by only looking and listening, but a lot of practice is inevitable to speak. Sorry about saying as if I know everything, but that’s my conclusion after studying English by myself for about seven years. Anyway, I’d like to continue learning English until I can speak fluently. Thank you so much for the lesson.

I’m getting sick of instant noodles. (I am at home most of the time recently.)

I got lost 3years ago in TaiwanWhen I went on a trip with my friend.

I got angry for my wife in 10 June 2020.I like to swim in the pool when it gets hot outsides.

Someone should speak the same sentence many times.

Lesson 23・What time? What country? (何時?どの国?)【なりきり英語音読】

Lesson 23・What time? What country? (何時?どの国?)【なりきり英語音読】  (c) サマー先生のなりきり英語音読

(c) サマー先生のなりきり英語音読 今回のレッスンは私の新しい書籍、 「12週間で「話せる」が実感できる魔法のなりきり英語音読」からの内容です。ご興味のある方は、お近くの書店、またはAmazonへ是非!

Do you like coffee?I love coffee.My favorite time is staying at home by myself and watching Korien dramas over some coffee and chocolate.I’ve heard Seattle is very famous for coffee .It is an original place of Starbucks and Tully’s ,right ?l think there are a lot of delicious coffee shops there. What shops do you ,your friends or family recommend ? I really want to visit your hometown some day and enjoy coffee.

おかげさまで毎日、継続できています。例文のWhat kind ofとkindsの使い方はその後のfoodとmoviesの違いかと思いますが、何故映画が複数で食べ物は単数なのか、分かりません。

What kind of food do you usually eat?

What size of clothes�do you usually wear?- I wear medium.

今日は、サマー先生。いつも素敵なレッスン、ありがとうございます。岡村です。よろしくお願いします。What state dose she come back in summer vacation?ーMassachusetts state.What city dose she live in?ーBoston.What language dose she speak?ーShe`s bilingual in Americanism and Japanese.『夏休みに彼女はどこから帰ってきますか。ーマサチューセッツ州からです。 何処に住んでいますか。-ボストンです。 何語を話しますか。-アメリカ英語と日本語との二カ国語を話します。』と言う意味で英作しました。添削よろしくお願いします。ありがとうございます。

What city does he play in concert?He plays in Berlin.

Hi,Ms.Summer.Thank you alsotoday’slesson.今回の使ってみようWhat kind of work do you want in Japan?See you next lesson!

What kind of music do you like ? I like hearing folk songs.

What day do you usually go to workout?

What province do you live in Thailand ? (I’m going to visit Thailand next week.)

What language do you usually speak?I usually speak Japanese, but I can speak Spanish.

What medicine do you usually take?

Naoto “What language do you speak?”John “I speak Spanish and Chinese, but I don’t know Japanese.Naoto “No worry! let’s talk in Spanish!”John ” Thanks for taking care”Naoto “You’re welcome!!”

What city are you from in Japan? I’m from Kanagawa near Tokyo

What time is it (now)? や What’s the time?  時間を聞くときのカジュアルな言い方だそうですが知らない人や目上の人には Do you have the time? というのが丁寧と聞きました。本当でしょうか?

初めて質問します。いつも楽しく拝見しています。説明の中で「What kind(s) of ~」とありましたが、「kind」と「kinds」の使い分けが分からないので教えてください。

Good evening. Is this all right?There are lot of restaurants here. What kind of food do you like?I’m looking forward to Ms.Summer’s next lesson.

What country do you want to go? Recently,I want to go to UK.

What city do you like the best?

What country are you from?What food do you like ?

