gurune kreatif poel(おすすめch紹介)

gurune kreatif poel(おすすめch紹介) チャンネル紹介
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Making Aquarium Decorations for Guppy Fish – MINI AQUARIUM DIORAMA FROM CARDBOARD BOXES

Making Aquarium Decorations for Guppy Fish - MINI AQUARIUM DIORAMA FROM CARDBOARD BOXES  (c) gurune kreatif poel

(c) gurune kreatif poel Making Aquarium Decorations for Guppy Fish – MINI AQUARIUM DIORAMA FROM CARDBOARD BOXES extraordinary, and you can make this homemade …

Stunningly beautiful! I’m marvelling @ your masterpiece. Good that you ❤️ & enjoy your work… 💪🏻👍🏼

Wah keren banget aquascape dengan konsep bantaran kali ciliwung ini, sampe dibikin ban segala buat diatas genteng 😭😭

I just discovered you channel now, and I’m loving it!!

I’m not done watching you finish it and I’m loving it already. You’re so great with all your creation.Thanks a lot for sharing.By the way , could I use cement on the little house ?

I first saw the Cascade with ciment and Styrofoam scenario and now I’m inspired to made a similar project.

Excelente muy bueno me fascin� el gran trabajo

금손~~ ^_^&

Bang req buat kolam kura kura yg estetik bang 😁 buat referensi 😅

Excellent work and talent to create house atop the tank.My only critique are the 2 round black objects at the front of the roof on the house.They look like tires and I cant figure out what are these supposed to be representing ??

Tolong dimasukan di deskripsi apa apa saja alat yg anda gunakan. Agar yg masih pemula seperti saya bisa ikut belajar 🙏 nmisalnya no.1 glue gun atau lem tembak 2.lem alteco 3.cutter berbentuk pulpen saya ga tau apa itu namanya .. maksudnya biar sya bisa cari alat2nya di toped atau shopee

Can I ask how long and wide the tank is, thank you very much

Wahh mntap nihh hehe konsep baru untuk mini aquascape , sukses terus mas🙏

Hasil yg indah dari tangan kratip dan jenius 👍👍👍👍😍

Ayo mas tetap semangat….saya tunggu ide kreatif yang lainnya…


Keren sekali …Sangat menginspirasi

Keren skali bang




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Aquarium Decoration Ideas At Home / Turning Ceramics Into Multi-storey Waterfall Aquarium Dioramas

Aquarium Decoration Ideas At Home / Turning Ceramics Into Multi-storey Waterfall Aquarium Dioramas  (c) gurune kreatif poel

(c) gurune kreatif poel Aquarium Decoration Ideas At Home / Turning Ceramics Into Multi-storey Waterfall Aquarium Dioramas Hopefully this aquarium decoration ideas at home is …

That is awesome. I love watching you. Thank you

I loved it. 💯👏👏👏🆒 relaxing.


Very relaxing👍

Subhanallah….. Sangat indah bikin pikiran tenang. Sukses selalu Mz.

Superb aquarium if possible kindly send me the measurements of this aquarium I will try to make this

Masyaalloh kreatif bangeeeet..

mantulll!!! jadi terinspirasi….

Well Maintained ❤️

Luar biasa bang,bisa di tiru ni ilmunya…., semoga sukses selalu buat sampean bang

Salut sih kreatif tanpa batas. Idenya luarbiasa bang

Amazing and beautiful

Nice job❤️😍

What did you used to fill water in second level? please

Luar biasa 👍🏿👍🏿

Ajib kang, jadi pengen nih… HeheheKira ” Mahar berapa kang aquarium nya

Mantuuuuuuuul banget bang……. Good luck ya bang… Sukses terus buat karya”nya

Skil karya tingkat dewa pak…gila� keren banget!!

Lucu, unik, out of the box…. Bener2 keren

esta precioso pero cuando tengas q limpiar los cristales de arriba tienes q vaciar medio acuario

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Making Waterfall Aquarium Amazing with Wood and Styrofoam

Making Waterfall Aquarium Amazing with Wood and Styrofoam  (c) gurune kreatif poel

(c) gurune kreatif poel Making Waterfall Aquarium Amazing with Wood and Styrofoam extraordinary that you can make at home as an indoor waterfall aquarium ideas !

я конечно не специалист в аквариумном деле, но как мне кажется рыбкам нужен еще компрессор для воздуха, да и прибор для поддержания определенной температуры (совмещенный ТЭН с термометром). но, повторюсь, я не спец и возможно того что есть достаточно

Muito lindo parab�ns, sou do Brasil

I have seen many people making this.. but the always buy materials.. and that’s where you stand out! Lovely! 🤘❤

mais o� te viennent toutes ces id�es. magnifique comme d’habitude hate de voir le prochain

Ol� seguindo seu canal e encantado com seus aqu�rios .quanto mais ou menos o custo para uma montagem dessa .parab�ns pelo trabalho

Goldfish need a lot more space! At least 20 gallons for them to thrive!

another master piece… i serious cant stop amaze by your work craft.. serious amazing and awesome job well done… hope you can make a bigger scale in future… maybe something like 2 feet size of tank…

Meus parab�ns. Top demais. Muito show.

Amazing and lovely art. Thanks for sharing your talent bro 👍 newly subscribed.

Great work.Totaly amazing.

So beautiful , thanks bro

I really love it

Первый слой как раз таки цемент раствор, а вот второй слой уже используется обмазочная гидроизоляция.

Изумительно! Браво!!!👏👏👏👍👍👍

Bonjour…très belle job👍 qu’elle sont les couleurs utiliser?

Love the video the best one I’ve seen so far keep it up

mantabb semoga bermanfaat dan bekah ilmu yg telah di berikan Aamiin👍

Felicidades amigo me encanto tu trabajo

This aquarium is so beautiful

Our cats would love this

Amazing waterfall ideas mini landscape with Styrofoam – CLIFF WATERFALL DIORAMA

Amazing waterfall ideas mini landscape with Styrofoam - CLIFF WATERFALL DIORAMA  (c) gurune kreatif poel

(c) gurune kreatif poel This is a video on Amazing waterfall ideas mini landscape with Styrofoam – CLIFF WATERFALL DIORAMA exceptional that you can make at home as indoor …

C�mo se hace la casita?Que lindo…felicitaciones!!!


Amei!! voc� � muito talentoso

Ol�…boa tarde…lindo seu trabalho…parab�ns…gostaria de saber se vc passa algum impermeabilizante final na tinta antes de ligar a �gua…

Muy hermosa fuente

Congratulations, incredible waterfall, a query, what kind of paint do you use, the wall paint with which I paint my house.

Parabéns 👏👏👏👏👏

Wow. Amazing 😍😍😍😍😍 very beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

Muy bonito. Excelente trabajo. Que tipo de cemento usas?

Amazing bro, good job. I LIKE IT ❤️❤️❤️

Wow wow wow… I followed your steps and I made a different outcome…. Aquarium floaters ! Same technique, same procedure and materials. You may want to check it.

Excelente v�deo


Ingenious !!!

Best from waste material amazing 👌👌👌👌

What are other options for styrofoams? If this is not for sale in some cities.Thank you.

Benar” indah bgt suhu 🙏 , pokoke mantul karyanya

A mistura � cimento e areia ou s� cimento? Bel�ssimo trabalho!


👍 +подписка.

Aquarium Landscape Waterfall Diorama from Gravel and A Plastic Tray

Aquarium Landscape Waterfall Diorama from Gravel and A Plastic Tray  (c) gurune kreatif poel

(c) gurune kreatif poel Aquarium Landscape Waterfall Diorama from Gravel and A Plastic Tray extraordinary that you can make at home as an indoor waterfall aquarium ideas !

Amo tudo o que voc� faz,parab�ns

It’s so beautiful.

sooooo amazing and beautiful..

Truly Amazing. So creative and artistic expression. I just subscribe to your channel 💗💗💗💗I Love to make diorama too.💖💖

Just brilliant. What sticks did you use please to do the house and bridges

Padrisimo excelente maestro .

Keren mas.Mkasih infonya.Salam🙏🌴👍

Luar biasa bang,,🎉🎉


MASyaALLAH ajiiiiib

Jadi pengen iseng bikin..mantap guru….

Really really nice with the exception of the pipe and elephant which are out of proportion and spoil the aesthetic of the scene. It would look nicer without the pipe and that elephant could never get down that little set of steps. Still admire what you did though.🙏🙏🙏🙏

Luar biasa 👍👍👍

Wooow new idea with stone good job big like for you.🙋🏻‍♀️😍👌👏❤

adoro esses videos

Beautiful design, but not much space for the fish.

Keren bgt bang 👍

Ada ada aja kreatif gurune ini..Mantap…

keren dan kreatif banget diorama air terjun pemandangannya Pak Guru, mantap…!

Bagus bgt pak guru😍

