- Maple+Flat Stone Repotting 平石+楓 石付き楓…
- Think 20 years from now Rock planting 長寿梅…
- Pyracantha Make a bonsai with branches 取り木…
- Let’s make a bonsai Japanese cypress 石化檜…
- This is a real Japanese bonsai…
- Bonsai rescue 傷んだ盆栽を助ける…
- bonsai 盆栽 懸崖キンズ 植え替え…
- Japan bonsai seijuten 盆栽 日本盆栽青樹展…
- Pine’s Mekiri Basics 芽切りの基本 盆栽 bonsai…
Forcibly make a trunk 幹と枝を強制的に作る

(c) 【盆栽しんし】Bonsai shinshi Make the trunk and branches at the same time. You can do various trees.
I love the way you planned the new project starting from this tree!! Absolutely fantastic! Keep up the good work!
Do you also connect the cambium of the little seedling branches to the older tree cambium to make the grafting complete or will the two trees continue to grow as independent plants?I would love to see the results of this technique in other videos. 👍
Great job! The hole you drilled is much larger than the branch of seedlings, how can the hole be filled with growth? Is the seedling branch swollen or the trunk’s cambium seals the hole? Thank, Ben! just want to learn some tree physiology.
Grande conhecimento obrigado por compartilhar 🙏👍 sucesso sempre 🙏
Great video man!Could you please put the names of the tools and materials on the screen or maybe in the description?
Amazing video! what is that gray “play doh” thing you use to seal the branches? Does it have a special function?
At what time of year have you done this amazing work on this tree. Thank you.
Wow que buen trabajo…..!!! impresionante la técnica que usa…!!!! muchas gracias 🙋♀️🙏💖🌲😳
Good job! What is the powder product you mix with the sphagnum moss? Thank you!
We need subtitles on this video,because I haven’t got a clue what you used or what you’ve done.
Muy buenos consejos.
Super projet. Merci pour la vid�o.
really great project. i hope to try this. thank you for sharing…
everything you touch looks amazing 😍
Muy muy buen video gracias!!!!
It looks like the plan is to air layer the top, and grow new branches from that younger tree, which will eventually fuse with the original, then cut the original tree back to end up with 2 much smaller trees?
What type of material that you use to seal back the hole
Genial, muchas gracias
Thank you for this information, what white powder found on moss?
bonsai pine 盆栽 黒松 植え替え

(c) 【盆栽しんし】Bonsai shinshi 大きい黒松の植え替えです。 作業は盆栽教室の先生の園で行っております。 樹は先生の園のものです。
Uau, trabalho sensacional, parabéns 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Magnífico trabajo de artistas, respetando y cuidando a un ser vivo ❤❤❤❤
What a stunning tree! Beautiful work and styling!
👏❤ trocou a terra vermelha por qual material?
what a glorious, beautiful bonsai! there’s nothing more profound and elegant than pine bonsai….
Très beau travail sur ce pin. Merci pour ce partage de connaissances. 👍😉
So much can be learned from watching a master. Thank you.
Parab�ns!!! Um excelente trabalho!!!
Hermoso arbolito me gust� mucho
hermoso yo quiero uno asi
Сколько лет этому дереву? Класс!👍
muito linda a plantas e a arte de mante estas arvores linda e vivas, s� quem ama e sabe o que o planeta precisa sabe.
Espectacular 👍👏👏👏👏👏
Très beau rempotage. Merci pour ce partage . 👍
Beautiful tree perfect work. 🙏
Just curious, why not hose the dirt out of the roots? seems it may do less damage.
Manifique 😍😍
Me encantan yo quiero uno de estos hermosos bons�i
Arigato Bonsai Shi’n Shi. Great way to communicate the technique without words. Thanks for this great video!
Rebuild roots,not branches or trunks

(c) 【盆栽しんし】Bonsai shinshi It’s a way to reshape the roots. Toriki and rooting(Netsugi) were done at the same time.
Wow. Never seen anything like this done before. Look forward to an update on the progress.
can’t say I’ve seen a ground layer/approach graft combo like this before. great work. so cool how you can manipulate a lot of maple species.
Interesting approach, I’m curious about the final result! Another great and inspirational video, thanks for sharing 🙏
The root hormone tissue was an amazing idea! Will be stealing that for future raft projects
Amazing job. Just thank you for sharing in the way you make it. Clear and to the camera, which is more complicated.
Thanks for teaching 🙏Do the roots you graft need to be the same Japanese maple variety or can I use any maple? Example kaede + deshojo? Thanks again! 🙏
I was thinking he was going to layer it and wait for new roots…. I was very surprised when he started grafting the new roots!!! this is really cool.
Incre�ble trabajo, estoy deseando ver el resultado,enhorabuena por los v�deos y gracias por compartir toda esta informaci�n
Very interesting technique! We need a follow-up video. I’d like to see what, if anything, it turned into!
would love to see an update on this
Belíssimo trabalho. 👏👏👏 incrível 👏👏👏. Ja me inscrevi pra prestigiar o canal
The way you work is an inspiration 🙏🏼
Great work as always!!🙏🙏🙏
a very professional job thank you teacher for this video very good job to correct the trunk thanks
At 2:25 I’m curious what the large metal pain is for? Why did you remove the tree from the pot?
Perd�n por mi ignorancia. Pero porqu� rebajar con sierra y gubia el�ctrica el nebari?Entiendo que est� usted injertando ra�ces para mejorar el nebari. Pero ten�a conicidad inicial… No entiendo el cortar parte de la base del tronco
Great idea! I will do that soon
Very good idea, hope it works out. Hope to see a good result. New friend here. Done all.
Thank you for tutorial 👍🙂
Cypress popular in Japan Toriki 石化檜の環状剥皮

(c) 【盆栽しんし】Bonsai shinshi It is a cypress that Toriki and Sashiki can do very easily. You can easily increase the number of bonsai. 石化檜の環状剥皮の様子 …
Oh! I’ve not seen this method of air layering where you bury the whole plant deeper. I’ve only done the thing where you wrap some moss around the cut. This seems like less hassle
Trabajo perfecto, gracias maestro
one of my favourite cypress species, thanks for the nice footage 🙂
Awesome job on a hinoki. How long should it be in the pot for new roots to grow? Thanks for sharing
Exciting! Thank you for sharing. Did you use root hormone or any moss? I’d like to try this.
nice to know i can go for a decent trunk line when purchasing and not have to worry so much about the nebari being perfect.
Very interesting, I did not know this was possible on Hinoki. I will try on a tree that has an ugly graft. Thanks.非常に興味深いことに、これがヒノキで可能だとは知りませんでした。醜い接ぎ木がある木を試してみます。ありがとう。
can you do this with oak tree ?
Would you be able to explain what you were doing carving the trunk? I’m assuming you parted it deeper so that new roots would Sprout from that area
I don’t know why air layering would improve that tree. It already had nice proportions and base.
love the way edited this video, keep doing good stuff I really like it
i didnt know you could airlayer hinoki. thanks for sharing 😁✌🏼
How wonderful ❤️❤️❤️
Beats me too, air layering at that shohin bonsai height would not provide results desired.
Mantap mantap bonsainya
Wow, Amazing Bonsai
Thanks for sharing this!
What is the reason of this procedure? Beautiful tree
Will that cut part root?
Thank you.As the growth on a tree is ever changing, so to must the care taker change to meet the new demands.Will that original root back bud after this procedure? That would be nice.
Make roots Japanese technique 根接ぎの技術

(c) 【盆栽しんし】Bonsai shinshi I will teach you the technique of making roots. Japanese technology for making bonsai.
I will never do this but super interesting and i really appreciate the trust in the plant’s ability to heal in your videos!
Admiro muito seus trabalhos…eles me inspiram a melhorar meu cultivo….obrigado
The way that you film and share these techniques is a gift. Thank you.
The grafting technique is unthinkable! It’s what you want to see a tree would look like a couple of years from now separates a master from a layperson. Thanks for the video clip.
Great! Looking forward to see how it turns out. Also there are some U-shaped nails out there used for holding up fences, think you’re going to love these.
thank you for sharing your techniques with us! love it!
Wow es asombroso todo lo que hemos aprendido con sus fenomenales videos….!!!! Muchas gracias por compartir sus técnicas!!!!🌲🙏🙏🙏🙋♀️💖👍
Amazing! Never have seen this technique! Thank you. Sending warm wishes from Florida!🐊🌴🦩😎
This is really fascinating Bonsai is really an art & science
Your videos are superb, thank you for sharing with us.
This is incredible! Can’t wait for the result.
In a one word, awesome! Congratulations. 👏
grafting by root and branches interesting, I have to do it too up in the olive tree, in a month, first time, thanks for your very useful videos! Thank you
Wow, you are a bonsai pro👌👌
Ability to see the long game: 15 out of 10 … incredible technique.
Ilmu yang luar biasa … Terimakasih sudah memberikan ilmu bonsai …
This is unique content and I certainly appreciate your sharing, thank you! I am a bit puzzled why is the other root attached to the main plant? Can anyone tell me?
Love your videos, keep posting, great work. Thank you!!!
thread and approach grafts work so well with maples.👍
Wow… amazing techniques 😲