【盆栽しんし】Bonsai shinshi(おすすめch紹介)

【盆栽しんし】Bonsai shinshi(おすすめch紹介) チャンネル紹介
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忌み枝・忌み根を切る 楡欅の植え替え bonsai replanting

忌み枝・忌み根を切る 楡欅の植え替え bonsai replanting  (c) 【盆栽しんし】Bonsai shinshi

(c) 【盆栽しんし】Bonsai shinshi 忌み枝、忌み根があるニレ欅の植え替えです。 しっかりとした植え替えをしないと忌み根が残る良い例となりました。 これから10年かけて …

Muchas gracias por ense�arnos y por los subt�tulos en espa�ol.

Gracias maestro por compartir las clases magistrales en español.👍

Gracias por las traducciones! Son de mucha ayuda! Hermoso olmo!

Muy bueno gracias por los subt�tulos en espa�ol

I�m subscribed to several bonsai channels and your blog is actually one of the best. Everything looks clean, well cared, clean tools, careful plant handling, good illumination, good sound. Basic explanations only. You make images talk by themselves. Fine trees. Waw. Good channel. Congratulations. Could I ever expect something elese?

Great video.I noticed you used two different types of cut paste between the bad branch and the bad root that were removed. Looks like Karusumeito on the root and putty on the branch. Could you explain the difference. Maybe in another video?! Thanks again!

Excelente trabajo…!!!! Muchas gracias por compartirlo

Thank you for sharing. We are lucky to be able to watch a master do his work… without having to travel all the way to Japan. =)

Its really nice to see how you work with the trees. I really appreciate all your videos. 🙏

Gracias por los subt�tulos en espa�ol !!!,!,!,!

Gran trabajo y buenas decisiones. Gracias por compartir.

Maravilloso, muchas gracias por compartir.

Muy buen v�deo. Gracias por compartir!!

Awesome tree, I want one like that, greetings

Great work, beautiful specimen. Thanks

Your video are just amazing ! Thank you for sharing !

what types of soil you use?

amazing tree, and technique work with roots

Gracias por recomendaci�n de ra�ces.

The tree looks so intimidating (in a good way).

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Bonsai rescue  傷んだ盆栽を助ける

Bonsai rescue  傷んだ盆栽を助ける  (c) 【盆栽しんし】Bonsai shinshi

(c) 【盆栽しんし】Bonsai shinshi Revive broken japanese maple bonsai. This is Japanese bonsai technology 持ち崩しモミジに通し接ぎ.

This is the first time that I have seen someone add trees to a kabudachi like that. Very interesting I learnt a lot thank you.

It’s incredible how many techniques you teach us on your channel, thank you very much for sharing.

Good work! Can you post a video of this tree after it is recovered? Thank you!

Eu gostei da tecnica de implante de galhos. Obrigado.I liked the technique for implanting branches. Thank you.

Question: what if the section of trunk that the saplings are grafted through die off over time? Hear me out…what is keeping that section of the trunk alive if the upper trunk is cut off? wouldn’t most of it die? It would probably stick around long enough to cause a nasty flare on the new thread grafts. Just curious…I guess time will tell!

Wow que buen trabajo!!!!! Me ha encantado!!!!!! se puede hacer esta técnica en cualquier especie??? Muchas gracias..💖🌲👍🙋‍♀️🙏

Gracias maestro nuevas tecinas por aprender ojal� nos siga ense�ando muchas m�s cosas. Un abrazo a distancia

Que buen trabajo. Gracias por compartir

My God. This is incredible. Best video ever! Thank you for sharing

good job teacher I learn a lot with your videos thank you very much for your teachings

thread graphs are really awesome for maples. nice video 👍

What will happen when the small trees grow in diameter? Is their trunk going to be strangled by the old wood or will the old base break?

hi there, thanks for sharing your techniques. why do you remove the glassroots?

Muy interesante, gracias.

Very nice, helpful video. Thanks.

非常有用的视频,感谢你的分享!Good work!

Good job!!! Congratulations!!!


Interesting! Thanks for sharing!

God !!! Amazing !!!🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

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2000円の持ち崩し真柏の再生 20万の真柏と比較してください。 盆栽

2000円の持ち崩し真柏の再生 20万の真柏と比較してください。  盆栽  (c) 【盆栽しんし】Bonsai shinshi

(c) 【盆栽しんし】Bonsai shinshi 今回は持ち崩した真柏を再生させ、新たな蔵者に託したいと思います。 人気樹種の真柏ですが、最近は素材の入手も数の激減で難しくなっ …

This was a very good styling. Thank you for showing us how you did it

Ol� amigo, gosto muito dos seus v�deos, n�o s� pelas dicas, mas pela harmonia que consegue transmitir entre a arte e o prazer.Constaria de saber qual � o substrato que usa.

Do these trees recover well? It seems that in the US, once they start browning at the tips, they are finished.

Gracias, como siempre por tu dedicaci�n y pasi�n a este arte. Un abrazo.

Spectacular change, very good job, thanks for your lessons.

Fue un cambio asombroso, es usted un gran artista.

Muchas gracias, por los subt�tulos en espa�ol.

Muito útil tutorial sucesso sempre amigo 🙏🙏👍👍

Gracias por los subtitulos y por el video.

Nice upgrading bonsai and the value, great job my friend

I definitely wasn’t expecting that. 👏👏👏✌️

It’s really amazing so great God bless you

Thanhk you very much, your videos are very educational. Blessings.

todo un maestro un saludo desde espa�a

What is the water sprayer you use to clean the trunk? Please link it so I can buy 😊

Great Bonsai Tree ❤️❤️👍👍

Muy buen trabajo.

Thank you for sharing my friend 👌🏻👌🏻👍👍

Do you or anyone else know how I can translate your subtitles (into English)?


Make a bonsai in 100 days Meple 取り木外し

Make a bonsai in 100 days Meple 取り木外し  (c) 【盆栽しんし】Bonsai shinshi

(c) 【盆栽しんし】Bonsai shinshi 100日で、もみじの取り木外し。 Separate the maples that have passed 100 days from the layering tree.

the stub had a nice circular root base. you got me when you flipped it over 😊 reversing the sap flow on an airlayered branch has crossed my mind a couple times this spring. interested to see you’re results.

Thank you for your video. For air layering, remove the bark and green cambium only or remove it until the hardwood?

Tus videos son completamente sorprendentes, entusiastas, divertidos, y muy muy muy entretenidos… gracias 🙏🏻

Gracias por los sub en espa�ol master excelente video

Truely a master of the art! 👍😎😎Please keep us informed of the progress of the bare root, I feel certain it will sprout buds, I did this with a Field maple which had a nasty thick bulge at the base of the trunk, It had two sets of roots so I cut the bottom bulge off and was gouing to throw it away but I planted it in the ground and it sent up three runners! It’s about three feet tall now, I just left it in the ground, I may dig it up next year!!

I moved the tree from the soil to the bonsai pot for a month, the tree did not grow branches and dried up, the roots did not develop. What root stimulator do I use? thank you!

What month you started the air layering and what month the separation?Thanks 🙏

Hi.. Nice work!..👌😊Is there a follow up video on the second piece of material?

If you have planted it backwards, it will unfortunately not sprout.🙃

You can make 2 bonsais , the undercut part with roots will make a new offspring within weeks and become a mame bonsai

Muy buen video….😘🌿🌿🙏👍🙋‍♀️Muchas gracias

Thanks for sharing good technique 👍

The stub should sprout but the growth may not come from the top, though the roots did technically sprout at the top of the trunk, so I don’t see why not, it has worked for me several times in the past, growing cuttings upside down but never with maple. Good luck.

Awesome work!

Just made the same air layering 1 on maple and 3 on umemodoki 2 female 1 male ! Just cut ans potted the 1 st may 2021

Amazing technique!!! Master

6:30 No! 😉Amazing video!thanks for sharing!!!

Excellent video! Did it work ?


What is the soil using sir ?

bonsai 真柏の改作

bonsai  真柏の改作  (c) 【盆栽しんし】Bonsai shinshi

(c) 【盆栽しんし】Bonsai shinshi 以前アップしていた真柏改作の動画を編集しました。 ピンボケがひどく気分が悪くなるかもしれません。 すみません。

Love your videos. Amazing for this one! How much foliage are you allowed to cut? In this video, seems like 85% were removed – I’m totally speechless!! How long do you rest the styled tree before repotting or reworking. As to the styling fast motion, I’d would prefer to see it actually done in real time for instructive purpose, and for relaxing (ASMR). Hope to see more of Juniper videos and maybe some histories or stories about Itogawa, Kishu and the normal varieties. Arigatogozaimasu!

Daisaku san, truly a gifted artists eye to see and come up with that powerful tree with so little branches. steve .

Impresionante 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Hermoso trabajo , personalmente aprendo mucho en este canal

Si nada m�s comenzar el video me ha dejado sorprendido. A un m�s con los resultados. Genial

Hola, ojala a este pudieras ponerle la traducci�n en espa�ol por que hiciste ese trabajo cuanto tiempo tiene ese arbol en entrenamiento y cuales son los pasos a seguir despu�s de ese trabajo

OMG!!! I`m watching 3rd time, but still catch man`s eyes. How he get so young sight? In his gaze, I see a curious, mischievous child. Very cute! <3 <3 <3

It’s just different before and after but it doesn’t look the nice tree, maybe waiting for few years with updates

amazing reshaping

O adamın görünmesini istemiyorsanız kaldırın ordan başka yere otursun…madem görünmesini istemiyorsunuz …ne salaklık yaaa

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